1,889 research outputs found

    Alternative oxidase (AOX) constitutes a small family of proteins in Citrus clementina and Citrus sinensis L. Osb

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    The alternative oxidase (AOX) protein is present in plants, fungi, protozoa and some invertebrates. It is involved in the mitochondrial respiratory chain, providing an alternative route for the transport of electrons, leading to the reduction of oxygen to form water. The present study aimed to characterize the family of AOX genes in mandarin (Citrus clementina) and sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) at nucleotide and protein levels, including promoter analysis, phylogenetic analysis and C. sinensis gene expression. This study also aimed to do the homology modeling of one AOX isoform (CcAOXd). Moreover, the molecular docking of the CcAOXd protein with the ubiquinone (UQ) was performed. Four AOX genes were identified in each citrus species. These genes have an open reading frame (ORF) ranging from 852 bp to 1150 bp and a number of exons ranging from 4 to 9. The 1500 bp-upstream region of each AOX gene contained regulatory cis-elements related to internal and external response factors. CsAOX genes showed a differential expression in citrus tissues. All AOX proteins were predicted to be located in mitochondria. They contained the conserved motifs LET, NERMHL, LEEEA and RADE-H as well as several putative post-translational modification sites. The CcAOXd protein was modeled by homology to the AOX of Trypanosona brucei (45% of identity). The 3-D structure of CcAOXd showed the presence of two hydrophobic helices that could be involved in the anchoring of the protein in the inner mitochondrial membrane. The active site of the protein is located in a hydrophobic environment deep inside the AOX structure and contains a diiron center. The molecular docking of CcAOXd with UQ showed that the binding site is a recessed pocket formed by the helices and submerged in the membrane. These data are important for future functional studies of citrus AOX genes and/or proteins, as well as for biotechnological approaches leading to AOX inhibition using UQ homologs. (Résumé d'auteur

    Transferência das aprendizagens da formação: Caso APPAREL

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    O presente projecto pretendeu estudar e avaliar a transferência da formação para o local de trabalho e os seus impactos ao nível das alterações no desempenho dos colaboradores e empresa em geral. Partindo da escolha da empresa do sector têxtil APPAREL, reconhecida pelas boas práticas em RH, e de uma amostra de 55 colaboradores, analisou-se o papel da formação profissional generalista recebida no âmbito da empresa e o da formação em Higiene e Segurança nos índices de acidentes de trabalho e na sua gravidade. Utilizaram-se como instrumentos o LTSI (Holton e colaboradores, 2002), inventário dos factores que influenciam a transferência das aprendizagens, a entrevista informal e dados fornecidos pela empresa. Os principais resultados indicam que a transferência da formação está relacionada com um bom ambiente de trabalho, com o suporte dos colegas e superiores e com a informação disponível e aplicabilidade percebida da formação para o local de trabalho. Por outro lado, as sanções ou as respostas negativas por parte dos colegas são apontados como os principais inibidores da transferência. Em termos da Formação em Higiene e Segurança, verifica-se que esta é importante na sensibilização e na adopção de condutas mais seguras, embora não seja possível correlacioná-la directamente com a redução do número e gravidade dos Acidentes de Trabalho. Como principais limitações do projecto, aponta-se o tamanho reduzido da amostra principal, a sua homogeneidade em termos sócio-demográficos ou o facto da empresa se encontrar em reestruturação com o respectivo impacto que esta medida tem no contexto geral da empresa.The main goal of this project is to study and evaluate the transfer of training for the workplace and their impact in terms of changes in employee performance and in business in general. The chosen company was APPAREL, a textile company recognized for Good Practices in HR, and for a sample of 55 employees, were analyzed the role of generalist training received within the company and training in Health and Safety in accident rates and in their severity. Were used as instruments the LTSI (Holton et al, 2002), an inventory of the main factors that influence transfer of learning, the informal interview and data supplied by the company. The main results indicate that the transfer of training is linked with a good working environment, with the support of colleagues and superiors and to the information available and perceived applicability of training for the workplace. Moreover, sanctions or negative responses from colleagues are singled out as the main inhibitors of the transfer. In terms of training in Health and Safety, it appears that this is important in raising awareness and in adoption of safer behaviors, although it is not possible to correlate directly with the reduction in the number and severity of accidents at work. The main limitations of the project were the small size of the main sample, its homogeneity in terms of socio-demography or that the company is undergoing restructuring with the impact that this has in the context of the company

    Serra de São Mamede Natural Park, a macrofungal diversity hotspot in the Mediterranean region

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    The Serra de São Mamede Natural Park is a biodiversity hotspot in the broad region of Alentejo, Portugal, where the influence of the Atlantic Ocean allows for the continuity of a Eurosiberian-like forest in the heart of a Mediterranean region. The park is therefore unique among the few protected areas in Portugal. We attempt to describe the macrofungal diversity of the park for the first time. Our results reveal a rich and diverse assembly of macrofungal species (239 taxa), and in particular, mycorrhizal species (145 taxa). Furthermore, 26 taxa are newly recorded from Portugal, while 81 taxa are newly recorded from Alto Alentejo Province. Also, the majority of these newly reported taxa were recorded in mixed stands of Quercus pyrenaica Willd.—a European protected habitat of limited extent—whose importance is enhanced now the rich and diverse associated macrofungal community, as shown in our study

    A segurança nos Caminhos de Fátima : levantamento etnográfico do percurso de peregrinação no concelho de Santa Maria da Feira

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    Infelizmente na peregrinação anual ao Santuário de Fátima, existem acidentes rodoviários envolvendo peregrinos. Esta dissertação teve como objetivo, analisar as condições dum pequeno percurso do “Caminho do Norte”, no contexto dos “Caminhos de Fátima”, no concelho de Santa Maria da Feira. Recorreu-se à metodologia de natureza qualitativa, através de um levantamento etnográfico, com o intuito de analisar as condições de segurança, a sinalização e as zonas pedonais do itinerário alvo de análise. No cômputo geral, verificou-se que a marcação do caminho é elucidativa neste troço, contudo não existem zonas pedonais na totalidade da via investigada, como apurado nas freguesias de Lourosa, Escapães e Arrifana, representando um elevado risco à segurança dos peregrinos. Este estudo propôs um pequeno troço alternativo numa das etapas do “Caminho do Norte”, de modo a desviar os peregrinos da EN 1, via que apresenta um grande fluxo de trânsito. Ficou claramente demonstrado que, o percurso mais seguro é o mais longo e o que apresenta maior grau de dificuldade. Aspetos como o património histórico e cultural das regiões são apreciados na concretização da jornada em direção ao derradeiro lugar sagrado de destino.Unfortunately, in the annual pilgrimage to the Sanctuary of Fátima, there are road accidents involving pilgrims. This dissertation aimed to analyze the conditions of a short journey on the “Caminho do Norte”, in the context of the “Caminhos de Fátima”, in the municipality of Santa Maria da Feira. A qualitative methodology was used, through an ethnographic survey, to analyze the safety conditions, the signs and the pedestrian zones of the itinerary targeted by the analysis. In the general reckoning, it was found that the path marking is elucidative in this section, however there are no pedestrian areas in the entire investigated road, as found in the parishes of Lourosa, Escapães and Arrifana, representing a high risk to the pilgrims safety. This study proposed a small alternative route in one of the stages of the “Caminho do Norte”, to divert pilgrims from the EN 1, a route that presents a great flow of traffic. It was clearly demonstrated that the safest route is the longest and the one with the greatest degree of difficulty. Aspects such as the historical and cultural heritage of the regions are appreciated in the realization of the journey towards the ultimate sacred place of destination

    Caso de estudo aplicado ao produto MediaPOS

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    No panorama económico nacional, o combate à fraude e evasão fiscal e aduaneira desempenham um papel importante na estabilização da economia. Vários esforços têm sido desenvolvidos ao longo dos últimos anos como forma de garantir uma justa repartição do esforço fiscal e sancionar sanções do incumprimento. Uma das medidas consiste na obrigatoriedade de utilização de sistemas de faturação certificados, assim como o programa efatura. Os sistemas de pontos de venda desempenham na atualidade um papel importante na estratégia de combate ao incumprimento. Estes sistemas, devidamente certificados, permitem a emissão de faturas e posterior comunicação à Autoridade Tributária e Aduaneira. O crescimento sustentado das tecnologias móveis e o aumento da acessibilidade a estes dispositivos criou várias oportunidades de negócio, conferindo não só mobilidade aos sistemas de pontos de venda, como também explorar várias funcionalidades. O objetivo principal desta investigação foca-se no estudo e criação de uma solução para pontos de venda destinada a dispositivos móveis, recorrendo ao desenvolvimento de soluções multiplataforma. Para alcançar esse objetivo, foram realizados estudos para determinar as diversas características inovadoras a implementar. A pesquisa desenvolvida apresenta várias soluções e abordagens a nível de tecnologias de interação com dipositivos e periféricos, tirando partido das capacidades dos dispositivos móveis e conferindo novas possibilidades de automatização de processos. Como prova de conceito e base para uma solução comercializável foi elaborado um protótipo. Foram apresentadas em detalhe as várias fases que constituíram o processo de desenvolvimento da solução, as ferramentas e técnicas abordadas, assim como a proposta de solução. Por fim, é feita a discussão dos resultados obtidos e apresentadas as dificuldades, limitações e perspetivas de trabalho futuro.In the national economic panorama, the fight against fraud and tax and customs evasion play a vital part in the economy stabilization. Several efforts have been made throughout the last years as a way to guarantee ensure a fair distribution of the tax effort and penalize non-compliance penalties. Both the e-fatura program and the obligation of certified billing systems are some of these measures. The point-of-sale systems (POS) play nowadays an important role in the strategy to fight noncompliances. These systems are properly certified by the Autoridade Tributária e Aduaneira and allow the issuance of invoices and subsequent reporting. The sustained growth and ease of availability of mobile technology has opened several business opportunities, allowing to explore various features besides the ability to allow mobility in these point-of-sale systems. The main purpose of this investigation focuses on the study, design and implementation of a point of sale solution using mobile devices, employing a cross-platform solution. To attain this goal, studies were performed to determinate various innovative features to be implemented. This study presents numerous solutions and approaches to the interaction with the device and its peripherals, taking advantage of the abilities of mobile devices and allowing new possibilities in process automation. As proof of concept and basis to a commercial solution, a prototype was created. The various stages that formed the process of developing the solution, tools used and techniques addressed were presented with details, as the final solution proposal. Finally, the obtained results, difficulties, limitations and perspectives for future work are discussed with some details

    Tooth abnormalities in individuals with unilateral alveolar clefts : a comparison between sides using cone-beam computed tomography

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    Background: Tooth abnormalities are most often present in individuals with oral clefts than general population, and lead to a long-term impact on facial anatomy and self-esteem. The purpose of this study was to compare the proportion of dental anomalies between the cleft side and non-cleft side in individuals with non-syndromic unilateral alveolar clefts (AC). Material and Methods: Twenty cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans were converted into threedimensional (3D) virtual models. The dental anomalies considered were: tooth agenesis; supernumerary teeth; giroversion; and microdontia. Statistical analysis was performed using the McNemar?s test and Fisher?s exact test ( p < 0.05). Results: Statistically significant differences were not found either between the prevalence of individuals with dental abnormalities on the non-cleft side and the sides of the AC ( p = 1.00), or sex ( p = 0.36). Tooth agenesis was the most prevalent dental anomaly (55.6%). On the cleft side the lateral incisor was tooth most involved by dental anomalies; and the second premolar was the most affected on the non-cleft side. Conclusions: This study showed a high frequency of dental anomalies in the cleft individuals and indicated that the side of AC and sex do not interfere in the proportion of dental anomalies on non-cleft side

    Análise de circuitos osciladores com sensores SAW para a utilização em narizes eletrônicos

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    This dissertation consists in analyzing different oscillator circuit topologies designed to work with SAW (surface acoustic wave) sensors, in order to be applied in electronic noses, for chemical sensing of volatile substances. Research has been done about some of the most common types of electronic nose sensors found on the market, where the pros and cons are revealed, as well as the wide range of applicability of this type of device. Radiofrequency concepts were discussed, which are important for elaboration and construction of oscillator circuits. Results of simulations and experimental tests of the three oscillator configurations studied (common base Colpitts, series resonant Colpitts and with an RFIC amplifier) are found. As a result, it was concluded that, in general, the common base Colpitts oscillator circuit presented the best performances, with peak-to-peak 800mV amplitude voltage, 10,58mA current consumption (5V DC input), the fastest stabilization time – with 8µs – and output signal with the least harmonic interference.Essa dissertação consiste em analisar diferentes topologias de circuitos osciladores projetados para trabalhar com sensores SAW (sensores de ondas acústicas de superfície), no intuito de serem aplicados em narizes eletrônicos, para o sensoriamento químico de substâncias voláteis. Foi feita uma pesquisa sobre alguns dos tipos de sensores para narizes eletrônicos mais comuns encontrados no mercado, onde são revelados os prós e os contras, assim como a ampla gama de aplicabilidade desse tipo de dispositivo. Foram abordados conceitos de radiofrequência, que são importantes para a elaboração e construção de circuitos osciladores. São encontrados os resultados das simulações e testes experimentais das três configurações de osciladores estudadas (Colpitts de base comum, Colpitts ressonante série e com um amplificador RFIC). Com isto, concluiu-se que, de maneira geral, o circuito oscilador Colpitts de base comum apresentou as melhores performances, com tensão de amplitude em 800mV pico a pico, consumo de corrente em 10,58mA (5V DC de entrada), o mais rápido tempo de estabilização – com 8µs – e o sinal de saída com a menor interferência de harmônicos