380 research outputs found


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    Este estudo procura realizar uma anĂĄlise sistemĂĄtica e criteriosa da experiĂȘncia polĂ­tica e humanitĂĄria que os governos autoritĂĄrios propiciaram aos latino-americanos, e ainda, a preponderĂąncia, no imaginĂĄrio, da economia sobre a polĂ­tica, bem como o esvaziamento do polĂ­tico e sua redução a uma dimensĂŁo meramente instrumental do domĂ­nio econĂŽmico. Ainda, demonstrar que a relação entre os direitos polĂ­ticos e o exercĂ­cio da cidadania, em especial no que se refere ao orçamento participativo, um instrumento de polĂ­tica urbana dos municĂ­pios, associado ao igualitarismo liberal, e ao igualitarismo, e Ă© compatĂ­vel com uma concepção de democracia como direito fundamental. Por fim, aponta-se que alĂ©m de ser um instrumento de efetivo exercĂ­cio da cidadania, o orçamento participativo tem se demonstrado mais eficiente que as decisĂ”es polĂ­ticas no orçamento pĂșblico.Palavras-chave: Democracia. Orçamento Participativo. Direitos PolĂ­ticos

    O Direito Penal Diante da Sociedade de Risco: A Criminalização Motivada pelo Medo

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    The Modern Society, whichis steeped in new risks arising from technological advances, must shape their criminal law into new trends, in order that it may, through a democratic systematization, provide social security desired without rights and fundamental guarantee over thehistory. For this reason, the study developed through literature review method, has set the goal of carrying out ananalys is of the classics criminal ideological movements, and analyze the creation of a new ideology, based on the concept of risk and that has recently promote a shift of paradigm criminal dogmatic.A sociedade moderna, que estĂĄ mergulhada em novos riscos decorrentes dos avanços tecnolĂłgicos, precisa moldar o seu direito penal as novas tendĂȘncias a fim de que possa, atravĂ©s de uma sistematização democrĂĄtica, proporcionar a segurança social almejada sem alijar direitos e garantias fundamentais angariados ao longo da histĂłria. Por essa razĂŁo, o estudo desenvolvido por meio do mĂ©todo de revisĂŁo bibliogrĂĄfica, objetiva realizar uma anĂĄlise dos movimentos ideolĂłgicos penais clĂĄssicos, bem como analisar a criação de uma nova ideologia, baseada no conceito de risco e que acaba por promover uma mudança de paradigma na dogmĂĄtica penal.

    A fåbrica da insegurança entre lenda urbana e gestão (Caracas)

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    Caracas figures among the most dangerous cities in the world. Moving beyond the Venezuelan case, though, this article argues that the regional (Latin American) discourse and even global discourses on insecurity need to be territorialized. The social, cultural and political contingencies in Venezuela over the last few decades, the actions of the Chavist governments and the sociospatial inequalities of the conflict-ridden Caracas society presides over a unique construction of urban insecurity as a metanarrative. This article emphasizes the performative dimension of the narrative of insecurity, a genuine urban legend in Caracas, and the emergence of innovative forms of local security governance - spaces of regulation that throw into question the roles and statuses previously assumed by the urban actors.Caracas figura entre as cidades mais perigosas do mundo. Para alĂ©m do caso venezuelano, o discurso regional (latino-americano), e mesmo global, sobre insegurança deve ser territorializado. As contingĂȘncias sociais, culturais e polĂ­ticas na Venezuela, nas Ășltimas dĂ©cadas, a atuação dos governos chavistas e as desigualdades socioespaciais da conflituosa sociedade caraquenha presidem a uma singular construção da insegurança urbana como metanarrativa. Neste artigo, destacam-se a dimensĂŁo performativa da narrativa de insegurança, verdadeira lenda urbana em Caracas, e o surgimento de formas inovadoras de governança local da segurança - espaços de regulação que pĂ”em em questĂŁo os papĂ©is e os estatutos anteriormente assumidos pelos atores urbanos

    Pactos comunitårios e proteção em San Salvador

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    This article explores the frontier experience now pervasive in working-class urban districts of El Salvador. Considered one of the most violent countries in Latin America, the response of the governments has been to combat the gangs. However, rather than falling, rates of violence have been on the increase. The interest here is analyzing the distinct pacts that the communities make in search of protection, part of a scenario in which a multitude of actors determine the legal and illegal dynamics of the neighbourhoods. Based on research conducted in two emblematic districts, the article discusses state power in the management of illegalisms and the use of state violence.Este artigo Ă© uma reflexĂŁo sobre a experiĂȘncia de fronteira que hoje se vive nos bairros populares urbanos de El Salvador. Considerado como um dos paĂ­ses mais violentos da AmĂ©rica Latina, a resposta dos governos tem sido o combate Ă s gangues. PorĂ©m, os Ă­ndices de violĂȘncia, ao contrĂĄrio de diminuir, tĂȘm aumentado. Interessa aqui analisar os distintos pactos que as comunidades realizam em busca de proteção, em um cenĂĄrio no qual uma multiplicidade de atores determina as dinĂąmicas legais e ilegais dos bairros. Com base em uma pesquisa realizada em dois bairros emblemĂĄticos, este artigo discute o poder estatal na gestĂŁo de ilegalismos e o uso da violĂȘncia de direito


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    The objective of this article is to explore a potential diagnostic model, called “Disrupt-O-Meter”, about the Christensen’s disruptive innovation theory. The diagnostic model was analyzed under multi-criteria decision aid (MCDA) methods. This diagnosis presents a typical data structure of multi-criteria ordinal problems. Different alternatives were evaluated under a set of criteria, using a scale of ordinal preferences. The steps of a MCDA problem were followed. The chosen methods were the Borda, the Condorcet and the Probabilistic Composition of Preferences (CPP). This article used a database from other research, about 3D printing technology startups. The results showed the best discrimination power by the CPP method, revealing the business category with the most disruptive potential, among other alternatives

    Impacts of dielectric screening on the luminescence of monolayer WSe2_2

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    Single layers of transition metal dichalcogenides, such as WSe2_2 have gathered increasing attention due to their intense electron-hole interactions, being considered promising candidates for developing novel optical applications. Within the few-layer regime, these systems become highly sensitive to the surrounding environment, enabling the possibility of using a proper substrate to tune desired aspects of these atomically-thin semiconductors. In this scenario, the dielectric environment provided by the substrates exerts significant influence on electronic and optical properties of these layered materials, affecting the electronic band-gap and the exciton binding energy. However, the corresponding effect on the luminescence of transition metal dichalcogenides is still under discussion. To elucidate these impacts, we used a broad set of materials as substrates for single-layers of WSe2_2, enabling the observation of these effects over a wide range of electrical permittivities. Our results demonstrate that an increasing permittivity induces a systematic red-shift of the optical band-gap of WSe2_2, intrinsically related to a considerable reduction of the luminescence intensity. Moreover, we annealed the samples to ensure a tight coupling between WSe2_2and its substrates, reducing the effect of undesired adsorbates trapped in the interface. Ultimately, our findings reveal how critical the annealing temperature can be, indicating that above a certain threshold, the heating treatment can induce adverse impacts on the luminescence. Furthermore, our conclusions highlight the influence the dielectric properties of the substrate have on the luminescence of WSe2_2, showing that a low electrical permittivity favours preserving the native properties of the adjacent monolayerComment: 16 pages, 8 figure

    Effect of thermal rectification on mass loss and mechanical properties of Eucalyptus grandis and Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis woods

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    A termorretificação Ă© um processo de agregação de valor, que confere Ă  madeira coloraçÔes semelhantes Ă quelas de espĂ©cies tropicais de maior valor econĂŽmico, alĂ©m de melhorar sua estabilidade dimensional e resistĂȘncia a fungos. A termorretificação deve ser estudada visando obter seus benefĂ­cios com o mĂ­nimo de perdas referentes Ă s propriedades mecĂąnicas da madeira. Madeiras consideradas de menor valor econĂŽmico (Eucalyptus grandis e Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis) foram submetidas a diversos tratamentos de termorretificação, em presença de oxigĂȘnio do ar (140, 160 e 180 ÂșC) e escassez de oxigĂȘnio (160, 180 e 200 ÂșC), sendo analisadas suas propriedades mecĂąnicas. O eucalipto, alĂ©m de ter sido mais susceptĂ­vel Ă  perda de massa com o aumento da temperatura, tambĂ©m manifestou maior propensĂŁo Ă  perda de resistĂȘncia em função do tratamento tĂ©rmico, quando comparado ao pĂ­nus. A termorretificação resultou em queda da resistĂȘncia ao cisalhamento, para ambas as madeiras testadas, e Ă  flexĂŁo estĂĄtica apenas para a madeira de eucalipto. A temperatura de 200 ÂșC nĂŁo foi suficiente para provocar perda da resistĂȘncia Ă  compressĂŁo paralela. NĂŁo foi possĂ­vel determinar com clareza o efeito das condiçÔes de presença e escassez de oxigĂȘnio do ar durante a termorretificação sobre as propriedades mecĂąnicas da madeira.Palavras-chave: Tratamento tĂ©rmico; resistĂȘncia mecĂąnica; madeira. AbstractEffects of thermal rectification on mass loss and mechanical properties of Eucalyptus grandis and Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis woods. The thermal rectification is an adding-value process, which provides to wood colors similar to those observed in high-valued tropical species, as well as higher dimensional stability and better resistance against fungi. The thermal rectification process must be studied seeking to obtain its benefits with minimum losses in mechanical properties of wood. Comparatively low-valued woods (Eucalyptus grandis and Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis) had been submitted to different thermal rectification treatments, in presence of oxygen from the air (140, 160 and 180 ÂșC) and scarcity of oxygen (160, 180 and 200 ÂșC), and their mechanical properties were evaluated. Eucalyptus was more susceptible to mass loss with increasing temperature, and was more prone to loss of mechanical resistance during thermal treatments, compared to pinus. The thermal rectification reduced shear strength, for both species tested, as well as bending strength, for eucalyptus only. The treatment at 200 ÂșC was not sufficient to cause losses in longitudinal compressive strength. It was not possible to clearly determine effects of presence or scarcity of air oxygen during thermal rectification on the mechanical properties of wood.Keywords: Thermal treatment; mechanical resistance; wood.The thermal rectification is an alternative process to add value to wood. The thermally rectified wood acquires colors similar to those observed in tropical woods, better resistance to fungi and weathering, higher dimensional stability and lower hygroscopicity. In this work, comparatively low-valued woods (Eucalyptus grandis and Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis) underwent a variety of thermal rectification treatments, and were evaluated on their mechanical properties. The hardwood was more susceptible to mass loss with increasing temperature, and was more prone to loss of mechanical resistance during thermal treatments, compared to the softwood. The thermal rectification reduced bending (for Eucalyptus only) and shear strengths. The maximum temperature tested (200ÂșC) was not sufficient to provoke significant losses in longitudinal compressive strength
