22 research outputs found

    Trabajo autónomo y transformación del salariado: las reformas española y francesa

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    El artículo compara los procesos de reforma del trabajo autónomo puestos recientemente en marcha en España y en Francia. Se analiza, en primer lugar, la actuación de ambos Estados en dicho proceso para, posteriormente, abordar el carácter paradójico y ambiguo –a medio camino entre la indepen-dencia y la subordinación– que han revestido algunos de los estatutos de empleo impulsados por este pro-ceso de reforma en ambos países. De este análisis comparativo se deducirá que, en ambos casos, la acción pública, más que ser desencadenante trata de responder a una sucesión de acontecimientos y mutaciones ya en marcha que apuntan a la existencia de un proceso de transformación del salariado de mayor calado, dentro del cual habría que situar y analizar las mutaciones del trabajo autónomo registradas

    Poupées de chiffon et sexes de bois

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    Poupées de chiffon et sexes de haisDans la zone linguistique haoussa. des troupes itinérantes de marionnettistes traditionnels mettent en scène les conflits liés à la sexualité et à l'altérité. Ces marionnettes, ou " enfants de la magie " ont deux types de représentations : l'" homonculus " sexué des statuettes de bois, les couples conflictuels de la société dans le cas des poupées de chiffon. Leur répertoire, par son histoire, témoigne de leur authenticité. Ce theâtre peut être un support à l'étude des représentations de la sexualité et à la réflexion sur la confrontation entre modèle traditionnel et discours moderne, en particulier la prévention du sida.Rag Dolls and \Vooden SexesWithin the Hausa linguistic area. some strolling traditional puppet players dramatize se.x - and alterity-related conflicts. Thèse puppets. or " children of magie ". are represented in two ways : as sexed wooden anthropomorphic statuettes, and as rag dolls personifying society's conflictual couples. Their repertory's history testifies to their authenticity. Représentations of sexuality can be studied through thèse puppet shows where the confrontation between traditional models and modem discourse is being expressed : they could also be helpful in the prévention of AIDS


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    The primary aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of drug consumption rooms (DCRs) in France on injection equipment-sharing, while the secondary aims focused upon their impact on access to hepatitis C virus (HCV) testing and opioid agonist treatment (OAT). The COhort to identify Structural and INdividual factors associated with drug USe (COSINUS cohort) was a 12-month longitudinal study of 665 people who inject drugs (PWID), conducted in Bordeaux, Marseille, Paris and Strasbourg. We used data from face-to-face interviews at enrolment and at 6-month and 12-month visits. The participants were recruited in harm reduction programmes in Bordeaux and Marseille and in DCRs in Strasbourg and Paris. Participants were aged more than 18 years, French-speaking and had injected substances the month before enrolment. We measured the impact of DCR exposure on injection equipment sharing, HCV testing and the use of medications for opioid use disorder, after adjustment for significant correlates. We used a two-step Heckman mixed-effects probit model, which allowed us to take into account the correlation of repeated measures and to control for potential bias due to non-randomization between the two groups (DCR-exposed versus DCR-unexposed participants). The difference of declared injection equipment sharing between PWID exposed to DCRs versus non-exposed was 10% (1% for those exposed versus 11% for those non-exposed, marginal effect = -0.10; 95% confidence interval = -0.18, -0.03); there was no impact of DCRs on HCV testing and OAT. In the French context, drug consumption rooms appear to have a positive impact on at-risk practices for infectious diseases such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and hepatitis C virus

    The hidden benefits of sex: Evidence for MHC-associated mate choice in primate societies

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    Major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-associated mate choice is thought to give offspring a fitness advantage through disease resistance. Primates offer a unique opportunity to understand MHC-associated mate choice within our own zoological order, while their social diversity provides an exceptional setting to examine the genetic determinants and consequences of mate choice in animal societies. Although mate choice is constrained by social context, increasing evidence shows that MHC-dependent mate choice occurs across the order in a variety of socio-sexual systems and favours mates with dissimilar, diverse or specific genotypes non-exclusively. Recent research has also identified phenotypic indicators of MHC quality. Moreover, novel findings rehabilitate the importance of olfactory cues in signalling MHC genes and influencing primate mating decisions. These findings underline the importance to females of selecting a sexual partner of high genetic quality, as well as the generality of the role of MHC genes in sexual selection

    Les accouchements inopinés extra-hospitaliers. Étude rétrospective unicentrique cas-témoins au CHU de Rouen à partir de 195 dossiers

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    La prévalence de l'accouchement inopiné extrahospitalier est en augmentation dans notre pays. Le but de ce travail était d'identifier les facteurs de risque d'accoucher inopinément, de trouver des axes de prévention, et d'évaluer les conséquences maternelles et néonatales.Matériel et méthode Étude rétrospective cas-témoins unicentrique au CHU de Rouen du 1er janvier 2013 au 30 novembre 2017. Les cas étaient les patientes accouchant inopinément, les témoins celles qui accouchaient au CHU de Rouen. Nous avons recruté deux témoins par cas, ainsi 195 dossiers ont été étudiés.Résultats Nous avons retrouvé des différences significatives pour la multiparité (3,65 versus 2,33), l'absence de suivi de grossesse (27,7 % versus 0,16 %), un niveau socio-économique faible, un antécédent d'accouchement rapide (30,76 % versus 0,8%), et un terme de première consultation plus tardif (18,38 SA versus 16,07SA). La principale morbidité retrouvée était l'hypothermie néonatale.ConclusionLes pratiques de prévention de l'hémorragie de la délivrance et celles sur l'hypothermie néonatale à domicile sont à améliorer. La précarité, l'absence de suivi de grossesse, un antécédent d'accouchement rapide et la multiparité doivent amener les équipes médicales à être vigilantes

    MXene-supported Single-Atom and Nano Catalysts for 1,3-Butadiene Hydrogenation

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    SSCI-VIDE+CATREN:ING+YYN:MPR:FMO:LPIInternational audienceIn the last decades, 2D materials have gained great attention in catalysis, owing to their large specific surface area, mechanical robustness and flexibility, and unique physical and chemical properties [1]. MXenes, a bourgeoning class of 2D transition metal carbides or nitrides, have a general formula of Mn+1XnTx (n=1−4), where M is an early transition metal, X is C or N, and Tx indicates surface termination group(s) such as −O, −OH, −F or −Cl, which depend on the etchants used in the synthesis process [2]. Since their discovery in 2011 with the Ti3C2-based system [3], MXenes have shown great potential in various fields including electrocatalysis for evolution or reduction reactions [4]. However, the literature on the application of MXenes in thermal catalysis remains scarce. In this work, we have used butadiene hydrogenation under gas flow conditions as a simple model selective hydrogenation reaction, though of applied interest for polymerization.We have used two types of Ti3C2 MXenes, noted CMX and PMX, prepared with HF or LiF/HCl etchants, respectively, as supports for metal (Pt, Pd) single atoms or nanoparticles deposited by aqueous impregnation of metal salts. From SEM and STEM images, the MXenes present a multilayer structure where each layer itself contains a few stacked nanosheets. Aberration-corrected STEM analyses of the as-prepared low-loading (0.1 wt%) Pt/MXene and Pd/MXene catalysts exclusively show single atoms on both MXenes. An increase in metal loading (1 wt%) leads to a fraction of nanoparticles.Before the reaction, the catalyst was delaminated, dispersed on quartz wool, and reduced in hydrogen. The bare MXenes showed no hydrogenation capability. PMX-supported low-loading single-atom catalysts are less active than 1 wt% metal-loaded catalysts, but they exhibit a higher selectivity towards butenes, even at the same conversion. Depending on the metal, 1-butene (Pd) or 2-butenes (Pt) are the main products. Moreover, compared to conventional alumina-supported catalysts, the MXene-supported ones are much more selective to butenes. This could be due to the high thermal conductivity of MXenes [5], which prevents the appearance of hot spots in the catalyst bed during exothermic reactions. The structural properties and surface compositions of metal/MXenes powders were studied in detail by XRD, XPS, and DRIFTS to correlate them with the catalytic performances and assess the influence of the MXene synthesis etchant, as will be shown in this contribution.References:[1]C. Anichini, et al. Chem. Soc. Rev. 47 (2018) 4860.[2]K. Kannan, et al. Catalysts 10 (2020) 495.[3]M. Naguib, et al. Adv. Mater. 23 (2011) 4248.[4]H. Wang, et al. J. Mater. Chem. A 8 (2020) 10604.[5]L. Chen, et al. Materials 11 (2018) 1701