206 research outputs found

    Radial continuity of set-valued metric projections

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    AbstractSome new continuity concepts for metric projections are introduced which are simpler and more general than the usual upper and lower semicontinuity. These concepts are strong enough to generalize a number of known results yet weak enough so that now the converses of many of these generalizations are also valid. In particular, in a large class of normed linear spaces, suns and Chebychev sets can be characterized by a certain continuity property of their metric projections

    Economic Recession Affects Gambling Participation But Not Problematic Gambling: Results from a Population-Based Follow-up Study

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    In October 2008, Iceland experienced the fastest and deepest financial crisis recorded in modern times when all three major banks went bankrupt in less than 2 weeks. The purpose of this follow-up study is to examine potential changes in participation in 12 different gambling types and in problem gambling before (time 1; year 2007) and after (time 2; year 2011) the economic collapse in 2008. The time between the first and second wave of data collection was 3.5 years. In total, 1,531 participants took part in the study, 688 males and 843 females. There was a considerable increase in past year gambling behavior from 2007 to 2011, mostly due to increased participation in lotto (National lotto and Viking lotto) but also in bingo, monthly lotteries (class lotteries with at least monthly draw) and scratch tickets. Only EGMs (electronic gaming machines) participation declined significantly between the two timepoints. Examining past year problematic gambling figures revealed that there were no changes in the prevalence figures between the year 2007 (1.2%) and 2011 (1.1%). Further examination revealed that those who reported financial difficulties due to the recession were more likely to buy lotto- or scratch tickets during the recession than those who were not financially affected by the crisis. These findings remained after controlling for background variables and baseline gambling activity (gambling in 2007). Overall, the findings of the follow-up study suggest that when people are experiencing financial difficulties during economic recessions, the possibility to improve their financial situation by winning large jackpots with low initial stakes becomes more enticing.This research project received funding from the Icelandic Ministry of the Interior. The authors have full responsibility for all parts of the data collection, examination of the data, and full control over the decision on publication.Peer Reviewe

    Flächenbezogene Berechnung von Biomassepotenzialen

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    In Deutschland beträgt der Anteil erneuerbarer Energien am Primärenergieverbrauch 13,1 % (2017). Davon werden knapp zwei Drittel durch Biomasse gedeckt. Der flexible und vielseitige Einsatz von Biomasse setzt jedoch eine langfristige Verfügbarkeit von biogenen Roh- und Reststoffen voraus. Ein besonderer Fokus liegt auf der optimalen Nutzung von Nebenprodukten, Reststoffen und Abfällen aus Land- und Forstwirtschaft, lebensmittelverarbeitender Industrie und kommunalen Siedlungsabfällen. In diesem sektorenübergreifenden Kontext hat die Biomasse Getreidestroh eine herausragende Relevanz, da über verfügbare Konversionstechnologien hohe Treibhausgasminderungspotenziale erreicht werden könnten. Die ungenutzten Strohpotenziale in Deutschland werden auf 8 Mio. t bis 13 Mio. t Frischmasse (FM) geschätzt. Die räumliche Verteilung dieser Ressource ist jedoch sehr heterogen. Mithilfe von Forschungsergebnissen, offenen Geodaten und aktuellen Statistiken kann die Verfügbarkeit dieser wichtigen Biomasse modelliert werden. Die Ergebnisse bilden eine geeignete Basis für die Bewertung einer technologiespezifischen Biomassebereitstellung mit dem Ziel, geeignete Regionen oder Standorte für bestimmte Technologien zu identifizieren. Auf dieser Grundlage kann abgeschätzt werden, mit welchem zusätzlichen Beitrag im Energiesystem und mit welchem Beitrag zur Treibhausgasminderung gerechnet werden könnte

    Der Strohmarkt in Deutschland: Marktschreier 4.0

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    Ziel der Broschüre ist es, über die Möglichkeiten einer nachhaltigen Nutzung von Stroh in Deutschland zu informieren und ein Stimmungsbild von verschiedenen Akteuren zu einer zukünftigen Nutzung zu präsentieren. Dafür wurden über 50 Personen aus Landwirtschaft, Industrie, Politik und Wissenschaft befragt. Die Ergebnisse können eine bessere Erschließung der Ressource unterstützen

    Cross-National Associations Among Cyberbullying Victimization, Self-Esteem, and Internet Addiction : Direct and Indirect Effects of Alexithymia

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    The relationship among cyberbullying victimization, lower self-esteem, and internet addiction has been well-established. Yet, little research exists that explains the nature of these associations, and no previous work has considered the inability to identify or describe one's emotions, namely, alexithymia, as a potential mediator of these links. The present study sought to investigate the indirect effects of cyberbullying victimization on self-esteem and internet addiction, mediated by alexithymia. The sample consisted of 1,442 participants between 12 and 17 years (M-age= 14.17,SD= 1.38, 51.5% male) from Germany, the Netherlands, and the United States. Results showed a direct relationship between cyberbullying victimization and self-esteem and an indirect association mediated by alexithymia in the Dutch sample. However, in the German and U.S. samples, only an indirect relationship via alexithymia, but not a direct effect of cyberbullying victimization on self-esteem, was found. Consistent across the three country samples, cyberbullying victimization and internet addiction were directly and also indirectly associated via alexithymia. In sum, findings indicate that alexithymia might help better understand which detrimental effects cyberbullying victimization has on adolescent psychological health. Thus, cyberbullying prevention programs should consider implementing elements that educate adolescents on the ability to identify and describe their own emotions

    Grünlandenergie Havelland

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    Im Rahmen des Projekts „Grünlandenergie Havelland“ untersuchte das Deutsche Biomasseforschungszentrum in Kooperation mit dem Leibniz-Institut für Agrartechnik Potsdam-Bornim e. V. und der Bosch & Partner GmbH am Beispiel der Modellregion Havelland (Landkreis Havelland und umliegende Gebiete) mögliche Konversionspfade zur Energiegewinnung von halmgutartigem Grüngut. Im Fokus stand die Verwertung von überschüssigem Gras von extensiv bewirtschafteten Grünlandflächen sowie von halmgutartiger Biomasse aus der Gewässerunterhaltung und Biotoppflege. Als Reststoffe lässt die energetische Nutzung dieser Substrate eine besonders gute Treibhausgasbilanz erwarten. Aufgrund der stofflichen Eigenschaften sowie der dezentralen und häufig sehr heterogenen Aufkommen ist die energetische Nutzung dieser Substrate jedoch mit besonderen technischen und logistischen Herausforderungen verbunden. Ziel des Projekts war die Entwicklung von übertragbaren Konzepten zur Nutzung der betrachteten Grüngutsortimente für die Wärme- und Stromerzeugung. Ausgehend von der Analyse der entsprechenden Biomassepotenziale sowie geeigneter Standorte und Technologien wurden vollständige Bereistellungsketten verschiedener Nutzungskonzepte untersucht. Die abschließende Bewertung der Nutzungskonzepte erfolgt anhand der Parameter: Wirtschaftlichkeit, Treibhausgasemissionsminderungspotenzial und Umsetzbarkeit. Im Ergebnis werden für die regionalen Akteure anwendungsreife Analysemethoden bereitgestellt, Empfehlungen für einzelne Nutzungskonzepte ausgesprochen und weitergehender Forschungsbedarf benannt. [... aus der Zusammenfassung

    In-play sports betting: a scoping study

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    Technology has changed the nature of gambling practices over the last decade and is continuing to do so. The online sports betting industry has become a rapidly growing sector of the global economy, with online sports betting contributing 37% of the annual online gambling market in Europe. There has been an integration of social and technological processes that has enabled the cultural saliency of contemporary online betting. One of the more newly introduced forms of online sports betting is in-play sports betting behaviour (the betting on events within a sporting event such as football and cricket). In-play sports betting features (such as 'cash out') are increasing in popularity amongst online gambling operators. A scoping study was carried out examining the evolution of this new form of gambling practice which included both a systematic literature review and the examination of 338 online gambling websites that offered sports betting. The present study identified a comprehensive list of what in-play betting features are currently being offered on online gambling websites as well as other information concerning in-play sports betting. A total of 16 academic papers and two 'grey literature' reports and were identified in the systematic review. Out of 338 online gambling websites that were visited, 26% of these offered at least on in-play betting feature. Results from the systematic review suggest that in-play sports betting has the potential to be more harmful than other ways of gambling because of the inherent structural characteristics

    In-play sports betting: a scoping study

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    Technology has changed the nature of gambling practices over the last decade and is continuing to do so. The online sports betting industry has become a rapidly growing sector of the global economy, with online sports betting contributing 37% of the annual online gambling market in Europe. There has been an integration of social and technological processes that has enabled the cultural saliency of contemporary online betting. One of the more newly introduced forms of online sports betting is in-play sports betting behaviour (the betting on events within a sporting event such as football and cricket). In-play sports betting features (such as 'cash out') are increasing in popularity amongst online gambling operators. A scoping study was carried out examining the evolution of this new form of gambling practice which included both a systematic literature review and the examination of 338 online gambling websites that offered sports betting. The present study identified a comprehensive list of what in-play betting features are currently being offered on online gambling websites as well as other information concerning in-play sports betting. A total of 16 academic papers and two 'grey literature' reports and were identified in the systematic review. Out of 338 online gambling websites that were visited, 26% of these offered at least on in-play betting feature. Results from the systematic review suggest that in-play sports betting has the potential to be more harmful than other ways of gambling because of the inherent structural characteristics