235 research outputs found


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    Arifin Budi Susilo. 2010. The Housekeeping Department of Bali Reef Resort at Tanjung Benoa - Bali. English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University. This report is based on a job training evaluation which was conducted at Bali Reef Resort. It located on Jl. Pratama Tanjung Benoa, one of tourism areas in Bali. The objectives of this report are to describe how the Housekeeping Department works and to find out the problems faced. This report explains the division of labor in the Housekeeping Department. In doing its job, the Housekeeping Department is divided into six main sections, they are: Floor Section, Public Area Section, Swimming Pool Section, Gardening Section, Linen and Uniform Section, and Florist Section. Each main section has its own work area and responsibility. They also have several officers with their own job description. This report is also intended to find out the problems faced by the Housekeeping Department internal and external. Therefore, several solutions are proposed to solve the problems. Based on the discussion, the writer suggests that the hotel should improve its work quality by changing the damage equipment with the new one and pay more attention to the employees by giving extra salary if the employees have to work overtime. This way expected to make the hotel be able to compete with the other hotels


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    Self-balancing robot merupakan robot yang dapat menjaga keseimbangan dirinya sendiri. Two wheels self-balancing robot memiliki roda di kedua sisinya dan  dapat menyeimbangkan dirinya dengan mengatur kecepatan motor berdasarkan sensor gyroscope dan accelerometer. Terdapat beberapa teknik kontrol yang dapat digunakan untuk self-balancing robot, yaitu proportional-integral-derivative (PID), fuzzy logic, dan linear quadratic regulator (LQR). Dalam penelitian ini dibuat two wheels self-balancing robot dengan mikrokontroler Arduino Nano menggunakan metode kontrol PID. Sensor yang digunakan adalah MPU-6050 yang merupakan gabungan gyroscope dan accelerometer. Complementary filter digunakan untuk menggabungkan data kedua sensor tersebut dan untuk mengontrol motor DC yang ada pada robot digunakan driver motor L293D. Kata kunci: robot, self-balancing, Arduino, MPU-6050, PI


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    This research is an attempt to describe Humility when it comes to leadership in Islamic educational institutions. The question in this research that you want to answer is the type of leadership Humility? To answer this question, researchers used data sources obtained from libraries, articles, and scientific journals. The findings in this study are that one of the Humility leadership has a type: know who doesn't know, is not afraid to fail because of puberty, does not underestimate competition, embraces and encourages the spirit of serving, listens to ideas, is eager to always be curiousPenelitian ini merupakan upaya untuk untuk mendeskripsikan Humility ketika di bawa dalam kepemimpinan di lembaga pendidikan Islam. Pertanyaan dalam penelitian ini yang ingin di jawab adalah tipe kepemimpinan Humility? Untuk menjawab pertanyaan tersebut peneliti menggunakan sumber data yang diperoleh dari perpustakaan, artikel, dan jurnal-jurnal ilmiah. Temuan yang di dapat dalam penelitian ini adalah Salah satu kepemimpinan Humility memiliki tipe: tahu yang tidak tahu, tidak takut gagal karena pubilitas, tidak meremehkan persaingan, merangkul dan mendorong semangat melayani, mendengarkan ide, bersemangat untuk selalu ingin tahu

    The Effect of Using Crankcase Emission Control System Technology on the Performance of a 160 cc Single Cylinder Four Stroke Engine

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    The research was carried out on a single-cylinder four-stroke petrol engine with a rotation variation of 1000 rpm - 9000 rpm, using crankcase emission control system (CECS) technology. The air that will enter the carburetor is mixed with hot gas that flows and comes from the CECS, causing the air to become warm and then mixed with the fuel in the carburetor and then the mixture passes through the manifold into the combustion chamber. Investigation in the first stage under standard conditions and in the second stage using CECS technology. The use of CECS technology results in increased machine performance. After testing with and without using CECS technology, optimum performance in the form of power, torque and specific fuel consumption occurred at engine speeds of 8000 rpm, 6000 rpm and 7000 rpm respectively producing power, torque and specific fuel consumption of 13.11 ; 1.504 kg.m and 0.152 kg/hp.hour without CECS, and with the use of CECS technology of 13.20 hp; 1.56 kg.m and 0.151 kg/hp.hour

    The Relationship between Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment and Leader-Member Exchange on Turnover Intention (Case Study in Head Office Employee of PT. WG)

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    The problem of turnover is experienced by many companies, including PT. WG. Head office of PT. WG has the highest rate of turnover among all locations of PT. WG. This study aims to determine the effect of job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and the relationship between leaders and the employees (Leader-Member Exchange - LMX) on employee turnover intention at the Head Office of PT. WG. It also aims to provide input to the management of PT. WG regarding things that need to be done to improve job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and LMX. This study uses a correlational method with primary data collected using a survey method in the form of a questionnaire. Collected data will be analyzed the suitability of the model with the hypothesis that has been proposed. Based on research that has been done, it was found that job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and LMX have a significant effect on turnover intention. Therefore PT. WG needs to pay attention to factors that influence job satisfaction and organizational commitment. In addition, leaders also need to pay attention to their relationships with subordinates. It is expected to reduce employee turnover intention at the Head Office of PT. WG


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    Fraudulent practice in financial report has resulted in the decrease of reliablity in financial report, causing losses for investors and creditors. Financial ratios can represent the company's performance and become a trigger factor for management to commit fraud. Therefore, this study aims to prove that financial leverage ratio, profitabilty ratio, asset composition ratio, liquidity ratio, capital turnover ratio, and receivable turnover ratio have an effect on fraudulent financial reporting. The population used in this study are all registered companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) throughout 2010-2016. Using purposive sampling method, the number of samples used are 52 companies. It consist of 26 fraud companies, as obtained from the database of sanctioned misstatement of financial reporting issued by OJK throughout 2010-2016 period and 26 non-fraud companies of the same size as determined under OJK regulation No. POJK.04 about Statement of Registration in the Public Offering and Capital Addition by Granting Right of Priority Effect by Companies with Small-Scale Assets or Companies with Medium-Scale Assets. The results of this study indicate that financial leverage and asset composition ratio have positive effect on the possibility of having fraudulent practice in financial report. Meanwhile, the profitability, liquidity, capital turnover, and receivable turnover ratio have negative effect on the possibility of fraudulent financial report


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    The Law No. 12 year 2011 on the Establishment of Legislation stated that the regulation of district / city legislation is established by the Board of Representatives pf the District / City represented by a mutual consent Regent / Mayor. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative data collection through in-depth interviews, documentation and recording of information (from documents, records, books and regulations) as well as observations (through interviews and documentation). The data analysis technique used is the interactive data analysis Miles and Huberman. Based on the study results, the establishment of the Regional Regulation of the Indigenous Murung Kingdom affected by several factors, both being supporting and inhibiting factors. The supporting factors include the lack of support from the executive and legislative branches. While the limiting factor is not the enactment of the Draft Law on Indigenous People National inconsistency problem and miscoordination are some of the obstacles that arise in the preparation of a law, no unit of the regional organization (SOPD) that specifically take care of the indigenous in the area and lack of communication among stakeholders concerning indigenous issues.  Article visualizations

    Pengaruh Kecerdasan Emosional, Self Efficacy, dan Beban Kerja terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Pada Mocca Animation Studio Malang

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    AbstractThis research aims to analyze the impact of emotional intelligence, self efficacy, and workload on employee performance Mocca Animation Studio Malang. The method used in this study is multiple linear regression analysis. The samples used in this study refer to Sugiyono purposeful sampling technique, that is, the researcher  collect samples when all members off the population are used as samples, and there are 53 respondents in total. The results of this study also show the impact positif of emotional intelligence variables, self efficacy, and workload on employee performance Mocca Animation Studio Malang. Keywords : emotional intelligence, self efficacy, workload, employee performance

    Pengaruh Harga, Kualitas Produk Dan Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan Pada Samantha Fashion

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    Abstract This study aims to determine the effect of price, product quality and service quality on customer loyalty at Samantha Fashion. A sample of 75 respondents from 33 questionnaires distributed to Samantha Fashion customers. The analysis used in this research is multiple linear regression model with SPSS analysis tool. The results showed that simultaneously product quality, service quality, price and location had a significant effect on customer loyalty. While partially product quality, service quality, price and location have a significant effect on customer loyalty. Keywords: Price, Product Quality, Service Quality, Customer Loyalt