156 research outputs found

    Towards virtual machine energy-aware cost prediction in clouds

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    Pricing mechanisms employed by different service providers significantly influence the role of cloud computing within the IT industry. With the increasing cost of electricity, Cloud providers consider power consumption as one of the major cost factors to be maintained within their infrastructures. Consequently, modelling a new pricing mechanism that allow Cloud providers to determine the potential cost of resource usage and power consumption has attracted the attention of many researchers. Furthermore, predicting the future cost of Cloud services can help the service providers to offer the suitable services to the customers that meet their requirements. This paper introduces an Energy-Aware Cost Prediction Framework to estimate the total cost of Virtual Machines (VMs) by considering the resource usage and power consumption. The VMs’ workload is firstly predicted based on an Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) model. The power consumption is then predicted using regression models. The comparison between the predicted and actual results obtained in a real Cloud testbed shows that this framework is capable of predicting the workload, power consumption and total cost for different VMs with good prediction accuracy, e.g. with 0.06 absolute percentage error for the predicted total cost of the VM

    Electrochemical and analytical investigation of passive films formed on stainless steels in alkaline media

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    Passive films were grown in potentiodynamic mode, by cyclic voltammetry on AISI 316 and AISI 304 stainless steels. The composition of these films was investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The electrochemical behaviour and the chemical composition of the passive films formed by cyclic voltammetry were compared to those of films grown under natural conditions (by immersion at open circuit potential, OCP) in alkaline solutions simulating concrete. The study included the effect of pH of the electrolyte and the effect of the presence of chloride ions. The XPS results revealed important changes in the passive film composition, which becomes enriched in chromium and depleted in magnetite as the pH decreases. On the other hand, the presence of chlorides promotes a more oxidised passive layer. The XPS results also showed relevant differences on the composition of the oxide layers for the films formed under cyclic voltammetry and/or under OCP

    A selective p53 activator and anticancer agent to improve colorectal cancer therapy

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    Impairment of the p53 pathway is a critical event in cancer. Therefore, reestablishing p53 activity has become one of the most appealing anticancer therapeutic strategies. Here, we disclose the p53-activating anticancer drug (3S)-6,7-bis(hydroxymethyl)-5-methyl-3-phenyl-1H,3H-pyrrolo[1,2-c]thiazole (MANIO). MANIO demonstrates a notable selectivity to the p53 pathway, activating wild-type (WT)p53 and restoring WT-like function to mutant (mut)p53 in human cancer cells. MANIO directly binds to the WT/mutp53 DNA-binding domain, enhancing the protein thermal stability, DNA-binding ability, and transcriptional activity. The high efficacy of MANIO as an anticancer agent toward cancers harboring WT/mutp53 is further demonstrated in patient-derived cells and xenograft mouse models of colorectal cancer (CRC), with no signs of undesirable side effects. MANIO synergizes with conventional chemotherapeutic drugs, and in vitro and in vivo studies predict its adequate drug-likeness and pharmacokinetic properties for a clinical candidate. As a single agent or in combination, MANIO will advance anticancer-targeted therapy, particularly benefiting CRC patients harboring distinct p53 status.We thank PT national funds (FCT/MCTES , Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia , and Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior ) through grants UIDB/50006/2020 , UID/BIO/04469/2019 , UIDB/04539/2020 , and UIDP/04539/2020 ( CIBB ); BioTecNorte operation ( NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000004 ) and Porto Neurosciences and Neurologic Disease Research Initiative at I3S ( Norte-01-0145-FEDER-000008 ) funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the scope of Norte2020 - Programa Operacional Regional do Norte ; Masaryk University ( Project MUNI/A/1127/2019 ) and Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic (project nos. LQ1605 and LM2018125 ); FCT financial support through the fellowships SFRH/BD/119144/2016 (H.R.) and SFRH/BD/117949/2016 (L.R.); Fondazione AIRC ( IG#18985 , A.I.); and the Programa Operacional Potencial Humano (POCH), specifically the BiotechHealth Programme (Doctoral Programme on Cellular and Molecular Biotechnology Applied to Health Sciences , PD/00016/2012 ). We thank Dario Rizzotto for assistance in preparing the libraries for RNA sequencing. Funding: This work was supported by PT National Funds (FCT/MCTES, Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia , and Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior ) via the projects UIDB/50006/2020 ( LAQV/REQUIMTE ), UIDB/00313/2020 , and UIDP/00313/2020 , co-funded by COMPETE2020-UE

    Prospects for Payments for Ecosystem Services in the Brazilian Pantanal: A Scenario Analysis

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    The present study investigates the prospects for a large-scale implementation of Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) schemes in the Brazilian Pantanal wetland. Despite increasing environmental threats associated with development pressures and the growing interest of public and private organizations, no PES schemes are currently in place in the Pantanal. Through an exploratory scenario analysis, this article determines the prospects for PES in the area. The findings suggest that a large-scale implementation is unlikely, as this would require much higher levels of environmental awareness among local decision makers and low substitution rates of ecosystem services by technology. Furthermore, strong socioeconomic inequality between inhabitants of the Pantanal lowlands and wealthy farmers of the neighboring uplands means that potential suppliers of ecosystem services would face very high opportunity costs to participate in PES schemes. The research findings are also relevant to other environmentally sensitive regions experiencing rapid economic growth and weak environmental regulation. </jats:p

    Effects of apparent temperature on daily mortality in Lisbon and Oporto, Portugal

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Evidence that elevated temperatures can lead to increased mortality is well documented, with population vulnerability being location specific. However, very few studies have been conducted that assess the effects of temperature on daily mortality in urban areas in Portugal.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In this paper time-series analysis was used to model the relationship between mean apparent temperature and daily mortality during the warm season (April to September) in the two largest urban areas in Portugal: Lisbon and Oporto. We used generalized additive Poisson regression models, adjusted for day of week and season.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Our results show that in Lisbon, a 1°C increase in mean apparent temperature is associated with a 2.1% (95%CI: 1.6, 2.5), 2.4% (95%CI: 1.7, 3.1) and 1.7% (95%CI: 0.1, 3.4) increase in all-causes, cardiovascular, and respiratory mortality, respectively. In Oporto the increase was 1.5% (95%CI: 1.0, 1.9), 2.1% (95%CI: 1.3, 2.9) and 2.7% (95%CI: 1.2, 4.3) respectively. In both cities, this increase was greater for the group >65 years.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Even without extremes in apparent temperature, we observed an association between temperature and daily mortality in Portugal. Additional research is needed to allow for better assessment of vulnerability within populations in Portugal in order to develop more effective heat-related morbidity and mortality public health programs.</p

    Why place matters in residential care: the mediating role of place attachment in the relation between adolescents’ rights and psychological well-being

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    Little evidence exists on the relationship between rights’ perceptions and well-being outcomes during the adolescence, and particularly in care, as well as on the mediating role of place attachment. Young people in residential care are psychologically and socially vulnerable, showing greater difficulties than their peers do in the family. Youth’s rights fulfilment in residential care may positively affect their psychological functioning together with positive attachments to this place. A sample of 365 adolescents in residential care settings (M = 14.71, SD = 1.81) completed a set of self-reported measures, specifically, the Rights perceptions scale, the Place attachment scale and Scales of psychological well-being. Results revealed significant mediating effects of place attachment (Global scale and subscales of Friends Bonding and Place Dependence) on the relationship between Participation and Protection rights in residential care and Psychological well-being (Positive Relations with others, Personal Growth and Self-Acceptance). The positive role of rights fulfilment in residential care, specifically participation opportunities, as well as the role of youth’s attachment to the care setting are discussed based on previous evidence and theoretical assumptions. A set of practical implications is described.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio