8 research outputs found

    A modification to BURS in codegeneration

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    In this report a modification to a BURS algorithm is presented. With this modification we have a nearly linear run-time instead of a the exponentiell run-time

    Beschreibung externer Komponenten zur Analyse und Optimierung von Softwaresystemen

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    Um Komponenten zu beschreiben, die einem Uebersetzer in einem Uebersetzungslauf nicht in Quelltext vorliegen, weil sie entweder als Bibliotheken von Drittanbietern nur in binaerer Form verfuegbar sind, oder weil der Uebersetzer aus Kapazitaetsgruenden ihren Quelltext nicht in einen Uebersetzungslauf mit einbeziehen kann, wurde eine Beschreibungssprache entwickelt. Mit ihr lassen sich wichtige Eigenschaften der extern Komponenten beschreiben und dem Uebersetzer zur Verfuegung stellen, so dass Programmanalysen das Verhalten von Fragmenten der externen Komponenten mit beruecksichtigen koennen

    Firm. An intermediate language for compiler research

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    State of the art compiler intermediate representations incorporate SSA data dependencies in a graph based manner. We present the intermediate representation Firm, which extends the functional stores of Steensgard and introduces a novel representation of exceptions. Firm offers a high-level representation of the type hierarchy and object-oriented features, which makes it exceptional suitable for analysing and optimizing of strongly typed languages. The construction interface automates value numbering and the generation of SSA typical Phi operations. Firm comes with a full blown range of standard optimizations and analyses. In the paper we show that Firm requires 53% less operationss and 80% less Phi operations than the SSA representation of the gcc compiler

    Verified Code Generation for Embedded Systems

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    Digital signal processors provide specialized SIMD (single instruction multiple data) operations designed to dramatically increase performance in embedded systems. While these operations are simple to understand, their unusual functions and their parallelism make it difficult for automatic code generation algorithms to use them effectively. In this paper, we present a new optimizing code generation method that can deploy these operations successfully while also verifying that the generated code is a correct translation of the input program