55 research outputs found

    Statistical analysis plan for the ‘Triple Antiplatelets for Reducing Dependency after Ischaemic Stroke’ (TARDIS) trial

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    Rationale: Antiplatelet agents such as aspirin, clopidogrel and dipyridamole are effective in reducing the risk of recurrence after a stroke. Importantly, the risk of recurrence is highest immediately after the index event while antiplatelets cause bleeding. Aims and/or hypothesis: The ‘Triple Antiplatelets for Reducing Dependency after Ischaemic Stroke’ (TARDIS) trial is testing whether short-term intensive antiplatelet therapy is safe and effective in reducing the early risk of recurrence as compared with standard guideline-based therapy. Design: TARDIS is an international multi-center prospective randomized open-label blinded–end-point trial, with funding from the UK Health Technology Assessment program. Patients with acute ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack are randomized within 48 h to intensive/triple antiplatelet therapy or guideline antiplatelets taken for one-month. Patients or relatives give written informed (proxy) consent and all sites have research ethics approval. Analyses will be done by intention-to-treat. Study Outcome: The primary outcome is shift in stroke recurrent events and their severity, assessed using the modified Rankin Scale, at three-months. Discussion: This paper and attachment describe the trial’s statistical analysis plan, as developed from the protocol during recruitment and prior to unblinding of data. The statistical analysis plan contains design and methods for analyses, and unpopulated tables and figures for the primary and baseline publications. The data from the trial will provide the first large-scale randomized evidence for the use of intensive antiplatelet therapy for preventing recurrence after acute stroke and transient ischemic attack

    Treating the acute stroke patient as an emergency: current practices and future opportunities

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    Developments in acute stroke therapy have followed advances in the understanding of the evolving pathophysiology in both ischaemic stroke and intracerebral haemorrhage (ICH). In ischaemic stroke, rapid reperfusion of the ischaemic penumbra with thrombolysis within 3 h of symptom onset is of proven benefit, but few patients currently receive therapy, mainly due to the short-time window and lack of stroke expertise. In ICH, a recent study indicated that a haemostatic agent can limit ongoing bleeding and improve outcomes when administered within 4 h of stroke onset. These advances in acute stroke therapy underlie the concept that ‘time is brain’ and that urgent intervention can limit cerebral damage. Neuroprotective therapy could offer the prospect of a greater proportion of stroke patients receiving treatment, potentially before imaging and even in the ambulance setting. Virtually all stroke patients would benefit from receiving multidisciplinary care in acute stroke units

    Is there an ideal way to initiate antiplatelet therapy with aspirin? A crossover study on healthy volunteers evaluating different dosing schemes with whole blood aggregometry

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Guidelines recommend an early initiation of aspirin treatment in patients with acute cerebral ischemia. Comparative studies on the best starting dose for initiating aspirin therapy to achieve a rapid antiplatelet effect do not exist. This study evaluated the platelet inhibitory effect in healthy volunteers by using three different aspirin loading doses to gain a model for initiating antiplatelet treatment in acute strokes patients.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Using whole blood aggregometry, this study with a prospective, uncontrolled, open, crossover design examined 12 healthy volunteers treated with three different aspirin loading doses: intravenous 500 mg aspirin, oral 500 mg aspirin, and a course of 200 mg aspirin on two subsequent days followed by a five-day course of 100 mg aspirin. Aspirin low response was defined as change of impedance exceeding 0 Ω after stimulation with arachidonic acid.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Sufficient antiplatelet effectiveness was gained within 30 seconds when intravenous 500 mg aspirin was used. The mean time until antiplatelet effect was 74 minutes for 500 mg aspirin taken orally and 662 minutes (11.2 hours) for the dose scheme with 200 mg aspirin with a high inter- and intraindividual variability in those two regimes. Platelet aggregation returned to the baseline range during the wash-out phase within 4 days.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our study reveals that the antiplatelet effect differs significantly between the three different aspirin starting dosages with a high inter- and intraindividual variability of antiplatelet response in our healthy volunteers. To ensure an early platelet inhibitory effect in acute stroke patients, it could be advantageous to initiate the therapy with an intravenous loading dose of 500 mg aspirin. However, clinical outcome studies must still define the best way to initiate antiplatelet treatment with aspirin.</p

    Prevention of venous thromboembolism after acute ischemic stroke.

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    Item does not contain fulltextVenous thromboembolism (VTE) is a common complication after acute ischemic stroke. When screened by 125I fibrinogen scanning or venography, the incidence of deep-vein thrombosis (DVT) in stroke patients is comparable with that seen in patients undergoing hip or knee replacement. Most stroke patients have multiple risk factors for VTE, like advanced age, low Barthel Index severity score or hemiplegia. As pulmonary embolism is a major cause of death after acute stroke, the prevention of this complication is of crucial importance. Prospective trials have shown that both unfractionated heparin (UFH) and low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) are effective in reducing DVT and pulmonary embolism in stroke patients. Current guidelines recommend the use of these agents in stroke patients with risk factors for VTE. Some clinicians are concerned that the rate of intracranial bleeding associated with thromboprophylaxis may outweigh the benefit of prevention of VTE. Low-dose LMWH and UFH seem, however, safe in stroke patients. Higher doses clearly increase the risk of cerebral bleeding and should be avoided for prophylactic use. Both aspirin and mechanical prophylaxis are suboptimal to prevent VTE. Graduated compression stockings should be reserved to patients with a clear contraindication to antithrombotic agents
