319 research outputs found


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    The focus of this project is to track the social change developments in Ucí, Yucatan, Mexico, during the Middle (1,000 – 400 BCE) and Late Preclassic (400 – 150 BCE) that served as foundations to institutionalized hierarchy. This research is geared towards understanding if there were any expressions of social differentiation in the earliest, detectable moments in the history of Ucí, and what were the mechanisms used to eventually make distinctions permanent. Applying an agency approach, I argue that social actors may cause structural change, both consciously and inadvertently, through the application of several strategies aimed to enhancing their role and status within their society. I make use of data from extensive mapping, test excavations, and broad, horizontal excavations at two specific structures to assess differential access to labor, resources, and sumptuary materials. Results show that there was a noticeable change between the Middle and Late Preclassic with regards to labor practices, in which communal institutions were appropriated by individuals or families to enhance their status. Test and broad excavations demonstrated that there was a shift in focus in labor practices from a central structure to outlying, multiple structures. The artifact assemblages at these later structures show that these were most likely used as centers for congregation. The groups here represented used a series of strategies to gain socio-political followers such as rituals, music performances, and the consumption of food and beverages. I believe that this would have ultimately threatened a sense of community. In the Late Preclassic we see the creation of a ceremonial circuit that links the outlying structures to the center of the site through a network of causeways. I believe that this created to diminish social fractures and enhance a sense of community. In this configuration it seems likely that the various interest groups, represented by the outlying structures, could have entered into a competition to host community-wide rituals and enhance institutionalized forms of social differentiation

    Design, development and testing of a full-stack web service for a trajectory computation algorithm

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    This document delivers a comprehensive report of the final degree project, which had as its primary goal, the design, developing, and testing a full-stack web service to facilitate user-friendly interaction with a trajectory computation software called Dynamo. The crux of this project lies in taking an existing, complex software and making it more accessible and simpler to use for a broad user base through the development of a web service. By leveraging a wide array of technologies - Python, Flask, Vue.js, Tailwind, and MongoDB - and following modern software development methodologies like Agile, a backend server, frontend interface, and a database structure were meticulously designed and implemented. In addition, secure authentication and an efficient system for error handling and validation were integrated to ensure a secure and user-friendly experience. A key aspect of this project was the need to understand how Dynamo functions, even though we did not go into the intricate operational details of the software itself. The main focus remained on its configuration process, providing the basis for developing a web service that allows users to intuitively configure, run, and monitor their simulations. This facilitates a more straightforward way for users to leverage the power of the Dynamo software, regardless of their technical proficiency. For this reason, a web service requirements capture was carried out with researchers from the ICARUS research group, thus ensuring that the developed web service adapts to their needs. All aspects of this project, from understanding Dynamo's configuration process to the development of the backend and frontend of the web service, were tackled systematically and are detailed in this document

    La renovación biográfica de las “Vidas Españolas e Hispanoamericanas del Siglo XIX"

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    This paper analyses the Espasa-Calpe collection “Vidas Españolas e Hispanoamericanas del Siglo XIX” (1929-1942), an editorial project promoted by José Ortega y Gasset and directed by the critic an historian Melchor Fernández Almagro. Inasmuch as the collection was the best Spanish example of the biographical renovation known as “New Biography”, brought about during the first three decades of the twentieth century —with Lytton Strachey, Emil Ludwig, André Maurois and Stefan Zweig, inter alia—, firstly we shall expose the particularities of this renovation, whose main objectives were the historiographic disengagement and the autonomy of biography as a genre. Secondly, we shall explain the reception of the collection in Spain, just when the crisis of the novel which Ortega y Gasset announced in Ideas sobre la novella (1925) had turned the public to biographies. Finally, we shall describe the coordinates of the Espasa-Calpe collection. These were marked not only by the limitation of European and Hispano-American nineteenth-century characters, but also by Ortega’s “razon vital” and his intellectual teachingEl presente artículo analiza la colección “Vidas Españolas e Hispanoamericanas del Siglo XIX” (1929-1942), un proyecto editorial de Espasa-Calpe promovido por Ortega y Gasset y dirigido por el crítico e historiador Melchor Fernández Almagro. Puesto que la colección fue el mejor exponente español de la renovación biográfica conocida como “nueva biografía”, llevada a cabo durante las tres primeras décadas del siglo XX en Europa —con autores como Lytton Strachey, Emil Ludwig, André Maurois y Stefan Zweig, entre otros—, en primer lugar se exponen las particularidades de dicha renovación, cuyos principales objetivos eran la desvinculación historiográfica y la autonomía de la biografía como género. En segundo lugar, se aborda la recepción del fenómeno en España en un momento en que la crisis de la novela a la que aludía Ortega y Gasset en Ideas sobre la novela (1925) hizo que la demanda del público se encaminara hacia el género de las biografías. Finalmente, se describen las coordenadas de la colección de Espasa-Calpe, marcadas no sólo por la delimitación a personajes decimonónicos españoles e hispanoamericanos, sino también por la razón vital orteguiana y su magisterio intelectua

    Los expedientes de la censura teatral como fuente para la investigación del teatro español contemporáneo

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    En este artículo se analiza el papel que han jugado hasta el momento los expedientes de la censura teatral del Archivo General de la Administración como fuente para el estudio del teatro español del franquismo y se ofrece una bibliografía con los trabajos publicados a partir de esta documentación. This article examines the role played so far by the files of theatrical censorship preserved in the General Archive of the Administration as a source for the study of the Spanish theatre during Franco´s regime. The author also presents a bibliography with the works published from these files

    A vueltas con el "posibilismo" teatral

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    In this paper the author examines a practically unknown aspect of the polemic about posibilismo between Alfonso Sastre and Antonio Buero Vallejo in 1960: the censor's criterion.En este trabajo se aborda un aspecto prácticamente desconocido de la polémica sobre el\ud posibilismo teatral mantenida entre Alfonso Sastre y Antonio Buero Vallejo en 1960: la\ud opinión de los censores sobre las obras prohibidas con anterioridad al debate. Como es sabido,\ud estos autores mantuvieron distintas posiciones acerca de la actitud que debían adoptar los\ud creadores frente a la censura. De ahí la importancia de volver sobre aquella polémica para\ud reconsiderar algunas ideas preconcebidas en tomo al comportamiento de la censura con ambos\ud dramaturgos, a la luz de los expedientes de censura de estas obras

    Usability testing in mobile applications involving people with down syndrome: a literature review

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    We present a review of research related to the usability testing of mobile applications including participants with Down syndrome. The purpose is to identify good usability testing practices and possible guidelines for this process when participants are people with this cognitive disability. These practices and guidelines should account for their specific impairments. We applied document analysis techniques to searches of scientific databases. The results were filtered considering how well they matched the research topic. We processed and reported the classified and summarized results. The main findings of this literature review is that mobile applications usability testing including people with Down syndrome is an issue that has not be comprehensively investigated. While there is some related research, this is incomplete, and there is no single proposal that takes on board all the issues that could be taken into account. Consequently, we propose to develop guidelines on the usability testing process involving participants with Down syndrome. RELACION CON LA TESIS DOCTORAL: En esta publicación se realiza un análisis exhaustivo de trabajos relacionados y las contribuciones previas de los autores y finalmente se demuestra que no existe una guía completa hasta el momento que envuelva todos los aspectos que se quieren proponer, con este paper se se justifica la necesidad de crear una guía enfocada a las personas con Syndrome de Down tomando en cuenta sus deztresas y limitaciones

    Development of a low-cost EMG-data acquisition armband to control an above-elbow prosthesis

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    This work presents the development and implementation of an armband for EMG-data acquisition of the upper arm. The developed prototype serves for investigations on EMG-signal processing with the final objective of reliably controlling a prosthesis for a transhumeral amputee. To make the product available for a greatest possible number of people one of the main characteristics will be a design of very low cost. A focus is put on the electric circuit design. In order to manufacture the prototype without difficulties, it is exclusively designed with components, which are available on the Ecuadorian market. The development is based on previous investigations and approaches of other researchers. With help of electric circuit simulations, the design was adapted and optimized step by step and a reliable low-noise circuit was established. All components are arranged on printed circuit boards in a way to keep the device as small as possible. To optimally avoid noise the length of the connection from the electrodes to the amplifier is minimized. Compact 3D-printed housings cover all the electric components. All housings consist of only two parts and are intuitive to assemble. Holes in the bottom offer space to fix electrodes via a snap-fastener connection. 3D-printed elastic straps are designed to connect the subsystems and hold the device in place. The armband including two sensors weighs 92 g and is capable of measuring two muscles with a bipolar EMG-setting each, sharing one reference electrode, which is aligned on the side of the upper arm between the biceps and triceps muscles. The amplification of the sensors is adjustable individually by potentiometers, facilitating a gain factor range of 211 to 2016 V/V. The data is recorded by a microcontroller board and send to a computer for processing via wire or Bluetooth. For wireless operation, rechargeable batteries are integrated. Test measurements on an able-bodied human prove the functionality of the device

    Influencia del Subsistema de Integración del Talento Humano en el Desempeño Laboral, en el Instituto Nicaragüense de Seguridad Social (INSS), Delegación de Matagalpa, durante el periodo 2015

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    La Administración de Recursos Humanos es la encargada de prever a las empresas e instituciones al Talento Humano idóneo, aplicando el Subsistema de Integración de Recursos Humanos, el cual comprende una serie de proceso iniciando por la planificación, reclutamiento, selección, contratación e inducción. Por consiguiente la aplicación de cada uno de ellos generara al candidato idóneo que responda con las exigencias de la empresa para ocupar un cargo. Otro punto importante a abordar en la presente investigación es el Desempeño Laboral, ya que permite a los jefes superiores estar al pendiente de las habilidades y destreza de los trabajadores, además de facilitarles un mejor control de cada una de las actividades desarrolladas dentro de la institución. La investigación es de tipo cuali-cuantitativa y se trabajó con una población de 71 trabajadores y una muestra conformada por 42 empleados. Para la recolección de los datos se empleó una entrevista dirigida al Director del INSS, una entrevista a los jefes de cada área, encuestas dirigida a los trabajadores de las diferentes áreas y se aplicó una guía de observación. La importancia de este estudio radica en que se logró determinar que si se aplican los procesos básicos del subsistema de integración de Recursos Humanos en la Institución, a la vez se conocieron los factores que influyen en el desempeño laboral de los trabajadores del INSS. Logrando determinar que el Subsistema de Integración del Talento Humano influye en gran manera en el Desempeño Laboral del Talento Humano, ya que una adecuada aplicación de este Subsistema genera un buen desempeño labora

    Fortalecimento da arquitetura residencial moderno pós-terremoto 1944. San Juan - Argentina

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    La ciudad y su arquitectura testimonian las culturas que modelan y remodelan sus formas y espacios en el tiempo. Toda comunidad tiene derecho a un ambiente urbano apto para el desarrollo humano sustentable. Desarrollo sustentable, es aquel que asegura la satisfacción de las necesidades del presente, sin comprometer los recursos con que generaciones futuras puedan satisfacer las propias (Naciones Unidas, 1987). Significa el uso racional y responsable de toda clase de recursos, especialmente los no renovables, como el patrimonio arquitectónico. La ciudad de San Juan fue reconstruida bajo influencias de los postulados del Movimiento Moderno tras el terremoto de 1944 que destruyó casi la totalidad de sus edificios patrimoniales. La arquitectura moderna es considerada internacionalmente un patrimonio a legar a las generaciones futuras. En San Juan, las obras residenciales modernas corren el riesgo de ser transformadas o demolidas ante un posible reemplazo por nuevas obras más redituables, por la dinámica del desarrollo urbano y la ausencia de protección que preserve este patrimonio. Es objetivo de este trabajo promover el reconocimiento, valoración y protección, de obras patrimoniales residenciales, exponentes de la modernidad arquitectónica local.The city and its architecture are evidences of the cultures that shape and reshape its forms and spaces in the time. Every community has the right to a suitable urban environment for sustainable human development. Sustainable development is one that ensures the satisfaction of the present needs without compromising the resources with future generations could satisfy the own ones. (United Nations, 1987). It implies a rational and responsible use of all resources, especially those non-renewable, such as the architectural heritage. The city of San Juan has been rebuilt under influence of the postulates of Modern Movement after the 1944 earthquake that destroyed almost all of its heritage buildings. The modern architecture is internationally considered a heritage to bequeath to the future generations. In the city of San Juan, the modern residential buildings run the risk of being transformed or demolished by the possibility of their replacement by new constructions, most profitable economically, favored by the dynamics of urban development and the lack of protection to preserve this heritage. The objective of this work is to promote the recognition, valuation and protection of residential heritage buildings, examples of local architectural modernity.A cidade e sua arquitetura testemunham culturas que forma e remodelar as suas formas e espaços no tempo. Cada comunidade tem o direito a um ambiente urbano adequado para o desenvolvimento humano sustentável. O desenvolvimento sustentável é aquele que garante a satisfação das necessidades do presente sem comprometer os recursos das gerações futuras satisfazerem as suas próprias (Nações Unidas, 1987). Isso significa que o uso racional e responsável de todos os recursos, especialmente não renováveis, como o patrimônio arquitectónico. A cidade de San Juan foi reconstruída sob influências dos princípios do Movimento Moderno após o terremoto 1944 que destruiu quase todos os seus edifícios históricos. A arquitetura moderna é considerado internacionalmente um património a legar às gerações futuras. Em San Juan, os modernos projetos residenciais estão em risco de ser transformada ou demolida antes de um possível substituto para novas obras, mais lucrativas pela dinâmica do desenvolvimento urbano e da falta de proteção para preservar este património. É objetivo deste trabalho promover o reconhecimento, valorização e protecção das obras de imóveis residenciais, exemplos de modernidade arquitectónica local.Este artículo se enmarca en el trabajo de Investigación: “San Juan, sus Arquitectos y la Modernidad. Residencia moderna urbana en las décadas de 1960 y 1970”, que se desarrolla en el Instituto de Teoría, Historia y Crítica del Diseño (Idis) y en el Gabinete Formas de la Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño de la Universidad Nacional de San Juan (UNSJ)–Argentina y es financiado por CICITCA-UNSJ