61 research outputs found

    Sub-seasonal forecasts of demand and wind power and solar power generation for 28 European countries

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    Electricity systems are becoming increasingly exposed to weather. The need for high-quality meteorological forecasts for managing risk across all timescales has therefore never been greater. This paper seeks to extend the uptake of meteorological data in the power systems modelling community to include probabilistic meteorological forecasts at sub-seasonal lead times. Such forecasts are growing in skill and are receiving considerable attention in power system risk management and energy trading. Despite this interest, these forecasts are rarely evaluated in power system terms, and technical barriers frequently prohibit use by non-meteorological specialists.This paper therefore presents data produced through a new EU climate services programme Subseasonal-to-seasonal forecasting for Energy (S2S4E). The data correspond to a suite of well-documented, easy-to-use, self-consistent daily and nationally aggregated time series for wind power, solar power and electricity demand across 28 European countries. The data are accessible from https://doi.org/10.17864/1947.275 (Gonzalez et al., 2020). The data include a set of daily ensemble reforecasts from two leading forecast systems spanning 20 years (ECMWF, an 11-member ensemble, with twice-weekly starts for 1996–2016, totalling 22 880 forecasts) and 11 years (NCEP, a 12-member lagged-ensemble, constructed to match the start dates from the ECMWF forecast from 1999–2010, totalling 14 976 forecasts). The reforecasts contain multiple plausible realisations of daily weather and power data for up to 6 weeks in the future.To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first time a fully calibrated and post-processed daily power system forecast set has been published, and this is the primary purpose of this paper. A brief review of forecast skill in each of the individual primary power system properties and a composite property is presented, focusing on the winter season. The forecast systems contain additional skill over climatological expectation for weekly-average forecasts at extended lead times, though this skill depends on the nature of the forecast metric considered. This highlights the need for greater collaboration between the energy and meteorological research communities to develop applications, and it is hoped that publishing these data and tools will support this

    A Strategic Thinking of the Issues in Cost Management of FB Real Estate Company

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    摘要 论文结合FB房地产公司开发项目遇到的主要问题:如何选择项目开发的成本管理战略以获取成本竞争优势?成本管理效果不佳的问题:如成本核算数据不准确不能及时反映项目产品的成本状况、项目开发预算与实际支出差异大、产品的成本与利润不清楚、项目间成本不可比、成本管理不能及时对市场变化进行调整和企业利润被侵蚀的成本失控问题如何解决?怎么对异地项目开发进行成本控制及风险管理?怎样创新管理针对房地产成本管理的疑难问题展开战略分析研究,通过对解决问题的相关因素分析得出解决方案,在某项目开发中进行应用取得成功以验证其可行性。 论文以某项目开发针对成本管理中存在的疑难问题,以企业成本战略管理方法的“五力分析法...Abstract This article is mainly focused on the following topics of FB Real Estate Company: how to obtain the competitive advantage of project management by carrying on effective cost management strategies? How to change the situation of ineffective cost management, such as the data can't reflect the cost of the project accurately and there is a huge gap between the project's budget and actual...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院高级经理教育中心(EMBA项目)_高级管理人员工商管理硕士(EMBA)学号:X200715612

    Stable carbon Isotope evidence for neolithic and bronze age crop water management in the eastern mediterranean and southwest asia

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    In a large study on early crop water management, stable carbon isotope discrimination was determined for 275 charred grain samples from nine archaeological sites, dating primarily to the Neolithic and Bronze Age, from the Eastern Mediterranean and Western Asia. This has revealed that wheat (Triticum spp.) was regularly grown in wetter conditions than barley (Hordeum sp.), indicating systematic preferential treatment of wheat that may reflect a cultural preference for wheat over barley. Isotopic analysis of pulse crops (Lens culinaris, Pisum sativum and Vicia ervilia) indicates cultivation in highly varied water conditions at some sites, possibly as a result of opportunistic watering practices. The results have also provided evidence for local land-use and changing agricultural practices

    Simulating the midlatitude atmospheric circulation: what might we gain from high-resolution modeling of air-sea interactions?

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    Purpose of Review. To provide a snapshot of the current research on the oceanic forcing of the atmospheric circulation in midlatitudes and a concise update on previous review papers. Recent findings. Atmospheric models used for seasonal and longer timescales predictions are starting to resolve motions so far only studied in conjunction with weather forecasts. These phenomena have horizontal scales of ~ 10–100 km which coincide with energetic scales in the ocean circulation. Evidence has been presented that, as a result of this matching of scale, oceanic forcing of the atmosphere was enhanced in models with 10–100 km grid size, especially at upper tropospheric levels. The robustness of these results and their underlying mechanisms are however unclear. Summary. Despite indications that higher resolution atmospheric models respond more strongly to sea surface temperature anomalies, their responses are still generally weaker than those estimated empirically from observations. Coarse atmospheric models (grid size greater than 100 km) will miss important signals arising from future changes in ocean circulation unless new parameterizations are developed