107 research outputs found

    Empowerment counselling in nursing well-child visits for healthy family lifestyles

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    Background: Empowerment counselling has long been assumed to improve people’s health and is encouraged to be adopted in routine healthcare. However, the questions as to whether empowerment reliably benefits preschool children and families’ health and whether it is being addressed in nursing well-child visits for healthy family lifestyles are yet to be addressed. The overall purpose of this thesis is to contribute toward the clarification and advance of empowerment counselling in nursing well-child visits for healthy family lifestyles. This thesis consisted of three studies. Aims: To synthesize the existing evidence on health interventions using the empowerment concept with preschool-age children and families (sub-study 1). To develop a Portuguese translation and adaptation of the Empowering Speech Practices Scale and investigate its construct validity and reliability (sub-study 2). To describe and compare nurses’ and families’perceptions regarding the degree of empowerment counselling in well-child visits for healthy family lifestyles and explore its associations with nurses’ and families’ sociodemographic and nutritional characteristics (sub-study 3). Design and Methods: We conducted a systematic literature review (sub-study 1), and an observational cross-sectional survey study (sub-study 2 and 3) with 82 families attending a 5-year-old well-child visit and 25 nurses from 12 health functional units situated in Portugal’s Central Region and the Metropolitan Area of Lisbon. Results: In sub-study 1, only ten intervention studies met the criteria for inclusion, with 50% showing positive effects. Children’s participation was scarce. Overall, studies provided limited details on theory application. Sixteen promising behaviour change techniques were identified. Findings from sub-study 2 supported the Portuguese Empowering Speech Practices Scale internal reliability and construct validity, suggesting it has potential usefulness as a measure of empowerment counselling in 5-year-old well-child visits. Sub-study 3 showed that both nurses and families perceived empowerment had been practised to a high degree in the nursing well-child visits. Still, the domain of participatory practices of empowerment counselling can be expanded. The family’s limited familiarity with the health system, having children with overweight, and the well-child visits being conducted in Customized Health Care Units were associated with lower empowerment counselling scores. Conclusions: The findings of the studies give valuable insights to plan further work needed to prove the effectiveness and meaningfulness of using empowerment counselling in well-child visits

    Presenteeism in Non-Academic Staff in a Public University Context: Prevalence, Associated Factors, and Reasons to Work While Sick during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Abstract: Presenteeism negatively affects worker performance. We aimed to know the prevalence of presenteeism in non-academic university staff, identify health problems and associated factors, as well as explore the reasons that led to presenteeism during the COVID-19 pandemic. A cross-sectional study was conducted with a convenience sample of 332 non-academic staff. The Portuguese version of the Stanford Presenteeism Scale (SPS-6) was used, and socio-demographic and occupational data were collected. Participants were divided into groups according to the presenteeism cut-off score (no presenteeists, presenteeists with high job performance, presenteeists with low job performance). Multinomial regression was used to identify occupational and demographic characteristics associated with presenteeism. An open question replies analysis made it possible to explore the reasons for going to work while sick. Presenteeism was experienced by 30.1%. Presenteeism with high job performance was not associated with socio-demographic and work factors. Professionals who performed only physical work (OR = 9.4; 95% CI: 1.7; 51.0) and those who conducted hybrid work (OR = 4.1; 95% CI: 1.8; 9.6) showed a higher risk of belonging to the presenteeist group with low job performance. Financial reasons led professionals to work while sick. This study raises the importance of evaluating presenteeism in non-academic staff to create conditions for them to maintain high performance despite presenteeism and to intervene when there is low performance due to presenteeism.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The relationship between presenteeism, quality of life and social support in higher education professionals: A cross-sectional path analysis

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    Presenteeism is the practice of being present at workplace, but not being able to carry out all the tasks due to health problems. Social support globally associated with health and wellbeing might positively influence presenteeism and consequently, the quality of life of these professionals. With this in mind, the aim of this study was to investigate the relationships between presenteeism, quality of life and social support in the work of non-teaching and non-research professionals within the context of higher education. A cross-sectional study was conducted, in which sociodemographic data were collected and the Portuguese versions of the Stanford Presenteeism Scale (SPS-6) (which includes the dimensions workcompleted and distraction avoided) and Quality of Life Index (EUROSHIS-QOL-8) and the subscales of Supervisor’s Social Support and Peers’ Social Support of the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ) were used. The questionnaire was applied online, and 322 professionals from a public university higher education institution in Northern Portugal participated in the study. Presenteeism was reported by 97 (30.1%) professionals. The peers’ social support was positively associated with quality of life. The supervisor’s social support was positively associated with distraction avoided and work completed and positively indirectly associated with quality of life, and the association was mediated by distraction avoided. We conclude that implementing strategies that can promote social support in the work context, namely strengthening networks between colleagues and competent and well-trained supervisors may prevent or reduce presenteeism in higher education professionals, as well as, provide a better quality of life.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Amílcar Cabral: estratégias políticas e culturais para independência da Guiné e Cabo Verde

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    Tese de mestrado, História de África, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2009Nascido na Guiné portuguesa, educado em Cabo Verde e na universidade de portuguesa, profissional no campo da agronomia em Portugal e nos territórios colonizados, Cabral apelido que hoje dispensa muitas apresentações na historiografia africana, foi actor de um percurso único sedimentado nos tempos duros da dominação colonial portuguesa, quando fora de Portugal e do seu império, movimentos intelectuais, ideias políticas e acções culturais procuravam libertar o homem colonizado africano das malhas do colonialismo e da opressão. É com base nesta breve descrição que ressaltamos a necessidade de analisar as estratégias políticas e culturais de Cabral para a conquista da independência da Guiné e Cabo Verde, procurando o que foi produto da colonização portuguesa, mas sobretudo apurar como integrou contribuições teóricas internacionais e africanas, que em meados do século XX marcaram as escolhas e práticas dos intelectuais e políticos africanos integrados no processo de luta de libertação e independência. Procuramos estudar neste trabalho, a forma como este notável político africano estruturou as suas aprendizagens, e reflexões articulando a realidades guineenses e caboverdeanas do século XX, e as correntes marcantes do pensamento libertador africano. Tentaremos também perceber as diversas dinâmicas que possam ter contribuído de alguma maneira especial para construção da sua identidade que resultou na sua entrega à luta de libertação nacional. Cabral, as suas estratégias políticas e culturais, o seu impacto nos territórios africanos constituiu o eixo central desta investigação a que titulamos «Amílcar Cabral: Estratégias políticas e culturais para a independência da Guiné e Cabo Verde».Born in portuguese Guinea, Cape Verde and educated in the University of Portuguese, professional in the field of agronomy in Portugal and the colonized territories, Cabral surname that today dispenses many presentations in African historiography, was actor of a single journey grounded in the hard times Portuguese colonial domination, when outside of Portugal and its empire, intellectual movements, political ideas and cultural activities sought the release colonized Africa man of the meshes of colonialism and oppression. It is based on this brief description that we rebound the need to analyse the and political and cultural strategies of Cabral for the conquest of the independence of Guinea and Cape Verde, looking for what was the product of Portuguese colonization, but above all establish how he integrated theoretical contributions international and African, that in the mid-twentieth century marked the choices and practices of African intellectuals and politicians into the process of struggle for liberation and independence. With this work, we intend to understand in how this remarkable African political structured his learning and thoughts, articulating the Guinean and capeverdien realities of the twentieth century, and marked currents of liberating thought in Africa. We will also try to understand the various dynamics that may have contributed in some special way for construction of his identity that may led him to the surrender to the struggle of national liberation. Cabral, their political and cultural strategies, their impact on African territories was the axle of this research that name "Amílcar Cabral: Strategies for the political and cultural independence of Guinea and Cape Verde

    Duas cortes, um modelo : o cerimonial diplomático nas relações luso-espanholas (1715-1750)

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    6 de Fevereiro de 1715. Data da assinatura da paz entre o rei de Portugal, D. João V e o de Espanha, Filipe V, no congresso de Utreque. Este tratado significou mais que o cessar das hostilidades iniciadas pela Guerra da Sucessão de Espanha (1702-1712). Com ele, inaugurou-se um novo modelo político-diplomático e anunciou-se o rumo que viria a tomar o diálogo entre Lisboa e Madrid, bem diferente daquele que havia tido até aquele momento. No trono espanhol sentava-se agora um rei de ascendência Bourbon e a ideia da (re)união das duas Coroas ibéricas pouco significado tinha para aquele soberano. Esta era a oportunidade do monarca português conquistar finalmente a paridade diplomática com Espanha, há muito desejada por Portugal. Provaremos neste estudo que a reciprocidade nem sempre se atestava através das concessões dos artigos de um tratado. O tratamento e as honras atribuídas a um embaixador, as preocupações com os preparativos e procedimentos de uma missão, o conhecimento teórico dos regulamentos de cerimonial, as etapas de uma embaixada, as festas, a propaganda e até um incidente diplomático poderiam tornar-se um espelho tão ou mais transparente do estado das relações entre os dois reinos. A reciprocidade diplomática exigia que se acertasse um modelo comum e recíproco, o que incluía reivindicações e implicava cedências. No terreno, a diplomacia lusoespanhola foi o principal veículo e motor de difusão de costumes e práticas rituais entre as duas Cortes. Sob uma perspectiva comparada, do Tratado luso-espanhol de Utreque (1715), passando pelo duplo matrimónio ibérico (1725-1729), ao Tratado de Madrid (1750), servimo-nos das embaixadas, dos homens, dos espaços e das imagens para comprovarmos a existência de um modelo de cerimonial diplomático ibérico. Através dele, revisitaremos também a História das relações diplomáticas entre Portugal e Espanha, na primeira metade de setecentos.6th of February 1715. Signature date of the peace treaty between the kings of Portugal, D. João V and Felipe V of Spain, at the congress of Utrecht. This treaty meant more than just the end of the hostilities initiated by war of the Spanish succession (1702-1712). With it, a new political and diplomatic model was initiated and the new heading of the dialogue between Lisbon and Madrid was announced, quite different from the one thus far. A king of Bourbon ancestry was now seating in the spanish throne, and the idea of the (re)union of both iberian crowns meant very little for that sovereign. This was the opportunity for the portuguese monarch to finally conquer the diplomatic parity with Spain, long craved by Portugal. We will prove in this study that this reciprocity was not always attested throughout the concessions made by a treaty’s article. The treatment and honors given to an ambassador, the concern with the preparation and procedures of a diplomatic mission, the theoretical knowledge of the ceremonial procedures, the different stages of an embassy, the parties, the propaganda and even a diplomatic incident could become an equal clear mirror, or even a better one, of the state of both kingdom’s relations. The diplomatic reciprocity demanded that a common and reciprocal model was established, that included claims and concessions. At the field, the luso-spanish diplomacy became the main vehicle and engine of diffusion for both costumes and ritual practices between the two courts. Under a compared perspective, from the luso-spanish Treaty of Utrecht (1715), passing through the double iberian marriage (1725-1729), until the Treaty of Madrid (1750), we will use the embassies, the man, the spaces and the images to prove the existence of an iberian diplomatic ceremonial model. Through it, we will also revisit the History of the diplomatic relations between Portugal and Spain, on the first half of the seven hundreds

    Adaptação e bem-estar das crianças na educação de Infância e nos primeiros anos de escolaridade

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    Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Santarém para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1º Ciclo do Ensino BásicoO presente Relatório de Estágio reflete todo o trabalho e percurso de aprendizagem desenvolvido ao longo do Mestrado em Educação Pré-escolar e em Ensino do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico (CEB) realizado na Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Santarém. Numa primeira parte deste documento é apresentada a análise crítica das aprendizagens adquiridas, bem como, das atividades realizadas durante a prática de ensino supervisionada e desenvolvida na Educação Pré-escolar e no 1º CEB. Na segunda parte é descrita a pesquisa de natureza qualitativa, que realizei sobre a Adaptação e Bem-estar na Educação de Infância e nos Primeiros anos de escolaridade. Através de entrevistas a um grupo de crianças a terminar o Jardim de Infância, a transitar para o 1º CEB e um grupo de crianças do 3º ano do 1º CEB, que frequentou a Educação Pré-escolar antes de entrar na escola; e entrevistas realizadas a duas Educadoras de Infância e duas professoras do 1º CEB. A análise de dados destas entrevistas possibilitou conhecer a perspetiva das crianças e das educadoras e professoras relativamente aos principais fatores que interferem na Adaptação escolar e na promoção do Bem-estar das crianças em contextos educativos. De acordo com diferentes pesquisas realizadas um fator decisivo a considerar é o papel dos/das docentes. Na pesquisa realizada para além de constatar esta questão, verifiquei também a relevância do papel das famílias e da forma como estas interagem com os/as docentes, tanto no jardim de infância como na escola. A relação com as famílias aparece como tendo um papel único e basilar na construção de uma relação de confiança e bem-estar. A relação estabelecida entre as crianças no início do ano escolar, é equitativamente importante na perspetiva das crianças, pois esta relação é entendida como um fator primordial de bem-estar entre elas. Paralelamente os dados apontam para a relevância da forma como é feita a organização do ambiente educativo e para a forma como as crianças são preparadas para a entrada no jardim de infância e na escola, assim como o apoio dado pelos adultos às dificuldades de adaptação de algumas crianças. A realização desta pesquisa, sobre uma questão básica para a promoção de uma resposta educativa de qualidade, proporcionou-me aprendizagens muito importantes que vão marcar o meu futuro profissional.The present Report of Stage reflects the entire work and learning process developed along the Masters in Preschool Education and Teaching 1st Cycle of Basic Education (CEB). Held at the School of Education, Polytechnic Institute of Santarém. In the first part of this document critical analysis of the lessons learned are presented as well as the activities carried out during the supervised teaching practice and developed in Preschool Education and the 1st CEB. The second part describes the qualitative research I conducted on Adaptation and Well-being in Early Childhood Education and Early years of schooling. Through interviews with a group of children finishing kindergarten, transitioning to the 1st CEB and a group of children from the 3rd year of the 1st CEB who attended pre -school education before entering school; and interviews with two Childhood Educators and two Teachers of the 1st CEB. The analysis of data from these interviews helped understand the perspective of children, educators and teachers on the main factors affecting the school Adaptation and promoting welfare of the children in educational settings. According to different surveys conducted, a deciding factor to consider is the role of the teachers. In the survey, apart from finding this issue, also checked the important role of families and how they interact with / the teachers, both in kindergarten and in school. The relationship with the families appears to have a unique and fundamental role in building a relationship of trust and well-being. The relationship between the children at the beginning of the school year, it is equally important from the perspective of children, because this relationship is understood as a primary wellness factor between them. Parallel data point to the importance of how the organization is made of the educational environment and the way children are prepared for entry into kindergarten and school, as well as the support given by the adults to the difficulties of adapting some of the children. This research, on a basic issue for the promotion of quality education response, gave me very important learnings that will mark my professional future.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Electrospun Polycaprolactone/Aloe Vera_Chitosan Nanofibrous Asymmetric Membranes Aimed for Wound Healing Applications

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    Today, none of the wound dressings available on the market is fully capable of reproducing all the features of native skin. Herein, an asymmetric electrospun membrane was produced to mimic both layers of skin. It comprises a top dense layer (manufactured with polycaprolactone) that was designed to provide mechanical support to the wound and a bottom porous layer (composed of chitosan and Aloe Vera) aimed to improve the bactericidal activity of the membrane and ultimately the healing process. The results obtained revealed that the produced asymmetric membranes displayed a porosity, wettability, as well as mechanical properties similar to those presented by the native skin. Fibroblast cells were able to adhere, spread, and proliferate on the surface of the membranes and the intrinsic structure of the two layers of the membrane is capable of avoiding the invasion of microorganisms while conferring bioactive properties. Such data reveals the potential of these asymmetric membranes, in the near future, to be applied as wound dressings

    (Re)centrar os cuidados centrados na família em enfermagem de saúde infantil e pediátrica

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    O presente Relatório pretende relatar e analisar a experiência pessoal e profissional e as competências adquiridas da candidata a Enfermeira Especialista, na sequência dos estágios realizados em enfermagem de saúde infantil e em enfermagem pediátrica. Os Estágios tiveram como objectivo desenvolver competências comuns e específicas em enfermagem de saúde da criança e do jovem. E ainda, desempenhar um papel dinamizador no desenvolvimento e suporte de iniciativas no âmbito dos Cuidados Centrados na Família (CCF) nas unidades de saúde (temática do Trabalho de Projecto). O Estágio - Módulo I “Saúde Infantil” decorreu no Centro de Educação para o Cidadão Deficiente (CECD, Mira Sintra) e na Direcção-Geral da Saúde. O Estágio - Módulo III realizou-se num Serviço de Urgência de Pediatria e numa Unidade de Neonatologia pertencentes a dois hospitais da região de Lisboa. A descrição e análise das experiências de estágio são estruturadas de acordo com as etapas de planeamento em saúde. São ainda enunciadas e analisadas as competências comuns e específicas em enfermagem de saúde da criança e do jovem desenvolvidas pela formanda em vários domínios, designadamente, (1) responsabilidade profissional, ética e legal, (2) melhoria da qualidade, (3) gestão dos cuidados, (4) desenvolvimento das aprendizagens profissionais e (5) concepção de cuidados de enfermagem à criança/jovem e família. No domínio da investigação são descritos no Relatório dois estudos descritivo-correlacionais, realizados em dois contextos de estágio, que tiveram como objectivos (1) identificar as percepções dos enfermeiros acerca das práticas de Cuidados Centrados na Família e (2) analisar os factores que influenciam essas percepções. Os resultados dos estudos sugerem que, na perspectiva dos enfermeiros, existem ainda dificuldades na implementação de Cuidados Centrados na Família, quer a nível organizacional, quer individual. Conclui-se o relatório discutindo-se as implicações dos resultados dos estudos para a investigação e prática de enfermagem no sentido do desenvolvimento e implementação de práticas de CCF. Reflecte-se ainda acerca da complexidade dos contextos actuais de assistência à criança/jovem e família e da consequente necessidade de perspectivar o desenvolvimento de competências de enfermeiro especialista como um processo de aprendizagem contínuo.This report aims to describe and analyze the personal and professional experience and the competences of the candidate to Specialist Nurse, following the completion of internships in children health and pediatric nursing. The internships were designed to develop the trainee’s general and specific competences in children/youth health nursing. Another aim was to promote and support the development of Family Centered Care (FCC) practices in healthcare facilities. The clinical practice – Module I “Child Health” was held at Centro de Educação para o Cidadão Deficiente (CECD, Mira Sintra) and at Direcção-Geral da Saúde. The clinical practice – Module III was held at a Pediatric Emmergency Department and at a Neonatal Care Unit from two hospitals in Lisbon. The description and analysis of the training experiences are structured according to the stages of health planning. The Report also identifies and discusses the specific and general competences of child health nursing developed by the trainee within the following domains: (1) professional/ethical and legal responsibility; (2) quality improvement; (3) management of care; (4) development of professional learning; (5) conception of nursing care for the child/young and family. In the domain of research, the Report describes two descriptive-correlational studies performed during the practice clinic. These studies aimed to: (1) identify the nurses’ perception about the practices of FCC; and (2) analize the factors that influence these perceptions. The results of the study suggest that nurses identify organizational and individual difficulties in the implementation of FCC. The Report is concluded with a discussion of the implications of the results of the studies for nursing research and practice, as well as for the development and implementation of FCC practices. The discussion also focuses on the complexity of current contexts of child/youth and family health care, and the resulting need to consider the development of competences of specialist nurses as a continuing learning proces

    «A Coroa de Portugal não deve ceder a de Castella consentindo-lhe algum género de precedencia». Reciprocity requirement in the signing of treaties between Portugal and Spain from the Utrecht Congress to the Treaty of Madrid

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    O objectivo principal deste artigo passa por analisar o modo como o formulário protocolar estabelecido no tratado luso-espanhol no congresso de Utreque em 1715 contribuiu para instituir um novo modelo de relacionamento entre as duas cortes ibéricas. Nas suas memórias, o embaixador de D. João V, D. Luís da Cunha, evidenciou o facto de ter conseguido, juntamente com o seu colega, o conde de Tarouca, que pela primeira vez num acordo com Espanha fosse redigido um exemplar em língua portuguesa, no qual precedeu a nomeação do rei de Portugal e as assinaturas dos seus representantes. O acaso, a distração ou a ignorância do diplomata de Filipe V naquela matéria ou a efectiva intencionalidade resultante dos vários esforços feitos nesse sentido pela diplomacia portuguesa ao longo daquele encontro internacional é algo que não ficou totalmente esclarecido. Contudo, interessa-nos mais a ênfase dada pelo embaixador a esta questão, por nos parecer revelar a necessidade de camuflar as derrotas políticas neste acordo ou até atenuar a perificidade portuguesa naquele congresso. Por outro lado, inaugura também aquele que foi um dos principais pilares da estratégia delineada por D. João V no sentido de garantir uma maior projecção no panorama das casas reinantes europeias utilizando a diplomacia para reclamar prerrogativas de natureza cerimonial relacionadas com o simbolismo e dignidade régia, o que estenderia, naturalmente, à monarquia vizinha. Provam-no as consecutivas vezes que a corte de Lisboa reivindicou a manutenção do «modelo de Utreque» junto da homóloga madrilena, nomeadamente nos acordos negociados em 1725 e 1727 no duplo matrimónio ibérico, no restabelecimento de paz em 1737 e, por fim, no Tratado de Madrid em 1750, ocasiões que analisaremos neste trabalho.El objetivo principal de este artículo es analizar cómo el formulario protocolar establecido en el tratado luso-español en el Congreso de Utrecht de 1715 contribuyó al establecimiento de un nuevo modelo de relación entre las dos cortes ibéricas. En sus memorias, el embajador de D. João V, D. Luís da Cunha, destacó el hecho de que logró, junto con su colega, el Conde de Tarouca, que por primera vez en un convenio con España se redactó una copia en portugués, en la cual precedió el nombramiento del Rey de Portugal y las firmas de sus representantes. La casualidad, la distracción o el desconocimiento del diplomático de Felipe V en esa materia o la efectiva intencionalidad resultante de los diversos esfuerzos realizados en este sentido por la diplomacia portuguesa durante aquel encuentro internacional es algo que no ha sido del todo esclarecido. Sin embargo, nos interesa más el énfasis dado por el embajador a esta cuestión, ya que nos parece revelar la necesidad de camuflar las derrotas políticas en este acuerdo o incluso de atenuar la periferia portuguesa en ese congreso. Por otro lado, también inauguró el que fue uno de los principales pilares de la estrategia trazada por D. João V para garantizar una mayor proyección en el panorama de las casas gobernantes europeas, utilizando la diplomacia para reclamar prerrogativas de naturaleza ceremonial relacionadas con el simbolismo y la dignidad real, que se extenderían naturalmente a la monarquía vecina. Así lo prueban las ocasiones consecutivas en que la corte de Lisboa reivindicó el mantenimiento del «modelo de Utrecht» junto a su homóloga madrileña, concretamente en los acuerdos negociados en 1725 y 1727 en el doble matrimonio ibérico, en el restablecimiento de la paz en 1737 y, por último, en el Tratado de Madrid de 1750, ocasiones que analizaremos en este trabajo.The main aim of this paper is to analyse how the protocol form established in the Luso-Spanish treaty at the congress of Utrecht in 1715 contributed to the establishment of a new model of relationship between the two Iberian courts. In his memoirs, Kings João V’s ambassador, D. Luís da Cunha, emphasised the fact that he and his colleague, the Count of Tarouca, managed to ensure that for the first time, in an agreement with Spain, a copy was written in Portuguese, in which the name of the King of Portugal and the signatures of his representatives preceded those of their pairs. Whether it was a haphazard, a distraction, just pure ignorance (on the part of Philip V’s diplomat), or a political opportunity dully taken by the Portuguese diplomats during that international meeting is not entirely clear. However, we are more interested in the emphasis given by the Portuguese ambassador to this matter, as it seems to reveal the need to camouflage the effective political defeats in this agreement, or even to mitigate the Portuguese peripheric position in that congress. On the other hand, it also inaugurates one of the main pillars of the strategy outlined by King João V to promote a greater projection within the European ruling houses, using diplomacy to claim ceremonial prerogatives related to symbolism and royal dignity, which would naturally extend to the neighbouring monarchy. This is proven by the consecutive times that the court of Lisbon claimed the maintenance of the «Utrecht model» from its Madrid counterpart, namely in the agreements negotiated in 1725 and 1727 on the Iberian double marriage, in the re-establishment of peace in 1737, and, finally, in the Treaty of Madrid in 1750, cases which we will analyse in this work.Este artigo é financiado por fundos nacionais através da FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P., pelo projecto SFRH/BD/136031/2018 da bolseira Sónia Borges