1,389 research outputs found

    The effect of bottom substrate on inherent optical properties: Evidence of biogeochemical processes

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    Measurements of inherent optical properties (IOP) were conducted over bottoms with different substrates by use of a sampling package mounted on and operated by a SCUBA diver. It was found that in areas of low ambient currents the distribution of IOP varies with bottom type in (1) its value relative to a nearby bottom of different type, (2) its vertical gradient, and (3) its variability. This implies that radiative transfer modeling in shallow environments may need to include, besides the bottom characteristics, the bottom effect on in-water IOP. In tidally flushed shallow banks, vertical and horizontal gradients over scales of O(1, 10 m), respectively, are as large as temporal gradients over scales of minutes and cannot be separated in our measurements. However, bottom-substrate-related processes over the banks result in gradients over large horizontal spatial scales and tidal timescales. The distribution of IOP is consistent with several biogeochemical processes that may be active at a given bottom substrate and suggest that optical measurements may provide a useful tool to infer and quantify bulk rates of biogeochemical processes

    The influence of bottom morphology on reflectance: Theory and two-dimensional geometry model

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    The reflectance of the bottom is of importance when interpreting optical data in shallow water. Closure studies of radiative transfer, interpretation of laser line scanner data, lidar, and remote sensing in shallow waters require understanding of the bottom reflectance. In the Coastal Benthic Optical Properties experiment (CoBOP), extensive measurements of the material reflectance (reflectance very close to the bottom) were made. Far field reflectance will be needed in carrying out closure of the radiative transfer model and observed radiometric and inherent optical properties. The far field reflectance is the bottom reflectance that includes the effect of bottom morphology (such as sand ripples) as well as the material reflectance. We present here a first-order analytical model to derive the relationship between the material and far field reflectances. We show that the effective reflectance of the bottom is proportional to the average cosine of the bottom slope. Using a simple two-dimensional geometry without scattering and absorption, we show that errors in ignoring the bottom morphology can lead to overestimations of the far field reflectance on the order of 30%

    Substellar companions and isolated planetary mass objects from protostellar disc fragmentation

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    Self-gravitating protostellar discs are unstable to fragmentation if the gas can cool on a time scale that is short compared to the orbital period. We use a combination of hydrodynamic simulations and N-body orbit integrations to study the long term evolution of a fragmenting disc with an initial mass ratio to the star of M_disc/M_star = 0.1. For a disc which is initially unstable across a range of radii, a combination of collapse and subsequent accretion yields substellar objects with a spectrum of masses extending (for a Solar mass star) up to ~0.01 M_sun. Subsequent gravitational evolution ejects most of the lower mass objects within a few million years, leaving a small number of very massive planets or brown dwarfs in eccentric orbits at moderately small radii. Based on these results, systems such as HD 168443 -- in which the companions are close to or beyond the deuterium burning limit -- appear to be the best candidates to have formed via gravitational instability. If massive substellar companions originate from disc fragmentation, while lower-mass planetary companions originate from core accretion, the metallicity distribution of stars which host massive substellar companions at radii of ~1 au should differ from that of stars with lower mass planetary companions.Comment: 5 pages, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Charging and coagulation of dust in protoplanetary plasma environments

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    Combining a particle-particle, particle-cluster and cluster-cluster agglomeration model with an aggregate charging model, the coagulation and charging of dust particles in various plasma environments relevant for proto-planetary disks have been investigated. The results show that charged aggregates tend to grow by adding small particles and clusters to larger particles and clusters, leading to greater sizes and masses as compared to neutral aggregates, for the same number of monomers in the aggregate. In addition, aggregates coagulating in a Lorentzian plasma (containing a larger fraction of high-energy plasma particles) are more massive and larger than aggregates coagulating in a Maxwellian plasma, for the same plasma densities and characteristic temperature. Comparisons of the grain structure, utilizing the compactness factor, {\phi}{\sigma}, demonstrate that a Lorentzian plasma environment results in fluffier aggregates, with small {\phi}{\sigma}, which exhibit a narrow compactness factor distribution. Neutral aggregates are more compact, with larger {\phi}{\sigma}, and exhibit a larger variation in fluffiness. Measurement of the compactness factor of large populations of aggregates is shown to provide information on the disk parameters that were present during aggregation

    Underway spectrophotometry along the Atlantic Meridional Transect reveals high performance in satellite chlorophyll retrievals

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Elsevier via the DOI in this recordTo evaluate the performance of ocean-colour retrievals of total chlorophyll-a concentration requires direct comparison with concomitant and co-located in situ data. For global comparisons, these in situ match-ups should be ideally representative of the distribution of total chlorophyll-a concentration in the global ocean. The oligotrophic gyres constitute the majority of oceanic water, yet are under-sampled due to their inaccessibility and under-represented in global in situ databases. The Atlantic Meridional Transect (AMT) is one of only a few programmes that consistently sample oligotrophic waters. In this paper, we used a spectrophotometer on two AMT cruises (AMT19 and AMT22) to continuously measure absorption by particles in the water of the ship's flow-through system. From these optical data continuous total chlorophyll-a concentrations were estimated with high precision and accuracy along each cruise and used to evaluate the performance of ocean-colour algorithms. We conducted the evaluation using level 3 binned ocean-colour products, and used the high spatial and temporal resolution of the underway system to maximise the number of match-ups on each cruise. Statistical comparisons show a significant improvement in the performance of satellite chlorophyll algorithms over previous studies, with root mean square errors on average less than half (~0.16 in log10 space) that reported previously using global datasets (~0.34 in log10 space). This improved performance is likely due to the use of continuous absorption-based chlorophyll estimates, that are highly accurate, sample spatial scales more comparable with satellite pixels, and minimise human errors. Previous comparisons might have reported higher errors due to regional biases in datasets and methodological inconsistencies between investigators. Furthermore, our comparison showed an underestimate in satellite chlorophyll at low concentrations in 2012 (AMT22), likely due to a small bias in satellite remote-sensing reflectance data. Our results highlight the benefits of using underway spectrophotometric systems for evaluating satellite ocean-colour data and underline the importance of maintaining in situ observatories that sample the oligotrophic gyres.NEODAASCMEMSNatural Environment Research Council (NERC

    Overabundance of alpha-elements in exoplanet host stars

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    We present the results for a chemical abundance analysis between planet-hosting and stars without planets for 12 refractory elements for a total of 1111 nearby FGK dwarf stars observed within the context of the HARPS GTO programs. Of these stars, 109 are known to harbour high-mass planetary companions and 26 stars are hosting exclusively Neptunians and super-Earths. We found that the [X/Fe] ratios for Mg, Al, Si, Sc, and Ti both for giant and low-mass planet hosts are systematically higher than those of comparison stars at low metallicities ([Fe/H] < from -0.2 to 0.1 dex depending on the element). The most evident discrepancy between planet-hosting and stars without planets is observed for Mg. Our data suggest that the planet incidence is greater among the thick disk population than among the thin disk for mettallicities bellow -0.3 dex. After examining the [alpha/Fe] trends of the planet host and non-host samples we conclude that a certain chemical composition, and not the Galactic birth place of the stars, is the determinating factor for that. The inspection of the Galactic orbital parameters and kinematics of the planet-hosting stars shows that Neptunian hosts tend to belong to the "thicker" disk compared to their high-mass planet-hosting counterparts.We also found that Neptunian hosts follow the distribution of high-alpha stars in the UW vs V velocities space, but they are more enhanced in Mg than high-alpha stars without planetary companions. Our results indicate that some metals other than iron may also have an important contribution to planet formation if the amount of iron is low. These results may provide strong constraints for the models of planet formation, especially for planets with low mass.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Planetary migration in evolving planetesimals discs

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    In the current paper, we further improved the model for the migration of planets introduced in Del Popolo et al. (2001) and extended to time-dependent planetesimal accretion disks in Del Popolo and Eksi (2002). In the current study, the assumption of Del Popolo and Eksi (2002), that the surface density in planetesimals is proportional to that of gas, is released. In order to obtain the evolution of planetesimal density, we use a method developed in Stepinski and Valageas (1997) which is able to simultaneously follow the evolution of gas and solid particles for up to 10^7 yrs. Then, the disk model is coupled to migration model introduced in Del Popolo et al. (2001) in order to obtain the migration rate of the planet in the planetesimal. We find that the properties of solids known to exist in protoplanetary systems, together with reasonable density profiles for the disk, lead to a characteristic radius in the range 0.03-0.2 AU for the final semi-major axis of the giant planet.Comment: IJMP A in prin

    Metallicities of Planet Hosting Stars: A Sample of Giants and Subgiants

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    This work presents a homogeneous derivation of atmospheric parameters and iron abundances for a sample of giant and subgiant stars which host giant planets, as well as a control sample of subgiant stars not known to host giant planets. The analysis is done using the same technique as for our previous analysis of a large sample of planet-hosting and control sample dwarf stars. A comparison between the distributions of [Fe/H] in planet-hosting main-sequence stars, subgiants, and giants within these samples finds that the main-sequence stars and subgiants have the same mean metallicity of \simeq +0.11 dex, while the giant sample is typically more metal poor, having an average metallicity of = -0.06 dex. The fact that the subgiants have the same average metallicities as the dwarfs indicates that significant accretion of solid metal-rich material onto the planet-hosting stars has not taken place, as such material would be diluted in the evolution from dwarf to subgiant. The lower metallicity found for the planet-hosting giant stars in comparison with the planet-hosting dwarfs and subgiants is interpreted as being related to the underlying stellar mass, with giants having larger masses and thus, on average larger-mass protoplanetary disks. In core accretion models of planet formation, larger disk masses can contain the critical amount of metals necessary to form giant planets even at lower metallicities.Comment: 38 pages, 7 figures, 4 tables, accepted for publication in Ap

    The Chromospheric Activity and Ages of M Dwarf Stars in Wide Binary Systems

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    We investigate the relationship between age and chromospheric activity for 139 M dwarf stars in wide binary systems with white dwarf companions. The age of each system is determined from the cooling age of its white dwarf component. The current limit for activity-age relations found for M dwarfs in open clusters is 4 Gyr. Our unique approach to finding ages for M stars allows for the exploration of this relationship at ages older than 4 Gyr. The general trend of stars remaining active for a longer time at later spectral type is confirmed. However, our larger sample and greater age range reveals additional complexity in assigning age based on activity alone. We find that M dwarfs in wide binaries older than 4 Gyr depart from the log-linear relation for clusters and are found to have activity at magnitudes, colors and masses which are brighter, bluer and more massive than predicted by the cluster relation. In addition to our activity-age results, we present the measured radial velocities and complete space motions for 161 white dwarf stars in wide binaries.Comment: 22 pages including 9 figures and 5 tables. Accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journa
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