1,786 research outputs found

    Tolerancia al frío en el cultivo del arroz en el mundo

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    El arroz (Oryza sativa L.) es una de las principales fuentes de alimentación para la población mundial y está sujeto a una demanda cada vez más difícil de cubrir (Khush, 1997; Cantrell y Reeves, 2002). Este cultivo es sensible a las bajas temperaturas y crece en regiones tropicales, subtropicales y templadas (Biswas et al., 2019). Se considera que el cultivo del arroz crece en condiciones óptimas entre los 25 y 35 °C y temperaturas mínimas críticas de crecimiento que varían según el estado de desarrollo (Biswas et al., 2019). Las bajas temperaturas son un importante factor limitante respecto a la productividad del cultivo y restringe su ubicación geográfica (Xin y Browse, 2001). Éste es un problema que afecta, principalmente, a regiones montañosas de los trópicos y regiones templadas (Xie et al., 2012). En el ámbito mundial, 15 millones de hectáreas en África, Asia, Australia, Europa y América del Sur y del Norte son afectadas por las bajas temperaturas cada año, lo que resulta en una pérdida de rendimiento anual de 1,0 a 3,9 t ha-1 (Jena y Hardy, 2012; Hyun et al., 2016). En Australia, la variación en los rendimientos promedio se debe en especial a eventos de temperatura inferiores a 15 °C durante la etapa reproductiva del cultivo, donde es común que las temperaturas sean tan bajas como a 11 o 12 °C (Reinke et al., 2012). En Bután, país ubicado al sur de la China y al norte de la India, el patrón de temperaturas es bajo-alto-bajo, como en Japón, el norte de China y Corea, donde la baja temperatura es un problema en la etapa temprana de crecimiento y también en la etapa reproductiva y de maduración. En Japón, 1,6 millones de hectáreas plantadas con arroz están expuestas a bajas temperaturas del verano. En Corea, donde se cultivan alrededor de un millón de hectáreas, los daños por frío pueden presentarse en la primavera y el otoño. En Nepal, 1,5 millones de hectáreas son amenazadas por bajas temperaturas. El clima frío recurrente con temperaturas de 8 a 10 °C (al inicio de la etapa vegetativa) hasta 13 a 15 °C (durante la floración y maduración) son las que afectan el arroz en Rusia. En California (U.S.A.), al igual que en Uruguay, el desafío relacionado con el clima es el vigor de las plántulas y la tolerancia al frío, tanto en estado vegetativo como en el reproductivo para ganar estabilidad en el rendimiento. En Chile, el país mas austral del mundo donde se cultiva el arroz (Donoso et al., 2014), tiene temperaturas mínimas inferiores a 10 °C durante la etapa vegetativa e inferiores a 15 °C, durante la etapa reproductiva (Donoso et al., 2015). En los distritos del norte de Bangladesh, el arroz se afecta por el frío durante el establecimiento y la etapa reproductiva del cultivo y la mortalidad de las plántulas puede llegar hasta el 90 %. Dos millones de hectáreas de arroz en el norte y el noreste de Bangladesh se han visto afectadas por una fuerte ola de frío que causa pérdidas parciales o totales del cultivo (Rashid y Yasmeen, 2018). Aumentar la producción de arroz en todo el mundo, incrementando la superficie sembrada es altamente improbable, pudiéndose generar un escenario de escasez alimentaria (Khush, 1997). Por ello, la sustentabilidad de la producción de arroz depende del desarrollo de nuevos cultivares de arroz, con rendimientos altos y estables, y tolerantes al frío, entre otros factores

    GT4Py: High Performance Stencils for Weather and Climate Applications using Python

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    All major weather and climate applications are currently developed using languages such as Fortran or C++. This is typical in the domain of high performance computing (HPC), where efficient execution is an important concern. Unfortunately, this approach leads to implementations that intermix optimizations for specific hardware architectures with the high-level numerical methods that are typical for the domain. This leads to code that is verbose, difficult to extend and maintain, and difficult to port to different hardware architectures. Here, we propose a different strategy based on GT4Py (GridTools for Python). GT4Py is a Python framework to write weather and climate applications that includes a high-level embedded domain specific language (DSL) to write stencil computations. The toolchain integrated in GT4Py enables automatic code-generation,to obtain the performance of state-of-the-art C++ and CUDA implementations. The separation of concerns between the mathematical definitions and the actual implementations allows for performance portability of the computations on a wide range of computing architectures, while being embedded in Python allows easy access to the tools of the Python ecosystem to enhance the productivity of the scientists and facilitate integration in complex workflows. Here, the initial release of GT4Py is described, providing an overview of the current state of the framework and performance results showing how GT4Py can outperform pure Python implementations by orders of magnitude.Comment: 12 page

    Activation of the Low Molecular Weight Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase in Keratinocytes Exposed to Hyperosmotic Stress

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    Herein, we provide new contribution to the mechanisms involved in keratinocytes response to hyperosmotic shock showing, for the first time, the participation of Low Molecular Weight Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase (LMWPTP) activity in this event. We reported that sorbitol-induced osmotic stress mediates alterations in the phosphorylation of pivotal cytoskeletal proteins, particularly Src and cofilin. Furthermore, an increase in the expression of the phosphorylated form of LMWPTP, which was followed by an augment in its catalytic activity, was observed. of particular importance, these responses occurred in an intracellular milieu characterized by elevated levels of reduced glutathione (GSH) and increased expression of the antioxidant enzymes glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase. Altogether, our results suggest that hyperosmostic stress provides a favorable cellular environment to the activation of LMWPTP, which is associated with increased expression of antioxidant enzymes, high levels of GSH and inhibition of Src kinase. Finally, the real contribution of LMWPTP in the hyperosmotic stress response of keratinocytes was demonstrated through analysis of the effects of ACP1 gene knockdown in stressed and non-stressed cells. LMWPTP knockdown attenuates the effects of sorbitol induced-stress in HaCaT cells, mainly in the status of Src kinase, Rac and STAT5 phosphorylation and activity. These results describe for the first time the participation of LMWPTP in the dynamics of cytoskeleton rearrangement during exposure of human keratinocytes to hyperosmotic shock, which may contribute to cell death.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Univ Estadual Campinas, Dept Bioquim, Inst Biol, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Bioquim, São Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Estadual Paulista, Dept Quim & Bioquim, IBB, São Paulo, BrazilUniv São Paulo, Dept Genet & Biol Evolut, São Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Fed ABC, Ctr Ciencias Nat & Humanas, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Ciencias Biol, São Paulo, SP, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Bioquim, São Paulo, SP, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Ciencias Biol, São Paulo, SP, BrazilFAPESP: 2006/07315-3CNPq: PQ-2Web of Scienc

    Ocular inflammatory events following COVID-19 vaccination: a multinational case series

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    Background: Inflammatory adverse events following COVID-19 vaccination are being reported amidst the growing concerns regarding vaccine’s immunogenicity and safety, especially in patients with pre-existing inflammatory conditions. Methods: Multinational case series of patients diagnosed with an ocular inflammatory event within 14 days following COVID-19 vaccination collected from 40 centres over a 3 month period in 2021. Results: Seventy patients presented with ocular inflammatory events within 14 days following COVID-19 vaccination. The mean age was 51 years (range, 19–84 years). The most common events were anterior uveitis (n = 41, 58.6%), followed by posterior uveitis (n = 9, 12.9%) and scleritis (n = 7, 10.0%). The mean time to event was 5 days and 6 days (range, 1–14 days) after the first and second dose of vaccine, respectively. Among all patients, 36 (54.1%) had a previous history of ocular inflammatory event. Most patients (n = 48, 68.6%) were managed with topical corticosteroids. Final vision was not affected in 65 (92.9%), whereas 2 (2.9%) and 3 (4.3%) had reduction in visual acuity reduced by ≤3 lines and > 3 lines, respectively. Reported complications included nummular corneal lesions (n = 1, 1.4%), cystoid macular oedema (n = 2, 2.9%) and macular scarring (n = 2, 2.9%). Conclusion: Ocular inflammatory events may occur after COVID-19 vaccination. The findings are based on a temporal association that does not prove causality. Even in the possibility of a causal association, most of the events were mild and had a good visual outcome

    Predictors of Visceral Leishmaniasis Relapse in HIV-Infected Patients: A Systematic Review

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    Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is the most serious form of an insect-transmitted parasitic disease prevalent in 70 countries. The disease is caused by species of the L. donovani complex found in different geographical regions. These parasites have substantially different clinical, drug susceptibility and epidemiological characteristics. According to data from the World Health Organization, the areas where HIV-Leishmania co-infection is distributed are extensive. HIV infection increases the risk of developing VL, reduces the likelihood of a therapeutic response, and greatly increases the probability of relapse. A better understanding of the factors promoting relapses is essential; therefore we performed a systematic review of articles involving all articles assessing the predictors of VL relapse in HIV-infected individuals older than 14 years of age. Out of 178 relevant articles, 18 met the inclusion criteria and in total, data from 1017 patients were analyzed. We identified previous episodes of VL relapse, CD4+ lymphocyte count fewer than 100 cells/mL at VL diagnosis, and the absence of an increase in CD4+ counts at follow-up as major factors associated with VL relapse. Knowledge of relapse predictors can help to identify patients with different degrees of risk, facilitate and direct prophylaxis choices, and aid in patient counseling

    Global human footprint on the linkage between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in reef fishes

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    Copyright: © 2011 Mora et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.Difficulties in scaling up theoretical and experimental results have raised controversy over the consequences of biodiversity loss for the functioning of natural ecosystems. Using a global survey of reef fish assemblages, we show that in contrast to previous theoretical and experimental studies, ecosystem functioning (as measured by standing biomass) scales in a non-saturating manner with biodiversity (as measured by species and functional richness) in this ecosystem. Our field study also shows a significant and negative interaction between human population density and biodiversity on ecosystem functioning (i.e., for the same human density there were larger reductions in standing biomass at more diverse reefs). Human effects were found to be related to fishing, coastal development, and land use stressors, and currently affect over 75% of the world's coral reefs. Our results indicate that the consequences of biodiversity loss in coral reefs have been considerably underestimated based on existing knowledge and that reef fish assemblages, particularly the most diverse, are greatly vulnerable to the expansion and intensity of anthropogenic stressors in coastal areas

    Hyperimmune immunoglobulin for hospitalised patients with COVID-19 (ITAC): a double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 3, randomised trial

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    BACKGROUND: Passive immunotherapy using hyperimmune intravenous immunoglobulin (hIVIG) to SARS-CoV-2, derived from recovered donors, is a potential rapidly available, specific therapy for an outbreak infection such as SARS-CoV-2. Findings from randomised clinical trials of hIVIG for the treatment of COVID-19 are limited. METHODS: In this international randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, hospitalised patients with COVID-19 who had been symptomatic for up to 12 days and did not have acute end-organ failure were randomly assigned (1:1) to receive either hIVIG or an equivalent volume of saline as placebo, in addition to remdesivir, when not contraindicated, and other standard clinical care. Randomisation was stratified by site pharmacy; schedules were prepared using a mass-weighted urn design. Infusions were prepared and masked by trial pharmacists; all other investigators, research staff, and trial participants were masked to group allocation. Follow-up was for 28 days. The primary outcome was measured at day 7 by a seven-category ordinal endpoint that considered pulmonary status and extrapulmonary complications and ranged from no limiting symptoms to death. Deaths and adverse events, including organ failure and serious infections, were used to define composite safety outcomes at days 7 and 28. Prespecified subgroup analyses were carried out for efficacy and safety outcomes by duration of symptoms, the presence of anti-spike neutralising antibodies, and other baseline factors. Analyses were done on a modified intention-to-treat (mITT) population, which included all randomly assigned participants who met eligibility criteria and received all or part of the assigned study product infusion. This study is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT04546581. FINDINGS: From Oct 8, 2020, to Feb 10, 2021, 593 participants (n=301 hIVIG, n=292 placebo) were enrolled at 63 sites in 11 countries; 579 patients were included in the mITT analysis. Compared with placebo, the hIVIG group did not have significantly greater odds of a more favourable outcome at day 7; the adjusted OR was 1·06 (95% CI 0·77–1·45; p=0·72). Infusions were well tolerated, although infusion reactions were more common in the hIVIG group (18·6% vs 9·5% for placebo; p=0·002). The percentage with the composite safety outcome at day 7 was similar for the hIVIG (24%) and placebo groups (25%; OR 0·98, 95% CI 0·66–1·46; p=0·91). The ORs for the day 7 ordinal outcome did not vary for subgroups considered, but there was evidence of heterogeneity of the treatment effect for the day 7 composite safety outcome: risk was greater for hIVIG compared with placebo for patients who were antibody positive (OR 2·21, 95% CI 1·14–4·29); for patients who were antibody negative, the OR was 0·51 (0·29–0·90; pinteraction=0·001). INTERPRETATION: When administered with standard of care including remdesivir, SARS-CoV-2 hIVIG did not demonstrate efficacy among patients hospitalised with COVID-19 without end-organ failure. The safety of hIVIG might vary by the presence of endogenous neutralising antibodies at entry. FUNDING: US National Institutes of Health

    Identification of Brain Nuclei Implicated in Cocaine-Primed Reinstatement of Conditioned Place Preference: A Behaviour Dissociable from Sensitization

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    Relapse prevention represents the primary therapeutic challenge in the treatment of drug addiction. As with humans, drug-seeking behaviour can be precipitated in laboratory animals by exposure to a small dose of the drug (prime). The aim of this study was to identify brain nuclei implicated in the cocaine-primed reinstatement of a conditioned place preference (CPP). Thus, a group of mice were conditioned to cocaine, had this place preference extinguished and were then tested for primed reinstatement of the original place preference. There was no correlation between the extent of drug-seeking upon reinstatement and the extent of behavioural sensitization, the extent of original CPP or the extinction profile of mice, suggesting a dissociation of these components of addictive behaviour with a drug-primed reinstatement. Expression of the protein product of the neuronal activity marker c-fos was assessed in a number of brain regions of mice that exhibited reinstatement (R mice) versus those which did not (NR mice). Reinstatement generally conferred greater Fos expression in cortical and limbic structures previously implicated in drug-seeking behaviour, though a number of regions not typically associated with drug-seeking were also activated. In addition, positive correlations were found between neural activation of a number of brain regions and reinstatement behaviour. The most significant result was the activation of the lateral habenula and its positive correlation with reinstatement behaviour. The findings of this study question the relationship between primed reinstatement of a previously extinguished place preference for cocaine and behavioural sensitization. They also implicate activation patterns of discrete brain nuclei as differentiators between reinstating and non-reinstating mice