143 research outputs found
Effets des Ă©lectrons secondaires sur l'ADN
Les interactions des Ă©lectrons de basse Ă©nergie (EBE) reprĂ©sentent un Ă©lĂ©ment important en sciences des radiations, particuliĂšrement, les sĂ©quences se produisant immĂ©diatement aprĂšs l'interaction de la radiation ionisante avec le milieu biologique. Il est bien connu que lorsque ces radiations dĂ©posent leur Ă©nergie dans la cellule, elles produisent un grand nombre d'Ă©lectrons secondaires (4x10[indice supĂ©rieur 4]/MeV), qui sont crĂ©Ă©s le long de la trace avec des Ă©nergies cinĂ©tiques initiales bien infĂ©rieures Ă 20 eV. Cependant, il n'y a jamais eu de mesures directes dĂ©montrant l'interaction de ces Ă©lectrons de trĂšs basse Ă©nergie avec l'ADN, dĂ» principalement aux difficultĂ©s expĂ©rimentales imposĂ©es par la complexitĂ© du milieu biologique. Dans notre laboratoire, les derniĂšres annĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© consacrĂ©es Ă l'Ă©tude des phĂ©nomĂšnes fondamentaux induits par impact des EBE sur diffĂ©rentes molĂ©cules simples (e.g., N[indice infĂ©rieur 2] , CO, O[indice infĂ©rieur 2] , H[indice infĂ©rieur 2]O, NO, C[indice infĂ©rieur 2]H[indice infĂ©rieur]4, C[indice infĂ©rieur 6]H[indice infĂ©rieur 6], C[indice infĂ©rieur 2]H[indice infĂ©rieur 12]) et quelques molĂ©cules complexes dans leur phase solide. D'autres travaux effectuĂ©s rĂ©cemment sur des bases de l'ADN et des oligonuclĂ©otides ont montrĂ© que les EBE produisent des bris molĂ©culaires sur les biomolĂ©cules. Ces travaux nous ont permis d'Ă©laborer des techniques pour mettre en Ă©vidence et comprendre les interactions fondamentales des EBE avec des molĂ©cules d'intĂ©rĂȘt biologique, afin d'atteindre notre objectif majeur d'Ă©tudier l'effet direct de ces particules sur la molĂ©cule d'ADN.Les techniques de sciences des surfaces dĂ©veloppĂ©es et utilisĂ©es dans les Ă©tudes prĂ©citĂ©es peuvent ĂȘtre Ă©tendues et combinĂ©es avec des mĂ©thodes classiques de biologie pour Ă©tudier les dommages de l'ADN induits par l'impact des EBE. Nos expĂ©riences ont montrĂ© l'efficacitĂ© des Ă©lectrons de 3-20 eV Ă induire des coupures simple et double brins dans l'ADN. Pour des Ă©nergies infĂ©rieures Ă 15 eV, ces coupures sont induites par la localisation temporaire d'un Ă©lectron sur une unitĂ© molĂ©culaire de l'ADN, ce qui engendre la formation d'un ion nĂ©gatif transitoire dans un Ă©tat Ă©lectronique dissociatif, cette localisation est suivie d'une fragmentation. Ă plus haute Ă©nergie, la dissociation dipolaire (i.e., la formation simultanĂ©e d'un ion positif et nĂ©gatif) et l'ionisation jouent un rĂŽle important dans le dommage de l'ADN. L'ensemble de nos rĂ©sultats permet d'expliquer les mĂ©canismes de dĂ©gradation de l'ADN par les EBE et d'obtenir des sections efficaces effectives des diffĂ©rents types de dommages
FERM3D: A finite element R-matrix electron molecule scattering code
FERM3D is a three-dimensional finite element program, for the elastic
scattering of a low energy electron from a general polyatomic molecule, which
is converted to a potential scattering problem. The code is based on tricubic
polynomials in spherical coordinates. The electron-molecule interaction is
treated as a sum of three terms: electrostatic, exchange. and polarisation. The
electrostatic term can be extracted directly from ab initio codes
({\sc{GAUSSIAN 98}} in the work described here), while the exchange term is
approximated using a local density functional. A local polarisation potential
based on density functional theory [C. Lee, W. Yang and R. G. Parr, {Phys. Rev.
B} {37}, (1988) 785] describes the long range attraction to the molecular
target induced by the scattering electron. Photoionisation calculations are
also possible and illustrated in the present work. The generality and
simplicity of the approach is important in extending electron-scattering
calculations to more complex targets than it is possible with other methods.Comment: 30 pages, 4 figures, preprint, Computer Physics Communications (in
Electron induced chemistry: a new frontier in astrochemistry
The commissioning of the ALMA array and the next generation of space telescopes heralds the dawn of a new age of Astronomy, in which the role of chemistry in the interstellar medium and in star and planet formation may be quantified. A vital part of these studies will be to determine the molecular complexity in these seemingly hostile regions and explore how molecules are synthesised and survive. The current hypothesis is that many of these species are formed within the ice mantles on interstellar dust grains with irradiation by UV light or cosmic rays stimulating chemical reactions. However, such irradiation releases many secondary electrons which may themselves induce chemistry. In this article we discuss the potential role of such electron induced chemistry and demonstrate, through some simple experiments, the rich molecular synthesis that this may lead to
Influence of laser parameters and staining on femtosecond laser-based intracellular nanosurgery
Femtosecond (fs) laser-based intracellular nanosurgery has become an important
tool in cell biology, albeit the mechanisms in the so-called low-density plasma
regime are largely unknown. Previous calculations of free-electron densities for
intracellular surgery used water as a model substance for biological media and
neglected the presence of dye and biomolecules. In addition, it is still unclear
on which time scales free-electron and free-radical induced chemical effects
take place in a cellular environment. Here, we present our experimental study on
the influence of laser parameters and staining on the intracellular ablation
threshold in the low-density plasma regime. We found that the ablation effect of
fs laser pulse trains resulted from the accumulation of single-shot
multiphoton-induced photochemical effects finished within a few nanoseconds. At
the threshold, the number of applied pulses was inversely proportional to a
higher order of the irradiance, depending on the laser repetition rate and
wavelength. Furthermore, fluorescence staining of subcellular structures before
surgery significantly decreased the ablation threshold. Based on our findings,
we propose that dye molecules are the major source for providing seed electrons
for the ionization cascade. Consequently, future calculations of free-electron
densities for intracellular nanosurgery have to take them into account,
especially in the calculations of multiphoton ionization rates
Electron attachment-induced DNA single-strand breaks at the pyrimidine sites
To elucidate the contribution of pyrimidine in DNA strand breaks caused by low-energy electrons (LEEs), theoretical investigations of the LEE attachment-induced C3âČâO3âČ, and C5âČâO5âČ Ï bond as well as N-glycosidic bond breaking of 2âČ-deoxycytidine-3âČ,5âČ-diphosphate and 2âČ-deoxythymidine-3âČ,5âČ-diphosphate were performed using the B3LYP/DZP++ approach. The base-centered radical anions are electronically stable enough to assure that either the CâO or glycosidic bond breaking processes might compete with the electron detachment and yield corresponding radical fragments and anions. In the gas phase, the computed glycosidic bond breaking activation energy (24.1 kcal/mol) excludes the base release pathway. The low-energy barrier for the C3âČâO3âČ Ï bond cleavage process (âŒ6.0 kcal/mol for both cytidine and thymidine) suggests that this reaction pathway is the most favorable one as compared to other possible pathways. On the other hand, the relatively low activation energy barrier (âŒ14 kcal/mol) for the C5âČâO5âČ Ï bond cleavage process indicates that this bond breaking pathway could be possible, especially when the incident electrons have relatively high energy (a few electronvolts). The presence of the polarizable medium greatly increases the activation energies of either CâO Ï bond cleavage processes or the N-glycosidic bond breaking process. The only possible pathway that dominates the LEE-induced DNA single strands in the presence of the polarizable surroundings (such as in an aqueous solution) is the C3âČâO3âČ Ï bond cleavage (the relatively low activation energy barrier, âŒ13.4 kcal/mol, has been predicted through a polarizable continuum model investigation). The qualitative agreement between the ratio for the bond breaks of C5âČâO5âČ, C3âČâO3âČ and N-glycosidic bonds observed in the experiment of oligonucleotide tetramer CGAT and the theoretical sequence of the bond breaking reaction pathways have been found. This consistency between the theoretical predictions and the experimental observations provides strong supportive evidences for the base-centered radical anion mechanism of the LEE-induced single-strand bond breaking around the pyrimidine sites of the DNA single strands
Radio- and photosensitization of DNA with compounds containing platinum and bromine atoms
Irradiations of plasmid DNA by both X-rays and UV light in the presence and absence of compounds containing platinum and bromine atoms were performed in order to asses the sensitization potential of these compounds. Plasmid DNA pBR322 was incubated with platinum (II) bromide, hydrogen hexabromoplatinate (IV), hydrogen hexahydroxyplatinate (IV) and sodium hexahydroxyplatinate (IV). Incubation was followed by X-ray or UV irradiations. It was found that amongst the sensitizers tested, during irradiations carried out in the presence of platinum (II) bromide, the highest levels of double strand breaks formation upon X-ray treatment were recorded. In contrast much less damage was induced by UV light. Data presented here suggests that this compound may be a promising radiosensitizer for cancer treatment
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