101 research outputs found

    Consumer visual appraisal and shelf life of leg chops from suckling kids raised with natural milk or milk replacer

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    BACKGROUND: The use of milk replacers to feed suckling kids could affect the shelf life and appearance of the meat. Leg chops were evaluated by consumers and the instrumental color was measured. A machine learning algorithm was used to relate them. The aim of this experiment was to study the shelf life of the meat of kids reared with dam's milk or milk replacers and to ascertain which illuminant and instrumental color variables are used by consumers as criteria to evaluate that visual appraisal. RESULTS: Meat from kids reared with milk replacers was more valuable and had a longer shelf life than meat from kids reared with natural milk. Consumers used the color of the whole surface of the leg chop to assess the appearance of meat. Lightness and hue angle were the prime cues used to evaluate the appearance of meat. CONCLUSION: Illuminant D65 was more useful for relating the visual appraisal with the instrumental color using a machine learning algorithm. The machine learning algorithms showed that the underlying rules used by consumers to evaluate the appearance of suckling kid meat are not at all linear and can be computationally schematized into a simple algorithm

    Evaluación sensorial de quesos españoles y portugueses

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    Con el objetivo de evaluar sensorialmente algunos quesos portugueses y españoles, se realizaron dos evaluaciones distintas: una degustación realizada de forma rápida e informal de 9 quesos diferentes (4 españoles y 5 portugueses), y una evaluación sensorial individual de 8 quesos diferentes (4 españoles y 4 portugueses). En la prueba de degustación el atributo Sabor es el menos consensual entre los consumidores. Cuanto a la evaluación sensorial, los quesos españoles presentaron una mayor homogeneidad en los resultados, y fueron mejor evaluados globalmente. Aparentemente, los catadores españoles son más sensibles a la intensidad del olor y del sabor de los quesos, lo que podrá estar relacionado con el tipo de quesos que los consumidores españoles y portugueses consumen habitualmente. Las catadoras parecen más sensibles a la intensidad del olor del queso que los catadores, lo que está de acuerdo con las referencias sobre la mayor sensibilidad de las mujeres a los olores, justificada en términos evolutivos por su comportamiento reproductivo y maternal. En lo que respeta a las diferencias observadas entre quesos portugueses y españoles, éstas se pueden deber a diferencias tecnológicas entre los procesos productivos

    Bulk TiCxN1-x-15%Co cermets obtained by direct spark plasma sintering of mechanochemical synthesized powders

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    TiCxN1-x-15 wt.%Co cermets were obtained by a mechanically induced self-sustaining reaction (MSR) and sintered by spark plasma sintering (SPS) technique at different temperatures (1200-1400 degrees C) for 1 min in vacuum under a uniaxial load of 80 MPa. The evolution of microstructure and mechanical properties was investigated. SPS allowed high densification with limited grain growth at a relatively low temperature. Material sintered at 1300 degrees C showed a good combination of mechanical properties with Vickers hardness of 17.1 +/- 0.5 GPa, fracture toughness of 5.51 +/- 0.29 MPa m(1/2) and bending strength of 904 +/- 12 MPa. Lower sintering temperature resulted in a decrease in bending strength due to poor cohesion between the ceramic and binder phases. An increase in sintering temperature would allow tailoring the cermet microstructure and, therefore, adjusting the Vickers hardness/fracture toughness relation. Crown Copyright (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.This work was supported by the Spanish Government under grant (MAT2011-22981), which is financed in part by the European Regional Development Fund of 2007-2013. A. Borrell acknowledges the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation for her "Juan de la Cierva" contract (JCI-2011-10498).Borrell Tomás, MA.; Salvador Moya, MD.; Rocha, VG.; Fernandez, A.; Angel Aviles, M.; Gotor, FJ. (2012). Bulk TiCxN1-x-15%Co cermets obtained by direct spark plasma sintering of mechanochemical synthesized powders. Materials Research Bulletin. 47(12):4487-4490. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.materresbull.2012.09.066S44874490471

    Ontoantropología del orden jurídico

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    This article is part of our graduate monography “Anthropology of Law”. In this chapter we make reference to the human or individual act and how its consequences transform it into a social act, and that this is what influences the right to stipulate appropriate behavior that one should abide by in society and other types of behaviors which are not allowed and even sanctioned. Ontology of law is examined since ontological realities are conducts themselves, social acts and the law take these conducts and turn them into regulations. This regulations surface, due to constant social interaction and the law institutionalizes this before mentioned in favor of the means of life. Supporting the creation of rules and regulations on behalf of a legislator became an evolutionary advantage during the humanization, making life more secure. Existence Our first purpose is to promote an investigative is our fundamental or planetarian right as noted by Morin, in which all general principals and historic positive regulation have been included. culture in the university and to reflect upon or analyze theoretical principles of law, this being the backbone but which have been camouflaged by positivism. Our ideas have been shared with the public at different events of the Law Faculty, held by Red COLSI and during law and organized investigative workshops by different universities at which we have presented our research.Este artículo hace parte de nuestra monografía de grado “La Ontoantropología del Derecho”. En este capítulo hacemos referencia al acto humano individual y cómo las consecuencias que éste produce lo transforman en un acto social y es aquí donde incide el Derecho, al estipular los comportamientos que se deben tener en una vida en sociedad y cuáles comportamientos no son permitidos e incluso sancionados. Se examina la Ontología del Derecho, pues lo que tiene realidad ontológica son las conductas, el acto social, y el Derecho las toma y convierte en normatividad. Las normas emergen desde la interacción social constante y el Derecho las institucionaliza en pro del cumplimiento de los fines de la vida. Sostenemos que la creación de normas por parte del legislador tiene un antecedente apriorístico que surge como una ventaja evolutiva en el periodo de hominización para dar seguridad a la vida. De aquí deducimos la existencia de un Derecho Uno, o planetario, como lo llama Morin, donde se hallan inscritos los principios generales de toda normatividad positiva histórica. Como primer propósito, buscamos fomentar la cultura investigativa en la universidad y reflexionar los presupuestos teóricos del Derecho que son su columna vertebral, pero que han sido invisibilizados por el positivismo. Nuestras ideas las hemos expuesto en los diferentes eventos que realiza la RedCOLSI, las jornadas en materia de Derecho o investigación organizadas por las diferentes universidades de la ciudad, en las que hemos presentado y socializado nuestros avances de investigación al interior de nuestra Facultad de Derecho

    A transfer matrix method for the analysis of fractal quantum potentials

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    The scattering properties of quantum particles on fractal potentials at different stages of fractal growth are obtained by means of the transfer matrix method. This approach can be easily adopted for project assignments in introductory quantum mechanics for undergraduates. The reflection coefficients for both the fractal potential and the finite periodic potential are calculated and compared. It is shown that the reflection coefficient for the fractal has a self-similar structure associated with the fractal distribution of the potential

    Archaeoseismological Evidence of Seismic Damage at Medina Azahara (Córdoba, Spain) from the Early 11th Century

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    The “Caliphal City of Medina Azahara” was built in 936–937 CE or 940–941 CE (depending on the source) by the first Caliph of al-Andalus Abd al-Rahman III, being recently inscribed (2018) on the UNESCO World Heritage List. The abandonment and destruction of the city have been traditionally related to the civil war (“fitna”) that started between 1009 and 1010 CE. However, we cannot rule out other causes for the rapid depopulation and plundering of the city just a few decades after its foundation. The archaeoseismological study provides the first clues on the possible role played by an earthquake in the sudden abandonment and ruin of the city. Eleven different types of Earthquake Archaeological Effects (EAEs) have been identified, such as dropped key stones in arches, tilted walls, conjugated fractures in brick-made walls, conjugated fractures and folds in regular pavements and dipping broken corners in columns, among others. Besides that, 163 structural measures on EAEs were surveyed resulting in a mean ground movement direction of N140°–160° E. This geological structural analysis clearly indicates a building-oriented damage, which can be reasonably attributed to an earthquake that devastated Medina Azahara during the 11st or 12th centuries CE. If this were the case, two strong earthquakes (≥VIII MSK/EMS) occurred in 1024–1025 CE and 1169–1170 CE could be the suspected causative events of the damage and destruction of the cit

    Acción de tutela y barreras de acceso a servicios de salud en labio y/o paladar hendido

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    La investigación busca identificar barreras de acceso a servicios de salud para la atención integral de pacientes con labio y/o paladar hendido (LPH) a partir del análisis de acciones de tutela relacionadas con esta condición en un periodo de veinte años: 1994-2014. Se identificaron tutelas interpuestas por familiares de niños con LPH; se construyó una matriz para organizar los datos más relevantes (motivos de tutela, fallo y consideraciones para este); posteriormente, se hizo un análisis para identificar las barreras y la manera como la justicia resuelve la solicitud. En total, se analizaron once fallos de tutela. El principal motivo para interponerlas fue la negación por parte de la entidad promotora de salud de tratamientos para LPH por no encontrarse incluidos en el plan de atención en salud (catalogados como estéticos) o por falta de infraestructura para su atención. Cinco de ellas fueron negadas por razones administrativas o procedimentales, por dificultades en la afiliación a una entidad de salud o porque cesaron los efectos que motivaron la tutela. En las tutelas aceptadas, se obliga a realizar la atención integral, considerando la garantía del derecho a la salud en conexidad con los derechos a la vida, la dignidad y los derechos de los niños. Conclusión: la principal barrera de atención para pacientes con LPH se relaciona con el hecho de que algunos tratamientos no están incluidos en el plan de atención en salud de Colombia; por tanto la acción de tutela, a la luz del derecho a la salu

    Los desafíos del cambio : investigación en diseño

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    1 archivo PDF (194 páginas)Aborda los desafíos del cambio y la investigación en diseño - a 30 años de distancia de la creación de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana y de ejercer la figura de profesor investigador, signo distintivo de nuestra Institución -trata los cambios y desafíos que se han presentado durante este tiempo, con relación a su objeto de estudio, la manera como se concibe y realiza la investigación, como en la práctica se ha dado - o no- el binomio investigación docencia y cómo se enfrentan las dificultades y las soluciones que han tomado los profesores-investigadores

    Cardiometabolic characterization in metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease

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    BackgroundTo better understand the patient's heterogeneity in fatty liver disease (FLD), metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease (MAFLD) was proposed by international experts as a new nomenclature for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). We aimed to evaluate the cardiovascular risk, assessed through coronary artery calcium (CAC) and epicardial adipose tissue (EAT), of patients without FLD and patients with FLD and its different subtypes. MethodsCross sectional study of 370 patients. Patients with FLD were divided into 4 groups: FLD without metabolic dysfunction (non-MD FLD), MAFLD and the presence of overweight/obesity (MAFLD-OW), MAFLD and the presence of two metabolic abnormalities (MAFLD-MD) and MAFLD and the presence of T2D (MAFLD-T2D). MAFLD-OW included two subgroups: metabolically healthy obesity (MHO) and metabolically unhealthy obesity (MUHO). The patients without FLD were divided into 2 groups: patients without FLD and without MD (non-FLD nor MD; reference group) and patients without FLD but with MD (non-FLD with MD). EAT and CAC (measured through the Agatston Score) were determined by computed tomography. ResultsCompared with the reference group (non-FLD nor MD), regarding EAT, patients with MAFLD-T2D and MAFLD-MUHO had the highest risk for CVD (OR 15.87, 95% CI 4.26-59.12 and OR 17.60, 95% CI 6.71-46.20, respectively), patients with MAFLD-MHO were also at risk for CVD (OR 3.62, 95% CI 1.83-7.16), and patients with non-MD FLD did not have a significantly increased risk (OR 1.77; 95% CI 0.67-4.73). Regarding CAC, patients with MAFLD-T2D had an increased risk for CVD (OR 6.56, 95% CI 2.18-19.76). Patients with MAFLD-MUHO, MAFLD-MHO and non-MD FLD did not have a significantly increased risk compared with the reference group (OR 2.54, 95% CI 0.90-7.13; OR 1.84, 95% CI 0.67-5.00 and OR 2.11, 95% CI 0.46-9.74, respectively). ConclusionMAFLD-T2D and MAFLD-OW phenotypes had a significant risk for CVD. MAFLD new criteria reinforced the importance of identifying metabolic phenotypes in populations as it may help to identify patients with higher CVD risk and offer a personalized therapeutic management in a primary prevention setting