268 research outputs found

    Diagenetic incorporation of Sr into aragonitic bivalve shells: implications for chronostratigraphic and palaeoenvironmental interpretations

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    Aragonite is easily altered during diagenesis, therefore presumed pristine when present. In effect, beyond polymorphic transformation to calcite, alteration paths of aragonite remain poorly understood despite heavy reliance on such material to produce palaeoenvironmental and chronostratigraphic interpretations. Previous work on core material from Southern McMurdo Sound, Antarctica, showed that unlike their calcitic counterparts, seemingly unaltered aragonite shell fragments invariably produced older than expected 87Sr/86Sr ages. In this study, we pursued additional analyses of these aragonite shells and of the porewater of the core to understand this discrepancy. Aragonite mineralogy was reconfirmed and elemental mapping of shell fragments revealed growth lines within the middle layer suggestive of good preservation. The outer layer, however, showed anomalously high Sr concentrations (average 4·5 ± 0·6 mole% SrCO3; ca 25 mmol mol−1 Sr/Ca) and was depleted in 18O and 13C compared to the middle layer, both features inconsistent with pristine material. The δ18O values and Sr concentrations of the porewater were used to model outer layer compositions reasonably well. Coincidentally, porewater Sr isotope composition was in general agreement with the age model of the core only at the aragonite‐bearing interval suggesting that Sr‐isotopic disequilibrium between porewater and the carbonates was the rule rather than the exception in the core. The Sr isotope compositions of the aragonite shells are most likely the result of early diagenesis as suggested by the inconsistent O and C isotope compositions between shell layers and the anomalously high Sr concentrations. We conclude that knowledge of Sr concentration and distribution in shells is critical to determine the viability of Sr stratigraphy and the scale at which it may be applied. Reliance on traditional indicators of lack of alteration, such as cathodoluminescence, Mn‐Fe concentration, and the presence of labile mineralogies to assert chronostratigraphic and palaeoenvironmental questions may produce erroneous conclusions due to obscurely altered material.Compositional map of Sr over BSE image and representative SEM detail overlay from a Miocene aragonitic Retrotape andrillorum bivalve, Southern McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. Signs of apparent good preservation, such as the presence of growth bands and the preservation of crystalline structure and mineralogy, appear in contrast to anomalously high Sr concentrations. Results suggest that relying solely on traditional methods to rule out diagenesis may in some cases lead to erroneous conclusions due to obscure alteration patterns.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/113152/1/dep23.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/113152/2/dep23-sup-0003-AppendixS3.pd

    Stable isotope values in modern bryozoan carbonate from New Zealand and implications for paleoenvironmental interpretation

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    Bryozoan carbonate contains useful geochemical evidence of temperate shelf paleoenvironments. Stable isotope values were determined for 103 modern marine bryozoan skeletons representing 30 species from New Zealand. δ18O values range from -1.4 to 2.8 VPDB, while δ13C range from -4.5 to 2.8 VPDB (values uncorrected for mineralogical variation). These values are distinct from those of both tropical marine skeletons and New Zealand Tertiary fossils. Most bryozoans secrete carbonate in or near isotopic equilibrium with sea water, except for Celleporina and Steginoporella. The complex and variable mineralogies of the bryozoans reported here make correction for mineralogical effects problematic. Nevertheless, mainly aragonitic forms display higher isotope values, as anticipated. Both temperature and salinity constrain δ18O and δ13C values, and vary with latitude and water depth. Ten samples from a single branch of Cinctipora elegans from the Otago shelf cover a narrow range, although the striking difference in carbon isotope values between the endozone and exozone probably reflects different mineralisation histories. Our stable isotope results from three different laboratories on a single population from a single location are encouragingly consistent. Monomineralic bryozoans, when carefully chosen to avoid species suspected of vital fractionation, have considerable potential as geochemical paleoenvironmental indicators, particularly in temperate marine environments where bryozoans are dominant sediment producers

    Thermal, electric and durability characterization of supercaps for energy back-up of automotive ECU

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    A new generation of mechatronic devices, such as the E-latch for door closure, is introduced in the automotive field to replace mechanical systems with electro-actuated parts with embedded electronic control unit (ECU) connected to the main vehicle network. Due to severe automotive safety-critical requirements an energy back-up solution is proposed, based on supercaps and boost converter, to ensure E-latch operation even in case of main battery failure. An in-depth thermal, electrical and durability characterization of the supercaps proves the suitability of the energy back-up unit for automotive applications

    New evidence of mis 3 relative sea level changes from the messina strait, Calabria (Italy)

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    none12Investigation of sea-level positions during the highly-dynamic Marine Isotope Stage 3 (MIS 3: 29–61 kyrs BP) proves difficult because: (i) in stable and subsiding areas, coeval coastal sediments are currently submerged at depths of few to several tens of meters below the present sea level; (ii) in uplifting areas, the preservation of geomorphic features and sedimentary records is limited due to the erosion occurred during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) with sea level at a depth of −130 m, followed by marine transgression that determined the development of ravinement surfaces. This study discusses previous research in the Mediterranean and elsewhere, and describes new fossiliferous marine deposits overlaying the metamorphic bedrock at Cannitello (Calabria, Italy). Radiocarbon ages of marine shells (about 43 kyrs cal BP) indicate that these deposits, presently between 28 and 30 m above sea level, formed during MIS 3.1. Elevation correction of the Cannitello outcrops (considered in an intermediate-to-far-field position with respect to the ice sheet) with the local vertical tectonic rate and Glacial Isostatic Adjustment (GIA) rate allows the proposal of a revision of the eustatic depth for this highstand. Our results are consistent with recently proposed estimates based on a novel ice sheet modelling technique.openAntonioli F.; Calcagnile L.; Ferranti L.; Mastronuzzi G.; Monaco C.; Orru P.; Quarta G.; Pepe F.; Scardino G.; Scicchitano G.; Stocchi P.; Taviani M.Antonioli, F.; Calcagnile, L.; Ferranti, L.; Mastronuzzi, G.; Monaco, C.; Orru, P.; Quarta, G.; Pepe, F.; Scardino, G.; Scicchitano, G.; Stocchi, P.; Taviani, M

    A 1000-yr-old tsunami in the Indian Ocean points to greater risk for East Africa

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    The December 2004 Sumatra-Andaman tsunami prompted an unprecedented research effort to find ancient precursors and quantify the recurrence time of such a deadly natural disaster. This effort, however, has focused primarily along the northern and eastern Indian Ocean coastlines, in proximal areas hardest hit by the tsunami. No studies have been made to quantify the recurrence of tsunamis along the coastlines of the western Indian Ocean, leading to an underestimation of the tsunami risk in East Africa. Here, we document a 1000-yr- old sand layer hosting archaeological remains of an ancient coastal Swahili settlement in Tanzania. The sedimentary facies, grain-size distribution, and faunal assemblages indicate a tsunami wave as the most likely cause for the deposition of this sand layer. The tsunami in Tanzania is coeval with analogous deposits discovered at eastern Indian Ocean coastal sites. Numerical simulations of tsunami wave propagation indicate a megathrust earthquake generated by a large rupture of the Sumatra-Andaman subduction zone as the likely tsunami source. Our findings provide evidence that teletsunamis represent a serious threat to coastal societies along the western Indian Ocean, with implications for future tsunami hazard and risk assessments in East Africa

    Environmental forcing of the Campeche cold-water coral province, southern Gulf of Mexico

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    With an extension of >40 km2 the recently discovered Campeche cold-water coral province located at the northeastern rim of the Campeche Bank in the southern Gulf of Mexico belongs to the largest coherent cold-water coral areas discovered so far. The Campeche province consists of numerous 20 to 40 m high coral ridges that are developed in intermediate water depths of 500 to 600 m. The ridges are colonized by a vivid cold-water coral ecosystem that covers the upper flanks and summits. The rich coral community is dominated by the framework-building scleractinia Enallopsammia profunda and Lophelia pertusa while the associated benthic megafauna shows a rather scarce occurrence. The recent environmental setting is characterized by a high surface water production caused by a local upwelling center and a dynamic bottom water regime comprising vigorous bottom currents, internal waves and strong density contrasts, which all together provide optimal conditions for the growth of cold-water corals. The strong hydrodynamics – potentially supported by the diel vertical migration of zooplankton in the Campeche area – drive the delivering of food particles to the corals. The Campeche cold-water coral province is, thus, an excellent example highlighting the importance of the hydrographic setting in securing the food supply for the development of large and vivid cold-water coral ecosystems

    The influence of temperature and seawater carbonate saturation state on 13C–18O bond ordering in bivalve mollusks

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    © The Author(s), 2013. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Biogeosciences 10 (2013): 4591-4606, doi:10.5194/bg-10-4591-2013.The shells of marine mollusks are widely used archives of past climate and ocean chemistry. Whilst the measurement of mollusk δ18O to develop records of past climate change is a commonly used approach, it has proven challenging to develop reliable independent paleothermometers that can be used to deconvolve the contributions of temperature and fluid composition on molluscan oxygen isotope compositions. Here we investigate the temperature dependence of 13C–18O bond abundance, denoted by the measured parameter Δ47, in shell carbonates of bivalve mollusks and assess its potential to be a useful paleothermometer. We report measurements on cultured specimens spanning a range in water temperatures of 5 to 25 °C, and field collected specimens spanning a range of −1 to 29 °C. In addition we investigate the potential influence of carbonate saturation state on bivalve stable isotope compositions by making measurements on both calcitic and aragonitic specimens that have been cultured in seawater that is either supersaturated or undersaturated with respect to aragonite. We find a robust relationship between Δ47 and growth temperature. We also find that the slope of a linear regression through all the Δ47 data for bivalves plotted against seawater temperature is significantly shallower than previously published inorganic and biogenic carbonate calibration studies produced in our laboratory and go on to discuss the possible sources of this difference. We find that changing seawater saturation state does not have significant effect on the Δ47 of bivalve shell carbonate in two taxa that we examined, and we do not observe significant differences between Δ47-temperature relationships between calcitic and aragonitic taxa.This work was funded by National Science Foundation grants ARC-1215551 to R. A. Eagle and A. K. Tripati, EAR-1024929 to R. A. Eagle and J. M. Eiler, and EAR-0949191 to A. K. Tripati. A. K. Tripati is also supported by the Hellman Fellowship program. Culture of bivalves in Kiel, Germany, was funded by the German Science Foundation (DFG Ei272/21-1, to Anton Eisenhauer) and the European Science Foundation (ESF) Collaborative Research Project CASIOPEIA (04 ECLIM FP08). Determination of bivalve mineralogy by J. B. Ries was funded by National Science Foundation grant OCE-1031995

    La construcción simbólica del futuro en los discursos científico-tecnológicos de las industrias culturales: EPCOT como caso de estudio

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    Imaginar cómo podemos mejorar nuestra calidad de vida a partir de las innovaciones científicas y tecnológicas ha sido uno de los temas principales de diversas instituciones e industrias culturales como la cinematografía y los museos. A diferencia de las palabras modernización o desarrollo, el concepto de progreso denota cambios de más de un tipo y representa una identidad cultural influenciada por el ethos de cada época. El problema de esta investigación radica en el esfuerzo, por parte de diversos organismos y corporaciones de mantener una ideología del progreso al proponer discursivamente sus percepciones del tema y legitimarlos por medio de mensajes científico-tecnológicos expuestos especialmente a través de las industrias culturales, consideradas medios masivos que ayudan a perpetuar discursos dominantes sobre diversos temas. Lo anterior se aborda desde la teoría de comunicación del sociólogo estadounidense John B. Thompson (1997) y la hermenéutica profunda. El caso de estudio se centra en el parque temático EPCOT. Entre los resultados se encuentra que la construcción de la noción del progreso se ve fuertemente influenciada por los intereses comerciales de los patrocinadores. Por otro lado, el futuro se presenta como uno utópico y extremadamente optimista sin cuestionamiento o disrupción alguna, esta percepción permeó el desarrollo de Estados Unidos durante el siglo XX y luchó por permanecer vigente durante el siglo XXI a pesar de las guerras y las crisis

    Preliminary data on the structure and potential of the Tocomar geothermal field (Puna plateau, Argentina).

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    AbstractThis study presents new stratigraphic, structural and hydrogeological data on the Tocomar geothermal volcanic area (Puna plateau, Central Andes, NW Argentina), together with preliminary geochemical and magnetotelluric data.The main geothermal reservoir is located within the fractured Pre-Palaeozoic–Ordovician units. The reservoir is recharged by meteoric waters. Geothermal fluids upwell where main regional structures intersect secondary structures associated with the development of the Tocomar basin. Preliminary data indicate a reservoir temperature of ∼ 200° C and a local geothermal gradient of ∼ 130° C/km associated with the Quaternary volcanic activity in the Tocomar area