114 research outputs found

    On the usefulness of finding charts Or the runaway carbon stars of the Blanco & McCarthy field 37

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    We have been recently faced with the problem of cross--identifying stars recorded in historical catalogues with those extracted from recent fully digitized surveys (such as DENIS and 2MASS). Positions mentioned in the old catalogues are frequently of poor precision, but are generally accompanied by finding charts where the interesting objects are flagged. Those finding charts are sometimes our only link with the accumulated knowledge of past literature. While checking the identification of some of these objects in several catalogues, we had the surprise to discover a number of discrepancies in recent works.The main reason for these discrepancies was generally the blind application of the smallest difference in position as the criterion to identify sources from one historical catalogue to those in more recent surveys. In this paper we give examples of such misidentifications, and show how we were able to find and correct them.We present modern procedures to discover and solve cross--identification problems, such as loading digitized images of the sky through the Aladin service at CDS, and overlaying entries from historical catalogues and modern surveys. We conclude that the use of good finding charts still remains the ultimate (though time--consuming) tool to ascertain cross--identifications in difficult cases.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, accepted by A&

    A Physically-Motivated Photometric Calibration of M Dwarf Metallicity

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    The location of M dwarfs in the V-K_s--M_Ks color-magnitude diagram (CMD) has been shown to correlate with metallicity. We demonstrate that previous empirical photometric calibrations of M dwarf metallicity exploiting this correlation systematically underestimate or overestimate metallicity at the extremes of their range. We improve upon previous calibrations in three ways. We use both a volume-limited and kinematically-matched sample of F and G dwarfs from the Geneva-Copehnagen Survey (GCS) to infer the mean metallicity of M dwarfs in the Solar Neighborhood, we use theoretical models of M dwarf interiors and atmospheres to determine the effect of metallicity on M dwarfs in the V-K_s--M_Ks CMD, and we base our final calibration purely on high-resolution spectroscopy of FGK primaries with M dwarf companions. As a result, we explain an order of magnitude more of the variance in the calibration sample than previous photometric calibrations. We non-parametrically quantify the significance of the observation that M dwarfs that host exoplanets are preferentially in a region of the V-K_s--M_Ks plane populated by metal-rich M dwarfs. We find that the probability p that planet-hosting M dwarfs are distributed across the V-K_s--M_Ks CMD in the same way as field M dwarfs is p = 0.06 +/- 0.008. Interestingly, the subsample of M dwarfs that host Neptune and sub-Neptune mass planets may also be preferentially located in the region of the V-K_s--M_Ks plane populated by high-metallicity M dwarfs. The probability of this occurrence by chance is p = 0.40 +/- 0.02, and this observation hints that low-mass planets may be more likely to be found around metal-rich M dwarfs. An increased rate of low-mass planet occurrence around metal-rich M dwarfs would be a natural consequence of the core-accretion model of planet formation. (abridged)Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, and 1 table in A&A format; accepted for publication in A&

    Detection of an inner gaseous component in a Herbig Be star accretion disk: Near- and mid-infrared spectro-interferometry and radiative transfer modeling of MWC 147

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    We study the geometry and the physical conditions in the inner (AU-scale) circumstellar region around the young Herbig Be star MWC 147 using long-baseline spectro-interferometry in the near-infrared (NIR K-band, VLTI/AMBER observations and PTI archive data) as well as the mid-infrared (MIR N-band, VLTI/MIDIobservations). The emission from MWC 147 is clearly resolved and has a characteristic physical size of approx. 1.3 AU and 9 AU at 2.2 micron and 11 micron respectively (Gaussian diameter). The spectrally dispersed AMBER and MIDI interferograms both show a strong increase in the characteristic size towards longer wavelengths, much steeper than predicted by analytic disk models assuming power-law radial temperature distributions. We model the interferometric data and the spectral energy distribution of MWC 147 with 2-D, frequency-dependent radiation transfer simulations. This analysis shows that models of spherical envelopes or passive irradiated Keplerian disks (with vertical or curved puffed-up inner rim) can easily fit the SED, but predict much lower visibilities than observed; the angular size predicted by such models is 2 to 4 times larger than the size derived from the interferometric data, so these models can clearly be ruled out. Models of a Keplerian disk with optically thick gas emission from an active gaseous disk (inside the dust sublimation zone), however, yield a good fit of the SED and simultaneously reproduce the absolute level and the spectral dependence of the NIR and MIR visibilities. We conclude that the NIR continuum emission from MWC 147 is dominated by accretion luminosity emerging from an optically thick inner gaseous disk, while the MIR emission also contains contributions from the outer, irradiated dust disk.Comment: 44 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal. The quality of the figures was slightly reduced in order to comply with the astro-ph file-size restrictions. You can find a high-quality version of the paper at http://www.mpifr-bonn.mpg.de/staff/skraus/papers/mwc147.pd

    Multi-wavelength analysis of the dust emission in the Small Magellanic Cloud

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    We present an analysis of dust grain emission in the diffuse interstellar medium of the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC). This study is motivated by the availability of 170 microns ISOPHOT data covering a large part of the SMC, with a resolution enabling to disentangle the diffuse medium from the star forming regions. After data reduction and subtraction of Galactic foreground emission, we used the ISOPHOT data together with HiRes IRAS data and ATCA/Parkes combined HI column density maps to determine dust properties for the diffuse medium. We found a far infrared emissivity per hydrogen atom 30 times lower than the Solar Neighborhood value. The modeling of the spectral energy distribution of the dust, taking into account the enhanced interstellar radiation field, gives a similar conclusion for the smallest grains (PAHs and very small grains) emitting at shorter wavelength. Assuming Galactic dust composition in the SMC, this result implies a difference in the gas-to-dust ratio (GDR) 3 times larger than the difference in metallicity. This low depletion of heavy elements in dust could be specific of the diffuse ISM and not apply for the whole SMC dust if it results from efficient destruction of dust by supernovae explosions.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Cosmic Super-Strings and Kaluza-Klein Modes

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    Cosmic super-strings interact generically with a tower of relatively light and/or strongly coupled Kaluza-Klein (KK) modes associated with the geometry of the internal space. In this paper, we study the production of spin-2 KK particles by cusps on loops of cosmic F- and D-strings. We consider cosmic super-strings localized either at the bottom of a warped throat or in a flat internal space with large volume. The total energy emitted by cusps in KK modes is comparable in both cases, although the number of produced KK modes may differ significantly. We then show that KK emission is constrained by the photo-dissociation of light elements and by observations of the diffuse gamma ray background. We show that this rules out regions of the parameter space of cosmic super-strings that are complementary to the regions that can be probed by current and upcoming gravitational wave experiments. KK modes are also expected to play an important role in the friction-dominated epoch of cosmic super-string evolution.Comment: 35pp, 5 figs, v2: minor modifications and Refs. added, matches published versio

    Crossing the Gould Belt in the Orion vicinity

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    We present a study of the large-scale spatial distribution of 6482 RASS X-ray sources in approximately 5000 deg^2 in the direction of Orion. We examine the astrophysical properties of a sub-sample of ~100 optical counterparts, using optical spectroscopy. This sub-sample is used to investigate the space density of the RASS young star candidates by comparing X-ray number counts with Galactic model predictions. We characterize the observed sub-sample in terms of spectral type, lithium content, radial and rotational velocities, as well as iron abundance. A population synthesis model is then applied to analyze the stellar content of the RASS in the studied area. We find that stars associated with the Orion star-forming region do show a high lithium content. A population of late-type stars with lithium equivalent widths larger than Pleiades stars of the same spectral type (hence younger than ~70-100 Myr) is found widely spread over the studied area. Two new young stellar aggregates, namely "X-ray Clump 0534+22" (age~2-10 Myr) and "X-ray Clump 0430-08" (age~2-20 Myr), are also identified. The spectroscopic follow-up and comparison with Galactic model predictions reveal that the X-ray selected stellar population in the direction of Orion is characterized by three distinct components, namely the clustered, the young dispersed, and the widespread field populations. The clustered population is mainly associated with regions of recent or ongoing star formation and correlates spatially with molecular clouds. The dispersed young population follows a broad lane apparently coinciding spatially with the Gould Belt, while the widespread population consists primarily of active field stars older than 100 Myr. We expect the "bi-dimensional" picture emerging from this study to grow in depth as soon as the distance and the kinematics of the studied sources will become available from the future Gaia mission.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figures, 4 tables. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics. Abstract shortene

    Implications of the Fermi-LAT diffuse gamma-ray measurements on annihilating or decaying Dark Matter

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    We analyze the recently published Fermi-LAT diffuse gamma-ray measurements in the context of leptonically annihilating or decaying dark matter (DM) with the aim to explain simultaneously the isotropic diffuse gamma-ray and the PAMELA, Fermi and HESS (PFH) anomalous e±e^\pm data. Five different DM annihilation/decay channels 2e2e, 2μ2\mu, 2τ2\tau, 4e4e, or 4μ4\mu (the latter two via an intermediate light particle ϕ\phi) are generated with PYTHIA. We calculate both the Galactic and extragalactic prompt and inverse Compton (IC) contributions to the resulting gamma-ray spectra. To find the Galactic IC spectra we use the interstellar radiation field model from the latest release of GALPROP. For the extragalactic signal we show that the amplitude of the prompt gamma-emission is very sensitive to the assumed model for the extragalactic background light. For our Galaxy we use the Einasto, NFW and Isothermal DM density profiles and include the effects of DM substructure assuming a simple subhalo model. Our calculations show that for the annihilating DM the extragalactic gamma-ray signal can dominate only if rather extreme power-law concentration-mass relation C(M)C(M) is used, while more realistic C(M)C(M) relations make the extragalactic component comparable or subdominant to the Galactic signal. For the decaying DM the Galactic signal always exceeds the extragalactic one. In the case of annihilating DM the PFH favored parameters can be ruled out only if power-law C(M)C(M) relation is assumed. For DM decaying into 2μ2\mu or 4μ4\mu the PFH favored DM parameters are not in conflict with the Fermi gamma-ray data. We find that, due to the (almost) featureless Galactic IC spectrum and the DM halo substructure, annihilating DM may give a good simultaneous fit to the isotropic diffuse gamma-ray and to the PFH e±e^\pm data without being in clear conflict with the other Fermi-LAT gamma-ray measurements.Comment: Accepted for publication in JCAP, added missing references, new Figs. 9 \& 10, 35 page

    Mixed Higgsino Dark Matter from a Reduced SU(3) Gaugino Mass: Consequences for Dark Matter and Collider Searches

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    In gravity-mediated SUSY breaking models with non-universal gaugino masses, lowering the SU(3) gaugino mass |M_3| leads to a reduction in the squark and gluino masses. Lower third generation squark masses, in turn, diminish the effect of a large top quark Yukawa coupling in the running of the higgs mass parameter m_{H_u}^2, leading to a reduction in the magnitude of the superpotential mu parameter (relative to M_1 and M_2). A low | mu | parameter gives rise to mixed higgsino dark matter (MHDM), which can efficiently annihilate in the early universe to give a dark matter relic density in accord with WMAP measurements. We explore the phenomenology of the low |M_3| scenario, and find for the case of MHDM increased rates for direct and indirect detection of neutralino dark matter relative to the mSUGRA model. The sparticle mass spectrum is characterized by relatively light gluinos, frequently with m(gl)<<m(sq). If scalar masses are large, then gluinos can be very light, with gl->Z_i+g loop decays dominating the gluino branching fraction. Top squarks can be much lighter than sbottom and first/second generation squarks. The presence of low mass higgsino-like charginos and neutralinos is expected at the CERN LHC. The small m(Z2)-m(Z1) mass gap should give rise to a visible opposite-sign/same flavor dilepton mass edge. At a TeV scale linear e^+e^- collider, the region of MHDM will mean that the entire spectrum of charginos and neutralinos are amongst the lightest sparticles, and are most likely to be produced at observable rates, allowing for a complete reconstruction of the gaugino-higgsino sector.Comment: 35 pages, including 26 EPS figure

    Constraining Very Heavy Dark Matter Using Diffuse Backgrounds of Neutrinos and Cascaded Gamma Rays

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    We consider multi-messenger constraints on very heavy dark matter (VHDM) from recent Fermi gamma-ray and IceCube neutrino observations of isotropic background radiation. Fermi data on the diffuse gamma-ray background (DGB) shows a possible unexplained feature at very high energies (VHE), which we have called the "VHE Excess" relative to expectations for an attenuated power law extrapolated from lower energies. We show that VHDM could explain this excess, and that neutrino observations will be an important tool for testing this scenario. More conservatively, we derive new constraints on the properties of VHDM for masses of 10^3-10^10 GeV. These generic bounds follow from cosmic energy budget constraints for gamma rays and neutrinos that we developed elsewhere, based on detailed calculations of cosmic electromagnetic cascades and also neutrino detection rates. We show that combining both gamma-ray and neutrino data is essential for making the constraints on VHDM properties both strong and robust. In the lower mass range, our constraints on VHDM annihilation and decay are comparable to other results; however, our constraints continue to much higher masses, where they become relatively stronger.Comment: 33 pages, 21 figures, accepted for publication in JCA