91 research outputs found
Diretrizes para a implementação dos princípios da mentalidade enxuta: o caso das empresas de transporte coletivo rodoviário urbano
Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-graduação em Engenharia de ProduçãoEsta tese investiga a aplicabilidade de princípios e teorias relacionadas à Mentalidade Enxuta em organizações de serviços, mais especificamente ao transporte coletivo rodoviário urbano. A Mentalidade Enxuta foi estruturada a partir de conceitos relativos à produção enxuta, originários na manufatura. O trabalho tem como objetivo propor um conjunto de diretrizes capazes de suportar a implementação dos princípios da Mentalidade Enxuta em empresa de transporte coletivo por ônibus. Apresenta-se uma revisão bibliográfica sobre sistemas enxutos e demais elementos considerados pré-requisitos para a estruturação de uma empresa enxuta, onde se buscam identificar os pressupostos básicos necessários para a execução desta pesquisa. Segue-se com uma revisão sobre o sistema de transporte coletivo rodoviário urbano com a finalidade de conhecer as características relevantes desse tipo de indústria de serviço. A metodologia de pesquisa a ser empregada utiliza a abordagem qualitativa através de estudos de casos múltiplos, conduzidos pela estratégia exploratória de investigação a partir da definição dos elementos teóricos. Os dados decorrentes dos estudos de caso permitem mensurar os graus de importância e de aplicação atribuído para cada parâmetro estudado e propor diretrizes e ferramentas para a implementação dos princípios da Mentalidade Enxuta nas empresas pesquisadas. Recomendações adicionais para essa implementação são apresentadas
This paper describes the development and implementation of an index able to assess the degree of promptness of a service industry to carry out procedures towards lean thinking. According to the measurements theory and multivariate statistics, an approach to modelling lean thinking is developed. Starting with a theoretical review of concepts, one is able to devise a model making use of appropriate techniques for assessing manifested variables with questionnaires. The application of the model is expected to lead to a treelike structure representing the phenomenon with unitary prediction coefficients linearly combined. The Crombach´s alpha is employed in testing the reliability of the measurements. Non-linear or circular structures are out of the scope of this paper. The model is then applied to the public transportation industry of the City of Porto Alegre, Brazil, where the degree of promptness to adopt lean thinking in the industry as a whole and in the fifteen member companies has been assessed. The results are discussed and suggestions for pursuing the research are presented
Balanced Scorecard e Prêmio Nacional da Qualidade: modelos de gestão complementares ou excludentes?
This paper aims to present a comparison between two management reference models, the Balanced Scorecard and the Quality Award Excellence Criteria. It was made an appraisal about an eventual complementarity about the models, if there is or not over positioning or finally, if the methods are excludents: if an organization made a choice about one, must give up the other one. The several questions were arisen from postgraduate students of Management, who claimed for more explanation about the use of the other method in their organization, when they already had the other one. The research had searched the foundations of the models and made a comparative analysis between the two models. In the end, an integration in an informational fashion, in which became clarified the capacity of operating together, was carried out. This work intends to be a theoretical reference for such kind of questions in the next editions of the referred Management courses. Key words: Balanced Scorecard, Quality Award, Management reference model.Este trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar uma comparação entre dois modelos de gestão: o modelo baseado no Balanced Scorecard e o modelo de gestão baseado nos critérios de excelência do Prêmio Nacional da Qualidade. Após, avalia-se se os mesmos são complementares, se há sobreposição ou se são excludentes em suas aplicações. A necessidade de investigar mais detalhadamente cada um destes modelos surgiu de diversos questionamentos apresentados por alunos dos cursos de pós-graduação em Administração de Empresas e Engenharia de Produção e pela prática gerencial que estes possuem em suas organizações. Esta pesquisa buscou as conceituações estruturais destes dois modelos na literatura e desenvolveu uma abordagem comparada entre as mesmas. Tenciona-se que sirva como referencial para a elucidação destas questões nas próximas edições destes cursos. Palavras-chave: Balanced Scorecard, Prêmio Nacional da Qualidade, Modelos de Referência de Gestão
Providing goods to the base of the pyramid: opportunities for micro, small and medium-sized local producers
The purpose of this research is to identify challenges and opportunities to micro, small and medium-sized producers that supply the base of the pyramid (BOP) market through small retails concerning products features and distribution system. A case study with 30 small retailers that provide goods to BOP was performed. The results indicate that for ordinary products (rice, beans, pasta, sugar), local brands have the preference and price is determinant. For aspirational products (cookies, chocolates), leading brands have the preference and local brands compete if homemade or rural taste is provided. In such cases, the local products occupy the interstices not fulfilled by leading brands. Local producers adapt the size of package to BOP´s money availability as well as introduce products innovation aiming to reduce production costs. Local producers should invest on partnership with dealers since they influence retailers´ purchase decision. The main results contribute to fulfil some academic gaps and could support local producers to develop and supply goods to BOP
Revisão teórica que fundamenta pesquisa sobre a complexidade observada em arranjos e operações interorganizacionais
This paper presents the theoretical review that will be the foundation of future research in search of a method for assessment and eventual control for complexity in interorganizational arrays, like supply-chain and networks. According to a complexity indicator, the management can decide about increasing, reducing or even sustain it, in a strategic perspective. The paper describes and contextualizes the complex thinking in the organizational environment and review perspectives, like the non-linear causation, systemic theory, self-organized systems, information theory, cybernetics, chaos, autopoiesis and dissipative structures. At the end, we present directions for future research in the field.Este artigo apresenta uma revisão bibliográfica que formará o marco teórico de futuras pesquisas em busca de um método para a avaliação e eventual controle da complexidade em operações produtivas realizadas em arranjos organizacionais, tais como cadeias de suprimentos e redes de cooperação. Havendo um indicador que informe a complexidade do arranjo, um gestor poderá decidir se a aumenta, reduz ou mantém, em uma lógica de controle estratégico. O artigo descreve e contextualiza o pensamento complexo no ambiente organizacional e revisa antecedentes, tais como a causação não-linear, a teoria dos sistemas, a teoria da informação, a auto-organização, a cibernética, a teoria do caos, a autopoiese e as estruturas dissipativas. Ao fim, são apresentadas direções para futura pesquisa
Drivers, opportunities and barriers for a retailer in the pursuit of more sustainable packaging redesign
Redesign can reduce the environmental impact generated by product packaging. The literature presents the elements to be observed in a packaging redesign, as well as the important role of the retailer in delivering more sustainable outcomes through consideration of product packaging. However, the literature is almost silent on the motivations, opportunities and barriers faced by the retailers that try to improve the packaging of the items sold in their stores. To fill this gap, a case study approach was adopted which investigated a global supermarket chain through interviews with senior management and participant observation. Findings suggest that the greatest motivation to the packaging redesign seems to be the economic gains (for the supermarket and its suppliers), which co-generate environmental gains. The opportunities include the adjustment of the packaging size or type. Sizes could be increased when consumers buy more than one package during a single visit to the supermarket, or reduced when consumers discard part of a perishable product without consuming it (due to over-large packaging). Barriers result from commercial uncertainties associated with: how the new packaging will affect the sales of other items? How the new design will influence the number of times that a consumer visits the supermarket? And how the new design will affect the amount of money spent by the consumer on each visit? Further studies could investigate: how to mitigate these uncertainties? How to leverage sustainability based on the economic focus? How to identify redesign opportunities among thousands of sold items? And how to better convince the suppliers that reject the supermarket proposals? The understanding developed from the case study has facilitated the derivation of a number of propositions aiming to leverage sustainability gains from packaging redesign in practice
Methodology for the collaboration in supply chains with a focus on continuous improvement
A collaborative relationship between companies in a supply chain makes it possible to improve both the performance and the results of the companies and of the supply chain. Several studies have analyzed supply chains, but few studies have proposed the application of tools for continuous improvement in a collaborative manner within the supply chain. The objective of this work is to present a methodology for the collaboration in a supply chain with a focus on continuous improvement. Three case studies were conducted with Brazilian multinational focal companies that manufacture technology-based products. It was seen that relationships, trust, the exchange of information, and the sharing of gains and risks sustains collaborative practices focused on continuous improvement. The proposed methodology considers the need for supplier development, for the monitoring of the supplies, and for the development of a partnership for problem solving through the application of tools for continuous improvement.Una relación de colaboración entre una cadena de suministro permite a las empresas mejorar el rendimiento y los resultados de las empresas y de la cadena de suministro. Hay varios estudios que se ocupan de las cadenas de suministro, pero son pocos los estudios que apuntan a la aplicación de herramientas colaborativas para lograr una mejora continua en la cadena de suministro. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar una metodología para la colaboración en la cadena de suministro, enfocado en una mejora continua. Se realizaron tres estudios de caso en empresas multinacionales brasileñas que fabrican productos de base tecnológica. Se observó que las relaciones, la confianza, el intercambio de información, y la participación conjunta en riesgos y beneficios sustentan las prácticas colaborativas enfocadas hacia una mejora continua. La metodología propuesta considera la necesidad del desarrollo de proveedores, la supervisión de los suministros, y la colaboración en la solución de problemas a través de la aplicación de herramientas de mejora continua
Receitas próprias: arrecadação e a variação histórica das receitas do município de Iguatu – CE, entre o período de 2010 a 2015 / Own revenue: collection and the historical variation of revenue in the city of Iguatu - CE, from 2010 to 2015
O trabalho teve como objetivo analisar a arrecadação tributária correspondente aos impostos municipais (ISS, ITBI e IPTU), taxas, Contribuição de Iluminação Pública, alugueis e as multas de trânsito, por serem as receitas mais relevantes ou conhecidas para a sociedade, com o intuito de verificar a porcentagem que incide destas receitas sobre a arrecadação total. Inicialmente é feito uma contextualização do tema, através de pesquisas em livros, artigos, documentos e sites. Em seguida são apresentados os resultados e por fim a conclusão. Assim o trabalho busca analisar a receita pública do município de Iguatu – Ceará, através de uma pesquisa qualitativa e quantitativa, por meio de dados secundários, extraídos do site do Tribunal de Contas do Estado, entre o período de 2010 a 2015. Os resultados demonstraram uma elevação nas receitas totais do município, entre os anos de 2010 a 2012, mas posteriormente havendo uma contração de -6,82% em 2013 e pequenos crescimentos nos anos de 2014 e 2015. Quanto ao total das receitas próprias, verificou-se um crescimento 99,97% do ano de 2010 até 2015. Na análise do percentual das receitas próprias (RP) em comparação a receita total (RT) anualmente, apresenta-se os seguintes valores: no ano de 2010 a RP teve uma incidência de 7,506% sobre a RT, eassim seguiu-se com 8,257% em 2011, 7,435% em 2012, 8,199% em 2013, com 8,034% em 2014 e 9,9% no ano de 2015. Por fim identificou-se como principal fonte arrecadada o ISS e que estas receitas próprias não chegaram a 10% da arrecadação total
Top managers’ role in key account management
Purpose – This paper explores top managers’ role in key account management.
Design/methodology/approach – The possible actions that could be performed by a top manager were investigated in twelve case studies. These actions were grouped into key account managers and teams, culture, engagement and knowledge, organizational structure/conditions, and customers and markets.
Findings – Top managers (TMs) informally evaluate teams and key account (KA) managers, stimulate a culture that favours the information's prospection, persuade managers in order to reduce their resistance, and improve organizational structure/conditions by inducing internal and external questioning. They also contact key customers' top managers to check on the changes required or to persuade them to change requirements, accept a higher price or redirect an unattractive order to competitors. They approve revisions on the key customers list, discuss with the key account manager how to redirect an unattractive opportunity to competitors, and try to improve gains even in attractive orders.
Research limitations/implications – Additional research beyond the provided exploratory study is needed to generalize the results. The findings contribute to improving the understanding of how TMs get involved in key account management, buyer-supplier relationship improvement, and increasing company profitability. They also unveil top managers' role in internal culture creation and team engagement.
Originality/value – When managing their KAs TMs seem to be sceptical, curious and pragmatic with their subordinates, as well as with the customers or competitors
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