1,107 research outputs found

    Engaging men with penile cancer in qualitative research: reflections from an interview-based study.

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    To explore the challenges of engaging men with penile cancer in qualitative interview research


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    Background: Penile cancer is a rare but highly treatable condition. Current guidance recommends the use of a surgical procedure to excise the primary tumour (and a margin of normal penile tissue). Whilst treatment can be effective, treatment often has a significant impact on a patient's sexual and urinary function, and physical and mental wellbeing. The objective of this study was to explore the impact of treatment for penile cancer on sexual function and relationships. Methods: Qualitative data was collected via narrative video interviews. Maximum variation sampling was used to acquire the widest possible range of experiences. All interviews were recorded using either a digital video recorder or digital audio recorder, transcribed. A method of constant comparison analysis was used to illicit themes and outliers. Results: Twenty seven men were interviewed; mean age at diagnosis = 63 (range = 41-82); Mean number of years post-surgery = 3 (range = 0-15 years) 15 men were married, a further two were in a committed relationship, the remaining 10 were single/widowed. All men had received surgical treatment ranging from circumcision to total penectomy. Just two men had attended any form of psychological therapy. The impact of treatment varied considerably. The majority of men talked about still being able to experience arousal and sexual pleasure in some way. However, for many, penetrative sex was awkward and less gratifying than before treatment. One man who had received a total penectomy was surprised to experience a form of orgasm after surgery. For a number of men, the impact of treatment on their ability to satisfy their sexual partners was a key concern. Men who were able to openly talk with their partners about sex and the impact of the treatment on sexual practice found this a great comfort. Conclusion: The significance of sex for a man can differ considerably between individuals; relationship status, age and life stage are all likely to have a bearing on the role that sex plays in a man life. A diagnosis of cancer can also affect how a man (and his partner) views sex and the level of importance which he attaches to it. For men who are sexually active prior to treatment, surgery will undoubtedly result in changes to sexual practice, however, treatment does not have to result in sexual abstinence

    Impact of controlled vacuum induced surface freezing on the freeze drying of human plasma

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    During the freezing step of a typical freeze drying process, the temperature at which nucleation is induced is generally stochastically distributed, resulting in undesired within-batch heterogeneity. Controlled nucleation techniques have been developed to address this problem; these make it possible to trigger the formation of ice crystals at the same time and temperature in all the batch. Here, the controlled nucleation technique known as vacuum induced surface freezing is compared to spontaneous freezing for the freeze drying of human plasma, a highly concentrated system commonly stored in a dried state. The potency of Factor VIII (FVIII), a sensitive, labile protein present in plasma, and the reconstitution time of the dried cakes are evaluated immediately after freeze drying, and after 1, 3, 6 or 9 months storage at different degradation temperatures. We show that the application of controlled nucleation significantly reduces the reconstitution time and in addition helps to improve FVIII stability

    Experimental Demonstration of Squeezed State Quantum Averaging

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    We propose and experimentally demonstrate a universal quantum averaging process implementing the harmonic mean of quadrature variances. The harmonic mean protocol can be used to efficiently stabilize a set of fragile squeezed light sources with statistically fluctuating noise levels. The averaged variances are prepared probabilistically by means of linear optical interference and measurement induced conditioning. We verify that the implemented harmonic mean outperforms the standard arithmetic mean strategy. The effect of quantum averaging is experimentally tested both for uncorrelated and partially correlated noise sources with sub-Poissonian shot noise or super-Poissonian shot noise characteristics.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    A reconfigurable real-time compressive-sampling camera for biological applications

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    Many applications in biology, such as long-term functional imaging of neural and cardiac systems, require continuous high-speed imaging. This is typically not possible, however, using commercially available systems. The frame rate and the recording time of high-speed cameras are limited by the digitization rate and the capacity of on-camera memory. Further restrictions are often imposed by the limited bandwidth of the data link to the host computer. Even if the system bandwidth is not a limiting factor, continuous high-speed acquisition results in very large volumes of data that are difficult to handle, particularly when real-time analysis is required. In response to this issue many cameras allow a predetermined, rectangular region of interest (ROI) to be sampled, however this approach lacks flexibility and is blind to the image region outside of the ROI. We have addressed this problem by building a camera system using a randomly-addressable CMOS sensor. The camera has a low bandwidth, but is able to capture continuous high-speed images of an arbitrarily defined ROI, using most of the available bandwidth, while simultaneously acquiring low-speed, full frame images using the remaining bandwidth. In addition, the camera is able to use the full-frame information to recalculate the positions of targets and update the high-speed ROIs without interrupting acquisition. In this way the camera is capable of imaging moving targets at high-speed while simultaneously imaging the whole frame at a lower speed. We have used this camera system to monitor the heartbeat and blood cell flow of a water flea (Daphnia) at frame rates in excess of 1500 fps

    Bridge distress caused by approach embankment settlement

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    Surtees Bridge, which carries the A66(T) over the River Tees near Thornaby-on-Tees in the UK, has been showing signs of distress that predate its opening in 1981. Subsequent investigations have shown that the bridge distress is related to unexpectedly large settlement of the eastern approach embankment. Recent ground investigations prompted by a proposed widening of the river crossing have produced many new data on the alluvial deposits underlying the site, and explain why embankment settlement was so much larger than originally anticipated. Comparison of the geotechnical parameters obtained from the original and more recent ground investigations suggests that the original investigation significantly underestimated the thickness of an alluvial clay layer underlying the site, and that its coefficient of consolidation was overestimated. Settlement analyses using geotechnical data from the original ground investigations predict moderate embankment settlements occurring principally during construction. Settlement analyses based on all the available data predict far larger embankment settlements occurring over extended time periods. The latter analyses predict an embankment settlement similar to that observed and of sufficient magnitude to cause the observed lateral displacement of the bridge due to lateral loading of its piled foundation

    On Kedlaya type inequalities for weighted means

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    In 2016 we proved that for every symmetric, repetition invariant and Jensen concave mean M\mathscr{M} the Kedlaya-type inequality A(x1,M(x1,x2),,M(x1,,xn))M(x1,A(x1,x2),,A(x1,,xn)) \mathscr{A}\big(x_1,\mathscr{M}(x_1,x_2),\ldots,\mathscr{M}(x_1,\ldots,x_n)\big)\le \mathscr{M} \big(x_1, \mathscr{A}(x_1,x_2),\ldots,\mathscr{A}(x_1,\ldots,x_n)\big) holds for an arbitrary (xn)(x_n) (A\mathscr{A} stands for the arithmetic mean). We are going to prove the weighted counterpart of this inequality. More precisely, if (xn)(x_n) is a vector with corresponding (non-normalized) weights (λn)(\lambda_n) and Mi=1n(xi,λi)\mathscr{M}_{i=1}^n(x_i,\lambda_i) denotes the weighted mean then, under analogous conditions on M\mathscr{M}, the inequality Ai=1n(Mj=1i(xj,λj),λi)Mi=1n(Aj=1i(xj,λj),λi) \mathscr{A}_{i=1}^n \big(\mathscr{M}_{j=1}^i (x_j,\lambda_j),\:\lambda_i\big) \le \mathscr{M}_{i=1}^n \big(\mathscr{A}_{j=1}^i (x_j,\lambda_j),\:\lambda_i\big) holds for every (xn)(x_n) and (λn)(\lambda_n) such that the sequence (λkλ1++λk)(\frac{\lambda_k}{\lambda_1+\cdots+\lambda_k}) is decreasing.Comment: J. Inequal. Appl. (2018

    Geophysical studies with laser-beam detectors of gravitational waves

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    The existing high technology laser-beam detectors of gravitational waves may find very useful applications in an unexpected area - geophysics. To make possible the detection of weak gravitational waves in the region of high frequencies of astrophysical interest, ~ 30 - 10^3 Hz, control systems of laser interferometers must permanently monitor, record and compensate much larger external interventions that take place in the region of low frequencies of geophysical interest, ~ 10^{-5} - 3 X 10^{-3} Hz. Such phenomena as tidal perturbations of land and gravity, normal mode oscillations of Earth, oscillations of the inner core of Earth, etc. will inevitably affect the performance of the interferometers and, therefore, the information about them will be stored in the data of control systems. We specifically identify the low-frequency information contained in distances between the interferometer mirrors (deformation of Earth) and angles between the mirrors' suspensions (deviations of local gravity vectors and plumb lines). We show that the access to the angular information may require some modest amendments to the optical scheme of the interferometers, and we suggest the ways of doing that. The detailed evaluation of environmental and instrumental noises indicates that they will not prevent, even if only marginally, the detection of interesting geophysical phenomena. Gravitational-wave instruments seem to be capable of reaching, as a by-product of their continuous operation, very ambitious geophysical goals, such as observation of the Earth's inner core oscillations.Comment: 29 pages including 8 figures, modifications and clarifications in response to referees' comments, to be published in Class. Quant. Gra

    From Deficit to Strength-Based Aboriginal Health Research—Moving toward Flourishing

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    Aboriginal Australians have a fundamental human right to opportunities that lead to healthy and flourishing lives. While the impact of trauma on Aboriginal Australians is well-documented, a pervasive deficit narrative that focuses on problems and pathology persists in research and policy discourse. This narrative risks further exacerbating Aboriginal disadvantage through a focus on 'fixing what is wrong' with Aboriginal Australians and the internalising of these narratives by Aboriginal Australians. While a growing body of research adopts strength-based models, limited research has sought to explore Aboriginal flourishing. This conceptual paper seeks to contribute to a burgeoning paradigm shift in Aboriginal research, seeking to understand what can be learned from Aboriginal people who flourish, how we best determine this, and in what contexts this can be impactful. Within, we argue the case for a new approach to exploring Aboriginal wellbeing that integrates salutogenic, positive psychology concepts with complex systems theory to understand and promote Aboriginal wellbeing and flourishing. While deeper work may be required to establish the parameters of a strength-based, culturally aligned Aboriginal conceptualisation of positive psychology, we suggest the integration of Aboriginal and Western methodologies offers a unique and potent means of shifting the dial on seemingly intractable problems.Jonathan Bullen, Trish Hill-Wall, Kate Anderson, Alex Brown, Clint Bracknell, Elizabeth A. Newnham, Gail Garvey, and Lea Water