454 research outputs found

    Crispaciones hispánicas (Reflexiones en torno a la terapia antinacionalista de Aurelio Arteta)

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    This is a reply to the criticisms made by Aurelio Arteta in his article «Un nacionalista en apuros» to my essay «Manifiesto nacionalista», both published in this same journal. I answer in detail to the objections laid out by Arteta and I identify this author’s position as a kind of «counter-nationalism» (in the sense defined in my essay): Arteta has to acknowledge the empirical reality of nations (as entities different from States) and, consequently, his rejection of nationalism may only be founded on his rejection of the positive value of cultural diversity (which includes national diversity). Against Arteta, I argue that cultural pluralism, and in particular nationalism is not incompatible with a democratic spirit, nor does it imply any sort of relativism. In the final part of my article I make some brief remarks on the roots of nationalism within the Spanish State.Ésta es una respuesta a la crítica que Aurelio Arteta hace en su artículo «Un nacionalista en apuros» a mi ensayo «Manifiesto nacionalista», ambos aparecidos en esta misma revista. Respondo detalladamente a las objeciones presentadas por Arteta e identifico la posición del autor como la de un «contranacionalista» (en la acepción definida en mi ensayo): Arteta tiene que admitir la realidad empírica de las naciones (como entidades diferentes de los Estados) y, por tanto, su rechazo del nacionalismo sólo puede estar fundado en un rechazo del valor positivo de la diversidad cultural (que contiene la diversidad nacional). Arguyo, en contra de Arteta, que el pluralismo cultural, y en particular el nacionalismo, ni es incompatible con un espíritu democrático, ni conlleva relativismo alguno. En la parte final de mi artículo hago unas breves observaciones sobre las raíces del nacionalismo en el seno del Estado español

    People, Penguins and Petri Dishes: Adapting Object Counting Models To New Visual Domains And Object Types Without Forgetting

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    In this paper we propose a technique to adapt a convolutional neural network (CNN) based object counter to additional visual domains and object types while still preserving the original counting function. Domain-specific normalisation and scaling operators are trained to allow the model to adjust to the statistical distributions of the various visual domains. The developed adaptation technique is used to produce a singular patch-based counting regressor capable of counting various object types including people, vehicles, cell nuclei and wildlife. As part of this study a challenging new cell counting dataset in the context of tissue culture and patient diagnosis is constructed. This new collection, referred to as the Dublin Cell Counting (DCC) dataset, is the first of its kind to be made available to the wider computer vision community. State-of-the-art object counting performance is achieved in both the Shanghaitech (parts A and B) and Penguins datasets while competitive performance is observed on the TRANCOS and Modified Bone Marrow (MBM) datasets, all using a shared counting model.Comment: 10 page

    Teatro histórico de las Iglesias del Reino de Aragón. Tomo V: Estado antiguo de la Santa Iglesia de Huesca. [Reseña]

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    Reseña de: Ramón de Huesca, Teatro histórico de las Iglesias del Reino de Aragón. Tomo V: Estado antiguo de la Santa Iglesia de Huesca, edición facsímil con prólogos de Manuel Iglesias Costa y Agustín Ubieto Arteta, e índices de Isidoro Gracia, Instituto de Estudios Altoaragoneses-Diputación de Huesca, Huesca 2007, XV + 531 pp


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    The reflections that I will present on Luis Eduardo Nieto Arteta will be limited to the analysis of his jusphilosophical contribution in the work "The Interpretation of legal norms."I'll start that analysis by trying to put Nieto in context with his time. For this I start from a mandatory reference, the date on which it is estimated that this work was published, that is, in 1945.With this essay that I put for your consideration, I try to establish, in the first place, in retrospect, what themes of the Philosophical Hermeneutics that we know today, and that due to his time, Nieto Arteta was not obliged to knowLas reflexiones que seguidamente expondré sobre Luis Eduardo Nieto Arteta se circunscribirán al análisis de su aporte jusfilosófico en la obra “La Interpretación de las normas jurídicas.” Empezaré ese análisis tratando de poner a Nieto en contexto con su tiempo. Para ello parto de un referente obligado, la fecha en que se estima fue publicada esa obra, esto es, en 1945. Con este ensayo que pongo a consideración de ustedes, intento establecer, en primer lugar, en retrospectiva, qué temáticas de la Hermenéutica Iusfilosófica que hoy conocemos, y que por razón de su tiempo, Nieto Arteta no estaba obligado a conoce

    Un privilegio del amor

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    Mensajes bajo un mismo cielo. Luis Eduardo Nieto Arteta. Ediciones Gobernación del Atlántico, Barranquilla. 1994, 107 págs

    Carta abierta a los Directores de Isegoría

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    Flexibilidad de las formas

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    Flexibility of the forms proposes an approach to “Dynamic sculptures to wear on the head” of Javier Arteta, by way of an itinerary through the functions and the symbolic value of the hat. We come near to Arteta his attending to the study of the form, the sculptural treatment of the space and the materials used in its process. This itinerary will help us to verify the location of the author´s work, that is placed in the intersection of realities inspired upon and mutually nourishing themselves, making patent in all cases knowledge, sensibility, experience, and subtletyinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Pedro Bueno y su vinculación a las academias

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