11 research outputs found

    Handlungsempfehlungen fuer ein effektives Flaechenrecycling

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    Using selected examples, the project outlines supplementary requirements for remediation in land recycling that go beyond existing stipulations of police law and administrative regulations, specialized statutory regional guidelines, future Federal Soil Conservation Law regulations and general development planning. In addition, the project will tackle all technical and legal deficits currently restraining optimized land recycling. Instruments and recommendations are prepared that show how deficits in the planning and implementation of land recycling projects can be detected and which measures have to be undertaken in order to optimally counteract these deficits. The methodical concept assumes that a complex operational structure constituting four equally important influencing variables - derelict land reclamation, profitability, utilization, and the law - is determinative in all land recycling projects. Recommendations for action take up these deficits and provide specific suggestions for streamlined and more efficient procedures in land recycling. They refer to existing statutory and professional instruments, organizational forms, and regulations and are to be considered recommendations for improved application and utilization of these instruments. They provide a guideline for project completion and suggestions for project initiation as well as for setting up a suitable project structure and for optimized target definition in land recycling. A check list was prepared to evaluate and assess land recycling projects. The check list provides the user with a fast and comprehensive outline of the processing status of all important operating areas in land recycling. A project analysis using the check list reveals deficits in project processing and the steps to be taken immediately. Used in conjunction with the recommendations for action, the check list is an instrument for the comprehensive and effective completion of land recycling projects. (orig.)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: RN 8422(00,10) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekBundesministerium fuer Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit, Bonn (Germany)DEGerman

    Interactions of Metabolic Hormones, Adipose Tissue and Exercise

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    Blood Biomarker Profiling and Monitoring for High-Performance Physiology and Nutrition: Current Perspectives, Limitations and Recommendations

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