397 research outputs found

    Normalización del análisis de la piedra y conservación del patrimonio cultural. The Standardization of Stone Analysis and Conservation of Cultural Heritage

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    La normalización de los métodos de análisis y de los principales aspectos relacionados con la conservación de los bienes culturales ha empezado en 2004 con la creación del comité europeo de normalización, CEN/TC 346 Conservation of Cultural Property, que tiene la responsabilidad no solamente de redactar protocolos de ensayos en laboratorio, sino también proponer las recomendaciones más adecuadas para designarlos de forma consensual y conservarlos de la forma más apropiada. Se comentan los aspectos relacionados con el origen de estas normas, el trabajo desarrollado y que muchas de ellas, aunque no estén dirigidas específicamente a la piedra, tienen en cuenta la presencia de este material en objetos arqueológicos, obras de arte, estructuras de fábricas y elementos ornamentales

    How will climate change affect endangered Mediterranean waterbirds?

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    Global warming and direct anthropogenic impacts, such as water extraction, largely affect water budgets in Mediterranean wetlands, thereby increasing wetland salinities and isolation, and decreasing water depths and hydroperiods (duration of the inundation period). These wetland features are key elements structuring waterbird communities. However, the ultimate and net consequences of these dynamic conditions on waterbird assemblages are largely unknown. We combined regular sampling of waterbird presence through one annual cycle with in-situ data on relevant environmental predictors of waterbird distribution to model habitat selection for 69 species in a typical Mediterranean wetland network in southwestern Spain. Species associations with environmental features were subsequently used to predict changes in habitat suitability for each species under three climate change scenarios (encompassing changes in environmental predictors that ranged from 10% to 50% change as predicted by regional climatic models). Waterbirds distributed themselves unevenly throughout environmental gradients and water salinity was the most important gradient structuring the distribution of the community. Environmental suitability for the guilds of diving birds and vegetation gleaners will decline in future climate scenarios, while many small wading birds will benefit from changing conditions. Resident species and those that breed in this wetland network will also be more negatively impacted than those using this area for wintering or stopover. We provide a tool that can be used in a horizon-scanning framework to identify emerging issues in waterbird conservation and to anticipate suitable management actions

    El castigo en Michel Foucault, el control de los sujetos y las relaciones intersubjetivas como mecanismo para ejercer el poder: En búsqueda de una salida a la tensión desde la libertad de los sujetos

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    El objetivo que mueve este trabajo es pensar la resistencia y la crítica en Michel Foucault como elementos fundamentales para la posibilidad de la des-sujeción del individuo de las redes del poder-saber. En este sentido, abrir la posibilidad de pensar un ejercicio de la libertad dentro de la estructura misma del poder en el pensador francés, es el fin fundamental en este trabajo de investigación. Para ello se ha utilizado método analítico, dicho método es importante debido al hecho que el mismo Foucault nos presenta una analítica del poder, es decir, el propio pensador francés afirma que su interés no es proponer una forma diferente de poder, sino un análisis para que los individuos puedan ejercer su propia posición crítica frente a las formas como el poder se ejerce. Sólo cuando el poder se describe mediante el análisis de sus diferentes formas y manifestaciones, de su sus maneras de ejercicio y trasformaciones es posible realizar una posición crítica frente al mismo. Por ello, no se puede entender la resistencia y la misma crítica como elementos que están en una relación de exterioridad al poder, sino que se mueven en el mismo circuito de su funcionamiento. Lo anterior, da a entender que la crítica y la resistencia se dan desde espacios particulares, es decir, en relación con pequeños grupos o individuos que sufren el poder en sus diferentes formas y mecanismos de manifestación y ejecución. Frente a lo anterior, se expande la concepción del poder que Foucault venía realizando desde Vigilar y Castigar, ahora el poder es visto a partir de un elemento que lo enfrenta, la resistencia. Donde hay poder hay resistencia diría Foucault, y en el enfrentamiento de los dos, se deja ver una tensión de fuerzas recíprocas, pues es en esencia una agonística que permite ver al poder de una forma no fija y estable, sino sus relaciones dinámicas

    Female figurines in bone. Function and context about this particular amuletin the ancient roman Lusitania

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    Se propone una nueva hipótesis interpretativa acerca de un tipo conocido de figurillas antropomorfas femeninas en hueso. Repasamos su geografía y recorrido historiográfico e introducimos nuevos argumentos cronológicos y funcionales a partir de un conjunto de ellas, aparecido recientemente en Mérida (Badajoz) en un contexto arquitectónico de aparente carácter ritual. Con todo, proponemos una nueva hipótesis religiosa que nos lleva a entenderlas como manifestación material del culto a una destacada divinidad femenina, la Magna Mater o Cibeles, muy querida en Roma y con una importante aceptación en el occidente de la Península Ibérica.We propose a new interpretive hypothesis about a known type of female figurines in bone. We summed up the geographical contexts and its historiography. We introduce new chronological and functional arguments from a group recently appeared in Mérida (Badajoz) in a votive architectural context. We propose a new religious hypothesis with let us understand them as material manifestation of the cult of a female deity, the "Magna Mater" or Cybele. Nowadays we know that she was very appreciated in Rome and in others places like the Iberian Peninsula

    Toll-Like receptor 2 R753Q polymorphisms are associated with an increased risk of infective endocarditis

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    Producción CientíficaThe ability to respond to the ligands of toll-like receptors (TLR) could be affected by single nucleotide polymorphisms in TLR codifying genes. The influence of the polymorphisms TLR2 (R753Q, R677W), TLR4 (D299G, T399I) and CD14 (C-159T) was consecutively studied in 65 patients with infective endocarditis. The control group (n=66) consisted of healthy volunteers. All the polymorphisms were genotyped by means of restriction analysis after their amplification. An association between endocarditis and variants of TLR2 R753Q (P < .001) was observed, but no association with other polymorphisms was found. The TLR2 R753Q co-dominant (odds ratio=13.33), recessive (odds ratio=9.12) and dominant (odds ratio=3.65) genotypes showed a positive association with the infective endocarditis phenotype. The polymorphism TLR2 R753Q was associated with a greater susceptibility towards the development of infective endocarditis. Further studies are required to validate these results and identify other genetic risk factors

    Spatial congruence between multiple stressors in the Mediterranean Sea may reduce its resilience to climate impacts

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    Climate impacts on marine ecosystems may be exacerbated by other, more local stressors interacting synergistically, such as pollution and overexploitation of marine resources. The reduction of these human stressors has been proposed as an achievable way of retaining ecosystems within a "safe operating space" (SOS), where they remain resilient to ongoing climate change. However, the operability of an SOS requires a thorough understanding of the spatial distribution of these climate and human impacts. Using the Mediterranean Sea as a case study, we illustrate the spatial congruence between climate and human stressors impacting this iconic "miniature ocean" synergistically. We use long-term, spatially-explicit information on the distribution of multiple stressors to identify those highly impacted marine areas where human stressors should be prioritized for management if the resilience to climate impacts is to be maintained. Based on our spatial analysis, we exemplify how the management of an essential supporting service (seafood provision) and the conservation of a highly impacted Mediterranean sub-region (the Adriatic Sea) may benefit from the SOS framework

    A very low current scanning tunneling microscope

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    The applications of the scanning tunneling microscope (STM) in air are usually restricted to good conducting materials as clean metals, doped and passivated semiconductors, or to some molecular adsorbates deposited onto graphite. In order to study poor conducting materials as biological molecules, we have built a very low current STM. This instrument can routinely be operated at 0.1 pA while having a bandwidth of 7 kHz. The advantages of using very low currents are illustrated by imaging 5-nm-thick purple membranes. These membranes can only be imaged at currents smaller than 2 pA. © 1995 American Institute of Physics.DGICYT Nº.PB94-0016 .Peer Reviewe

    The effect of surgical mask use in anaerobic running performance

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    COVID-19 restrictions stipulate the mandatory use of surgical masks during outdoor and indoor physical activities. The impact of this on athletic performance and especially on anaerobic physical activities is poorly known. The aim of the present research was to analyze the effect of surgical mask use on the anaerobic running performance of athletes. Modifications in running time, blood lactate, blood glucose, blood oxygen saturation, subjective perceived stress, rating of perceived exertion, and heart rate variability were measured in 50 m and 400 m maximal running tests with and without the use of surgical masks in 72 athletes. The use of a surgical mask increased blood lactate concentration, sympathetic autonomic modulation, perceived exertion, perceived stress, and decreased blood oxygen saturation in 50 and 400 m running tests. Thus, the higher levels of blood lactate and lower blood oxygen saturation require adaptation of the athlete's rest and recovery periods to the acute workload. The higher level of sympathetic activation makes the acute and chronic control of autonomic modulation essential for an efficient training periodization. Finally, the use of acid buffers such as bicarbonate or sodium citrate would be a recommended ergogenic strategy

    Smart controls for lighting design: towards a study of the boundary conditions

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    This research aims to determine the effect of the lighting smart controls in the energy consumption in buildings, according to the geometry of the room, the window size, the reflectance of the inner surfaces and the location of study. For this purpose, two lighting smart controls are proposed: one based in an On/Off lighting control with separated lines and other with a dimming control. The analysis of both control systems is carried out by using daylight dynamic metrics, such as the daylight autonomy and the continuous daylight autonomy. The results quantify the effect of the architectural variables of the room in the performance of the lighting smart controls

    The inflammatory response to colloids and crystalloids used for pump priming during cardiopulmonary bypass

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    Producción CientíficaBackground: Systemic inflammatory response frequently occurs after coronary artery bypass surgery and is strongly correlated with the risk of postoperative morbidity and mortality. This study tests the hypothesis that the priming of the extracorporeal circuit with colloid solutions results in less inflammation in patients undergoing cardiac surgery than priming with crystalloid solutions. Methods: A prospective, randomized studywas designed. Forty-four patients undergoing elective coronary artery bypass grafting were randomly allocated to one of two groups: 22 patients primed with Ringer’s lactate (RL) solution and 22 patients primed with gelatin-containing solution during the surgery. Plasma levels of interleukin (IL)-6, IL-8, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-a, C-reactive protein (CRP) and, complement 4 were measured during the surgical intervention and over the following 48 postoperative hours. Cytokine levels were measured by enzyme-linked assays from plasma samples obtained at specific time points pre- and post-operatively. Results: In both groups the serum levels of the pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-6, IL-8, TNF-a), CRP, complement 4, and leukocytes increased significantly over the baseline, although no significant differences were observed between the two groups. The operation time, blood loss, need for inotropic support, extubation time, and length of intensive care unit stay did not differ significantly between the two groups. Conclusion: Priming with gelatin vs. RL produces no significant differences in the inflammatory response in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting with cardiopulmonary bypass