100 research outputs found

    Atendimento educacional às crianças hospitalizadas: estratégias pedagógicas para a efetivação do direito à educação

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    This research had as main purpose analyzing the national publications, in the period of 2010/2017, aiming to search for the main pedagogical strategies used by teachers/pedagogues onto the realization by right educational attendance of hospitalized children. Also, the research had as specific aims: a) describe the profiles of brazilian publications about educational services for hospitalized children; b) identify how the curricular adaptations for the educational attendance of hospitalized children occur; and c) verify the main pedagogical strategies used for the realization of the right to schooling process continuity in hospitalized children. To answer these aims, we chose to carry out a state-of-the-knowledge research, being the publications analyzed from the techniques of content analysis . The sources used to realize the research were the IBICT (Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia) database and the SciElo (Scientific Electronic Library) database, with search descriptors "school attendance of hospitalized children" and "pedagogical strategies in the hospital", with the time cut from 2010 to 2017. As a result we highlight: in relation to the profile of publications, the academic modality that most presented productions on the topic of Educational Attention in Hospitals was the stricto sensu post-graduation, the Master's degree, and from these emerged thematic categories: curriculum; contributions and significations of educational attendance in hospitals; pedagogical strategies; and teacher training. Regarding the curricular adaptations, the importance of these was evident. The teacher/pedagogue should plan the contents to be addressed, the activities to be carried out, as well as the pedagogical strategies that will use, considering the specificities and the clinical status of the students / patients, since these aspects directly influence the learning of these subjects. Regarding the main pedagogical strategies, one understands the relevance of the same ones and it has been verified that those used more frequently are: playfulness and the Art, the TICs and the practical activities, like experiments and observations. In this way, we conclude that the presence of the teacher/pedagogue in the hospital environment is of great importance, since it assists in the realization of the right to continuity of the schooling process of the student who is hospitalized, being able to contribute also in aspects beyond the scholar, for example in social and emotional aspects. Still, some scientific-thematic gaps have been evidenced that can be deepened from new researches: the relation of the school of the hospital and the regular school of the student / patient; student / patient evaluation; continuing teacher / teacher education; the social representation of the teacher / pedagogue in the hospital; complementary training / qualification for "attentive or empathic listening".Esta pesquisa teve como principal objetivo analisar as publicações nacionais, no período de 2010/2017, visando a busca pelas principais estratégias pedagógicas utilizadas pelos professores/pedagogos para a efetivação do direito do atendimento educacional de crianças hospitalizadas. Ainda, a pesquisa teve como objetivos específicos: a) descrever os perfis das publicações brasileiras sobre atendimento educacional de crianças hospitalizadas; b) identificar como ocorrem as adaptações curriculares para o atendimento educacional das crianças hospitalizadas; e c) verificar as principais estratégias pedagógicas utilizadas para a efetivação do direito à continuidade do processo de escolarização de crianças hospitalizadas. Para responder a estes objetivos, optou-se por realizar uma pesquisa do tipo estado do conhecimento, sendo que as publicações foram analisadas a partir das técnicas de análise de conteúdo. As fontes utilizadas para realizar a pesquisa foram o banco de dados IBICT do (Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia) e do SciElo (Biblioteca Eletrônica Científica), tendo como descritores de busca “atendimento escolar de crianças hospitalizadas” e “estratégias pedagógicas no hospital”, com o recorte temporal de 2010 até 2017. Como resultados destaca-se: em relação ao perfil das publicações, a modalidade acadêmica que mais apresentou produções sobre o tema Atendimento educacional nos hospitais foi a pós-graduação stricto sensu, o Mestrado, e destas surgiram categorias temáticas: currículo; contribuições e significações do atendimento educacional nos hospitais; estratégias pedagógicas; e formação dos professores. Sobre as adaptações curriculares, ficou evidente a sua importância. O professor/pedagogo planeja os conteúdos a serem abordados, as atividades a serem realizadas, bem como as estratégias pedagógicas que utilizará, considerando as especificidades e o estado clínico dos alunos/pacientes, já que esses aspectos influenciam diretamente na aprendizagem desses sujeitos. A respeito das principais estratégias pedagógicas, compreende-se a sua relevância e constatou-se que as utilizadas com mais frequência são: a ludicidade, a Arte, as TICs e as atividades práticas, como experimentos e observações. Dessa forma, conclui-se, que a presença do professor/pedagogo no ambiente hospitalar é importante, pois ele auxilia na efetivação do direito à continuidade do processo de escolarização do aluno que se encontra hospitalizado, podendo contribuir também em aspectos além do escolarizante, por exemplo em aspectos sociais e emocionais. Ainda, evidenciou-se algumas lacunas científicas – temáticas – que podem ser aprofundadas a partir de novas pesquisas: a relação da classe hospitalar e a escola regular do aluno/paciente; avaliação dos alunos/pacientes; a formação continuada do professor/pedagogo; a representação social do professor/pedagogo no hospital; formação/capacitação complementar para a “escuta atenta ou empática”


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    Characterization of drug poisonings registered in a toxicological information center of Piauí from 2007 to 2012

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    Objective: To characterize the profile of drug poisoning reported in a Toxicological Information Center of Piauí in the period from 2007 to 2012. Method: Data were collected through questionnaires of the National Poisoning Information System, through the analysis of the records of drug intoxication reported in the period 2007-2012 by the Toxicological Information Center of Piauí and were analyzed using the programs Microsoft Excel 2007 and GraphPad Prism 5. Results: There were 503 drug poisonings, which were more frequent in females, children and young adults in urban areas. Individual accidents and suicide attempts were the mains causes and benzodiazepines were the most common drugs. Conclusion: The data found in this study are consistent with results from other Brazilian studies onthe subject

    Pontos de corte da mMRC e do CAT para predizer exacerbações a curto prazo em pessoas com DPOC

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    Introduction: Research on prediction and prevention of acute ex-acerbations in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (AECOPD) has become a priority since these events are frequent and have a negative impact on health status and disease progression. Dyspnoea and poor health status, which can be assessed with the modified Medical Research Council dyspnoea questionnaire (mMRC) and the COPD assessment test (CAT), respectively, have been as-sociated with an increased risk of AECOPD. Cut-off scores for pre-diction of AECOPD are, however, lacking for use in clinical practice.Objectives: To identify the cut-off scores of the mMRC and the CAT for determining risk of an AECOPD in the subsequent month.Methods: An observational, prospective study was conducted in people with COPD. At inclusion, people with COPD had to be clini-cally stable for at least 1 month, i.e., no hospital admissions, AE-COPD or changes in respiratory medication in the last month. Age, sex and lung function were collected cross-sectionally, at baseline, and participants were followed monthly for six months. Follow-up assessments included the mMRC, the CAT and the occurrence of an AECOPD in the previous month. Differences between people who suffered an AECOPD and those who did not suffer an AECOPD were explored with independent t-tests. Receiver operating characteris-tic analysis was performed and the area under the curve (AUC), sensitivity, specificity and accuracy were calculated. The optimal cut-off points were identified by the highest Younden index.Results: In total, 139 people with COPD (67.6 ± 8.8 years; 83.5% male; FEV1 53.6 ± 22.1% predicted) participated. From these, 35 (25.2%) suffered an AECOPD during follow-up. People suffering an AECOPD were older (70.3 ± 9.7 vs. 66.7 ± 8.3 years, p = 0.033) and had worse lung function (FEV1 43.3 ± 13.6 vs. 57.7 ± 23.2%predicted, p < 0.001) than participants who did not suffer an AECOPD. Cut-off scores of 1.5 for the mMRC (AUC = 0.67; 95%CI 0.57-0.76; 71.4% sen-sitivity; 53.8% specificity; accuracy = 0.58) and 16.5 for the CAT total score (AUC = 0.65; 95%CI 0.55-0.75; 45.7% sensitivity; 78.8% specific-ity; accuracy = 0.71) were found to discriminate between people who suffered or not an AECOPD in the subsequent month.Conclusions: The mMRC and the CAT are simple questionnaires with an acceptable discriminative ability and good accuracy in predicting short-term AECOPD. Cut-off scores of 1.5 in the mMRC and 16.5 in the CAT total score may be used to help detecting people with COPD at an increased risk of suffering an AECOPD. The screening of these questionnaires in routine clinical appointments may support clini-cians in identifying people at risk of an AECOPD and thus, possibly contribute to the implementation of timely cost-effective preven-tive strategies.publishe

    Chitosan coating functionalized with flaxseed oil and green tea extract as a bio-based solution for beef preservation

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    Ecological and safe packaging solutions arise as pivotal points in the development of an integrated system for sustainable meat production. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of a combined chitosan (Ch) + green tea extract (GTE) + essential oil (thyme oil, TO; flaxseed oil, FO; or oregano oil, OO) coating on the safety and quality of vacuum-packaged beef during storage at 4 °C. An optimized bio-based coating formulation was selected (2% Ch + 2% GTE + 0.1% FO) to be applied to three fresh beef cuts (shoulder, Sh; knuckle, Kn; Striploin, St) based on its pH (5.8 ± 0.1), contact angle (22.3 ± 0.4°) and rheological parameters (viscosity=0.05 Pa.s at shear rate > 20 s−1). Shelf-life analysis showed that the Ch–GTE–FO coating delayed lipid oxidation and reduced total viable counts (TVC) and Enterobacteriaceae growth compared with uncoated beef samples over five days. In addition, Ch–GTE–FO coating decreased total color changes of beef samples (e.g., ∆E*=9.84 and 3.94, for non-coated and coated Kn samples, respectively) for up to five days. The original textural parameters (hardness, adhesiveness and springiness) of beef cuts were maintained during storage when Ch–GTE–FO coating was applied. Based on the physicochemical and microbial characterization results, the combination of the Ch–GTE–FO coating developed was effective in preserving the quality of fresh beef cuts during refrigerated storage along with vacuum packaging.This research was funded by ETHICAL MEAT—Integrated System for Sustainable Meat Production project (POCI-01-0247-FEDER-072254), co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through Compete 2020–Competitiveness and Internationalisation Operational Programme (POCI). This work was also financially supported by FCT under the scope of the strategic funding of UIDB/04469/2020 unit, and by LABBELS—Associate Laboratory in Biotechnology, Bioengineering and Microelectromechanical Systems, LA/P/0029/2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Introdução: O tratamento de feridas tem sido uma temática com crescente interesse pelas envolventes que comporta, tanto ao nível físico como psicossocial, pelos custos associados ao tratamento e pelo stress causado na pessoa, na família e no sistema de saúde. A Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) considera esta temática como uma epidemia pela elevada prevalência. Em Portugal, os dados epidemiológicos são limitados mas estima-se que haja 3,3 portadores de ferida por mil habitantes. A presente revisão narrativa tem como objetivo contribuir para clarificar a abordagem ao tratamento da ferida complexa à luz das novas guidelines emitidas pela European Wound Management Association (EWMA). Material e Métodos: Foi efectuada uma revisão narrativa sobre os aspectos actuais da abordagem à ferida complexa ou de difícil cicatrização, (ferida que não regride em 40–50% da sua dimensão em 4 semanas). Efectuou-se uma pesquisa bibliográfica na Pubmed e nos últimos documentos de consenso elaborados pela EWMA (European Wound Management Association) a qual foi integrada na experiência dos autores no tratamento deste tipo de doentes. Resultados: A abordagem da ferida complexa deve ser sistemática e sistematizada, em equipa multidisciplinar, mediada por um gestor de ferida, e em centros dedicados ao tratamento da mesma. O portador de ferida deve estar no centro dos cuidados como parceiro o que requer por parte dos profissionais de saúde formação na capacitação da pessoa/família/cuidador. O controlo de infeção associado ao tratamento de feridas deve envolver intervenções simples e pouco onerosas, mas muito importantes, como a higienização das mãos, a utilização de equipamentos de proteção individual dos profissionais e dos utentes e uma boa gestão das salas de tratamento. As terapias mais avançadas baseiam-se em novos princípios e tecnologias ou em novas aplicações de princípios e tecnologias já consolidados e a sua utilização deve ser baseada na evidência. Os algoritmos em saúde são instrumentos de apoio à decisão clínica na presença de situações complexas e apresenta- se uma proposta de algoritmo para o tratamento de ferida complexa. Conclusão: A abordagem da ferida complexa deve englobar aspectos multifatoriais e a escolha de terapias avançadas deve ser criteriosa tendo em conta o custo

    Distribution, threats and conservation of the White-collared Kite (Leptodon forbesi, Accipitridae), the most threatened raptor in the Neotropics

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    The White-collared Kite (Leptodon forbesi) is an endemic and threatened raptor of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Here we present the known records of the species, describe the vegetation types where it was found and show Ecological Niche Models generated using Maxent algorithm. Most of the presence data were recorded in open ombrophilous forest and seasonal semideciduous forest in the states of Alagoas and Pernambuco. Maxent model had a good performance (AUC&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.982&nbsp;±&nbsp;0.004&nbsp;SD), showing higher suitability for the species from Paraíba to Alagoas states. Maxent average model revealed a distribution range of 20,344&nbsp;km² and an area of occupancy of 1,636.89&nbsp;km². The most suitable areas for the species are those near watercourses and streams. We suggest the creation of protected areas, including private ones, and possible restoration actions to connect the most suitable forest fragments, along with the captive breeding, as the most appropriate strategies for the conservation of the White-collared Kite.O gavião-de-pescoço-branco (Leptodon forbesi) é uma ave de rapina endêmica e ameaçada de extinção da Mata Atlântica Brasileira. Apresentamos aqui uma compilação dos registros sobre esta espécie, bem como o tipo de vegetação onde ele ocorre. Foram gerados modelos de nicho ecológico com o algoritmo Maxent, sendo estimada a área potencial com adequabilidade para o táxon através da medida da extensão da ocorrência e da área de ocupação. A maioria dos registros da espécie está concentrada nos estados de Alagoas e Pernambuco, principalmente na floresta ombrófila aberta (15 registros) e na floresta estacional semidecidual (12 registros). O modelo Maxent apresentou um bom desempenho (AUC = 0,982 ± 0,004 DP), mostrando alta probabilidade de ocorrência nos estados da Paraíba a Alagoas. Com base no modelo, a área de distribuição geográfica foi estimada em 20.344 km2 e a área de ocupação em 1.636,89 km2. As áreas com maior adequabilidade para a espécie estão próximas aos cursos d’água e córregos, sendo favorecidas principalmente pelas variáveis relacionadas à pluviometria. Como estratégia de conservação nós recomendamos a criação de novas Unidades de Conservação, principalmente RPPNs

    Experiences of motherhood in university students in Brazil: a qualitative study

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    Introduction: The women’s rise to higher education contrasts with the phenomenon of motherhood, since it instigates changes in various contexts, whether physiological or emotional, and directly affects the way of life and routine of those women, resulting in a constant conflict between motherhood and academic career. In this sense, the student has to restructure responsibilities and behaviors, as well as requires family support and laws that support her in this period. Objectives: To describe the experiences of motherhood in university students, and to identify the strategies developed by university students to adapt motherhood with academic routine. Methods: This is a descriptive, exploratory and qualitative research carried out in a private University Center in Brazil. The participants were ten Nursing undergraduate students, regularly enrolled and who experienced motherhood during the academic term. Data were collected during August and September 2019, through a recorded interview using a semi-structured form. For the treatment and analysis of the data, the Collective Subject Discourse was used. The study followed the ethical precepts and was approved by the ethics committee (opinion n. 3.419.572). Results: The participants’ discourses gave rise to four central ideas: Feelings experienced from the discovery of pregnancy; The discovery of pregnancy and the decision to continue the course; Support relationships as a decisive factor for the non-abandonment of the course and Strategies to reconcile motherhood with academic routine. The main key expressions identified in the discourses were: joy, fear, insecurity, anguish, concern, distress, anger, sadness, interrupting, giving up, taking time off from the course, not taking time off from the course, family support, support from friends, support from the institution, adjusting schedules, studying while my child sleeps, family help, taking the baby to college, storing milk while breastfeeding. Conclusion: The analysis of the discourses revealed that the experience of motherhood in the university sphere is marked by a combination of different feelings, and by an important process of adaptations to the new moment, since there is a reflection and indecision about the continuity of the academic trajectory. The reports also highlight the importance of family, institutional and friend support, such as a support network of incentive to the care with the child, as well as the use of strategies to reconcile academic routine with motherhood.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Construindo uma política de formação para o orientador pedagógico da rede municipal de ensino de Presidente Prudente/SP: A parceria SEDUC e UNESP

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    In the organization of President Prudente Municipal Net of Education, the existence of a professional responsible for the organization of the teachers continued formation process at school unit is foreseen. Initially assigned as Nucleus Coordinator and later Pedagogical Counselor, this professional had its function ruled by the Statute of the Municipal Public Teaching of 1999, that defined the requirements for this function exercise, and by the Common Regiment of Municipal Schools of 2000, that defined as its primordial attribution the organization, coordination and counseling in the process of continued formation within the school unit. Under this scene, since the year of 2005, it was developed a framework whose basic axle was a diagnosis trying to identify the profile of the Pedagogical Counselors and teachers who operate County´s Education Net towards the organization and construction of the continued formation project in service at school units, whose horizon is the quality improvement of the pedagogical work of the above actors. To achieve this work, it was initially proceeded the reading, discussion and reflection of texts that approached the identity construction of this professional. Later, the indications of the Ministry of Education on the organization of the work of continued formation at the school, contained in the document called Reference for professors’ formation were presented (2002). Based on these indications, the group of Pedagogical Counselors of the County’s Education Net, in periodical meetings, has searched the construction of their own reference as a guideline to the construction of continued formation projects in service at school unitsEn la organización de la Red Municipal de Educación de Presidente Prudente está prevista la presencia de un profesional responsable por la organización del proceso de formación continua de los profesores de la Unidad Escolar. Inicialmente denominado como Coordinador del Núcleo y posteriormente como Asesor Pedagógico, este profesional tiene su función reglamentada por el Estatuto del Magisterio Público Municipal de 1999, que define los requisitos para el ejercicio de la función y por el Regimiento Común de las Escuelas Municipales de 2000, que define como atribución principal la organización, coordinación y orientación del proceso de formación continua dentro de la unidad escolar. Dentro de este contexto, desde el año de 2005, realizamos un trabajo cuyo eje principal es un diagnóstico buscando identificar el perfil de los Asesores Pedagógicos y de los profesores que actúan en la Red Municipal con el intuito de organizar y construir el proyecto de formación continua para el servicio en las unidades escolares, cuyo horizonte es mejorar la calidad del trabajo pedagógico de los referidos autores. Para la realización del trabajo, se procedió inicialmente a la lectura, discusión y reflexión de textos que abordan la construcción de la identidad de este profesional. Posteriormente fueron presentadas las indicaciones del Ministerio de Educación sobre la organización del trabajo de formación continua dentro de la escuela, contenido en el documento denominado Referencial para la formación de profesores (2002). A partir de estas indicaciones, el conjunto de Asesores Pedagógicos da la Red Municipal, en reuniones periódicas buscaron la construcción de una referencia propia que se constituya como directriz para la construcción de los proyectos de formación continua para el servicio de las Unidades Escolares.Na organização da Rede Municipal de Ensino de Presidente Prudente é prevista a existência de um profissional responsável pela organização do processo de formação continuada dos professores na Unidade Escolar. Inicialmente designado como Coordenador de Núcleo e posteriormente Orientador Pedagógico, este profissional teve sua função regulamentada pelo Estatuto do Magistério Público Municipal de 1999, que definiu os requisitos para o exercício da função e pelo Regimento Comum das Escolas Municipais de 2000 que definiu como sua atribuição primordial a organização, coordenação e orientação do processo de formação continuada no interior da unidade escolar. Tendo em vista este cenário, desde o ano de 2005, foi desenvolvido um trabalho cujo eixo fundamental é um diagnóstico buscando identificar o perfil dos Orientadores Pedagógicos e dos professores atuantes na Rede Municipal com vista à organização e construção do projeto de formação continuada em serviço nas unidades escolares cujo horizonte é a melhoria da qualidade do trabalho pedagógico dos referidos atores. Para a consecução do trabalho procedeu-se inicialmente à leitura, discussão e reflexão de textos que abordavam a construção de identidade deste profissional. Posteriormente, foram apresentadas as indicações do Ministério da Educação sobre a organização do trabalho de formação continuada no interior da escola, contido no documento denominado Referencial para formação de professores (2002). A partir destas indicações, o conjunto de Orientadores Pedagógicos da Rede Municipal, em reuniões periódicas tem buscado a construção de um referencial próprio que se constitua como diretriz para a construção dos projetos de formação continuada em serviço nas Unidades Escolares