1,015 research outputs found

    Early transitions and tertiary enrolment: The cumulative impact of primary and secondary effects on entering university in Germany

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    Our aim is to assess how the number of working class students entering German universities can effectively be increased. Therefore, we estimate the proportion of students from the working class that would successfully enter university if certain policy interventions were in place to eliminate primary effects (performance differentials between social classes) and/or secondary effects (choice differentials net of performance) at different transition points. We extend previous research by analysing the sequence of transitions between elementary school enrolment and university enrolment and by accounting for the impact that manipulations at earlier transitions have on the performance distribution and size of the student ‘risk-set’ at subsequent transitions. To this end, we develop a novel simulation procedure which also seeks to find viable solutions to the shortcomings in the German data landscape. Our findings show that interventions are most effective if they take place early in the educational career. Neutralizing secondary effects at the transition to upper secondary school proves to be the single most effective means to increase participation rates in tertiary education among working class students. However, this comes at the expense of lower average performance levels. (DIPF/author

    A comparison of the phytoplasma associated with Australian grapevine yellows to other phytoplasmas in grapevine

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    The phytoplasma associated with Australian grapevine yellows (AGY) was compared to other phytoplasma diseases of grapevine using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis. Comparison of eight different Australian isolates suggests that only one type of phytoplasma is associated with this disease. Based on RFLP analysis of the 16S rRNA gene, it was shown that AGY is different from the tomato big bud and sweet potato little leaf phytoplasma strains which are widespread in Australia and that it represents the only other phytoplasma strain recorded in Australia to date. Restriction profiles of grapevine phytoplasmas using Mse I suggest that AGY is unique but most closely resembles those phytoplasmas associated with grapevine diseases in the stolbur group. Sequence analysis of the 16S rRNA gene and adjacent spacer region supports this association. The uniqueness of AGY was confirmed by PCR assays using non-ribosomal primers; the primer pair STOL11f/r2 specific for stolbur phytoplasmas did not result in amplification products in grapevines affected with AGY; the primer pair fMLOl/rMLOl which amplifies a region of the tuf gene from phytoplasmas in the aster yellows cluster, amplified AGY DNA confirming its association within this phylogenetic group. RFLP analysis of the tufPCR product again highlighted a distinction between AGY and other stolbur phytoplasmas occurring in grapevine. The only other phytoplasma in Australia which is in the stolbur group is associated with dieback in papaya, and it has the same RFLP profile of the tuf PCR product as AGY

    Efficient and robust reconstruction of botanical branching structure from laser scanned points

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    This paper presents a reconstruction pipeline for recovering branching structure of trees from laser scanned data points. The process is made up of two main blocks: segmentation and reconstruction. Based on a variational k-means clustering algorithm, cylindrical components and ramified regions of data points are identified and located. An adjacency graph is then built from neighborhood information of components. Simple heuristics allow us to extract a skeleton structure and identify branches from the graph. Finally, a B-spline model is computed to give a compact and accurate reconstruction of the branching system. © 2009 IEEE.published_or_final_versionThe 11th IEEE International Conference on Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics (CAD/Graphics '09), Huangshan, China, 19-21 August 2009. In Proceedings of 11th CAD/Graphics, 2009, p. 572-57

    Detection of flavescence dorée phytoplasma in grapevine in northern Spain

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    Research NoteGrapevine yellows diseased stocks were observed in vineyards of the Alt Emporda area, northern Spain. Phytoplasma was detected and characterized by PCR-RFLP in the region of the 16S rDNA of phytoplasmas or by ELISA. For the first time a FD phytoplasma was detected in Spain

    The effects of social service contact on teenagers in England

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    Objective: This study investigated outcomes of social service contact during teenage years. Method: Secondary analysis was conducted of the Longitudinal Survey of Young People in England (N = 15,770), using data on reported contact with social services resulting from teenagers’ behavior. Outcomes considered were educational achievement and aspiration, mental health, and locus of control. Inverse-probability-weighted regression adjustment was used to estimate the effect of social service contact. Results: There was no significant difference between those who received social service contact and those who did not for mental health outcome or aspiration to apply to university. Those with contact had lower odds of achieving good exam results or of being confident in university acceptance if sought. Results for locus of control were mixed. Conclusions: Attention is needed to the role of social services in supporting the education of young people in difficulty. Further research is needed on the outcomes of social services contact

    A System Dynamics Approach to Understanding the deep Magma Plumbing System Beneath Dominica (Lesser Antilles)

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    To understand the dynamics of magmatic systems, one must first seek to characterize the time-dependent behavior of magma storage and ascent. Herein, we do this through a combination of the Crystal System Approach and careful study of Fe-Mg interdiffusion in orthopyroxene. This allows us to trace the pre-eruptive dynamics of magma plumbing systems, both in space and time. We apply this novel approach on two large silicic eruptions (about 3–5 km3 DRE/eruption) that occurred in the central part of Dominica Island (Lesser Antilles Arc): the eruptions of Layou (∌51 ka) from Morne Diablotins, and Roseau (∌33 ka) from Morne Trois Pitons-Micotrin. For the Roseau eruption, two magmatic environments (MEs) are identified on the basis of orthopyroxene composition, with a dominant reverse-zoning pattern from 50 to 54 to 54–59 mol% enstatite (En), indicating interaction with hotter magma. For the Layou eruption, three MEs are observed as represented by three populations of pyroxenes: En47-51, En51-53 and En53-58. The normal-zoning pathway from En51-53 to En47-51 is significantly registered by crystals, interpreted as convective mixing in a zoned reservoir. The reverse-zoning pathway from En47-51 to En51-53 and also En53-58 is also significantly present, supporting the mixing within the zoned reservoir but also suggesting mixing with a hotter magma, possibly stored in another part of a sub-volcanic mush. The crystal and glass compositions (melt inclusion and matrix glass) from both studied eruptions suggest heating and mixing between different magma pockets located within the mush that were the dominant process for mobilizing eruptible magma. In parallel, we constrain the associated pre-eruptive timescales by modeling the diffusive relaxation of Fe-Mg chemical gradients that originated within the zonation of the same orthopyroxene crystals. Diffusion modeling was considered along the b-axis of 66 zoned orthopyroxene crystals for these two eruptions, at a magmatic temperature of 850 ± 25°C. In light of these results, we propose that the Layou and the Roseau magma reservoirs were rejuvenated and heated by ∌25–50°C about 10 years prior to eruption by the injection of an underplating, hotter magma, creating the observed dominant reverse-zoning patterns of the erupted orthopyroxenes. We thus have evidence that silicic mush can be re-mobilized over timescales of decades prior to eruption, as previously suggested for Santorini and Taupo volcanoes

    The HITRAN2016 Molecular Spectroscopic Database

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    This paper describes the contents of the 2016 edition of the HITRAN molecular spectroscopic compilation. The new edition replaces the previous HITRAN edition of 2012 and its updates during the intervening years. The HITRAN molecular absorption compilation is composed of five major components: the traditional line-by-line spectroscopic parameters required for high-resolution radiative-transfer codes, infrared absorption cross-sections for molecules not yet amenable to representation in a line-by-line form, collision-induced absorption data, aerosol indices of refraction, and general tables such as partition sums that apply globally to the data. The new HITRAN is greatly extended in terms of accuracy, spectral coverage, additional absorption phenomena, added line-shape formalisms, and validity. Moreover, molecules, isotopologues, and perturbing gases have been added that address the issues of atmospheres beyond the Earth. Of considerable note, experimental IR cross-sections for almost 300 additional molecules important in different areas of atmospheric science have been added to the database. The compilation can be accessed through www.hitran.org. Most of the HITRAN data have now been cast into an underlying relational database structure that offers many advantages over the long-standing sequential text-based structure. The new structure empowers the user in many ways. It enables the incorporation of an extended set of fundamental parameters per transition, sophisticated line-shape formalisms, easy user-defined output formats, and very convenient searching, filtering, and plotting of data. A powerful application programming interface making use of structured query language (SQL) features for higher-level applications of HITRAN is also provided

    Does shade improve light interception efficiency? A comparison among seedlings from shade-tolerant and -intolerant temperate deciduous tree species

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    ‱ Here, we tested two hypotheses: shading increases light interception efficiency (LIE) of broadleaved tree seedlings, and shade-tolerant species exhibit larger LIEs than do shade-intolerant ones. The impact of seedling size was taken into account to detect potential size-independent effects on LIE. LIE was defined as the ratio of mean light intercepted by leaves to light intercepted by a horizontal surface of equal area. ‱ Seedlings from five species differing in shade tolerance (Acer saccharum, Betula alleghaniensis, A. pseudoplatanus, B. pendula, Fagus sylvatica) were grown under neutral shading nets providing 36, 16 and 4% of external irradiance. Seedlings (1- and 2-year-old) were three-dimensionally digitized, allowing calculation of LIE. ‱ Shading induced dramatic reduction in total leaf area, which was lowest in shade-tolerant species in all irradiance regimes. Irradiance reduced LIE through increasing leaf overlap with increasing leaf area. There was very little evidence of significant size-independent plasticity of LIE. ‱ No relationship was found between the known shade tolerance of species and LIE at equivalent size and irradiance

    Homophily and Contagion Are Generically Confounded in Observational Social Network Studies

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    We consider processes on social networks that can potentially involve three factors: homophily, or the formation of social ties due to matching individual traits; social contagion, also known as social influence; and the causal effect of an individual's covariates on their behavior or other measurable responses. We show that, generically, all of these are confounded with each other. Distinguishing them from one another requires strong assumptions on the parametrization of the social process or on the adequacy of the covariates used (or both). In particular we demonstrate, with simple examples, that asymmetries in regression coefficients cannot identify causal effects, and that very simple models of imitation (a form of social contagion) can produce substantial correlations between an individual's enduring traits and their choices, even when there is no intrinsic affinity between them. We also suggest some possible constructive responses to these results.Comment: 27 pages, 9 figures. V2: Revised in response to referees. V3: Ditt
