5,189 research outputs found

    Comparison of rectal and tympanic membrane temperature in healthy exercising dogs

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    The ability to monitor body temperature in athletes at risk of hyperthermia is essential in all species. Currently, the only commonly accepted temperature monitoring site in dogs is the rectum. This is impractical in field situations as it takes time, requires additional handlers to restrain the dog and is not tolerated by all animals. Tympanic membrane temperature (TMT) monitoring may provide a rapid measure of body temperature to facilitate identification of heat stress and heat stroke in canine athletes. In human studies, TMT diverges from rectal temperature (RT) as body temperature increases during exercise induced hyperthermia so is not recommended for monitoring human athletes. If the same divergence occurs in dogs, TMT may not be suitable for use when monitoring the temperature of canine athletes. The aim of the study was to determine if TMT diverged from RT following exercise in healthy dogs. 24 healthy dogs were recruited to the study. Body temperature was measured using a veterinary auricular infrared thermometer (VetTemp) to record tympanic membrane temperature and an electric predictive rectal thermometer. Temperatures were recorded pre and post exercise in a non-clinical setting, familiar to the dogs. The mixed model approach showed that exercise had no effect on the difference between RT and TMT (F(1,201) =0.026, P=0.872). The overall mean difference of RT minus TMT was 0.39°C (n = 116). 68.4% of readings fell within the accepted 0.5°C difference in temperature recording method. In line with previously reported TMT to RT comparison studies in dogs, this study found that TMT measured consistently lower than RT. Using a correction factor of 0.4°C minimised the difference. The hypothesis that dogs would show greater differences between TMT and RT following exercise was not supported, suggesting that TMT could be used to monitor body temperature in exercising dogs where RT is not possible

    Field testing two animal-specific non-contact thermometers on healthy horses

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    This study investigated the accuracy of two animal specific non-contact infrared thermometers (Rycom and Thermofocus) when compared to rectal temperature in healthy horses. One hundred rectal and eye temperatures were measured in 22 horses. Fewer than 50% of the readings taken with the Thermofocus device were within ± 0.5°C of rectal temperature. Over 80% of eye temperature readings taken with the Rycom device were within ± 0.5°C of rectal temperature measured from the medial canthus region. The Rycom thermometer also appears to detect hyperthermia when measuring the left eye temperature; however, clinical patient testing is needed before its use can be recommended

    Sequential phenotypic constraints on social information use in wild baboons

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    Social information allows the rapid dissemination of novel information among individuals. However, an individual’s ability to use information is likely to be dependent on phenotypic constraints operating at three successive steps: acquisition, application, and exploitation. We tested this novel framework by quantifying the sequential process of social information use with experimental food patches in wild baboons (Papio ursinus). We identified phenotypic constraints at each step of the information use sequence: peripheral individuals in the proximity network were less likely to acquire and apply social information, while subordinate females were less likely to exploit it successfully. Social bonds and personality also played a limiting role along the sequence. As a result of these constraints, the average individual only acquired and exploited social information on <25% and <5% of occasions. Our study highlights the sequential nature of information use and the fundamental importance of phenotypic constraints on this sequence

    Women’s visibility in academic seminars: Women ask fewer questions than men

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    The attrition of women in academic careers is a major concern, particularly in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics subjects. One factor that can contribute to the attrition is the lack of visible role models for women in academia. At early career stages, the behaviour of the local community may play a formative role in identifying ingroup role models, shaping women’s impressions of whether or not they can be successful in academia. One common and formative setting to observe role models is the local departmental academic seminar, talk, or presentation. We thus quantified women’s visibility through the question-asking behaviour of academics at seminars using observations and an online survey. From the survey responses of over 600 academics in 20 countries, we found that women reported asking fewer questions after seminars compared to men. This impression was supported by observational data from almost 250 seminars in 10 countries: women audience members asked absolutely and proportionally fewer questions than male audience members. When asked why they did not ask questions when they wanted to, women, more than men, endorsed internal factors (e.g., not working up the nerve). However, our observations suggest that structural factors might also play a role; when a man was the first to ask a question, or there were fewer questions, women asked proportionally fewer questions. Attempts to counteract the latter effect by manipulating the time for questions (in an effort to provoke more questions) in two departments were unsuccessful. We propose alternative recommendations for creating an environment that makes everyone feel more comfortable to ask questions, thus promoting equal visibility for women and members of other less visible groups

    Women's visibility in academic seminars: Women ask fewer questions than men

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    The attrition of women in academic careers is a major concern, particularly in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics subjects. One factor that can contribute to the attrition is the lack of visible role models for women in academia. At early career stages, the behaviour of the local community may play a formative role in identifying ingroup role models, shaping women's impressions of whether or not they can be successful in academia. One common and formative setting to observe role models is the local departmental academic seminar, talk, or presentation. We thus quantified women's visibility through the question-asking behaviour of academics at seminars using observations and an online survey. From the survey responses of over 600 academics in 20 countries, we found that women reported asking fewer questions after seminars compared to men. This impression was supported by observational data from almost 250 seminars in 10 countries: women audience members asked absolutely and proportionally fewer questions than male audience members. When asked why they did not ask questions when they wanted to, women, more than men, endorsed internal factors (e.g., not working up the nerve). However, our observations suggest that structural factors might also play a role; when a man was the first to ask a question, or there were fewer questions, women asked proportionally fewer questions. Attempts to counteract the latter effect by manipulating the time for questions (in an effort to provoke more questions) in two departments were unsuccessful. We propose alternative recommendations for creating an environment that makes everyone feel more comfortable to ask questions, thus promoting equal visibility for women and members of other less visible groups

    Anisotropic P‐wave attenuation measured from a multi‐azimuth surface seismic reflection survey

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    A system of aligned vertical fractures produces azimuthal variations in stacking velocity and amplitude variation with offset, characteristics often reported in seismic reflection data for hydrocarbon exploration. Studies of associated attenuation anisotropy have been mostly theoretical, laboratory or vertical seismic profiling based. We used an 11 common‐midpoint‐long portion of each of four marine surface‐seismic reflection profiles, intersecting each other at 45° within circa 100 m of a common location, to measure the azimuthal variation of effective attenuation, Q−1eff and stacking velocity, in a shallow interval, about 100 m thick, in which consistently orientated vertical fracturing was expected due to an underlying salt diapirism. We found qualitative and quantitative consistency between the azimuthal variation in the attenuation and stacking velocity, and published amplitude variation with offset results. The 135° azimuth line showed the least apparent attenuation (1000 Q−1eff= 16 ± 7) and the fastest stacking velocity, hence we infer it to be closest to the fracture trend: the orthogonal 45° line showed the most apparent attenuation (1000Q−1eff= 52 ± 15) and slowest stacking velocity. The variation of Q−1eff with azimuth φ is well fitted by 1000Q−1eff= 34 − 18cos[2(φ+40°)] giving a fracture direction of 140 ± 23° (±1SD, derived from ‘bootstrapping’ fits to all 114 combinations of individual common‐midpoint/azimuth measurements), compared to 134 ± 47° from published amplitude variation with offset data. The effects of short‐window spectral estimation and choices of spectral ratio bandwidth and offset ranges used in attenuation analysis, individually give uncertainties of up to ±13° in fracture direction. This magnitude of azimuthal variation can be produced by credible crack geometries (e.g., dry cracks, radius 6.5 m, aspect ratio 3 × 10−5, crack density 0.2) but we do not claim these to be the actual properties of the interval studied, because of the lack of well control (and its consequences for the choice of theoretical model and host rock physical properties) and the small number of azimuths available here

    Attempts to detect retrotransposition and de novo deletion of Alus and other dispersed repeats at specific loci in the human genome

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    Dispersed repeat elements contribute to genome instability by de novo insertion and unequal recombination between repeats. To study the dynamics of these processes, we have developed single DNA molecule approaches to detect de novo insertions at a single locus and Alu-mediated deletions at two different loci in human genomic DNA. Validation experiments showed these approaches could detect insertions and deletions at frequencies below 10(-6) per cell. However, bulk analysis of germline (sperm) and somatic DNA showed no evidence for genuine mutant molecules, placing an upper limit of insertion and deletion rates of 2 x 10(-7) and 3 x 10(-7), respectively, in the individuals tested. Such re-arrangements at these loci therefore occur at a rate lower than that detectable by the most sensitive methods currently available

    Behavioral plasticity and G × E of reproductive tactics in Nicrophorus vespilloides burying beetles

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    Journal Article© 2015 The Author(s). Evolution published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of The Society for the Study of Evolution.Phenotypic plasticity is important in the evolution of traits and facilitates adaptation to rapid environmental changes. However, variation in plasticity at the individual level, and the heritable basis underlying this plasticity is rarely quantified for behavioral traits. Alternative behavioral reproductive tactics are key components of mating systems but are not often considered within a phenotypic plasticity framework (i.e., as reaction norms). Here, using lines artificially selected for repeated mating rate, we test for genetic (G × E) sources of variation in reproductive behavior of male Nicrophorus vespilloides burying beetles (including signaling behavior), as well as the role of individual body size, in responsiveness to changes in social environment. The results show that body size influences the response of individuals' signaling behavior to changes in the social environment. Moreover, there was G × E underlying the responses of males to variation in the quality of social environment experienced (relative size of focal male compared to his rival). This shows that individual variation in plasticity and social sensitivity of signaling behavior can evolve in response to selection on investment in mating behavior, with males selected for high mating investment having greater social sensitivity.NER
