367 research outputs found

    Organic acids as cloud condensation nuclei: Laboratory studies of highly soluble and insoluble species

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    International audienceThe ability of sub-micron-sized organic acid particles to act as cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) has been examined at room temperature using a newly constructed continuous-flow, thermal-gradient diffusion chamber (TGDC). The organic acids studied were: oxalic, malonic, glutaric, oleic and stearic. The CCN properties of the highly soluble acids - oxalic, malonic and glutaric - match very closely Köhler theory predictions which assume full dissolution of the dry particle and a surface tension of the growing droplet equal to that of water. In particular, for supersaturations between 0.3 and 0.6, agreement between the dry particle diameter which gives 50% activation and that calculated from Köhler theory is to within 3nm on average. In the course of the experiments, considerable instability of glutaric acid particles was observed as a function of time and there is evidence that they fragment to some degree to smaller particles. Stearic acid and oleic acid, which are both highly insoluble in water, did not activate at supersaturations of 0.6% with dry diameters up to 140nm. Finally, to validate the performance of the TGDC, we present results for the activation of ammonium sulfate particles that demonstrate good agreement with Köhler theory if solution non-ideality is considered. Our findings support earlier studies in the literature that showed highly soluble organics to be CCN active but insoluble species to be largely inactive

    No significant improvement of cardiovascular disease risk indicators by a lifestyle intervention in people with familial hypercholesterolemia compared to usual care: results of a randomised controlled trial

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    Background: People with Familial Hypercholesterolemia (FH) may benefit from lifestyle changes supporting their primary treatment of dyslipidaemia. This project evaluated the efficacy of an individualised tailored lifestyle intervention on lipids (low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), total cholesterol (TC) and triglycerides), systolic blood pressure, glucose, body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference in people with FH. Methods: Adults with FH (n= 340), recruited from a Dutch cascade screening program, were randomly assigned to either a control group or an intervention group. The personalised intervention consisted of web-based tailored lifestyle advice and personal counselling. The control group received care as usual. Lipids, systolic blood pressure, glucose, BMI, and waist circumference were measured at baseline and after 12 months. Regression analyses were conducted to examine differences between both groups. Results: After 12 months, no significant between-group differences of cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk indicators were observed. LDL-C levels had decreased in both the intervention and control group. This difference between intervention and control group was not statistically significant. Conclusions: This project suggests that an individually tailored lifestyle intervention did not have an additional effect in improving CVD risk indicators among people with FH. The cumulative effect of many small improvements in all indicators on long term CVD risk remains to be assessed in future studies. Trial registration: NTR1899 at ww.trialregister.nl.© 2012 Broekhuizen et al

    Heterogeneous oxidation of saturated organic aerosols by hydroxyl radicals: uptake kinetics, condensed-phase products, and particle size change

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    International audienceThe kinetics and reaction mechanism for the heterogeneous oxidation of saturated organic aerosols by gas-phase OH radicals were investigated under NOx-free conditions. The reaction of 150 nm diameter Bis(2-ethylhexyl) sebacate (BES) particles with OH was studied as a proxy for chemical aging of atmospheric aerosols containing saturated organic matter. An aerosol reactor flow tube combined with an Aerodyne time-of-flight aerosol mass spectrometer (ToF-AMS) and scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS) was used to study this system. Hydroxyl radicals were produced by 254 nm photolysis of O3 in the presence of water vapour. The kinetics of the heterogeneous oxidation of the BES particles was studied by monitoring the loss of a mass fragment of BES with the ToF-AMS as a function of OH exposure. We measured an initial OH uptake coefficient of ?0=1.3 (±0.4), confirming that this reaction is highly efficient. The density of BES particles increased by up to 20% of the original BES particle density at the highest OH exposure studied, consistent with the particle becoming more oxidized. Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry analysis showed that the major particle-phase reaction products are multifunctional carbonyls and alcohols with higher molecular weights than the starting material. Volatilization of oxidation products accounted for a maximum of 17% decrease of the particle volume at the highest OH exposure studied. Tropospheric organic aerosols will become more oxidized from heterogeneous photochemical oxidation, which may affect not only their physical and chemical properties, but also their hygroscopicity and cloud nucleation activity

    In search of good water governance

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    Inleiding Voor u ligt het eindrapport van een verkenning van vormen van watergovernance buiten Nederland. RWS Waterdienst is de opdrachtgever voor het onderzoek. Op verzoek van DG Water van het Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat gaf de Waterdienst de volgende doelstelling aan de onderzoekers mee: zoek naar inspirerende voorbeelden in het buitenland van de wijze waarop de bestuurlijke organisatie van het waterbeheer en beleid functioneert. De verkenning is vooral een zoektocht naar opvallende vraagstellingen en aanpakken in het buitenland, en biedt het kader om op een aantal zaken meer systematische, in de governance theorie verankerderde vergelijkende studies aan te vatten. De verkenning is uitgevoerd door onderzoekers van DHV, Grontmij en Indiana University. Om de verkenning te verbinden met de bestaande wetenschappelijke inzichten over watergovernance heeft een wetenschappelijke commissie onder leiding van hoogleraar Bestuurskunde, prof. Geert Teisman het onderzoek begeleid

    AKARI observations of ice absorption bands towards edge-on young stellar objects

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    To investigate the composition and evolution of circumstellar ice around low-mass young stellar objects (YSOs), we observed ice absorption bands in the near infrared (NIR) towards eight YSOs ranging from class 0 to class II, among which seven are associated with edge-on disks. We performed slit-less spectroscopic observations using the grism mode of the InfraRed Camera (IRC) on board AKARI, which enables us to obtain full NIR spectra from 2.5 mu m to 5 mu m, including the CO2 band and the blue wing of the H2O band, which are inaccessible from the ground. We developed procedures to carefully process the spectra of targets with nebulosity. The spectra were fitted with polynomial baselines to derive the absorption spectra. The molecular absorption bands were then fitted with the laboratory database of ice absorption bands, considering the instrumental line profile and the spectral resolution of the grism dispersion element. Towards the class 0-I sources (L1527, IRC-L1041-2, and IRAS 04302), absorption bands of H2O, CO2, CO, and XCN are clearly detected. Column density ratios of CO2 ice and CO ice relative to H2O ice are 21-28% and 13-46%, respectively. If XCN is OCN-, its column density is as high as 2-6% relative to H2O ice. The HDO ice feature at 4.1 mu m is tentatively detected towards the class 0-I sources and HV Tau. Non-detections of the CH-stretching mode features around 3.5 mu m provide upper limits to the CH3OH abundance of 26% (L1527) and 42% (IRAS 04302) relative to H2O. We tentatively detect OCS ice absorption towards IRC-L1041-2. Towards class 0-I sources, the detected features should mostly originate in the cold envelope, while CO gas and OCN-could originate in the region close to the protostar, where there are warm temperatures and UV radiation. We detect H2O ice band towards ASR41 and 2MASSJ 1628137-243139, which are edge-on class II disks. We also detect H2O ice and CO2 ice towards HV Tau, HK Tau, and UY Aur, and tentatively detect CO gas features towards HK Tau and UY Aur

    Cold gas as an ice diagnostic toward low mass protostars

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    Up to 90% of the chemical reactions during star formation occurs on ice surfaces, probably including the formation of complex organics. Only the most abundant ice species are however observed directly by infrared spectroscopy. This study aims to develop an indirect observational method of ices based on non-thermal ice desorption in the colder part of protostellar envelopes. For that purpose the IRAM 30m telescope was employed to observe two molecules that can be detected both in the gas and the ice, CH3 OH and HNCO, toward 4 low mass embedded protostars. Their respective gas-phase column densities are determined using rotational diagrams. The relationship between ice and gas phase abundances is subsequently determined. The observed gas and ice abundances span several orders of magnitude. Most of the CH3OH and HNCO gas along the lines of sight is inferred to be quiescent from the measured line widths and the derived excitation temperatures, and hence not affected by thermal desorption close to the protostar or in outflow shocks. The measured gas to ice ratio of ~10-4 agrees well with model predictions for non-thermal desorption under cold envelope conditions and there is a tentative correlation between ice and gas phase abundances. This indicates that non-thermal desorption products can serve as a signature of the ice composition. A larger sample is however necessary to provide a conclusive proof of concept.Comment: accepted by A&A letters, 10 pages including 5 figure

    An interferometric study of the low-mass protostar IRAS 16293-2422: small scale organic chemistry

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    Aims: To investigate the chemical relations between complex organics based on their spatial distributions and excitation conditions in the low-mass young stellar objects IRAS 16293-2422 A and B. Methods: Interferometric observations with the Submillimeter Array have been performed at 5''x3'' resolution revealing emission lines of HNCO, CH3CN, CH2CO, CH3CHO and C2H5OH. Rotational temperatures are determined from rotational diagrams when a sufficient number of lines are detected. Results: Compact emission is detected for all species studied here. For HNCO and CH3CN it mostly arises from source A, CH2CO and C2H5OH have comparable strength for both sources and CH3CHO arises exclusively from source B. HNCO, CH3CN and CH3CHO have rotational temperatures >200 K. The (u,v)-visibility data reveal that HNCO also has extended cold emission. Conclusions: The abundances of the molecules studied here are very similar within factors of a few to those found in high-mass YSOs. Thus the chemistry between high- and low-mass objects appears to be independent of luminosity and cloud mass. Bigger abundance differences are seen between the A and B source. The HNCO abundance relative to CH3OH is ~4 times higher toward A, which may be due to a higher initial OCN- ice abundances in source A compared to B. Furthermore, not all oxygen-bearing species are co-existent. The different spatial behavior of CH2CO and C2H5OH compared with CH3CHO suggests that hydrogenation reactions on grain-surfaces are not sufficient to explain the observed gas phase abundances. Selective destruction of CH3CHO may result in the anti-coincidence of these species in source A. These results illustrate the power of interferometric compared with single dish data in terms of testing chemical models.Comment: 11 pages, 15 figures, accepeted by A&