101 research outputs found

    Application of biological welding as a method of treatment of esophageal metaplasia

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    Objective. To estimate a high-frequency welding of the living tissues as a variant of treatment for the Barrett’s esophagus. Materials and metods. Retrospective analysis of the treatment results was conducted in 73 patients, suffering Barrett’s esophagus, in 36 of whom the argon-plasm coagulation was performed (Group I), while in 37 (Group II) - a high frequency welding of living tissues. Into the investigation the patients with a short-segment Barrett’s esophagus C2-3M3-4 (the Prague Classification, 2004 yr) and a high-grade dysplasia without a nodule development (VI World Congress of International Society for Diseases of the Esophagus (ISDE) were included. Results. In patients of Group I a severe esophageal edema have occurred in accordance to endoscopic ultrasonography data. In this Group in 5 (13.89%) patients after performance of the argon-plasm coagulation esophageal stenosis was observed, corrected by application of the balloon dilation. In 8 (22.22%) patients of this Group the disease recurrence have occurred, necessitating performance of additional séance of the argon-plasm coagulation. In patients of Group II the above mentioned inflammatory signs were less pronounced, and mucosal regeneration have proceeded more rapidly, than in patients of Group I - during 53 and 115 days, accordingly. The disease recurrence was noted in 2 (5.41%) patients of Group II only. Conclusion. High-frequency welding of living tissues constitute a safe and effective method of treatment in patients, having esophageal metaplasia

    Форми управління екологічною безпекою сільськогосподарських земель на основі їх комплексної екологічної оцінки

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    У статті запропоновано науково-теоретичні засади створення підприємств, які будуть спеціалізуватись на проведенні екологічної оцінки земель сільськогосподарського призначення, починаючи від аналітичних робіт, закінчуючи розробкою конкретних заходів по оптимальному використанню земельної ділянки.В статье предложен научно-теоретические основы создания предприятий, которые будут специализироваться на проведении экологической оценки земель сельскохозяйственного назначения, начиная от аналитических работ, заканчивая разработкой конкретных мер по оптимальному использованию земельного участка.In the article the scientific and theoretical basis for the creation of companies that will specialize in environmental assessment of agricultural land, from analytical work, ending development of specific measures for the optimal use of land

    Ультразвуковая и магнитнорезонансная семиотика компрессий и гипоплазии внутренних яремных вен

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    Highlights. Ultrasound and MR venography of internal jugular veins in case of unilateral cerebellar hypoplasia or extrinsic stenosis enables noninvasively and without contrast agents differentiation of these conditions due to local and region-specific indicators, including the area and velocity of blood flow, arterial-venous balance, visualization of low blood flow, compression factor, and the overall clinical picture of venous network of the neck remodeling and the development of collateral circulation.Aim. To compare the visual and hemodynamic characteristics of ultrasound and magnetic resonance venography of extrinsic stenosis and hypoplasia of internal jugular veins (IJV).Methods. Ultrasound and magnetic resonance (MR) venography were performed in 47 patients with extrinsic stenosis and 23 patients with hypoplasia of one of internal jugular veins, and in the control group (30 patients).Results. In case of obvious vein compression and deformation and local stenosis (65% on average), there is a decrease in the vein cross-sectional area by 2 times compared with the contralateral vein, the blood flow velocity in the stenotic vein in acute cases increases (on average, up to 45 cm/s), and in chronic cases it significantly (p = 0.00001) decreases (to 13 cm/s on average). The criteria for hypoplasia are the small caliber of the vein (on average 0.22 cm², within the range of 0.13–0.46 cm²) throughout its entire length - with the cross-sectional area not exceeding that of the common carotid artery, and the vein being 4 times smaller than IJV on contralateral side, as well as a significant (p = 0.0006) velocity increase on the contralateral side (on average 40.9±12.52 cm/s) with normal velocity in the hypoplastic vein. Ultrasound assessment of the arterial-venous balance (AVB) makes it possible to evaluate the contribution of each IJV to the outflow of venous blood from the brain separately. From the hypoplastic side it was only 11.01±6.72%, and from the stenotic side it was 18.22±17 42% on average, which is significantly (p = 0.000001) below the norm, but does not allow us to differentiate these conditions. The total AVB for IJVs on both sides was within normal values (65–85%), and the absence of a pronounced expansion of the vertebral veins during MR venography confirms their insignificant role in the compensatory mechanisms of ensuring adequate outflow of venous blood from the brain in cases of unilateral hypoplasia and extrinsic stenosis of IJV.Conclusion. Ultrasound and MR venography of internal jugular veins in cases of unilateral hypoplasia or extrinsic stenosis enable noninvasively and without contrast agents differentiation of these conditions due to local and region-specific indicators, including the area and velocity of blood flow, arterial-venous balance, visualization of low blood flow, compression factor, and the overall clinical picture of venous network of the neck remodeling and the development of collateral circulation.Основные положения. УЗ- и МР-венография внутренних яремных вен в случаях унилатеральной гипоплазии или стеноза при наружной компрессии позволяет неинвазивно и без применения контрастных средств дифференцировать эти состояния благодаря локальным и региональным признакам, включающим площадь и скорость кровотока, расчетный показатель венозно-артериального баланса, визуализацию эффектов низкого кровотока, обнаружение компремирующего фактора, а также общей картины ремоделирования венозной сети шеи и развития коллатерального кровотока.Цель. Сравнение локальных и региональных визуализационных и гемодинамических характеристик ультразвуковой (УЗ) и магнитно-резонансной (МР) венографии наружного стеноза и гипоплазии внутренних яремных вен (ВЯВ).Материалы и методы. УЗ- и МР-венография выполнена 47 пациентам с наружным стенозом и 23 больным с гипоплазией одной из внутренних яремных вен, а также в контрольной группе (30 человек).Результаты. При наружной компрессии с очевидной деформацией вены и локальным стенозом (в среднем 65%) отмечено уменьшение ее площади как минимум в 2 раза в сравнении с контралатеральной веной, скорость кровотока в стенозированной вене в острых случаях увеличивается (в среднем до 45 см/с), а при хроническом течении достоверно (p = 0,00001) уменьшается (в среднем до 13 см/с). Критериями гипоплазии выступают одинаково маленький калибр вены (в среднем 0,22 см², в диапазоне 0,13–0,46 см²) на всем ее протяжении с площадью, не превышающей площадь общей сонной артерии и в 4 раза меньшей, чем ВЯВ с противоположной стороны, а также достоверное (p = 0,0006) повышение скорости с противоположной стороны (в среднем 40,9±12,52 см/с) при нормальной скорости в гипоплазированной вене. УЗ-методика оценки венозно-артериального баланса (ВАБ) позволяет оценить вклад каждой ВЯВ в отток венозной крови от головного мозга по отдельности: со стороны гипоплазии он составляет только 11,01±6,72%, со стороны стеноза – в среднем 18,22±17,42%, что достоверно (p = 0,000001) ниже нормы, но не дифференцирует эти состояния. Суммарный ВАБ для ВЯВ с обеих сторон оказался в пределах нормальных значений (65–85%), а отсутствие по данным МР-венографии выраженного расширения позвоночных вен подтверждает их незначительную роль в компенсаторных механизмах обеспечения адекватного оттока венозной крови от головного мозга в случаях унилатеральных гипоплазии и наружного стеноза ВЯВ.Заключение. УЗ- и МР-венография внутренних яремных вен в случаях унилатеральной гипоплазии или стеноза при наружной компрессии позволяет неинвазивно и без применения контрастных средств дифференцировать эти состояния благодаря локальным и региональным признакам, включающим площадь и скорость кровотока, расчетный показатель ВАБ, визуализацию эффектов низкого кровотока, обнаружение компремирующего фактора, а также определение общей картины ремоделирования венозной сети шеи и развития коллатерального кровотока

    Efficacy and safety of alirocumab in reducing lipids and cardiovascular events.

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    Brown bear attacks on humans : a worldwide perspective

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    The increasing trend of large carnivore attacks on humans not only raises human safety concerns but may also undermine large carnivore conservation efforts. Although rare, attacks by brown bears Ursus arctos are also on the rise and, although several studies have addressed this issue at local scales, information is lacking on a worldwide scale. Here, we investigated brown bear attacks (n = 664) on humans between 2000 and 2015 across most of the range inhabited by the species: North America (n = 183), Europe (n = 291), and East (n = 190). When the attacks occurred, half of the people were engaged in leisure activities and the main scenario was an encounter with a female with cubs. Attacks have increased significantly over time and were more frequent at high bear and low human population densities. There was no significant difference in the number of attacks between continents or between countries with different hunting practices. Understanding global patterns of bear attacks can help reduce dangerous encounters and, consequently, is crucial for informing wildlife managers and the public about appropriate measures to reduce this kind of conflicts in bear country.Peer reviewe

    Airborne DNA reveals predictable spatial and seasonal dynamics of fungi

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    Fungi are among the most diverse and ecologically important kingdoms in life. However, the distributional ranges of fungi remain largely unknown as do the ecological mechanisms that shape their distributions. To provide an integrated view of the spatial and seasonal dynamics of fungi, we implemented a globally distributed standardized aerial sampling of fungal spores. The vast majority of operational taxonomic units were detected within only one climatic zone, and the spatiotemporal patterns of species richness and community composition were mostly explained by annual mean air temperature. Tropical regions hosted the highest fungal diversity except for lichenized, ericoid mycorrhizal and ectomycorrhizal fungi, which reached their peak diversity in temperate regions. The sensitivity in climatic responses was associated with phylogenetic relatedness, suggesting that large-scale distributions of some fungal groups are partially constrained by their ancestral niche. There was a strong phylogenetic signal in seasonal sensitivity, suggesting that some groups of fungi have retained their ancestral trait of sporulating for only a short period. Overall, our results show that the hyperdiverse kingdom of fungi follows globally highly predictable spatial and temporal dynamics, with seasonality in both species richness and community composition increasing with latitude. Our study reports patterns resembling those described for other major groups of organisms, thus making a major contribution to the long-standing debate on whether organisms with a microbial lifestyle follow the global biodiversity paradigms known for macroorganisms

    On the coherent scattering length of natural gadolinium

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    Using the reflection of thermal neutrons from the surface of plane sample the coherent scattering length of natural gadolinium was measured. Due to the closeness of resonances in radiation capture cross section the imaginary part of coherent scattering length strongly depends on neutron wavelength. Its real part can be expressed as a sum of Re(b)=b sub 0 + b(lambda). For the constant component of the real part we experimentally obtained the value b sub 0 =(11.5+-0.7)Fm. This result should be considered as a preliminary