1,943 research outputs found

    On dynamical gluon mass generation

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    The effective gluon propagator constructed with the pinch technique is governed by a Schwinger-Dyson equation with special structure and gauge properties, that can be deduced from the correspondence with the background field method. Most importantly the non-perturbative gluon self-energy is transverse order-by-order in the dressed loop expansion, and separately for gluonic and ghost contributions, a property which allows for a meanigfull truncation. A linearized version of the truncated Schwinger-Dyson equation is derived, using a vertex that satisfies the required Ward identity and contains massless poles. The resulting integral equation, subject to a properly regularized constraint, is solved numerically, and the main features of the solutions are briefly discussed.Comment: Special Article - QNP2006: 4th International Conference on Quarks and Nuclear Physics, Madrid, Spain, 5-10 June 200

    Center vortices and confinement vs. screening

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    We study adjoint and fundamental Wilson loops in the center-vortex picture of confinement, for gauge group SU(N) with general N. There are N-1 distinct vortices, whose properties, including collective coordinates and actions, we study. In d=2 we construct a center-vortex model by hand so that it has a smooth large-N limit of fundamental-representation Wilson loops and find, as expected, confinement. Extending an earlier work by the author, we construct the adjoint Wilson-loop potential in this d=2 model for all N, as an expansion in powers of ρ/M2\rho/M^2, where ρ\rho is the vortex density per unit area and M is the vortex inverse size, and find, as expected, screening. The leading term of the adjoint potential shows a roughly linear regime followed by string breaking when the potential energy is about 2M. This leading potential is a universal (N-independent at fixed fundamental string tension KFK_F) of the form (KF/M)U(MR)(K_F/M)U(MR), where R is the spacelike dimension of a rectangular Wilson loop. The linear-regime slope is not necessarily related to KFK_F by Casimir scaling. We show that in d=2 the dilute vortex model is essentially equivalent to true d=2 QCD, but that this is not so for adjoint representations; arguments to the contrary are based on illegal cumulant expansions which fail to represent the necessary periodicity of the Wilson loop in the vortex flux. Most of our arguments are expected to hold in d=3,4 also.Comment: 29 pages, LaTex, 1 figure. Minor changes; references added; discussion of factorization sharpened. Major conclusions unchange

    Power-law running of the effective gluon mass

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    The dynamically generated effective gluon mass is known to depend non-trivially on the momentum, decreasing sufficiently fast in the deep ultraviolet, in order for the renormalizability of QCD to be preserved. General arguments based on the analogy with the constituent quark masses, as well as explicit calculations using the operator-product expansion, suggest that the gluon mass falls off as the inverse square of the momentum, relating it to the gauge-invariant gluon condensate of dimension four. In this article we demonstrate that the power-law running of the effective gluon mass is indeed dynamically realized at the level of the non-perturbative Schwinger-Dyson equation. We study a gauge-invariant non-linear integral equation involving the gluon self-energy, and establish the conditions necessary for the existence of infrared finite solutions, described in terms of a momentum-dependent gluon mass. Assuming a simplified form for the gluon propagator, we derive a secondary integral equation that controls the running of the mass in the deep ultraviolet. Depending on the values chosen for certain parameters entering into the Ansatz for the fully-dressed three-gluon vertex, this latter equation yields either logarithmic solutions, familiar from previous linear studies, or a new type of solutions, displaying power-law running. In addition, it furnishes a non-trivial integral constraint, which restricts significantly (but does not determine fully) the running of the mass in the intermediate and infrared regimes. The numerical analysis presented is in complete agreement with the analytic results obtained, showing clearly the appearance of the two types of momentum-dependence, well-separated in the relevant space of parameters. Open issues and future directions are briefly discussed.Comment: 37 pages, 5 figure

    Center Vortices, Nexuses, and Fractional Topological Charge

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    It has been remarked in several previous works that the combination of center vortices and nexuses (a nexus is a monopole-like soliton whose world line mediates certain allowed changes of field strengths on vortex surfaces) carry topological charge quantized in units of 1/N for gauge group SU(N). These fractional charges arise from the interpretation of the standard topological charge integral as a sum of (integral) intersection numbers weighted by certain (fractional) traces. We show that without nexuses the sum of intersection numbers gives vanishing topological charge (since vortex surfaces are closed and compact). With nexuses living as world lines on vortices, the contributions to the total intersection number are weighted by different trace factors, and yield a picture of the total topological charge as a linking of a closed nexus world line with a vortex surface; this linking gives rise to a non-vanishing but integral topological charge. This reflects the standard 2\pi periodicity of the theta angle. We argue that the Witten-Veneziano relation, naively violating 2\pi periodicity, scales properly with N at large N without requiring 2\pi N periodicity. This reflects the underlying composition of localized fractional topological charge, which are in general widely separated. Some simple models are given of this behavior. Nexuses lead to non-standard vortex surfaces for all SU(N) and to surfaces which are not manifolds for N>2. We generalize previously-introduced nexuses to all SU(N) in terms of a set of fundamental nexuses, which can be distorted into a configuration resembling the 't Hooft-Polyakov monopole with no strings. The existence of localized but widely-separated fractional topological charges, adding to integers only on long distance scales, has implications for chiral symmetry breakdown.Comment: 15 pages, revtex, 6 .eps figure

    On the center-vortex baryonic area law

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    We correct an unfortunate error in an earlier work of the author, and show that in center-vortex QCD (gauge group SU(3)) the baryonic area law is the so-called YY law, described by a minimal area with three surfaces spanning the three quark world lines and meeting at a central Steiner line joining the two common meeting points of the world lines. (The earlier claim was that this area law was a so-called Δ\Delta law, involving three extremal areas spanning the three pairs of quark world lines.) We give a preliminary discussion of the extension of these results to SU(N),N>3SU(N), N>3. These results are based on the (correct) baryonic Stokes' theorem given in the earlier work claiming a Δ\Delta law. The YY-form area law for SU(3) is in agreement with the most recent lattice calculations.Comment: 5 pages, RevTeX4, 5 .eps figure

    Nexus solitons in the center vortex picture of QCD

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    It is very plausible that confinement in QCD comes from linking of Wilson loops to finite-thickness vortices with magnetic fluxes corresponding to the center of the gauge group. The vortices are solitons of a gauge-invariant QCD action representing the generation of gluon mass. There are a number of other solitonic states of this action. We discuss here what we call nexus solitons, in which for gauge group SU(N), up to N vortices meet a a center, or nexus, provided that the total flux of the vortices adds to zero (mod N). There are fundamentally two kinds of nexuses: Quasi-Abelian, which can be described as composites of Abelian imbedded monopoles, whose Dirac strings are cancelled by the flux condition; and fully non-Abelian, resembling a deformed sphaleron. Analytic solutions are available for the quasi-Abelian case, and we discuss variational estimates of the action of the fully non-Abelian nexus solitons in SU(2). The non-Abelian nexuses carry Chern-Simons number (or topological charge in four dimensions). Their presence does not change the fundamentals of confinement in the center-vortex picture, but they may lead to a modified picture of the QCD vacuum.Comment: LateX, 24 pages, 2 .eps figure

    Center Vortices, Nexuses, and the Georgi-Glashow Model

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    In a gauge theory with no Higgs fields the mechanism for confinement is by center vortices, but in theories with adjoint Higgs fields and generic symmetry breaking, such as the Georgi-Glashow model, Polyakov showed that in d=3 confinement arises via a condensate of 't Hooft-Polyakov monopoles. We study the connection in d=3 between pure-gauge theory and the theory with adjoint Higgs by varying the Higgs VEV v. As one lowers v from the Polyakov semi- classical regime v>>g (g is the gauge coupling) toward zero, where the unbroken theory lies, one encounters effects associated with the unbroken theory at a finite value v\sim g, where dynamical mass generation of a gauge-symmetric gauge- boson mass m\sim g^2 takes place, in addition to the Higgs-generated non-symmetric mass M\sim vg. This dynamical mass generation is forced by the infrared instability (in both 3 and 4 dimensions) of the pure-gauge theory. We construct solitonic configurations of the theory with both m,M non-zero which are generically closed loops consisting of nexuses (a class of soliton recently studied for the pure-gauge theory), each paired with an antinexus, sitting like beads on a string of center vortices with vortex fields always pointing into (out of) a nexus (antinexus); the vortex magnetic fields extend a transverse distance 1/m. An isolated nexus with vortices is continuously deformable from the 't Hooft-Polyakov (m=0) monopole to the pure-gauge nexus-vortex complex (M=0). In the pure-gauge M=0 limit the homotopy Π2(SU(2)/U(1))=Z2\Pi_2(SU(2)/U(1))=Z_2 (or its analog for SU(N)) of the 't Hooft monopoles is no longer applicable, and is replaced by the center-vortex homotopy Π1(SU)N)/ZN)=ZN\Pi_1(SU)N)/Z_N)=Z_N.Comment: 27 pages, LaTeX, 3 .eps figure

    On a class of embeddings of massive Yang-Mills theory

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    A power-counting renormalizable model into which massive Yang-Mills theory is embedded is analyzed. The model is invariant under a nilpotent BRST differential s. The physical observables of the embedding theory, defined by the cohomology classes of s in the Faddeev-Popov neutral sector, are given by local gauge-invariant quantities constructed only from the field strength and its covariant derivatives.Comment: LATEX, 34 pages. One reference added. Version published in the journa

    Fixed points and vacuum energy of dynamically broken gauge theories

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    We show that if a gauge theory with dynamical symmetry breaking has non-trivial fixed points, they will correspond to extrema of the vacuum energy. This relationship provides a different method to determine fixed points.Comment: 17 pages, uuencoded latex file, 3 figures, uses epsf and epsfig. Submitted to Mod. Phys. Lett.

    Static three- and four-quark potentials

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    We present results for the static three- and four-quark potentials in SU(3) and SU(4) respectively. Using a variational approach, combined with multi-hit for the time-like links, we determine the ground state of the baryonic string with sufficient accuracy to test the YY- and Δ\Delta- ans\"atze for the baryonic Wilson area law. Our results favor the Δ\Delta ansatz, where the potential is the sum of two-body terms.Comment: Lattice2001(heavyquark