10 research outputs found

    Mechanical Wave Concept Inventory: Developing The Diagnostic Test Four-Tier For Evaluation

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    Challenging for teachers in producing learning evaluation instruments that can diagnose students' abilities as well as student misconceptions was important. The diagnostic test four-tiers is one of the best assessment to diagnose students' misconceptions about physics concepts so that Mechanical Wave Concept Inventory has been developed in which form four-tiers diagnostic test. The instrument of the research are student sheet responses, and expert judgment reviews. Research and development frameworks' was included five processes that curriculum analysis processes, creating the design of the product, developing processes, implementing processes, and evaluating processes. The Pearson correlation sig. (2-tailed )resulted in which average r-count coefficient of 0.447 whose test instrument was concluded as valid. Alpha Cronbach's coefficient which was value of 0.90>0.70, so that the instrument was categorized as soon as possible reliable. Expert judgment index in which an average value of 0.87, that is categorized as very good. The quality of the questions was distributed with a classification of 24 good questions, 12 enough questions, and 4 bad questions. The difficulty level of the questions is divided into 7 questions in which easy categories as well as 33 questions in the medium category. Mechanical wave concept inventory was declared valid and reliable as well as good quality

    Development of Online Mechanics Concept Inventory (OMCI) Instrument Based on Local Wisdom

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    This study discusses the development of online mechanics concept inventory (OMCI) instrument based on local wisdom. The purpose of this study to determine the quality of the online mechanics concept inventory instrument based on local wisdom. The type of this research is Research and Development (RD). The developed instrument is integrated with local wisdom, so that every item has literacy as a stimulus for the question. The concept inventory instrument is one of the test tools presented online which is used to measure students' conceptual understanding. The research model used is Borg and Gall. The instrument developed were validated by expert judgment. The results of the validation assessment are in the form of qualitative and quantitative content validity. The results of qualitative validity can be seen in terms of materials obtained on an average of 99.2%, construction is averaged 93.3%, and language is averaged 97.4%. While the quantitative analysis of validity is done using Aiken's v equations obtained an average of 0.841 of valored 0.841 is so high, it is worth being used to measure understanding the conception of learners

    Tes Diagnostik Four Tier untuk identifikasi pemahaman dan miskonsepsi siswa pada materi gerak melingkar beraturan

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi pemahaman konsep siswa dan miskonsepsi siswa pada materi gerak melingkar beraturan.  Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif  kuantitatif. Penelitian dilaksanakan  di  SMA  negeri  8  semarang. Teknik pengumpulan data berupa dokumentasi dan tes. Tes yang digunakan adalah tes diagnostik pilihan ganda four-tier. Hasil analisis uji validasi secara keseluruhan aspek persentasenya adalah 80.2% dengan kategori layak digunakan sebagai tes diagnostik pada materi gerak melingkar beraturan.  Tes diagnostik four tier dapat digunakan untuk mendeteksi pemahaman konsep siswa dan miskonsepsi siswa. Siswa kelas XI di SMA Negeri 8 Semarang teridentifikasi mengalami miskonsepsi pada materi gerak melingkar beraturan dan perlu ditingkatkan pemahamannya. 

    Pengembangan Four-Tier Multiple Choice Test untuk Mengukur Kemampuan Multirepresentasi Siswa pada Materi Gerak Harmonik Sederhana

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    Most of the evaluation tools available in high schools still prioritize mathematical analysis, and give less attention to the students. As a result, it causes mathematics anxiety among students. A multi-representation based four-tier multiple choice test can help students with mathematics anxiety to use other representational abilities, such as pictures, verbal, graphs and tables.The research objective was to develop an evaluation tool that was used to determine the characteristics of the instrument, the quality of the instrument, and to measure the multirepresentasis abilities of students on simple harmonic motion material. This research was a Research and Development (R & D) type. Sampling was carried out at three SMAN 1 in Tegal Regency, with a total of 315 students as respondents. The four-tier multiple choice test consists of 27 items covering four representations, namely mathematics, tables, verbal and pictures/graphics. The average result of validity by experts is 86.21% with very good category. The reliability value in the field test were 0.890 at SMAN 1 ); 0.885 at SMAN 1 Q; and 0.887 at SMAN 1 R. The distinguishing power test showed that 74.08% of the items were accepted (SMAN 1 P); 59.26% of questions were accepted (SMAN 1 Q); and 66.67% of the questions were accepted (SMAN 1 R). The difficulty level of the questions shows that 14.81% of the questions are difficult; 66.67% medium questions; and 18.52% easy questions. If the questions used table representations, 52.44% of students were able to convert them to graphs. Meanwhile questions with verbal representations found that most students were able to convert them to tables (52.85%). However, for questions with image representations, most students were able to convert them to verbal with 53.23% and questions with mathematical representations, so most students were able to convert them to verbal, with 49.84%

    Meta-Analisis Media Scratch terhadap Keterampilan Computational Thinking Siswa SMA dalam Pembelajaran Fisika

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    Abstrak. Pembelajaran jarak jauh membuat siswa kesulitan dalam belajar fisika yang abstrak sehingga diperlukan media yang menarik minat belajar siswa. Scratch merupakan salah satu media yang mendukung dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui kelebihan dan kekurangan serta keterampilan computational thinking selama menggunakan media pembelajaran scratch pada fisika jenjang SMA. Metode yang digunakan adalah Systematic Literature Review dengan analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Scratch mampu meningkatkan keterampilan computational thinking siswa karena didesain untuk mengembangkan kreatifitas dengan membuat animasi dan simulasi, kemampuan berpikir secara sistematis, kolaboratif dan dapat merealisasikan algoritma sehingga mampu menerapkan pola pikir logika yang dapat membuat konsep sederhana menjadi kompleks dalam pembelajaran fisika. Abstract. Distance education makes it difficult for students to learn abstract physics that is needed media that attracts students interesting. Scratch is one of the media that supports the implementation of this learning. The research aims to determine strengths and weaknesses, computational thinking skills while using media scratch in high school physics. The method used is a systematic literature review with qualitative descriptive analysis. Scratch can improve computational thinking skills because it develops creativity, think systematically, collaboratively, and realize algorithms made up apply logical thinking patterns that can make simple concepts complex in physics learning

    Application of the Global Warming Learning System (GWLS) as an Effort to Improve Student’s Learning Outcomes and Critical Thinking Ability

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    This Classroom Action Research (CAR) aims to improve learning outcomes and critical thinking skills of class X-K SMA Negeri 6 Semarang, through the application of adaptive teaching materials Global Warming Learning System. The learning model used is Problem Based Learning with group investigation method (cycle I) and Project Based Learning with product differentiation (cycle II). CAR is carried out in two cycles, where each cycle consists of four activities, namely action planning, action implementation, observation and reflection which adopts the Kemmis and Taggart models. Data collection techniques used in this study were observation, tests, questionnaires and interviews. Data analysis used a qualitative descriptive approach based on educational outcomes and improving students' critical thinking skills. The results show that there has been an increase in educational outcomes and critical thinking skills (pre-cycle to cycle I) and (cycle I to cycle II). Evidenced by the results of studying at first cycle, which was completed by 15 students (41.67%) and the students' critical thinking skills, the average 71.59% was high category. Meanwhile the educational outcomes of physics cycle II which were completed were 28 students (77.78%) and the ability to think critically with an average 78.88% was high categor

    Development of Habits of Mind Instruments in the Context of Basic Physics Practicum: EFA and Rasch Model

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    Assessing the habits of mind among prospective teachers is an essential part of learning. Therefore, this research aims to develop the habits of mind instrument in the context of basic physics practicum. It was conducted using the research and development method which has three stages namely (1) planning the test, (2) implementing the test, and (3) determining the validity and reliability. The sample consisted of 105 biology teacher candidates taking basic physics courses. The habits of mind instrument developed was in the form of a questionnaire consisting of 52 items and is related to basic physics practicum. Furthermore, exploratory factor analysis and the Rasch model approach were used in developing the instrument. Based on expert judgment using Fleiss Kappa, the content validity was 0.700 and was classified in the good category. The developed instrument was considered reliable based on Cronbach’s alpha value of 0.970. The exploratory factor analysis reduced the dimensions of the instrument to 11 factors. The analysis of the Rasch model met the element of unidimensionality. There is no bias on the instrument based on gender and place of residence. However, efforts are needed to overcome the lack of creative thinking habits among prospective biology teachers

    Peningkatan Keterampilan Menyusun Stimulus Asesmen Literasi Numerasi Guru IPA Kabupaten Banjarnegara

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    Kenyataan di lapangan menunjukkan bahwa penyusunan stimulus dalam proses pengembangan perangkat asesmen literasi numerasi, merupakan permasalahan bagi kebanyakan guru yang bernaung di MGMP IPA Kabupaten Banjarnegara. Mendesaknya waktu pelaksanaan asesmen literasi numerasi bagi peserta didik menyulut pentingnya pemberian solusi berupa kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dengan tujuan meningkatkan keterampilan menyusun stimulus perangkat asesmen literasi numerasi bagi guru yang berwadah di MGMP tersebut. Wujud solusi berupa pelatihan dengan model action learning berbasis fasilitasi dengan materi khusus tentang penyusunan stimulus asesmen, dan tahapan yang terdiri dari perencanaan, pelatihan, dan pendampingan. Tahapan perencanaan dilakukan untuk identifikasi jenis kegiatan pelatihan, pengembangan materi dan rancangan pelaksanaan, serta penyiapan fasilitas pendukung.Tahapan pelatihan terdiri dari workshop untuk mengkaji materi stimulus soal dan penugasan pada peserta untuk mengembangkan stimulus asesmen berdasarkan materi yang telah dibahas. Pada langkah pendampingan, peserta didampingi untuk mengembangkan stimulus asesmen secara utuh. Hasil pengabdian menunjukkan bahwa peserta kegiatan mengalami peningkatan pemahaman terhadap pengertian stimulus asesmen literasi dan keterampilan menyusunnya. Adapun kendala yang dihadapi adalah penyesuaian jadwal guru dan tim pengabdian untuk pelaksanaan kegiatan

    The Effectiveness Of Developing An Adaptive Physics E-Module In Moodle-Based Blended Learning On Students' Representation Ability On Thermodynamics Material

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    The research aims to develop adaptive electronic modules using Moodle-based blended learning as a solution to improve representation skills in the school environment. This research combines online and face-to-face learning methods (blended learning) with the use of Moodle as a digital learning platform. Three forms of representation in the concept of physics, are (1) verbal representation; (2) visual representation; and (3) mathematical representation. The formulation of the problem in this research is the characteristics, validity, and effectiveness of the E-module. This module aims to provide learning content that is tailored to the needs and abilities of each individual student. Adaptive features allow students to access materials, assignments, and learning resources appropriate to their skills level. Learning is done through a combination of classroom teaching and e-modules through Moodle. E-module development model uses the research and development method. The research design used is a true experimental design in the form of a "Posttest-Only Control Design". Assessment includes data collection through surveys, observation, and evaluation of learning outcomes. The purpose of the evaluation is to analyze the effectiveness and efficiency of using adaptive e-modules with Moodle based on blended learning to improve students' representation skills at school. The research results showed that the E-module assessment by experts obtained a content percentage and eligibility criteria of 91.7% (feasible). To determine the level of effectiveness through the t test and comparison of posttest results. This is evidenced by the test using SPSS version 23 which shows a significance value of 0.00 <0.05. In visual representation, a percentage of 87.5% was obtained in a very good category, for mathematical representation, a percentage also was obtained in a very good category, 88.5%, and in verbal representation, a percentage was obtained in a category of 90%, as the greatest. With an average post-test score of 88.8 for the experimental of the class and 74.2 for the control of the class. Adaptive e-modules through Moodle-based blended learning can be an effective choice for increasing representational abilities and facilitating personalized and flexible learning. The results of this study are expected to encourage the development of adaptive learning systems in schools and support the improvement of student learning outcomes

    Pengembangan Assessment as learning berbasis Strategi Metakognitif ISCACoRe untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah

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    The purpose of this study is to develop an evaluation instrument for Dynamic Fluid materials with characteristics based on the ISCACoRe metacognitive strategy and determine the quality of the instrument to improve physics problem-solving skills. This study used research and development methods. The subjects of this developing study were 11th grade students at a senior high school in Yogyakarta. The ISCACoRe metacognitive strategy-based physics learning evaluation instrument was prepared in flip modules using the assessment-as-learning model, with characteristics of being independent, flexible, stimulating, and based on digital media. The instrument's validity is 86.25%, and the assessment as learning model's validity is 93.34%, indicating that the expert instrument is appropriate for use in learning evaluation activities. The level of an item's internal consistency is declared valid if  > 0.3961, a total of 8 items are accepted because  > 0.3961, and 2 items are rejected because   < 0.3961.  The Cronbach's alpha method of 0.817 and split-half of 0.875, with very high criteria, were used to obtain the results of the instrument reliability test. The experimental and control group obtained an average score of the normalized gain test (N-Gain) of 56.83%, and 44.10% respectivel