21 research outputs found

    Common Visual Pattern Recognition Using Hierarchical Clustering Methods with Asymmetric Networks

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    In this paper we propose a new method for common visual pattern identi cation via Directed Graphs. For this we match common feature points between two images and then apply hierarchical clustering methods to one of them to discriminate between di erent visual patterns. In order to achieve this last task we introduce a technique to obtain an asymmetric dissimilarity function AX(x; x1) between the nodes X of the network N = (X;Ax). For each node, the method weighs the distance between each node and the distance with all the other neighbours. A dendrogram is later obtained as the output of the hierarchical clustering method. Finally we show a criteria to select one of the multiple partitions that conform the dendrogram.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    Common Visual Pattern Recognition Using Hierarchical Clustering Methods with Asymmetric Networks

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    In this paper we propose a new method for common visual pattern identi cation via Directed Graphs. For this we match common feature points between two images and then apply hierarchical clustering methods to one of them to discriminate between di erent visual patterns. In order to achieve this last task we introduce a technique to obtain an asymmetric dissimilarity function AX(x; x1) between the nodes X of the network N = (X;Ax). For each node, the method weighs the distance between each node and the distance with all the other neighbours. A dendrogram is later obtained as the output of the hierarchical clustering method. Finally we show a criteria to select one of the multiple partitions that conform the dendrogram.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    Common Visual Pattern Recognition Using Hierarchical Clustering Methods with Asymmetric Networks

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    In this paper we propose a new method for common visual pattern identi cation via Directed Graphs. For this we match common feature points between two images and then apply hierarchical clustering methods to one of them to discriminate between di erent visual patterns. In order to achieve this last task we introduce a technique to obtain an asymmetric dissimilarity function AX(x; x1) between the nodes X of the network N = (X;Ax). For each node, the method weighs the distance between each node and the distance with all the other neighbours. A dendrogram is later obtained as the output of the hierarchical clustering method. Finally we show a criteria to select one of the multiple partitions that conform the dendrogram.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    Impact of neuraminidase inhibitors on influenza A(H1N1)pdm09‐related pneumonia: an individual participant data meta‐analysis

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    BACKGROUND: The impact of neuraminidase inhibitors (NAIs) on influenza‐related pneumonia (IRP) is not established. Our objective was to investigate the association between NAI treatment and IRP incidence and outcomes in patients hospitalised with A(H1N1)pdm09 virus infection. METHODS: A worldwide meta‐analysis of individual participant data from 20 634 hospitalised patients with laboratory‐confirmed A(H1N1)pdm09 (n = 20 021) or clinically diagnosed (n = 613) ‘pandemic influenza’. The primary outcome was radiologically confirmed IRP. Odds ratios (OR) were estimated using generalised linear mixed modelling, adjusting for NAI treatment propensity, antibiotics and corticosteroids. RESULTS: Of 20 634 included participants, 5978 (29·0%) had IRP; conversely, 3349 (16·2%) had confirmed the absence of radiographic pneumonia (the comparator). Early NAI treatment (within 2 days of symptom onset) versus no NAI was not significantly associated with IRP [adj. OR 0·83 (95% CI 0·64–1·06; P = 0·136)]. Among the 5978 patients with IRP, early NAI treatment versus none did not impact on mortality [adj. OR = 0·72 (0·44–1·17; P = 0·180)] or likelihood of requiring ventilatory support [adj. OR = 1·17 (0·71–1·92; P = 0·537)], but early treatment versus later significantly reduced mortality [adj. OR = 0·70 (0·55–0·88; P = 0·003)] and likelihood of requiring ventilatory support [adj. OR = 0·68 (0·54–0·85; P = 0·001)]. CONCLUSIONS: Early NAI treatment of patients hospitalised with A(H1N1)pdm09 virus infection versus no treatment did not reduce the likelihood of IRP. However, in patients who developed IRP, early NAI treatment versus later reduced the likelihood of mortality and needing ventilatory support

    Robust Target Classification Using UWB Sensing<sup>&#x002A;</sup>

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    Contactless material characterization has received widespread attention in the radar and engineering domains. Specifically, impulsive Ultra Wideband (UWB) systems are a versatile technology for the nondestructive characterization of samples because the scattered field produced by the targets is highly dependent on their composition and shape. After the initial transient response to the transmitted pulse, the scattered signal can be decomposed as a sum of complex exponentials, called complex natural resonances (CNR), which are dependent only on the geometry and composition of the target. Using this result, a classification problem was formulated to discriminate among targets, and a processing strategy was proposed to solve it. In particular, by using spectral decomposition tools, the information obtained from the physical model can be exploited in combination with data-driven learning techniques. Consequently, a classification strategy that is robust to modeling uncertainties and experimental perturbations was designed. To assess the performance of the new scheme, it was tested using both synthetic and experimental data obtained from targets illuminated with a UWB radar. The results showed substantial gains compared to classification using time-domain signals

    UWB target classification using SVM

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    Ultra-Wideband(UWB) radar signals are characterized for having both high frequency carrier and high bandwidth. This makes the scattered field from the targets when irradiated with UWB pulses highly dependent of the composition and shape of the target. Our goal is toclassify objects by their composition from their scattered responses. In this paper, we propose to use a Support Vector Machine (SVM) to solve the problem for distinct dielectric materials and sphere elements. For a problem considering Mdifferent materials andRradii, we compare performance of three different SVM configurations. The first one considersthe general problem where each class corresponds to adifferent material. In this approach, each class is trained withdata corresponding to all Rradii. On a second approach,we classify by both radii and material. This gives a largerproblem to solve, where the number of classes of the SVM is M×R+ 1. Finally, a third approach considers a cascadeof SVMs where the first layer consists of a SVM for R+ 1classes, each class associated with one radius, while the secondlayer is composed of Rdifferent SVMs, each corresponding to a different radius, that classify between the Mmaterials. Monte Carlo experiments are run to compare performanceamong the different proposed schemes. We analyze the results considering both classification and algorithmic complexity.Fil: Bouza, Magdalena. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Centro de Simulación Computacional para Aplicaciones Tecnológicas; ArgentinaFil: Altieri, Andrés Oscar. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Centro de Simulación Computacional para Aplicaciones Tecnológicas; ArgentinaFil: Galarza, Cecilia Gabriela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Centro de Simulación Computacional para Aplicaciones Tecnológicas; ArgentinaIEEE Biennial Congress of ArgentinaSan Miguel de TucumanArgentinaInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineer

    Design and Evaluation of an Impulsive Ultra-Wideband System for Estimating the Moisture Content of Polyamide Targets

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    This paper presents the design of an impulsive ultra-wideband test-bed, developed for remote sensing of dielectric targets. The platform is used for estimating the moisture content in polyamide targets. The main aspects of the design are presented, together with measurements of the constructed prototype. The capability of the platform to estimate the moisture content isexplored and validated through measurements of Nylon 6 targets through a non-linear regression algorithm. The experimental results show that the platform is capable of estimating the moisture content with good accuracy even when the target or the environment are not completely known.Fil: Altieri, Andrés Oscar. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Centro de Simulación Computacional para Aplicaciones Tecnológicas; ArgentinaFil: Bouza, Magdalena. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Centro de Simulación Computacional para Aplicaciones Tecnológicas; ArgentinaFil: Maya, Juan Augusto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Centro de Simulación Computacional para Aplicaciones Tecnológicas; ArgentinaFil: Galarza, Cecilia Gabriela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Centro de Simulación Computacional para Aplicaciones Tecnológicas; Argentin

    The teaching process of electrocardiography in medical careers

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    Foundation: teaching of clinical electrocardiography during doctor´s training in Cuba has been characterized by the insufficient content treatment in the subjects of the curriculum, despite its importance for professional performance.Objective: to propose a curricular strategy for content treatment of clinical electrocardiography in the medical training program. Methods: the research was developed at the Cienfuegos University of Medical Science. The theoretical analysis allowed establishing the requirements for the treatment of electrocardiography as content of the training program. These requirements, together with the diagnosis which confirmed the potential offered by the curriculum of the medical degree to address the content, allowed the design of a curricular strategy oriented towards this objective.Results: the curricular strategy proposes a didactic clinical electrocardiography content sequencing in each year or cycle of the curriculum, modifying the role of the teacher and the student in its teaching-learning process, by granting a special connotation at the curricular level by mainstreaming this content treatment and the teaching tasks that students can solve throughout the career. Expert´s assessment allowed us to confirm the validity of the curricular strategy as its relevance, feasibility, sustainability and transferability were verified.Conclusions: the strategy presented will help to resolve the medical career curriculum insufficiency in terms of electrocardiography content.</p

    Conocimientos sobre infecciones de trasmisión sexual en adolescentes de Parroquia Naiguatá. La Guaira. Venezuela, 2021

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    Fundamento: las infecciones de trasmisión sexual son un problema que puede perjudicar a los seres humanos, especialmente a los adolescentes.Objetivo: describir el conocimiento sobre infecciones de trasmisión sexual en adolescentes de la Parroquia Naiguatá. La Guaira. Métodos: estudio descriptivo, de corte transversal realizado desde junio a diciembre de 2021. El universo estuvo constituido por 471 adolescentes y se seleccionó una muestra de 142 (30,0 %), mediante el método aleatorio simple. Se aplicó una encuesta estructurada de ocho preguntas. Las variables analizadas fueron: edad, sexo, comienzo de las relaciones sexuales, conocimientos sobre las infecciones de trasmisión sexual: enfermedades consideradas de trasmisión sexual, vías de trasmisión, manifestaciones clínicas, riesgo para adquirirlas, medidas para prevenirlas y sus complicaciones.Resultados: la edad que predominó fue de 16 años y el sexo femenino; el 41, 5 % inició las relaciones sexuales a los 14 años. Predominó el desconocimiento de las infecciones de trasmisión sexual, sus vías de trasmisión y sus manifestaciones clínicas. Se identificó el sida, sífilis y blenorragia como infecciones de trasmisión sexual; reconocieron el uso del condón como forma de prevención y como principales complicaciones de estas enfermedades la muerte (66,9 %) y la inflamación pélvica (53,5 %). Conclusiones: el conocimiento de los adolescentes sobre las infecciones de trasmisión sexual continúa siendo insuficiente.</p