Pengembangan Four-Tier Multiple Choice Test untuk Mengukur Kemampuan Multirepresentasi Siswa pada Materi Gerak Harmonik Sederhana


Most of the evaluation tools available in high schools still prioritize mathematical analysis, and give less attention to the students. As a result, it causes mathematics anxiety among students. A multi-representation based four-tier multiple choice test can help students with mathematics anxiety to use other representational abilities, such as pictures, verbal, graphs and tables.The research objective was to develop an evaluation tool that was used to determine the characteristics of the instrument, the quality of the instrument, and to measure the multirepresentasis abilities of students on simple harmonic motion material. This research was a Research and Development (R & D) type. Sampling was carried out at three SMAN 1 in Tegal Regency, with a total of 315 students as respondents. The four-tier multiple choice test consists of 27 items covering four representations, namely mathematics, tables, verbal and pictures/graphics. The average result of validity by experts is 86.21% with very good category. The reliability value in the field test were 0.890 at SMAN 1 ); 0.885 at SMAN 1 Q; and 0.887 at SMAN 1 R. The distinguishing power test showed that 74.08% of the items were accepted (SMAN 1 P); 59.26% of questions were accepted (SMAN 1 Q); and 66.67% of the questions were accepted (SMAN 1 R). The difficulty level of the questions shows that 14.81% of the questions are difficult; 66.67% medium questions; and 18.52% easy questions. If the questions used table representations, 52.44% of students were able to convert them to graphs. Meanwhile questions with verbal representations found that most students were able to convert them to tables (52.85%). However, for questions with image representations, most students were able to convert them to verbal with 53.23% and questions with mathematical representations, so most students were able to convert them to verbal, with 49.84%

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