241 research outputs found

    Extreme scenarios for the evolution of a soft bed interacting with a fluid using the Value at Risk of the bed characteristics

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    International audienceWe show how to introduce the Value at Risk (VaR) concept in the analysis of the adaptation of the shape of a soft bed to a flow knowing the Probability Density Function (PDF) of the responses of the shape to flow perturbations (bed receptivity). Our aim is to quantify our confidence on simulation scenarios by an available morphodynamic model for the shape. The approach permits to perform this task at low complexity as it does not require any sampling of the bed receptivity parameter space. The paper goes beyond stationarity for the variability of the bed receptivity by linking its dynamics to the bottom morphodynamics through an original transport equation for the local bed receptivity standard deviation. The approach has been applied to the analysis of bed morphodynamics based on minimization principles. The results show the importance of including uncertainty information during the coupling and not only eventually through simple margins on the results

    Alimentation végétale et systÚmes de production en Limousin, du Néolithique à la Renaissance

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    Identifiant de l'opĂ©ration archĂ©ologique : 2754 Date de l'opĂ©ration : 2007 (PC) Inventeur(s) : Bouchette Anne (BEN) InitiĂ© en 2006, le PCR sur « L’Alimentation vĂ©gĂ©tale et les systĂšmes de production en Limousin du NĂ©olithique Ă  la Renaissance » a pour objectif de dĂ©velopper les Ă©tudes archĂ©obotaniques et de proposer, Ă  terme, une synthĂšse rĂ©gionale. En effet, l’exploitation et la gestion des ressources naturelles est une prĂ©occupation primordiale des sociĂ©tĂ©s rurales, les plantes occupant une..

    Intrapreneuriat, créativité et innovation : Les nouveaux leviers managériaux des entreprises du secteur de la logistique au Maroc

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    Les organisations sont actuellement en pleine mutation, rĂ©pondant ainsi Ă  l’évolution de l’environnement socio-Ă©conomique. Leur structure a dĂ» ĂȘtre repensĂ©e, afin d’obtenir des organisations crĂ©atives, innovantes et entreprenantes. Les entreprises du secteur de la logistique ne semblent pas Ă©chapper Ă  cette rĂšgle, la dynamique entrepreneuriale apparait aujourd’hui comme une composante essentielle de leur compĂ©titivitĂ©.L’intrapreneuriat est un sous-champ du phĂ©nomĂšne plus vaste de l’entrepreneuriat. Il est gĂ©nĂ©ralement reconnu qu’il a un impact positif sur la croissance et la profitabilitĂ© des entreprises qui le pratiquent (Kuratko et coll., 2001 ;Antoncic et Hisrich, 2004 ;Fitzsimmons et coll., 2005). En effet, l’intrapreneuriat est considĂ©rĂ© comme un stimulus de l’innovation dans les entreprises. Ceci Ă©tant, il est intĂ©ressant de regarder les Ă©lĂ©ments qui peuvent amener ou au moins faciliter la dynamisation du triptyque intrapreneuriat - crĂ©ativitĂ© - innovation.Dans cet article nous nous intĂ©resserons Ă  prĂ©senter une revue de littĂ©rature sur cette notion d’intrapreneuriat comme logique managĂ©riale etson interactionavec la crĂ©ativitĂ© et l’innovation.Ensuite, nous nous focaliserons sur les PME marocaines du secteur de la logistique et aborderons les mesures et actions entreprises par l’Etat pourleur mise Ă  niveau afin qu’elles soient plus compĂ©titives, entrepreneuriales, innovantes et performantes

    Rheology, force transmission, and shear instabilities in frictional granular media from biaxial numerical tests using the contact dynamics method

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    International audienceBy means of the contact dynamics discrete element method, we investigate the quasi-static behavior of granular media composed of rigid frictional particles. Eluding specific modeling of the contact rheology, this method is suitable for numerical simulation of the plastic deformations of granular materials. We studied the macroscopic stress-strain and volume-change behavior, as well as force transmission and shear instabilities, in a two-dimensional biaxial geometry for dense samples composed of 5000 rigid disks. The peak and residual strengths and shear bands were analyzed by varying the confining pressure and the coefficient of friction between particles. The results are consistent with well-known features of the plasticity of noncohesive granular media. The mechanical behavior is rigid-plastic governed by a Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion and showing strain hardening and softening. Conjugated shear bands characterize plastic failure. The volumetric strain is globally dilatant with considerable expansion observed along shear bands. The macroscopic coefficient of friction, determined from peak and residual strengths, increases nonlinearly and saturates to a constant value as a function of contact friction. The strong force chains are mostly parallel to the major principal stress axis, yet deviations are observed near the shear bands. These chains are often composed of particles that are larger than the average. The deviatoric stress shows small fluctuations often in the form of rapid falls that are correlated with tiny contractional events. This behavior is interpreted in terms of the propagation of dynamic shear instabilities along the shear bands, in close analogy with stick-slip behavior

    Paysages, productions et collectes vĂ©gĂ©tales en Limousin (Massif central occidental) de la TĂšne finale Ă  la fin du Moyen Âge (100 BC-1 400AD)

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    Entre 1996 et 2004, plusieurs sites archĂ©ologiques du Limousin ont fait l’objet d’une analyse carpologique. Bien que le nombre de sites et de structures analysĂ©s soit modeste, prĂšs de 219     000 restes carbonisĂ©s, imbibĂ©s ou minĂ©ralisĂ©s et environ 300 taxons de plantes cultivĂ©es et sauvages ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©terminĂ©s permettant l’élaboration d’une premiĂšre synthĂšse pour une pĂ©riode allant de la TĂšne finale au bas Moyen Âge. Ce travail intĂšgre Ă©galement la publication de plusieurs Ă©tudes carpologiques de nĂ©cropoles gallo-romaines ainsi que les acquis rĂ©gionaux des recherches anthracologiques, palynologiques et sĂ©dimentologiques. La synthĂšse sur les plantes cultivĂ©es et utilitaires met en Ă©vidence une modification des productions cĂ©rĂ©aliĂšres entre la fin de l’époque gallo-romaine et le haut Moyen Âge, caractĂ©risĂ©e par la montĂ©e en puissance du seigle (Secale cereale). Elle rend compte aussi d’un dĂ©veloppement de l’arboriculture Ă  partir de l’époque gallo-romaine, puis au haut Moyen Âge, notamment en contexte urbain. Des importations ont Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© mises en Ă©vidence, comme le poivre (Piper nigrum) au haut-Empire.Between 1996 and 2004 palaeobotanical studies were performed in archaeological sites of Limousin. Despite the limited number of the sites and structures studied, the richness in plant macroremains and taxa strenghthened by the use of additional palaeobotanical studies as well as anthracological, palynological, sedimentological and palaeoclimatic data allows to propose a first synthesis concerning the agricultural production between the end of La Tene and the low Middle Ages. More than 219.000 remains (carbonized, waterlogged and mineralized) and circa 300 wild and cultivated plants taxa were determined. This work emphasizes a change in the cereal production between the end of the Gallo-Roman period and the High Middle Age characterized by the increase in rye (Secale cereale) cultivation. It also shows the development of arboriculture during the Gallo-Roman period and the high Middle Ages, especially in urban area. The import of an exotic spice : pepper (Piper nigrum), is demonstrated during the High Empire

    High Performance Pre-Computing: Prototype Application to a Coastal Flooding Decision Tool

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    International audienceAfter defining the High Performance Pre- Computing --referred as HPPC-- concept, the aim of the present study is to develop a prototype whether to approve or not the benefits of this concept. Our application case tries to answer the geophysical issue of coastal flooding. This is an example of an alert system based on the HPPC architecture, thus on pre-computed scenarios. The prototype provides the scientists with an ergonomic and on-demand tool allowing the run of scenarios of any implemented numerical models. These runs are available through a web application which submits the corresponding jobs on the remote french public cluster of HPC@LR. In this study we simulate the waves propagation over a Mediterranean grid using the wave model WaveWatch III⃝R . A reference simulation using usual conditions is approximated using the k-NN algorithm over 12, 98 and then 980 pre-computed scenarios. This simple experiment demonstrates how useful the pre-computing of scenarios is for alert systems as far as enough and relevant scenarios are pre-computed. This is the reason why searches continue in each critical points of the HPPC architecture such as the design of experiment, the approximation of the results by meta-models and the research of the closest scenarios in this big data context

    Field evidence of swash groundwater circulation in the microtidal rousty beach, France

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    International audienceThis manuscript reports on a novel field experiment carried out on a microtidal beach in Camargue, France. For the first time in the field, a comprehensive description of the groundwater dynamics under sandy beach swash zone is presented. A cross-shore network of 15 buried pressure sensors is combined with terrestrial LiDAR measurements to study the swash-groundwater dynamics. The presented data focus on the decay of a moderate storm which allows to monitor the evolution of the groundwater pressure field in response to the retreat of the swash zone. Both horizontal and vertical head gradients are measured within the porous sand soil to estimate the groundwater flow field using Darcy’s law. Time-averaged analysis demonstrates the presence of a rather consistent groundwater circulation pattern under the swash zone, shifting offshore with the swash zone. The main tendency is an offshore directed flow, with infiltration/exfiltration in the upper/lower parts of the swash zone. Time-resolved analysis highlights the typical groundwater response to swash events which consists mainly of an overall infiltration flow during the bed inundation by the swash tongue, a seaward flow during the swash retreat and, for long backwash events, a localized exfiltration flow under the next incoming uprush

    Histoire des forĂȘts du versant nord des PyrĂ©nĂ©es au cours des 30000 derniĂšres annĂ©es

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    Les recherches playnologiques rĂ©alisĂ©es dans le versant nord des PyrĂ©nĂ©es ainsi que les donnĂ©es anthracologiques disponibles et les Ă©tudes de macrorestes vĂ©gĂ©taux permettent de dĂ©crire les Ă©tapes de la mise en place des principales essences forestiĂšres au cours des 30000 derniĂšres annĂ©es. Dans les PyrĂ©nĂ©es centrales, avant 30000 BP, l'Ă©picĂ©a Ă©tait bien dĂ©veloppĂ©. Les donnĂ©es anthracologiques permettent de penser qu'il a disparu des PyrĂ©nĂ©es vers 18000-17000 BP. Entre 11000 BP et 10000 BP, l'ultime phase de dĂ©gradation climatique de la fin du dernier Ă©pisode glaciaire, le Dryas rĂ©cent, a davantage affectĂ© la couverture vĂ©gĂ©tale des PyrĂ©nĂ©es mĂ©diterranĂ©ennes que celle de la moitiĂ© nord occidentale. Au Postglaciaire, le sapin se dĂ©veloppe prĂ©cocement dans la partie orientale de la chaĂźne et beaucoup plus tard dans la partie occidentale. L'homme agit trĂšs tĂŽt sur le milieu montagnard, dĂšs 6200 BP dans les PyrĂ©nĂ©es mĂ©diterranĂ©ennes. Son ection s'accentue particuliĂšrement vers 4000 BP, au Moyen Age, puis au 16Ăš-17Ăš et 18 Ăš siĂšcles lors du dĂ©veloppement des forges, dĂ©terminant d'importantes modifications phytogĂ©ographiques, notamment une extension du hĂȘtre aux dĂ©pens du sapin
