697 research outputs found

    A Downy Mildew Effector Attenuates Salicylic Acid–Triggered Immunity in Arabidopsis by Interacting with the Host Mediator Complex

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    Plants are continually exposed to pathogen attack but usually remain healthy because they can activate defences upon perception of microbes. However, pathogens have evolved to overcome plant immunity by delivering effectors into the plant cell to attenuate defence, resulting in disease. Recent studies suggest that some effectors may manipulate host transcription, but the specific mechanisms by which such effectors promote susceptibility remain unclear. We study the oomycete downy mildew pathogen of Arabidopsis, Hyaloperonospora arabidopsidis (Hpa), and show here that the nuclear-localized effector HaRxL44 interacts with Mediator subunit 19a (MED19a), resulting in the degradation of MED19a in a proteasome-dependent manner. The Mediator complex of ∼25 proteins is broadly conserved in eukaryotes and mediates the interaction between transcriptional regulators and RNA polymerase II. We found MED19a to be a positive regulator of immunity against Hpa. Expression profiling experiments reveal transcriptional changes resembling jasmonic acid/ethylene (JA/ET) signalling in the presence of HaRxL44, and also 3 d after infection with Hpa. Elevated JA/ET signalling is associated with a decrease in salicylic acid (SA)-triggered immunity (SATI) in Arabidopsis plants expressing HaRxL44 and in med19a loss-of-function mutants, whereas SATI is elevated in plants overexpressing MED19a. Using a PR1::GUS reporter, we discovered that Hpa suppresses PR1 expression specifically in cells containing haustoria, into which RxLR effectors are delivered, but not in nonhaustoriated adjacent cells, which show high PR1::GUS expression levels. Thus, HaRxL44 interferes with Mediator function by degrading MED19, shifting the balance of defence transcription from SA-responsive defence to JA/ET-signalling, and enhancing susceptibility to biotrophs by attenuating SA-dependent gene expression

    Lymphocyte and Monocyte Hsp72 Responses to Exercise in Athletes with Prior Exertional Heat Illness

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    ABSTRACT Introduction. Exertional heatstroke is a serious disorder that can be fatal especially if treatment is delayed. Heat shock protein 72 (Hsp72) is strongly induced by heat, and can be protective against a subsequent stress that may be the same or of a different form. In animal models it has been shown that upregulation of Hsp72 is protective against heatstroke. There is a natural variability in the amount and/or inducibility of Hsp72 in cells and tissues between individuals, and it is possible that impaired expression levels could make some athletes more prone to heat illness. The purpose of this study was to examine Hsp72 expression in lymphocytes and monocytes of young (\u3c40 years) athletes who had previously experienced, but recovered from serious heatstroke during exercise in the heat. Methods. Fourteen athletes ran on a treadmill for 60 min at 72% maximal oxygen uptake (o2max) in warm conditions (30°C, 40% relative humidity). One group consisted of athletes who had a previous history of exertional heat illness (EHI), while the control group (CON) had no previous history of EHI. Both groups were of similar age (29.7 ± 1.2 and 29.1 ± 2 years, CON vs EHI) and fitness (o2max 65.7 ± 2 and 64.5 ± 3 ml.kg-1.min-1, CON vs EHI). Rectal temperature was measured using a thermistor inserted to a depth of 10 cm past the anal sphincter. Hsp72 levels were measured in both monocytes and lymphocytes by flow cytometry before and immediately after the 60-min run, then after 60 min of recovery at an ambient temperature of 24°C. Results. Rectal temperature increased during the exercise period but there was no difference between groups, demonstrating that the EHI group had recovered from their heat illness and were not heat intolerant. Lymphocyte Hsp72 was lower in the EHI group after 60 min of exercise (p\u3c0.05), while monocyte Hsp72 was not different between groups. Conclusion. Our study found a lower lymphocyte Hsp72 concentration during exercise in athletes who had previously collapsed with serious EHI. Further research is needed to determine whether lower lymphocyte Hsp72 is a factor that may predispose athletes to develop EHI

    Conception de produits dans le cas du façonnage de tube

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    Dans une logique d'ingénierie intégrée, il est essentiel de bien maîtriser le procédé pour en intégrer les contraintes dès la conception. Le façonnage de tube regroupe différents procédés comme l'inversion externe de tube avec des applications notamment dans le secteur automobile. La mise en uvre de ces procédés nécessite souvent la mise en place de simulations numériques par éléments finis. L'objet de cette communication est de proposer une modélisation des liens entre les propriétés attendues du produit, les paramètres du procédé et les caractéristiques du tube à inverser

    ISOGAL-DENIS detection of red giants with weak mass loss in the Galactic Bulge

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    The ISOGAL project is a survey of the stellar populations, structure, and recent star formation history of the inner disk and bulge of the Galaxy. ISOGAL combines 15 and 7micron ISOCAM observations with DENIS IJKs data to determine the nature of a source and the interstellar extinction. In this paper we report an ISOGAL study of a small field in the inner Galactic Bulge (l=0deg, b=1.0deg, area=0.035 sq. deg) as a prototype of the larger area ISOGAL survey of the inner Galaxy. The five wavelengths of ISOGAL+DENIS, together with the relatively low and constant extinction in front of this specific field, allow reliable determination of the nature of the sources. The primary scientific result of this paper is evidence that the most numerous class of ISOGAL 15micron sources are Red Giants in the Galactic bulge and central disk, with luminosities just above or close to the RGB tip and weak mass-loss rates. They form loose sequences in the magnitude-colour diagrams [15]/Ks-[15] and [15]/[7]-[15]. Their large excesses at 15micron with respect to 2micron and 7micron is due to circumstellar dust produced by mass-loss at low rates. These ISOGAL results are the first systematic evidence and study of dust emission at this early stage (''Intermediate'' AGB), before the onset of the large mass-loss phase. It is thus well established that efficient dust formation is already associated with such low mass-loss rates during this early phase.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics Journa

    Chronic erythropoietin treatment improves diet-induced glucose intolerance in rats

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    Erythropoietin (EPO) ameliorates glucose metabolism through mechanisms not fully understood. In this study, we investigated the effect of EPO on glucose metabolism and insulin signaling in skeletal muscle. A 2-week EPO treatment of rats fed with a high-fat diet (HFD) improved fasting glucose levels and glucose tolerance, without altering total body weight or retroperitoneal fat mass. Concomitantly, EPO partially rescued insulin-stimulated AKT activation, reduced markers of oxidative stress, and restored heat-shock protein 72 expression in soleus muscles from HFD-fed rats. Incubation of skeletal muscle cell cultures with EPO failed to induce AKT phosphorylation and had no effect on glucose uptake or glycogen synthesis. We found that the EPO receptor gene was expressed in myotubes, but was undetectable in soleus. Together, our results indicate that EPO treatment improves glucose tolerance but does not directly activate the phosphorylation of AKT in muscle cells. We propose that the reduced systemic inflammation or oxidative stress that we observed after treatment with EPO could contribute to the improvement of whole-body glucose metabolism.Corinne Caillaud, Mie Mechta, Heidi Ainge, Andreas N Madsen, Patricia Ruell, Emilie Mas, Catherine Bisbal, Jacques Mercier, Stephen Twigg, Trevor A Mori, David Simar and Romain Barrè

    Identification of Antigenic Proteins from Lichtheimia corymbifera for Farmer's Lung Disease Diagnosis.

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    The use of recombinant antigens has been shown to improve both the sensitivity and the standardization of the serological diagnosis of Farmer's lung disease (FLD). The aim of this study was to complete the panel of recombinant antigens available for FLD serodiagnosis with antigens of Lichtheimia corymbifera, known to be involved in FLD. L. corymbifera proteins were thus separated by 2D electrophoresis and subjected to western blotting with sera from 7 patients with FLD and 9 healthy exposed controls (HEC). FLD-associated immunoreactive proteins were identified by mass spectrometry based on a protein database specifically created for this study and subsequently produced as recombinant antigens. The ability of recombinant antigens to discriminate patients with FLD from controls was assessed by ELISA performed with sera from FLD patients (n = 41) and controls (n = 43) recruited from five university hospital pneumology departments of France and Switzerland. Forty-one FLD-associated immunoreactive proteins from L. corymbifera were identified. Six of them were produced as recombinant antigens. With a sensitivity and specificity of 81.4 and 77.3% respectively, dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase was the most effective antigen for discriminating FLD patients from HEC. ELISA performed with the putative proteasome subunit alpha type as an antigen was especially specific (88.6%) and could thus be used for FLD confirmation. The production of recombinant antigens from L. corymbifera represents an additional step towards the development of a standardized ELISA kit for FLD diagnosis

    Probing formation of cargo/importin-α transport complexes in plant cells using a pathogen effector

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    Importin-αs are essential adapter proteins that recruit cytoplasmic proteins destined for active nuclear import to the nuclear transport machinery. Cargo proteins interact with the importin-α armadillo repeat domain via nuclear localization sequences (NLSs), short amino acids motifs enriched in Lys and Arg residues. Plant genomes typically encode several importin-α paralogs that can have both specific and partially redundant functions. Although some cargos are preferentially imported by a distinct importin-α it remains unknown how this specificity is generated and to what extent cargos compete for binding to nuclear transport receptors. Here we report that the effector protein HaRxL106 from the oomycete pathogen Hyaloperonospora arabidopsidis co-opts the host cell's nuclear import machinery. We use HaRxL106 as a probe to determine redundant and specific functions of importin-α paralogs from Arabidopsis thaliana. A crystal structure of the importin-α3/MOS6 armadillo repeat domain suggests that five of the six Arabidopsis importin-αs expressed in rosette leaves have an almost identical NLS-binding site. Comparison of the importin-α binding affinities of HaRxL106 and other cargos in vitro and in plant cells suggests that relatively small affinity differences in vitro affect the rate of transport complex formation in vivo. Our results suggest that cargo affinity for importin-α, sequence variation at the importin-α NLS-binding sites and tissue-specific expression levels of importin-αs determine formation of cargo/importin-α transport complexes in plant cells

    ISOGAL: A deep survey of the obscured inner Milky Way with ISO at 7 and 15 micron and with DENIS in the near-infrared

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    The ISOGAL project is an infrared survey of specific regions sampling the Galactic Plane selected to provide information on Galactic structure,stellar populations,stellar mass-loss and the recent star formation history of the inner disk and Bulge of the Galaxy. ISOGAL combines 7 and 15 micron ISOCAM observations - with a resolution of 6'' at worst - with DENIS IJKs data to determine the nature of the sources and theinterstellar extinction. We have observed about 16 square degrees with a sensitivity approaching 10-20mJy, detecting ~10^5 sources,mostly AGB stars,red giants and young stars. The main features of the ISOGAL survey and the observations are summarized in this paper,together with a brief discussion of data processing and quality. The primary ISOGAL products are described briefly (a full description is given in Schuller et al. 2003, astro-ph/0304309): viz. the images and theISOGAL-DENIS five-wavelength point source catalogue. The main scientific results already derived or in progress are summarized. These include astrometrically calibrated 7 and 15um images,determining structures of resolved sources; identification and properties of interstellar dark clouds; quantification of the infrared extinction law and source dereddening; analysis of red giant and (especially) AGB stellar populations in the central Bulge,determining luminosity,presence of circumstellar dust and mass--loss rate,and source classification,supplemented in some cases by ISO/CVF spectroscopy; detection of young stellar objects of diverse types,especially in the inner Bulge with information about the present and recent star formation rate; identification of foreground sources with mid-IR excess. These results are the subject of about 25 refereed papers published or in preparation.Comment: A&A in press. 19 pages,10 Ps figures; problems with figures fixe