14 research outputs found

    Effects of chemical treatments on infestation of Alternaria spp. and Fusarium spp. in correlation with technological wheat quality

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    In this study, the time of infestation by fungi from genus Alternaria spp. and Fusarium spp. was investigated in different stages of wheat maturity (milk, waxy, and technological maturity); the effects of different fungicides on the yield, technological properties, and content of mycotoxin DON were studied also. The results showed that Alternaria spp. attacked spike and kernel in f lowering and end-f lowering stage, as it was already known for Fusarium species. Fungicide treatment increases the yield up to 20%, test weight by 3.7%, and thousand-kernel weight up to 19.1%. High content of mycotoxin DON, above tolerable limits, was detected only in the treatment with fungicide Caramba and in untreated control

    Trading quality and breadmaking performance of wheat treated with natural zeolite and diatomaceous earth

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    The aim of study was to investigate the influence of naturally occurring zeolite and diatomaceous earth, as inert dusts approved for insect pest control in certified organic crop production, on trading and breadmaking quality of treated wheat. The treatments significantly reduced the trading quality of wheat which was reflected through lowering of test weight. This effect was more marked in the case of low-vitreous wheat rather than in high-vitreous one. Investigation of rheological properties of flours made from the treated wheat demonstrated that treatments with natural zeolite and diatomaceous earth at all applied doses significantly increased the water absorption, which consequently increased the bread yield. However, these changes in the flour properties were not high enough to modify the quality attributes of bread as was shown by instrumentally measuring crumb hardness and springiness as well as sensory evaluation

    Influence of different extrusion temperatures on the stability of ellagic acid from raspberry seeds

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    Production of raspberry products leaves large amounts of seeds which are considered as by-product or waste. These seeds are rich source of ellagic acid and about 88% of the total ellagic acid content in raspberries comes from the seeds. This study investigates the influence of extrusion process at different temperatures on the content of ellagic acid in 'Willamette' raspberry seeds. The extrusion was performed on a Brabender singlescrew laboratory extruder and at three temperature regimes: 140, 160 and 200°C. HPLC/DAD analysis was used to determine and quantify the content of ellagic acid in the extruded samples. Ellagic acid content was quantified by calculation using a calibration curve established from standard ellagic acid. The content of ellagic acid in raspberry seeds was found to be 286.54 μg/g. Use of different extrusion temperatures did not have any impact on the stability of ellagic acid from 'Willamete' raspberry seeds, i.e. did not make significant differences in the content of the ellagic acid. These findings indicated that raspberry seeds may be suitable for the high temperature food processing

    Comparative study on the physico-chemical, textural and thermal properties of instant porridges based on spelt and oats

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    Changing of food habits and increased preference for healthy meals, along with the growth of breakfast industry has increased the size of 'ready-made' and instant porridge market in Serbia. Porridges dominantly marketed are those based on oats. However, there is a growing interest of local producers to use other cereals for porridge production. Therefore, this work was aimed to estimate the porridge-making ability of spelt wheat (Triticum aestivum spp. spelta) in comparison to that of oats. The studied porridges are instant products, based on extruded spelt or oat flour. The proximate composition, hydration properties (water absorption index-WAI and water solubility index-WSI), consistency and thermal properties were determined with the aim to compare the characteristics of the porridges. In general, the spelt-based porridge had more total and insoluble fibres, proteins, minerals and less available carbohydrates in comparison to the oat porridge. The spelt porridge may be eligible to bear the nutritional claim 'high-fibre' which is advantageous for the market viability of the product. Both porridges had >20% of damaged starch due to high initial content in the flours and extrusion processing of flours, though spelt-based extrudate and porridge were significantly higher in this parameter. Oat-based extrudate and porridge were higher in resistant starch content. The consistency was similar between the porridges, although spelt tended to form slightly firmer and cohesive porridge. Spelt porridge had better hydration properties (higher WAI) which are a featured attribute for this kind of product, similarly to higher consistency values. Spelt wheat, in its extruded form, is a suitable ingredient for porridge production

    In vitro uklanjanje mikotoksina korišćenjem različitih neorganskih adsorbenata i organskih otpadnih materijala iz Srbije

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    Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1), ochratoxin A (OTA), zearalenone (ZON), deoxynivalenol (DON) and T-2 toxin are the most extensively studied toxic fungal metabolites. Once mycotoxins enter the food/feed production chain keeping their toxic characteristics, it is very difficult to remove or eliminate them. One of promising methods to reduce mycotoxins in contaminated food/feedstuffs is the use of mycotoxin binders. This paper presents the results of in vitro investigations of mineral mycotoxin binders (bentonite - BEN, diatomite - DIA and zeolite - ZEO), and organic mycotoxin binders - agricultural waste materials (Myriophillium spicatum, peach and sour cherry pits). Chemical compositions of the adsorbents have showed that they do not consist of elements toxic to the animals. Inorganic adsorbents (BEN, DIA and ZEO) tested in vitro were better binders of AFB1 (94.97% - 96.90%), while the biosorbents were more efficient in adsorption of OTA (19.98% - 66.66%), ZON (33.33% - 75.00%) and T-2 toxin (16.67% - 50.00%). Inorganic adsorbents and organic waste materials expressed similar binding capacity for DON in vitro, with the exception of M. spicatum that did not at all adsorb this type B trichothecene. Our results indicate that feed contamination with different types of mycotoxins might be diminished by a product that combines different inorganic and organic adsorbents with diverse mycotoxin binding properties.Aflatoksin B1 (AFB1), ohratoksin A (OTA), zearalenon (ZON), dezoksinivalenol (DON) i T-2 toksin su najviše izučavani toksični metaboliti gljiva. Kada mikotoksini uđu u proizvodni lanac za hranu/hranu za životinje, zadržavajući svoje toksične karakteristike, teško ih je ukloniti ili eliminisati. Jedna od obećavajućih metoda za smanjenje nivoa mikotoksina u kontaminiranoj hrani/hrani za životinje je korišćenje mikotoksinskih veziva. Ovaj rad predstavlja rezultate in vitro istraživanja mineralnih mikotoksinskih veziva (bentonit - BEN, diatomit - DIA i zeolit - ZEO) i organskih veziva mikotoksina - poljoprivrednog otpadnog materijala (Myriophillium spicatum, koštice breskve i višnje). Hemijski sastavi adsorbenata pokazali su da ne sadrže elemente toksične za životinje. Neorganski adsorbenti (BEN, DIA i ZEO) testirani in vitro bolje su vezivali AFB1 (94,97% - 96,90%), dok su biosorbenti bili efikasniji u adsorpciji OTA (19,98% - 66,66%), ZON-a (33,33% - 75,00% ) i T-2 toksina (16,67% - 50,00%). Neorganski adsorbenti i organski otpadni materijali su pokazali sličan kapacitet in vitro vezivanja DON-a, sa izuzetkom M. spicatum koji uopšte nije adsorbovao ovaj trihotecen tipa B. Naši rezultati koji su prikazani ovde pokazuju da zagađivanje hrane i hrane za životinje različitim vrstama mikotoksina može biti smanjeno dodavanjem preparata dobijenog kombinacijom različitih neorganskih i organskih adsorbenata koji poseduju različite karakteristike vezivanja mikotoksina

    Comparison between Organic and Conventional Spelt and Wheatgrass juice

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    This work is aimed to compare antioxidant and scavenger properties of conventionally and organically produced speltgrass. Moreover, the antioxidant status of spelt was compared with wheatgrass. Three spelt varieties were analyzed:Nirvana, Ebners–Rotkorn variety and Eco-10. Antioxidant enzymes, superoxide-dismutase and guiacol-peroxidase, were determined as well as ferric reducing antioxidant power and DPPH-antiradical power. Total soluble proteins and total phenols were determined and also lipid peroxidation as a parameter of oxidative stress. The organically produced spelt was exposed to the higher levels of oxidative stress than conventionally produced spelt, and also DPPH antiradical power was induced by conventional production, which is also demonstrated using the relative antioxidant capacity index. The best antioxidant properties, better than wheat, showed organically produced spelt genotype Ebners–Rotkorn which is determined by the highest phenol content, superoxide-dismutase activity, DPPH antiradical power and ferric reduced antioxidant power and consequently with the lowest lipid peroxidation intensity

    Pre-treatment and extraction techniques for recovery of added value compounds from wastes throughout the agri-food chain

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    Pre-treatment and extraction techniques for recovery of added value compounds from wastes throughout the agri-food chain

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    The enormous quantity of food wastes discarded annually force to look for alternatives for this interesting feedstock. Thus, food bio-waste valorisation is one of the imperatives of the nowadays society. This review is the most comprehensive overview of currently existing technologies and processes in this field. It tackles classical and innovative physical, physico-chemical and chemical methods of food waste pre-treatment and extraction for recovery of added value compounds and detection by modern technologies and are an outcome of the COST Action EUBIS, TD1203 Food Waste Valorisation for Sustainable Chemicals, Materials and Fuels

    Qualitative analysis of hexane flour extract of spelt

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    Gas chromatography with mass spectrometry (GC-MS) was used for performing a qualitative analysis of the hexane flour extract of three samples of spelt. All the three samples were first treated with hexane and the obtained extracts were used for the analysis of the fatty acid lipid components. The transesterification reaction was performed using TMSH (trimethylsulfonium hydroxide, 0.2M in methanol), and the fatty acids were esterified from acylglycerol to methyl-esters. In all analyzed extracts, the predominant component was methyl linoleate, followed by methyl oleate and methyl palmitate. The subsequent tests, performed by cluster analysis, were used to compare the hexane flour extracts of different types of spelt. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III46005 i br. TR 31066

    Application of Peleg model to study mass transfer during osmotic dehydration of apple in sugar beet molasses

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    The applicability of Peleg equation was examined for the description of mass transfer during osmotic dehydration (OD) of apple in sugar beet molasses. Mass transfer was investigated in terms of water loss (WL) and solid gain (SG), during OD in 40-80% sugar beet molasses solutions, at 45, 55 and 65ºC. High regression coefficients obtained for Peleg constants (R2>0.975) indicate good fit to the experimental data. The Peleg rate constant varied from 0.144 to 0.785 (g/g i.s.w.) and from 2.006 to 4.436 (g/g i.s.w.) for WL and SG, respectively. The Peleg capacity constant varied from 1.142 to 1.553 (h g/g i.s.w.) and from 8.254 to 11.930 (h g/g i.s.w.) for WL and SG, respectively. The equilibrium WL∞ and SG∞ were estimated using the Peleg model. In addition, the activation energy (Ea) for WL and SG was determined from the relationship between the Peleg rate constant and Arrhenius equation