434 research outputs found

    Machine Learning Based Fall Detector with a Sensorized Tip

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    Fall detection has become an area of interest in recent years, as quick response to these events is critical to reduce the morbidity and mortality rate. In order to ensure proper fall detection, several technologies have been developed, including vision system, environmental detection systems, and wearable sensor based systems. However, in elderly or impaired people, it has been shown that the implementation of sensors in Assistive Devices for Walking, such as crutches or canes, can also be a promising alternative. In this work, a Support Vector Machine (SVM) based Fall Detection system is proposed, which uses the data provided by a Sensorized Tip which can be attached to different Assistive Devices for Walking (ADW). Unlike other approaches, the developed one is able to differentiate the fall of the ADW from the fall of the user. For that purpose, the developed Fall Detector uses two modules connected in series. The first one detects all falls, while the second differentiates between user and ADW falls. The proposed approach is validated in a set of experimental tests carried out by healthy volunteers that have simulated different falls. In addition, a comparative analysis is carried out by comparing the performance of the Sensorized Tip based Fall Detector and a state-of-the-art commercial accelerometer system. Results demonstrate that the proposed approach provides high Fall Detection Ratios (over 90%), similar or higher to wearable-sensor based approaches

    Integral representation of the linear Boltzmann operator for granular gas dynamics with applications

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    We investigate the properties of the collision operator associated to the linear Boltzmann equation for dissipative hard-spheres arising in granular gas dynamics. We establish that, as in the case of non-dissipative interactions, the gain collision operator is an integral operator whose kernel is made explicit. One deduces from this result a complete picture of the spectrum of the collision operator in an Hilbert space setting, generalizing results from T. Carleman to granular gases. In the same way, we obtain from this integral representation of the gain operator that the semigroup in L^1(\R \times \R,\d \x \otimes \d\v) associated to the linear Boltzmann equation for dissipative hard spheres is honest generalizing known results from the first author.Comment: 19 pages, to appear in Journal of Statistical Physic

    Relationship between Prenatal or Postnatal Exposure to Pesticides and Obesity: A Systematic Review

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    In recent years, the worldwide prevalence of overweight and obesity among adults and children has dramatically increased. The conventional model regarding the onset of obesity is based on an imbalance between energy intake and expenditure. However, other possible environmental factors involved, such as the exposure to chemicals like pesticides, cannot be discarded. These compounds could act as endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDC) that may interfere with hormone activity related to several mechanisms involved in body weight control. The main objective of this study was to systematically review the data provided in the scientific literature for a possible association between prenatal and postnatal exposure to pesticides and obesity in offspring. A total of 25 human and 9 animal studies were analyzed. The prenatal, perinatal, and postnatal exposure to organophosphate, organochlorine, pyrethroid, neonicotinoid, and carbamate, as well as a combined pesticide exposure was reviewed. This systematic review reveals that the effects of pesticide exposure on body weight are mostly inconclusive, finding conflicting results in both humans and experimental animals. The outcomes reviewed are dependent on many factors, including dosage and route of administration, species, sex, and treatment duration. More research is needed to effectively evaluate the impact of the combined effects of different pesticides on human health.This study was supported by grants from the Spanish Government (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad and Instituto Mixto de Investigación-Escuela Nacional de Sanidad (IMIENS)) and the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (MINECO-FEDER) Grant numbers: PSI2017-90806-REDT, PSI2017-83038-P, PSI2017-83893-R, PSI2017-86396-P, PSI2017-86847-C2-2-R MINECO-FEDER, and IMIENS: PIC-IMIENS-2018-003.S

    Sex and Exposure to Postnatal Chlorpyrifos Influence the Epigenetics of Feeding-Related Genes in a Transgenic APOE Mouse Model:Long-Term Implications on Body Weight after a High-Fat Diet

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    Developmental exposure to toxicants and diet can interact with an individual's genetics and produce long-lasting metabolic adaptations. The different isoforms of the apolipoprotein E (APOE) are an important source of variability in metabolic disorders and influence the response to the pesticide chlorpyrifos (CPF). We aimed to study the epigenetic regulation on feeding control genes and the influence of postnatal CPF exposure, APOE genotype, and sex, and how these modifications impact on the metabolic response to a high-fat diet (HFD). Both male and female apoE3- and apoE4-TR mice were exposed to CPF on postnatal days 10-15. The DNA methylation pattern of proopiomelanocortin, neuropeptide Y, leptin receptor, and insulin-like growth factor 2 was studied in the hypothalamus. At adulthood, the mice were given a HFD for eight weeks. The results highlight the importance of sex in the epigenetic regulation and the implication of CPF treatment and APOE genotype. The body weight progression exhibited sex-dimorphic differences, apoE4-TR males being the most susceptible to the effects induced by CPF and HFD. Overall, these results underscore the pivotal role of sex, APOE genotype, and developmental exposure to CPF on subsequent metabolic disturbances later in life and show that sex is a key variable in epigenetic regulation

    Integrative analyses identify modulators of response to neoadjuvant aromatase inhibitors in patients with early breast cancer

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    Introduction Aromatase inhibitors (AIs) are a vital component of estrogen receptor positive (ER+) breast cancer treatment. De novo and acquired resistance, however, is common. The aims of this study were to relate patterns of copy number aberrations to molecular and proliferative response to AIs, to study differences in the patterns of copy number aberrations between breast cancer samples pre- and post-AI neoadjuvant therapy, and to identify putative biomarkers for resistance to neoadjuvant AI therapy using an integrative analysis approach. Methods Samples from 84 patients derived from two neoadjuvant AI therapy trials were subjected to copy number profiling by microarray-based comparative genomic hybridisation (aCGH, n = 84), gene expression profiling (n = 47), matched pre- and post-AI aCGH (n = 19 pairs) and Ki67-based AI-response analysis (n = 39). Results Integrative analysis of these datasets identified a set of nine genes that, when amplified, were associated with a poor response to AIs, and were significantly overexpressed when amplified, including CHKA, LRP5 and SAPS3. Functional validation in vitro, using cell lines with and without amplification of these genes (SUM44, MDA-MB134-VI, T47D and MCF7) and a model of acquired AI-resistance (MCF7-LTED) identified CHKA as a gene that when amplified modulates estrogen receptor (ER)-driven proliferation, ER/estrogen response element (ERE) transactivation, expression of ER-regulated genes and phosphorylation of V-AKT murine thymoma viral oncogene homolog 1 (AKT1). Conclusions These data provide a rationale for investigation of the role of CHKA in further models of de novo and acquired resistance to AIs, and provide proof of concept that integrative genomic analyses can identify biologically relevant modulators of AI response

    Hunting territories and land use overlap in sedentarised Baka Pygmy communities in southeastern Cameroon

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    A significant number of Baka Pygmies in Cameroon have been sedentarised in roadside villages, in contrast to their nomadic hunter-gatherer existence of the past. Although this change in lifestyle has had important consequences on health, most Baka villages still supplement their diets from forest products, especially wild meat. We used a combination of participatory methods and monitoring of individual hunters to map hunting territories in 10 Baka villages in southeastern Cameroon. From these, we determined whether wild meat extraction levels per village were related to the size of hunting territories, measured habitat use by hunters and finally defined the overlap between hunting territories and extractive industries in the region. Mapped village hunting areas averaged 205.2 ± 108.7 km2 (range 76.8–352.0 km2); all villages used a total of 2052 km2. From 295 tracks of 51 hunters, we showed that hunters travelled an average of 16.5 ± 13.5 km (range 0.9–89.8 km) from each village. Home ranges, derived from kernel utilization distributions, were correlated with village offtake levels, but hunter offtake and distance travelled were not significantly related, suggesting that enough prey was available even close to the villages. Hunters in all village areas exhibited a clear bias towards certain habitats, as indicated by positive Ivlev’s index of selectivity values. We also showed that all village hunting territories and hunter home ranges fall within mining and logging concessions. Our results are important for local understanding of forest land uses and to reconcile these with the other land uses in the region to better inform decisions concerning land use policy and planning