1,819 research outputs found

    Magneto-seismology of solar atmospheric loops by means of longitudinal oscillations

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    There is increasingly strong observational evidence that slow magnetoacoustic modes arise in the solar atmosphere. Solar magneto-seismology is a novel tool to derive otherwise directly un-measurable properties of the solar atmosphere when magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) wave theory is compared to wave observations. Here, MHD wave theory is further developed illustrating how information about the magnetic and density structure along coronal loops can be determined by measuring the frequencies of the slow MHD oscillations. The application to observations of slow magnetoacoustic waves in coronal loops is discused.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Proceedings of IAU Symp 286, Comparative Magnetic Minima, C. H. Mandrini, ed

    Youth, Peacebuilding and the Role of Education

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    Longitudinal oscillations in density stratified and expanding solar waveguides

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    Waves and oscillations can provide vital information about the internal structure of waveguides they propagate in. Here, we analytically investigate the effects of density and magnetic stratification on linear longitudinal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves. The focus of this paper is to study the eigenmodes of these oscillations. It is our specific aim is to understand what happens to these MHD waves generated in flux tubes with non-constant (e.g., expanding or magnetic bottle) cross-sectional area and density variations. The governing equation of the longitudinal mode is derived and solved analytically and numerically. In particular, the limit of the thin flux tube approximation is examined. The general solution describing the slow longitudinal MHD waves in an expanding magnetic flux tube with constant density is found. Longitudinal MHD waves in density stratified loops with constant magnetic field are also analyzed. From analytical solutions, the frequency ratio of the first overtone and fundamental mode is investigated in stratified waveguides. For small expansion, a linear dependence between the frequency ratio and the expansion factor is found. From numerical calculations it was found that the frequency ratio strongly depends on the density profile chosen and, in general, the numerical results are in agreement with the analytical results. The relevance of these results for solar magneto-seismology is discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, published in ApJ, uses emulateap

    Revisiting the nonequilibrium phase transition of the triplet-creation model

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    The nonequilibrium phase transition in the triplet-creation model is investigated using critical spreading and the conservative diffusive contact process. The results support the claim that at high enough diffusion the phase transition becomes discontinuous. As the diffusion probability increases the critical exponents change continuously from the ordinary directed percolation (DP) class to the compact directed percolation (CDP). The fractal dimension of the critical cluster, however, switches abruptly between those two universality classes. Strong crossover effects in both methods make it difficult, if not impossible, to establish the exact location of the tricritical point.Comment: 7 pages, 12 figure

    Annoyance due to modulation noise and drop-outs in magnetic sound recording

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    In addition to a constant background noise, sound recordings on magnetic tape may also suffer from modulation noise and 'drop-outs'. The level of the modulation noise is proportional to that of the signa!. Modulation noise is more readily audiblein recordings of solo instruments than in orchestral music; listening tests have shown that for the flute the audibility threshold lies at a signal-to-noise ratio as high as 40 dB. The frequency with which drop-outs occur is a matter of tape quality. Listening tests have been carried out to determine the annoyance caused by drop-outs as a function oftheir duration, the degree of attenuation and the frequency of occurrence. The results of these experiments have been applied in the DAMA annoyance meter, which can measure these quantities for an audio tape and assign a quality rating to it

    Magnetically controlled exciton transfer in hybrid quantum dot-quantum well nanostructures

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    A magnetophotoluminescence study of the carrier transfer with hybrid InAs/GaAs quantum dot(QD)-InGaAs quantum well (QW) structures is carried out where we observe an unsual dependence of the photoluminescence (PL) on the GaAs barrier thickness at strong magnetic field and excitation density. For the case of a thin barrier the QW PL intensity is observed to increase at the expense of a decrease in the QD PL intensity. This is attributed to changes in the interplane carrier dynamics in the QW and the wetting layer (WL) resulting from increasing the magnetic field along with changes in the coupling between QD excited states and exciton states in the QW and the WL

    Bioeconomic Model for Decision-Making on Fattening Beef-Cattle

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    Profitability and competitiveness of agricultural systems it is closely related with the technology used. Economic and financial appraisal of investments on pasture improvements, facilities, feed and management plans, etc. are often required in order to make decisions. A bio-economic simulation model was developed in order to support decision making on beef-cattle grazing fattening. The aim of the model is to show the relationship between the technological alternative analysed in physical terms as well as financial and economic. By this way it is possible to asset and relate the bio-economic impact of the different animal and pasture management alternative technologies. Results show that the model could be used to support decision making when using stocking rates between 0.8 and 2.5 heads/ha

    Estrategias socio-productivas de establecimientos ganaderos del sudoeste de la provincia de Río Negro, Argentina

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    En las últimas décadas la Patagonia andina viene sufriendo una fuerte transformación territorial por una creciente subdivisión y urbanización de las tierras rurales, y por la expansión del turismo. A pesar de ello, por su dispersión espacial y arraigo en las tradiciones locales, puede considerarse a la ganadería como la actividad económica productiva más propagada de la región. El objetivo del presente estudio fue caracterizar y analizar la organización social y productiva de establecimientos productivos con base ganadera del sudoeste de la provincia de Río Negro considerando su sustentabilidad a partir del análisis de su dinámica familiar, su posición en el mercado y el manejo de los recursos naturales. La hipótesis de trabajo que se planteó fue la siguiente: Las estrategias socioproductivas de los establecimientos con base productiva ganadera de mediana y pequeña escala del sudoeste de Río Negro presentan fuertes limitaciones al considerar su sustentabilidad económica, social y ambiental. Estas limitaciones son el resultado de un contexto de creciente subdivisión de la tierra, restricciones en el uso de los recursos naturales y alta vulnerabilidad en las operaciones comerciales, entre los principales factores determinantes. La investigación se abordó como un estudio de caso y la metodología utilizada para alcanzar los objetivos propuestos se basó en la combinación de métodos cuantitativos y cualitativos de análisis. Se caracterizaron siete tipos de productores de acuerdo a la escala, estrategia productiva y estrategia de generación de ingresos. Se analizaron los aspectos distintivos de cada uno de ellos y se determinaron sus posibles trayectorias futuras. Finalmente, se corroboró la hipótesis oportunamente formulada, ya que la reproducción de las unidades productivas ganaderas analizadas y su sustentabilidad presentan restricciones desde múltiples factores. Entre las mismas se destacan la incertidumbre en la sucesión generacional en la producción, la informalidad en la comercialización, la creciente degradación de los recursos naturales que sustentan la producción y la alta subdivisión de los establecimiento

    Biological Control of the Chagas Disease Vector Triatoma infestans with the Entomopathogenic Fungus Beauveria bassiana Combined with an Aggregation Cue: Field, Laboratory and Mathematical Modeling Assessment

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    Background: Current Chagas disease vector control strategies, based on chemical insecticide spraying, are growingly threatened by the emergence of pyrethroid-resistant Triatoma infestans populations in the Gran Chaco region of South America. Methodology and findings: We have already shown that the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana has the ability to breach the insect cuticle and is effective both against pyrethroid-susceptible and pyrethroid-resistant T. infestans, in laboratory as well as field assays. It is also known that T. infestans cuticle lipids play a major role as contact aggregation pheromones. We estimated the effectiveness of pheromonebased infection boxes containing B. bassiana spores to kill indoor bugs, and its effect on the vector population dynamics. Laboratory assays were performed to estimate the effect of fungal infection on female reproductive parameters. The effect of insect exuviae as an aggregation signal in the performance of the infection boxes was estimated both in the laboratory and in the field. We developed a stage-specific matrix model of T. infestans to describe the fungal infection effects on insect population dynamics, and to analyze the performance of the biopesticide device in vector biological control. Conclusions: The pheromone-containing infective box is a promising new tool against indoor populations of this Chagas disease vector, with the number of boxes per house being the main driver of the reduction of the total domestic bug population. This ecologically safe approach is the first proven alternative to chemical insecticides in the control of T. infestans. The advantageous reduction in vector population by delayedaction fungal biopesticides in a contained environment is here shown supported by mathematical modeling.Fil: Forlani, Lucas. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de La Plata ; ArgentinaFil: Pedrini, Nicolás. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de La Plata ; ArgentinaFil: Girotti, Juan Roberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de La Plata ; ArgentinaFil: Mijailovsky, Sergio Javier. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de La Plata ; ArgentinaFil: Cardozo, Rubén Marino. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Salta. Instituto de Patología Experimental. Universidad Nacional de Salta. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud. Instituto de Patología Experimental; Argentina. Provincia de Salta. Ministerio de Salud Pública. Coordinación de Gestión Epidemiológica; ArgentinaFil: Gentile, Alberto G.. Provincia de Salta. Ministerio de Salud Pública. Coordinación de Gestión Epidemiológica; ArgentinaFil: Hernández Suárez, Carlos. Universidad de Colima. Facultad de Ciencias; MéxicoFil: Rabinovich, Jorge Eduardo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Centro de Estudios Parasitológicos y de Vectores. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Centro de Estudios Parasitológicos y de Vectores; ArgentinaFil: Juarez, Marta Patricia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de La Plata ; Argentin