136 research outputs found

    Heteroaromatic polyamides with Improved thermal and mechanical properties

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    We prepared high-performance aromatic copolyamides, containing bithiazole and thiazolo-thiazole groups in their main chain, from aromatic diamines and isophthaloyl chloride, to further improve the prominent thermal behavior and exceptional mechanical properties of commercial aramid fibers. The introduction of these groups leads to aramids with improved strength and moduli compared to commercial meta-oriented aromatic polyamides, together with an increase of their thermal performance. Moreover, their solubility, water uptake, and optical properties were evaluated in this work.Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional and both the Spanish Ministerio de EconomĂ­a, Industria y Competitividad (MAT2017-84501-R) and the ConsejerĂ­a de EducaciĂłn, Junta de Castilla y LeĂłn (BU306P18) is gratefully acknowledged. M.T.L. also thankfully acknowledges the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e InnovaciĂłn (PID2019-108583RJ-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033

    Different rates of spontaneous mutation of chloroplastic and nuclear viroids as determined by high-fidelity ultra-deep sequencing

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    [EN] Mutation rates vary by orders of magnitude across biological systems, being higher for simpler genomes. The simplest known genomes correspond to viroids, subviral plant replicons constituted by circular non-coding RNAs of few hundred bases. Previous work has revealed an extremely high mutation rate for chrysanthemum chlorotic mottle viroid, a chloroplastreplicating viroid. However, whether this is a general feature of viroids remains unclear. Here, we have used high-fidelity ultra-deep sequencing to determine the mutation rate in a common host (eggplant) of two viroids, each representative of one family: the chloroplastic eggplant latent viroid (ELVd, Avsunviroidae) and the nuclear potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd, Pospiviroidae). This revealed higher mutation frequencies in ELVd than in PSTVd, as well as marked differences in the types of mutations produced. Rates of spontaneous mutation, quantified in vivo using the lethal mutation method, ranged from 1/1000 to 1/800 for ELVd and from 1/7000 to 1/3800 for PSTVd depending on sequencing run. These results suggest that extremely high mutability is a common feature of chloroplastic viroids, whereas the mutation rates of PSTVd and potentially other nuclear viroids appear significantly lower and closer to those of some RNA viruses.This work was supported by the European Research Council (erc.europa.eu; ERC-2011-StG-281191-VIRMUT to RS), the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (www.mineco.gob.es; BFU2013-41329 grant to RS, BFU2014-56812-P grant to RF, and a predoctoral fellowship to ALC), and the Spanish Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha (www.castillalamancha.es;postdoctoral fellowship to CB). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.LĂłpez-Carrasco, MA.; Ballesteros MartĂ­nez, C.; Sentandreu, V.; Delgado Villar, SG.; Gago Zachert, SP.; Flores Pedauye, R.; Sanjuan Verdeguer, R. (2017). Different rates of spontaneous mutation of chloroplastic and nuclear viroids as determined by high-fidelity ultra-deep sequencing. PLoS Pathogens. 13(9):1-17. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.ppat.1006547S117139Ganai, R. A., & Johansson, E. (2016). DNA Replication—A Matter of Fidelity. Molecular Cell, 62(5), 745-755. doi:10.1016/j.molcel.2016.05.003Lynch, M. (2010). Evolution of the mutation rate. Trends in Genetics, 26(8), 345-352. doi:10.1016/j.tig.2010.05.003SanjuĂĄn, R., & Domingo-Calap, P. (2016). Mechanisms of viral mutation. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 73(23), 4433-4448. doi:10.1007/s00018-016-2299-6Gago, S., Elena, S. F., Flores, R., & Sanjuan, R. (2009). Extremely High Mutation Rate of a Hammerhead Viroid. Science, 323(5919), 1308-1308. doi:10.1126/science.1169202Flores, R., Gago-Zachert, S., Serra, P., SanjuĂĄn, R., & Elena, S. F. (2014). Viroids: Survivors from the RNA World? Annual Review of Microbiology, 68(1), 395-414. doi:10.1146/annurev-micro-091313-103416Flores, R., Minoia, S., Carbonell, A., Gisel, A., Delgado, S., LĂłpez-Carrasco, A., 
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 Perelson, A. S. (2012). Quantifying the Diversification of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) during Primary Infection: Estimates of the In Vivo Mutation Rate. PLoS Pathogens, 8(8), e1002881. doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1002881Acevedo, A., Brodsky, L., & Andino, R. (2013). Mutational and fitness landscapes of an RNA virus revealed through population sequencing. Nature, 505(7485), 686-690. doi:10.1038/nature12861Cuevas, J. M., Geller, R., Garijo, R., LĂłpez-Aldeguer, J., & SanjuĂĄn, R. (2015). Extremely High Mutation Rate of HIV-1 In Vivo. PLOS Biology, 13(9), e1002251. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1002251Acevedo, A., & Andino, R. (2014). Library preparation for highly accurate population sequencing of RNA viruses. Nature Protocols, 9(7), 1760-1769. doi:10.1038/nprot.2014.118Kennedy, S. R., Schmitt, M. W., Fox, E. J., Kohrn, B. F., Salk, J. J., Ahn, E. H., 
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    Sub-femto-g free fall for space-based gravitational wave observatories: LISA pathfinder results

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    We report the first results of the LISA Pathfinder in-flight experiment. The results demonstrate that two free-falling reference test masses, such as those needed for a space-based gravitational wave observatory like LISA, can be put in free fall with a relative acceleration noise with a square root of the power spectral density of 5.2 ± 0.1 fm s−2/√Hz or (0.54 ± 0.01) × 10−15 g/√Hz, with g the standard gravity, for frequencies between 0.7 and 20 mHz. This value is lower than the LISA Pathfinder requirement by more than a factor 5 and within a factor 1.25 of the requirement for the LISA mission, and is compatible with Brownian noise from viscous damping due to the residual gas surrounding the test masses. Above 60 mHz the acceleration noise is dominated by interferometer displacement readout noise at a level of (34.8 ± 0.3) fm/√Hz, about 2 orders of magnitude better than requirements. At f ≀ 0.5 mHz we observe a low-frequency tail that stays below 12 fm s−2/√Hz down to 0.1 mHz. This performance would allow for a space-based gravitational wave observatory with a sensitivity close to what was originally foreseen for LISA

    The impact from survey depth and resolution on the morphological classification of galaxies

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    We consistently analyse for the first time the impact of survey depth and spatial resolution on the most used morphological parameters for classifying galaxies through non-parametric methods: Abraham and Conselice-Bershady concentration indices, Gini, M20moment of light, asymmetry, and smoothness. Three different non-local data sets are used, Advanced Large Homogeneous Area Medium Band Redshift Astronomical (ALHAMBRA) and Subaru/XMMNewton Deep Survey (SXDS, examples of deep ground-based surveys), and Cosmos Evolution Survey (COSMOS, deep space-based survey). We used a sample of 3000 local, visually classified galaxies, measuring their morphological parameters at their real redshifts (z ~ 0). Then we simulated them to match the redshift and magnitude distributions of galaxies in the non-local surveys. The comparisons of the two sets allow us to put constraints on the use of each parameter for morphological classification and evaluate the effectiveness of the commonly used morphological diagnostic diagrams. All analysed parameters suffer from biases related to spatial resolution and depth, the impact of the former being much stronger. When including asymmetry and smoothness in classification diagrams, the noise effects must be taken into account carefully, especially for ground-based surveys. M20 is significantly affected, changing both the shape and range of its distribution at all brightness levels. We suggest that diagnostic diagrams based on 2-3 parameters should be avoided when classifying galaxies in ground-based surveys, independently of their brightness; for COSMOS they should be avoided for galaxies fainter than F814 = 23.0. These results can be applied directly to surveys similar to ALHAMBRA, SXDS and COSMOS, and also can serve as an upper/lower limit for shallower/deeper ones.Ministerio de EconomĂ­a y Competitividad AYA2010-15169, AYA2013-42227-P, AYA2013-4318

    A Ks-band-selected catalogue of objects in the ALHAMBRA survey

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    The original ALHAMBRA catalogue contained over 400,000 galaxies selected using a synthetic F814W image, to the magnitude limit AB(F814W)≈\approx24.5. Given the photometric redshift depth of the ALHAMBRA multiband data (=0.86) and the approximately II-band selection, there is a noticeable bias against red objects at moderate redshift. We avoid this bias by creating a new catalogue selected in the KsK_s band. This newly obtained catalogue is certainly shallower in terms of apparent magnitude, but deeper in terms of redshift, with a significant population of red objects at z>1z>1. We select objects using the KsK_s band images, which reach an approximate AB magnitude limit Ks≈22K_s \approx 22. We generate masks and derive completeness functions to characterize the sample. We have tested the quality of the photometry and photometric redshifts using both internal and external checks. Our final catalogue includes ≈95,000\approx 95,000 sources down to Ks≈22K_s \approx 22, with a significant tail towards high redshift. We have checked that there is a large sample of objects with spectral energy distributions that correspond to that of massive, passively evolving galaxies at z>1z > 1, reaching as far as z≈2.5z \approx 2.5. We have tested the possibility of combining our data with deep infrared observations at longer wavelengths, particularly Spitzer IRAC data

    Are non-tariff measures a substitute for tariffs in agricultural trade? Recent evidence from southern Mediterranean countries

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    [EN] The significance of and interest in non-tariff measures (NTMs) have increased as a consequence of the reduction in agricultural tariffs. This paper analyses the relationship between NTMs and tariffs in southern Mediterranean countries (SMCs) through two complementary analyses. First, the authors construct a taxonomy of protection for products, distinguishing between high protection, transparent protection, low protection and disguised protection. The low protection category is most widely represented, and the disguised protection category is also important. Second, the policy substitution hypothesis between tariff and non-tariff protection is tested. This hypothesis appears in the literature as the possibility that countries implement NTMs for protection purposes, as a result of the progressive reduction in the tariffs levied. Policy substitution is found in some SMCs, which is consistent with an upward trend of non-tariff protection as tariff liberalization progresses in the region.The authors are grateful for support from the European Commission through FP7 'Sustainable agri-food systems and rural development in the Mediterranean Partner Countries' (SUSTAINMED, FP7-KBBE-2009-3-245233), and from the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (PAID-06-12).Tudela Marco, L.; GarcĂ­a Alvarez-Coque, JM.; Martinez GĂłmez, VD. (2014). Are non-tariff measures a substitute for tariffs in agricultural trade? Recent evidence from southern Mediterranean countries. Outlook On Agriculture. 43(4):235-240. https://doi.org/10.5367/oa.2014.0187S23524043

    Effect of Ultrasonic-Assisted Blanching on Size Variation, Heat Transfer, and Quality Parameters of Mushrooms

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    The main aim of this work was to assess the influence of the application of power ultrasound during blanching of mushrooms (60 90 °C) on the shrinkage, heat transfer, and quality parameters. Kinetics of mushroom shrinkage was modeled and coupled to a heat transfer model for conventional (CB) and ultrasonic-assisted blanching (UB). Cooking value and the integrated residual enzymatic activity were obtained through predicted temperatures and related to the hardness and color variations of mushrooms, respectively. The application of ultrasound led to an increase of shrinkage and heat transfer rates, being this increase more intense at low process temperatures. Consequently, processing time was decreased (30.7 46.0 %) and a reduction in hardness (25.2 40.8 %) and lightness (13.8 16.8 %) losses were obtained. The best retention of hardness was obtained by the UB at 60 °C, while to maintain the lightness it was the CB and UB at 90 °C. For enhancing both quality parameters simultaneously, a combined treatment (CT), which consisted of a CB 0.5 min at 90 °C and then an UB 19.9min at 60 °C, was designed. In this manner, compared with the conventional treatment at 60 °C, reductions of 39.1, 27.2, and 65.5 % for the process time, hardness and lightness losses were achieved, respectively. These results suggest that the CT could be considered as an interesting alternative to CB in order to reduce the processing time and improve the overall quality of blanched mushrooms.The authors acknowledge the financial support of Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas and Universidad Nacional de La Plata from Argentina, Erasmus Mundus Action 2-Strand 1 and EuroTango II Researcher Training Program and Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (SPAIN) and the FEDER (project DPI2012-37466-CO3-03).Lespinard, A.; Bon CorbĂ­n, J.; CĂĄrcel CarriĂłn, JA.; Benedito Fort, JJ.; Mascheroni, RH. (2015). 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