540 research outputs found

    Social psychological research: the comparison of four journals

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    "Every scientific field can be described by its typical research focus or paradigm. These research paradigms or research matrices reflect what is viewed as “normal science” in the respective field. This study aimed to find out what defines the research matrix of the typical Anglo-American social psychology journal versus the typical German social psychology journal and why the “German Journal of Social Psychology”, that was founded in the 1970ies in order to enhance application orientation and theoretical integration in social psychological research, had to resign its publication in German and reappeared in English. Twohundredandthree research articles of 4 different journals, published in either English or German, were rated according to differences in their research paradigms. Structural differences in the profiles of these journals showed that the journals published in English take a rather empirical and quantitative approach towards research while the German journals seem to show a stronger theoretical orientation and a more qualitative research approach. Patterns of the unsuccessful German journal suggest a lack of consistency and individuality compared to the other journals." [author's abstract

    Different EEG brain activity in right and left handers during visually induced self-motion perception

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    Visually induced self-motion perception (vection) relies on visual-vestibular interaction. Imaging studies using vestibular stimulation have revealed a vestibular thalamo-cortical dominance in the right hemisphere in right handers and the left hemisphere in left handers. We investigated if the behavioural characteristics and neural correlates of vection differ between healthy left and right-handed individuals. 64-channel EEG was recorded while 25 right handers and 25 left handers were exposed to vection-compatible roll motion (coherent motion) and a matched, control condition (incoherent motion). Behavioural characteristics, i.e. vection presence, onset latency, duration and subjective strength, were also recorded. The behavioural characteristics of vection did not differ between left and right handers (all p > 0.05). Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) analysis revealed significant decreases in alpha power during vection-compatible roll motion (p < 0.05). The topography of this decrease was handedness-dependent, with left handers showing a left lateralized centro-parietal decrease and right handers showing a bilateral midline centro-parietal decrease. Further time-frequency analysis, time locked to vection onset, revealed a comparable decrease in alpha power around vection onset and a relative increase in alpha power during ongoing vection, for left and right handers. No effects were observed in theta and beta bands. Left and right-handed individuals show vection-related alpha power decreases at different topographical regions, possibly related to the influence of handedness-dependent vestibular dominance in the visual-vestibular interaction that facilitates visual self-motion perception. Despite this difference in where vection-related activity is observed, left and right handers demonstrate comparable perception and underlying alpha band changes during vection

    Winning the Web: How Beijing Exploits Search Results to Shape Views of Xinjiang and COVID-19

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    As the war in Ukraine unfolds, Russian propaganda about the conflict has gotten a boost from a friendly source: government officials and state media out of Beijing. In multiple languages and regions around the world, China's "wolf warrior" diplomats and state media routinely amplify Kremlin conspiracy theories rationalizing President Vladimir Putin's invasion, and undermining the credibility and appeal of the United States, NATO, and independent media — even as China declines to endorse the Kremlin's adventurism wholesale. This spring, for example, China's messengers promoted the baseless Russian claim that the United States has been supporting a biological weapons program in Ukraine -- at times, more aggressively than Russia itself.Because Russian state media have been deamplified or banned by multiple Western social media platforms, Beijing's messaging could play an outsized role in channeling Kremlin talking points to audiences around the world. These narratives do not just spread on social media. Beijing's state-funded publishers have considerable success in a domain that has received comparatively little attention: search results.For months, our team has been tracking how China has exploited search engine results on Xinjiang and COVID-19, two subjects that are geopolitically salient to Beijing — Xinjiang, because the Chinese government seeks to push back on condemnation of its rights record; COVID-19, because it seeks to deflect criticism for its early mishandling of the pandemic. In both cases, Beijing is quite focused on positioning itself as a responsible global leader and softening perceptions to the contrary. To evaluate these concerns, we compiled daily data over a 120-day period on 12 terms related to Xinjiang and COVID-19 from five different sources: (1) Google Search; (2) Google News; (3) Bing Search; (4) Bing News; and (5) YouTube

    Volitional action as perceptual detection: Predictors of conscious intention in adolescents with tic disorders

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    AbstractVoluntary actions are accompanied by a distinctive subjective experience, so that they feel quite different from physically similar involuntary movements. However, the nature and origin of this experience of volition remain unclear. Voluntary actions emerge during early childhood, in parallel with reduction of involuntary movements. However, the available markers of the experience of volition, notably Libet's mental chronometry of intention, cannot readily be used in young children. In Gilles de la Tourette syndrome (GTS), however, involuntary tic movements may coexist with voluntary control into adulthood. Therefore, adolescents with GTS could potentially confuse the two classes of movement. We have measured the temporal experience of voluntary action in a well-characterised group of adolescents with GTS, and age-matched controls. We replicated previous reports of a conscious intention occurring a few hundred milliseconds prior to voluntary keypress actions. Multiple regression across 25 patients' results showed that age and trait tic severity did not influence the experience of conscious intention. However, patients with stronger premonitory urges prior to tics showed significantly later conscious intentions, suggesting that the anticipatory experience of one's own volition involves a perceptual discrimination between potentially competing pre-movement signals. Patients who were more able to voluntarily suppress their tics showed significantly earlier conscious intention, suggesting that the perceptual discrimination between different action classes may also contribute to voluntary control of tics. We suggest that the brain learns voluntary control by perceptually discriminating a special class of internal ‘intentional’ signals, allowing them to emerge from motor noise

    Developing the Premonitory Urges for Tic Disorders Scale–Revised (PUTS-R)

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    Background: Patients with Gilles de la Tourette syndrome (GTS) or chronic tic disorders frequently experience premonitory urges prior to tics. The ‘Premonitory Urges for Tic Disorders Scale’ (PUTS) is commonly used in order to assess urge severity in patients with tics. Several studies suggest that the PUTS might measure more than one dimension of urges. These include the quality and severity of premonitory urges. Methods: This study aims to replicate and extend previous findings concerning the psychometric properties of the PUTS and its underlying dimensions in a large sample of 241 patients with GTS including both adults (n=93; mean age=34.2±12.84; 73 male) and minors (n=148; mean age=11.8±2.86; 123 male), pooled from three different recruitment sites. Results: Data analysis confirmed good reliability across the PUTS items for both minors and adults and acceptable item characteristics for items 2–8. A factor analysis of items 1–8 confirmed the existence of two factors in both age groups. Conclusions: The results suggest that the PUTS might benefit from several further small modifications, such as rephrasing items 1 and 9 to increase convergence with the overall construct of the scale. Finally, we propose a revised version of the PUTS, consisting of two subscales: one for urge severity and another one for urge quality by including several new items

    Sicherstellung der Reproduzierbarkeit von Forschungsergebnissen durch Bewahrung des Zugriffs auf Forschungssoftware

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    Forschungsdaten sind nur im jeweiligen Kontext sinnvoll interpretier- und nachnutzbar – Bestandteil dieses Kontexts ist auch jegliche Software, die zur Erstellung und Verarbeitung der entsprechenden Forschungsdaten genutzt wurde. Im Folgenden werden mit Blick auf gute wissenschaftliche Praxis und die FAIR-Prinzipien primĂ€r organisatorische Aspekte im Umgang mit Forschungssoftware untersucht, sowie mit strategische Überlegungen angestellt, wie Forschungssoftware langfristig eingesetzt werden kann. Dazu werden aktuelle Entwicklungen im Bereich rechtlicher und organisatorischer Überlegungen prĂ€sentiert und konkrete Empfehlungen ausgesprochen. Dieses Papier wird vom Arbeitskreis der Leiterinnen und Leiter der wissenschaftlichen Rechenzentren in Baden-WĂŒrttemberg (ALWR) unterstĂŒtzt

    Suppression of Ca2+ syntillas increases spontaneous exocytosis in mouse adrenal chromaffin cells

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    A central concept in the physiology of neurosecretion is that a rise in cytosolic [Ca2+] in the vicinity of plasmalemmal Ca2+ channels due to Ca2+ influx elicits exocytosis. Here, we examine the effect on spontaneous exocytosis of a rise in focal cytosolic [Ca2+] in the vicinity of ryanodine receptors (RYRs) due to release from internal stores in the form of Ca2+ syntillas. Ca2+ syntillas are focal cytosolic transients mediated by RYRs, which we first found in hypothalamic magnocellular neuronal terminals. (scintilla, Latin for spark; found in nerve terminals, normally synaptic structures.) We have also observed Ca2+ syntillas in mouse adrenal chromaffin cells. Here, we examine the effect of Ca2+ syntillas on exocytosis in chromaffin cells. In such a study on elicited exocytosis, there are two sources of Ca2+: one due to influx from the cell exterior through voltage-gated Ca2+ channels, and that due to release from intracellular stores. To eliminate complications arising from Ca2+ influx, we have examined spontaneous exocytosis where influx is not activated. We report here that decreasing syntillas leads to an increase in spontaneous exocytosis measured amperometrically. Two independent lines of experimentation each lead to this conclusion. In one case, release from stores was blocked by ryanodine; in another, stores were partially emptied using thapsigargin plus caffeine, after which syntillas were decreased. We conclude that Ca2+ syntillas act to inhibit spontaneous exocytosis, and we propose a simple model to account quantitatively for this action of syntillas

    Fermi Large Area Telescope Constraints on the Gamma-ray Opacity of the Universe

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    The Extragalactic Background Light (EBL) includes photons with wavelengths from ultraviolet to infrared, which are effective at attenuating gamma rays with energy above ~10 GeV during propagation from sources at cosmological distances. This results in a redshift- and energy-dependent attenuation of the gamma-ray flux of extragalactic sources such as blazars and Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs). The Large Area Telescope onboard Fermi detects a sample of gamma-ray blazars with redshift up to z~3, and GRBs with redshift up to z~4.3. Using photons above 10 GeV collected by Fermi over more than one year of observations for these sources, we investigate the effect of gamma-ray flux attenuation by the EBL. We place upper limits on the gamma-ray opacity of the Universe at various energies and redshifts, and compare this with predictions from well-known EBL models. We find that an EBL intensity in the optical-ultraviolet wavelengths as great as predicted by the "baseline" model of Stecker et al. (2006) can be ruled out with high confidence.Comment: 42 pages, 12 figures, accepted version (24 Aug.2010) for publication in ApJ; Contact authors: A. Bouvier, A. Chen, S. Raino, S. Razzaque, A. Reimer, L.C. Reye

    Birth Size and Breast Cancer Risk: Re-analysis of Individual Participant Data from 32 Studies

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    BACKGROUND: Birth size, perhaps a proxy for prenatal environment, might be a correlate of subsequent breast cancer risk, but findings from epidemiological studies have been inconsistent. We re-analysed individual participant data from published and unpublished studies to obtain more precise estimates of the magnitude and shape of the birth size-breast cancer association. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Studies were identified through computer-assisted and manual searches, and personal communication with investigators. Individual participant data from 32 studies, comprising 22,058 breast cancer cases, were obtained. Random effect models were used, if appropriate, to combine study-specific estimates of effect. Birth weight was positively associated with breast cancer risk in studies based on birth records (pooled relative risk [RR] per one standard deviation [SD] [= 0.5 kg] increment in birth weight: 1.06; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.02-1.09) and parental recall when the participants were children (1.02; 95% CI 0.99-1.05), but not in those based on adult self-reports, or maternal recall during the woman's adulthood (0.98; 95% CI 0.95-1.01) (p for heterogeneity between data sources = 0.003). Relative to women who weighed 3.000-3.499 kg, the risk was 0.96 (CI 0.80-1.16) in those who weighed or = 4.000 kg (p for linear trend = 0.001) in birth record data. Birth length and head circumference from birth records were also positively associated with breast cancer risk (pooled RR per one SD increment: 1.06 [95% CI 1.03-1.10] and 1.09 [95% CI 1.03-1.15], respectively). Simultaneous adjustment for these three birth size variables showed that length was the strongest independent predictor of risk. The birth size effects did not appear to be confounded or mediated by established breast cancer risk factors and were not modified by age or menopausal status. The cumulative incidence of breast cancer per 100 women by age 80 y in the study populations was estimated to be 10.0, 10.0, 10.4, and 11.5 in those who were, respectively, in the bottom, second, third, and top fourths of the birth length distribution. CONCLUSIONS: This pooled analysis of individual participant data is consistent with birth size, and in particular birth length, being an independent correlate of breast cancer risk in adulthood
