12 research outputs found

    Estimating the referral rate for cancer genetic assessment from a systematic review of the evidence

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    To estimate the optimal proportion of new patients diagnosed with cancer who require assessment and evaluation for familial cancer genetic risk, based on the best evidence available. We identified evidence of the patients who require assessment for familial genetic risk when diagnosed with cancer through extensive literature reviews and searches of guidelines. Epidemiological data on the distribution of cancer type, presence of a family history, age and other factors that influence referral for genetic assessment were identified. Decision trees were constructed to merge the evidence-based recommendations with the epidemiological data to calculate the optimal proportion of patients who should be referred. We identified ‘high probability' and ‘moderate probability' groups for having a genetic susceptibility. The proportion of patients diagnosed with cancer in Australia who have a high probability of having a genetic predisposition and who should be referred for genetic assessment is 1%. If the moderate probability group is also assessed this proportion increases to 6%. This model has identified the proportion of new patients diagnosed with cancer who should be referred for genetic assessment. This data is the first step in determining the resources required for provision of an adequate cancer genetic service

    FrĂ„n att vara tillgĂ€ngligt hĂ€r och nu till att verka krigsavhĂ„llande : FörĂ€ndring i svensk strategisk kultur 2008–2022

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    Previous research argues that strategic culture is mainly manifested by continuity. Studies on Swedish strategic culture either describe constant evolutionary change or observe change in the passing while explaining Swedish strategic behaviour, but with some shortcomings in defining central concepts and mechanisms of cultural change. This study uses a constructivist approach defining strategic culture as a socially constructed context with competing subcultures whose elites both act to preserve and change cultural traits.  Using a case study design with discourse analysis, the sedimentation of discursive expressions is assessed to uncover change in Swedish strategic culture during the period 2008 to 2022 while Russian use of military power in provocation and aggression in the vicinity of Sweden increases. The study argues that predominant cultural traits in Swedish strategic culture has changed between 2008 and 2022, but not all, and that these changes has facilitated the act of applying for NATO membership

    FrĂ„n att vara tillgĂ€ngligt hĂ€r och nu till att verka krigsavhĂ„llande : FörĂ€ndring i svensk strategisk kultur 2008–2022

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    Previous research argues that strategic culture is mainly manifested by continuity. Studies on Swedish strategic culture either describe constant evolutionary change or observe change in the passing while explaining Swedish strategic behaviour, but with some shortcomings in defining central concepts and mechanisms of cultural change. This study uses a constructivist approach defining strategic culture as a socially constructed context with competing subcultures whose elites both act to preserve and change cultural traits.  Using a case study design with discourse analysis, the sedimentation of discursive expressions is assessed to uncover change in Swedish strategic culture during the period 2008 to 2022 while Russian use of military power in provocation and aggression in the vicinity of Sweden increases. The study argues that predominant cultural traits in Swedish strategic culture has changed between 2008 and 2022, but not all, and that these changes has facilitated the act of applying for NATO membership