170 research outputs found

    Investigating the origin of cyclical wind variability in hot, massive stars - I. On the dipolar magnetic field hypothesis

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    OB stars exhibit various types of spectral variability associated with wind structures, including the apparently ubiquitous discrete absorption components (DACs). These are proposed to be caused by either magnetic fields or non-radial pulsations (NRPs). In this paper, we evaluate the possible relation between large-scale, dipolar magnetic fields and the DAC phenomenon by investigating the magnetic properties of a sample of 13 OB stars exhibiting well-documented DAC behaviour. Using high-precision spectropolarimetric data acquired in part in the context of the Magnetism in Massive Stars (MiMeS) project, we find no evidence for surface dipolar magnetic fields in any of these stars. Using Bayesian inference, we compute upper limits on the strengths of the fields and use these limits to assess two potential mechanisms by which the field may influence wind outflow: magnetic wind confinement and local photospheric brightness enhancements. Within the limits we derive, both mechanisms fail to provide a systematic process capable of producing DACs in all of the stars of our sample. Therefore, this implies that dipolar fields are highly unlikely to be responsible for these structures in all massive stars, meaning that some other mechanism must come into play.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    The BinaMIcS project: understanding the origin of magnetic fields in massive stars through close binary systems

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    It is now well established that a fraction of the massive (M>8 Msun) star population hosts strong, organised magnetic fields, most likely of fossil origin. The details of the generation and evolution of these fields are still poorly understood. The BinaMIcS project takes an important step towards the understanding of the interplay between binarity and magnetism during the stellar formation and evolution, and in particular the genesis of fossil fields, by studying the magnetic properties of close binary systems. The components of such systems are most likely formed together, at the same time and in the same environment, and can therefore help us to disentangle the role of initial conditions on the magnetic properties of the massive stars from other competing effects such as age or rotation. We present here the main scientific objectives of the BinaMIcS project, as well as preliminary results from the first year of observations from the associated ESPaDOnS and Narval spectropolarimetric surveys.Comment: To appear in New Windows on Massive Stars, proceedings of the IAU Symposium 30

    UVMag: stellar formation, evolution, structure and environment with space UV and visible spectropolarimetry

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    Important insights into the formation, structure, evolution and environment of all types of stars can be obtained through the measurement of their winds and possible magnetospheres. However, this has hardly been done up to now mainly because of the lack of UV instrumentation available for long periods of time. To reach this aim, we have designed UVMag, an M-size space mission equipped with a high-resolution spectropolarimeter working in the UV and visible spectral range. The UV domain is crucial in stellar physics as it is very rich in atomic and molecular lines and contains most of the flux of hot stars. Moreover, covering the UV and visible spectral domains at the same time will allow us to study the star and its environment simultaneously. Adding polarimetric power to the spectrograph will multiply tenfold the capabilities of extracting information on stellar magnetospheres, winds, disks, and magnetic fields. Examples of science objectives that can be reached with UVMag are presented for pre-main sequence, main sequence and evolved stars. They will cast new light onto stellar physics by addressing many exciting and important questions. UVMag is currently undergoing a Research and Technology study and will be proposed at the forthcoming ESA call for M-size missions. This spectropolarimeter could also be installed on a large UV and visible observatory (e.g. NASA's LUVOIR project) within a suite of instruments.Comment: Accepted in ApSS's special volume on UV astronom

    The MiMeS Project: Magnetism in Massive Stars

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    The Magnetism in Massive Stars (MiMeS) Project is a consensus collaboration among the foremost international researchers of the physics of hot, massive stars, with the basic aim of understanding the origin, evolution and impact of magnetic fields in these objects. The cornerstone of the project is the MiMeS Large Program at the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope, which represents a dedication of 640 hours of telescope time from 2008-2012. The MiMeS Large Program will exploit the unique capabilities of the ESPaDOnS spectropolarimeter to obtain critical missing information about the poorly-studied magnetic properties of these important stars, to confront current models and to guide theory.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, proceedings of IAUS 259: Cosmic Magnetic Field

    Simulating Radiating and Magnetized Flows in Multi-Dimensions with ZEUS-MP

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    This paper describes ZEUS-MP, a multi-physics, massively parallel, message- passing implementation of the ZEUS code. ZEUS-MP differs significantly from the ZEUS-2D code, the ZEUS-3D code, and an early "version 1" of ZEUS-MP distributed publicly in 1999. ZEUS-MP offers an MHD algorithm better suited for multidimensional flows than the ZEUS-2D module by virtue of modifications to the Method of Characteristics scheme first suggested by Hawley and Stone (1995), and is shown to compare quite favorably to the TVD scheme described by Ryu et. al (1998). ZEUS-MP is the first publicly-available ZEUS code to allow the advection of multiple chemical (or nuclear) species. Radiation hydrodynamic simulations are enabled via an implicit flux-limited radiation diffusion (FLD) module. The hydrodynamic, MHD, and FLD modules may be used in one, two, or three space dimensions. Self gravity may be included either through the assumption of a GM/r potential or a solution of Poisson's equation using one of three linear solver packages (conjugate-gradient, multigrid, and FFT) provided for that purpose. Point-mass potentials are also supported. Because ZEUS-MP is designed for simulations on parallel computing platforms, considerable attention is paid to the parallel performance characteristics of each module. Strong-scaling tests involving pure hydrodynamics (with and without self-gravity), MHD, and RHD are performed in which large problems (256^3 zones) are distributed among as many as 1024 processors of an IBM SP3. Parallel efficiency is a strong function of the amount of communication required between processors in a given algorithm, but all modules are shown to scale well on up to 1024 processors for the chosen fixed problem size.Comment: Accepted for publication in the ApJ Supplement. 42 pages with 29 inlined figures; uses emulateapj.sty. Discussions in sections 2 - 4 improved per referee comments; several figures modified to illustrate grid resolution. ZEUS-MP source code and documentation available from the Laboratory for Computational Astrophysics at http://lca.ucsd.edu/codes/currentcodes/zeusmp2

    Ultraviolet Line Profiles of Slowly Rotating Massive Star Winds Using the "Analytic Dynamical Magnetosphere" Formalism

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    Recent large-scale spectropolarimetric surveys have established that a small but significant percentage of massive stars host stable, surface dipolar magnetic fields with strengths on the order of kG. These fields channel the dense, radiatively driven stellar wind into circumstellar magnetospheres, whose density and velocity structure can be probed using ultraviolet (UV) spectroscopy of wind-sensitive resonance lines. Coupled with appropriate magnetosphere models, UV spectroscopy provides a valuable way to investigate the wind-field interaction, and can yield quantitative estimates of the wind parameters of magnetic massive stars. We report a systematic investigation of the formation of UV resonance lines in slowly rotating magnetic massive stars with dynamical magnetospheres. We pair the Analytic Dynamical Magnetosphere (ADM) formalism with a simplified radiative transfer technique to produce synthetic UV line profiles. Using a grid of models, we examine the effect of magnetosphere size, the line strength parameter, and the cooling parameter on the structure and modulation of the line profile. We find that magnetic massive stars uniquely exhibit redshifted absorption at most viewing angles and magnetosphere sizes, and that significant changes to the shape and variation of the line profile with varying line strengths can be explained by examining the individual wind components described in the ADM formalism. Finally, we show that the cooling parameter has a negligible effect on the line profiles.Comment: 16 pages, 15 figures, accepted to MNRA

    A multisite photometric study of two unusual Beta Cep stars: the magnetic V2052 Oph and the massive rapid rotator V986 Oph

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    We report a multisite photometric campaign for the Beta Cep stars V2052 Oph and V986 Oph. 670 hours of high-quality differential photoelectric Stromgren, Johnson and Geneva time-series photometry were obtained with eight telescopes on five continents during 182 nights. Frequency analyses of the V2052 Oph data enabled the detection of three pulsation frequencies, the first harmonic of the strongest signal, and the rotation frequency with its first harmonic. Pulsational mode identification from analysing the colour amplitude ratios confirms the dominant mode as being radial, whereas the other two oscillations are most likely l=4. Combining seismic constraints on the inclination of the rotation axis with published magnetic field analyses we conclude that the radial mode must be the fundamental. The rotational light modulation is in phase with published spectroscopic variability, and consistent with an oblique rotator for which both magnetic poles pass through the line of sight. The inclination of the rotation axis is 54o <i< 58o and the magnetic obliquity 58o <beta< 66o. The possibility that V2052 Oph has a magnetically confined wind is discussed. The photometric amplitudes of the single oscillation of V986 Oph are most consistent with an l=3 mode, but this identification is uncertain. Additional intrinsic, apparently temporally incoherent, light variations of V986 Oph are reported. Different interpretations thereof cannot be distinguished at this point, but this kind of variability appears to be present in many OB stars. The prospects of obtaining asteroseismic information for more rapidly rotating Beta Cep stars, which appear to prefer modes of higher l, are briefly discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, MNRAS, in pres

    Magnetic Reconnection with Asymmetry in the Outflow Direction

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    Magnetic reconnection with asymmetry in the outflow direction occurs in the Earth's magnetotail, coronal mass ejections, flux cancellation events, astrophysical disks, spheromak merging experiments, and elsewhere in nature and the laboratory. A control volume analysis is performed for the case of steady antiparallel magnetic reconnection with asymmetric downstream pressure, which is used to derive scaling relations for the outflow velocity from each side of the current sheet and the reconnection rate. Simple relationships for outflow velocity are presented for the incompressible case and the case of symmetric downstream pressure but asymmetric downstream density. Asymmetry alone is not found to greatly affect the reconnection rate. The flow stagnation point and magnetic field null do not coincide in a steady state unless the pressure gradient is negligible at the flow stagnation point.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures. Submitted to JGR. Any comments will be appreciate

    Testing magnetically confined wind shock models for Beta Cep using XMM-Newton and Chandra phase-resolved X-ray observations

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    (abridged) We have performed a set of phase-resolved X-ray observations of the magnetic B star Beta Cep, for which theoretical models predict the presence of a confined wind emitting X-rays from stationary shocks. We obtained four observations spaced in rotational phase with XMM-Newton and with Chandra. A detailed analysis of the data was performed to derive both photometric and spectral parameters from the EPIC data, searching for rotational modulation, and to derive the location of the X-ray plasma from the line ratios in the He-like triplets of N, O and Ne from the RGS data. The LETG data were used to constrain the presence of bulk motions in the plasma. The strong rotational modulation predicted by the early, static magnetically confined wind model for the X-ray emission is not observed in Beta Cep. The small modulation present goes in the opposite direction, pointing to the absence of any optically thick disk of neutral material, and showing a modulation consistent with the later, dynamic models of magnetically confined wind models in B stars. The lack of observed bulk motion points to the plasma being confined by a magnetic field, but the low plasma temperature and lack of any flaring show that the plasma is not heated by magnetic reconnection. Therefore, the observations point to X-ray emission from shocks in a magnetically confined wind, with no evidence of an optically thick, dense disk at the magnetic equatorComment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic