372 research outputs found

    The metal and dust yields of the first massive stars

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    We quantify the role of Population (Pop) III core-collapse supernovae (SNe) as the first cosmic dust polluters. Starting from a homogeneous set of stellar progenitors with masses in the range [13 - 80] Msun, we find that the mass and composition of newly formed dust depend on the mixing efficiency of the ejecta and the degree of fallback experienced during the explosion. For standard Pop III SNe, whose explosions are calibrated to reproduce the average elemental abundances of Galactic halo stars with [Fe/H] < -2.5, between 0.18 and 3.1 Msun (0.39 - 1.76 Msun) of dust can form in uniformly mixed (unmixed) ejecta, and the dominant grain species are silicates. We also investigate dust formation in the ejecta of faint Pop III SN, where the ejecta experience a strong fallback. By examining a set of models, tailored to minimize the scatter with the abundances of carbon-enhanced Galactic halo stars with [Fe/H ] < -4, we find that amorphous carbon is the only grain species that forms, with masses in the range 2.7 10^{-3} - 0.27 Msun (7.5 10^{-4} - 0.11 Msun) for uniformly mixed (unmixed) ejecta models. Finally, for all the models we estimate the amount and composition of dust that survives the passage of the reverse shock, and find that, depending on circumstellar medium densities, between 3 and 50% (10 - 80%) of dust produced by standard (faint) Pop III SNe can contribute to early dust enrichment.Comment: Accepted by MNRAS, 22 pages, 12 figures, 12 table

    School management and moral regulation in Argentina: Case study in a peripheral school

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    La “Nueva Gestión Pública” (NGP) viene ejerciendo, desde finales de la década del 80, claros efectos en la vida de las escuelas y en la regulación de las prácticas de los directivos. En esta ponencia se aborda el trabajo del director escolar y los procesos de regulación de las políticas educativas orientadas a garantizar la escolaridad secundaria obligatoria. Presentamos un estudio en caso donde abordamos el trabajo del director de una escuela localizada en una Ciudad-Barrio de la Ciudad de Córdoba a la que asisten alumnos sumidos en crecientes procesos de pauperización social. A modo de hipótesis proponemos que el llamado al compromiso para con el alumnado y sus demandas sociales insatisfechas se transforman en el motor que regula moralmente al director y lo obliga a trabajar para y a pesar de no recibirlos los prometidos fondos que los proyectos ministeriales deben proveerSince the 1980s, the "New Public Management" (NGP) has had clear effects on the life of schools and in the regulation of principal’s practices. This paper addresses the work of the principal and the processes of regulation of educational policies aimed at ensuring compulsory secondary schooling. We present a study in case focused in a school located in a City-Neighborhood of of Cordoba were students are immersed in growing processes of social impoverishment. As a hypothesis, we propose that the call to commitment to students and their unmet social demands are transformed into the motor that morally regulates the principal and forces him to work for and despite not receiving the promised funds that the ministerial projects must provid

    A Follow-Up Study (1970-1972) of the 1969 State Scholarship Program in the State of Rhode Island

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    Introduction The philosophy and objectives underlying the Rhode Island State Scholarship Program encompassed severa1 basic assumptions about secondary education. Some of these assumptions have changed substantially over the past fifteen years and deserve close consideration. The new emphasis toward equalizing educational opportunities had been reflected in the changing philosophy that guided the administration of student financial aid. The genesis of most aid programs could be found in a concept that fostered the belief in a system built entirely upon meritocracy. This approach provided aid to students with high achievement and measured potential, irrespective of financial need. Educators seeing the inequity and irrationality of this approach developed a more standardized and need-analysis system. High ability students who needed assistance were given scholarships, but as the research over the past .five years had indicated, this kind of approach benefited only a few of the truly financially impoverished students. The overriding criterion of previous academic success has had the effect of excluding the most needy from participation. The review of the literature for this study was divided into three areas: (l) state scholarship or grant programs, {2) federal scholarship grant or loan programs, and (3) general student aid program models. Procedures The procedures followed in the conduct of the study were typical of those used in descriptive research design. A series of questions was identified bearing on important educational concerns; the related literature was reviewed; a survey instrument was designed and tested; follow ups were made; and the collected data were analyzed for significant findings and implications. As a means of assessing the effectiveness ·of the Rhode Island scholarship programs, the investigators conducted a survey of Rhode Island high school seniors in November 1970 and 1971. Four major variables relating to tests for higher education, academic and economic readiness for higher education, and specific demographic characteristics were investigated through a questionnaire administered in the high schools. The pooled responses to the questionnaire totaled 19,313 returns over the two-year period. This return represented 74 per cent of the 25,920 seniors in Rhode Island high schools during 1970 and 1971. Because of this relatively high return, the findings of the study were assumed to be indicative of the larger population and adequately described the characteristics of this total population. The significant finding indicated that a major discrepancy existed between the needs of the students and the delivery system of the Rhode Islan

    Halo dust detection around NGC 891

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    Observations of edge-on galaxies allow us to investigate the vertical extent and properties of dust, gas and stellar distributions. NGC 891 has been studied for decades and represents one of the best studied cases of an edge-on galaxy. We use deep PACS data together with IRAC, MIPS and SPIRE data to study the vertical extent of dust emission around NGC 891. We also test the presence of a more extended, thick dust component. By performing a convolution of an intrinsic vertical profile emission with each instrument PSF and comparing it with observations we derived the scaleheight of a thin and thick dust disc component. For all wavelengths considered the emission is best fit with the sum of a thin and a thick dust component. The scaleheight of both dust components shows a gradient passing from 70 μ\mum to 250 μ\mum. This could be due to a drop in dust heating (and thus dust temperature) with the distance from the plane, or to a sizable contribution (1580\sim 15 - 80%) of an unresolved thin disc of hotter dust to the observed surface brightness at shorter wavelengths. The scaleheight of the thick dust component, using observations from 70 μ\mum to 250 μ\mum has been estimated to be (1.44±0.12)(1.44\pm 0.12) kpc, consistent with previous estimates (extinction and scattering in optical bands and MIR emission). The amount of dust mass at distances larger than 2\sim 2 kpc from the midplane represents 23.32 - 3.3 % of the total galactic dust mass and the relative abundance of small grains with respect to large grains is almost halved comparing to that in the midplane. The paucity of small grains high above the midplane might indicate that dust is hit by interstellar shocks or galactic fountains and entrained together with gas. The halo dust component is likely to be embedded in an atomic / molecular gas and heated by a thick stellar disc.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figures, A&A accepte

    Hippocampal Theta Input to the Amygdala Shapes Feedforward Inhibition to Gate Heterosynaptic Plasticity

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    The dynamic interactions between hippocampus and amygdala are critical for emotional memory. Theta synchrony between these structures occurs during fear memory retrieval and may facilitate synaptic plasticity, but the cellular mechanisms are unknown. We report that interneurons of the mouse basal amygdala are activated during theta network activity or optogenetic stimulation of ventral CA1 pyramidal cell axons, whereas principal neurons are inhibited. Interneurons provide feedforward inhibition that transiently hyperpolarizes principal neurons. However, synaptic inhibition attenuates during theta frequency stimulation of ventral CA1 fibers, and this broadens excitatory postsynaptic potentials. These effects are mediated by GABAB receptors and change in the Cl- driving force. Pairing theta frequency stimulation of ventral CA1 fibers with coincident stimuli of the lateral amygdala induces long-term potentiation of lateral-basal amygdala excitatory synapses. Hence, feedforward inhibition, known to enforce temporal fidelity of excitatory inputs, dominates hippocampus-amygdala interactions to gate heterosynaptic plasticity. Video Abstract: Hippocampal-amygdala interactions are critical for emotional memory, but the cellular mechanisms are unknown. In this paper, Bazelot, Bocchio et al. functionally demonstrate that GABAergic neurons of the basal amygdala gate principal neuron firing and heterosynaptic plasticity in the mouse amygdala

    The evolution of amorphous hydrocarbons in the ISM: dust modelling from a new vantage point

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    Context. The evolution of amorphous hydrocarbon materials, a-C(:H), principally resulting from ultraviolet (UV) photon absorption- induced processing, are likely at the heart of the variations in the observed properties of dust in the interstellar medium. Aims. The consequences of the size-dependent and compositional variations in a-C(:H), from aliphatic-rich a-C:H to aromatic-rich a-C, are studied within the context of the interstellar dust extinction and emission. Methods. Newly-derived optical property data for a-C(:H) materials, combined with that for an amorphous forsterite-type silicate with iron nano-particle inclusions, a-SilFe, are used to explore dust evolution in the interstellar medium. Results. We present a new dust model that consists of a power-law distribution of small a-C grains and log-normal distributions of large a-SilFe and a-C(:H) grains. The model, which is firmly anchored by laboratory-data, is shown to quite naturally explain the variations in the infrared (IR) to far-ultraviolet (FUV) extinction, the 217 nm UV bump, the IR absorption and emission bands and the IR-mm dust emission. Conclusions. The major strengths of the new model are its inherent simplicity and built-in capacity to follow dust evolution in interstellar media. We show that mantle accretion in molecular clouds and UV photo-processing in photo-dominated regions are likely the major drivers of dust evolution.Comment: 22 pages, 20 figure

    Photonic mode density effects on single-molecule fluorescence blinking

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    We investigated the influence of the photonic mode density (PMD) on the triplet dynamics of individual chromophores on a dielectric interface by comparing their response in the presence and absence of a nearby gold film. Lifetimes of the excited singlet state were evaluated in ordet to measure directly the PMD at the molecules position. Triplet state lifetimes were simultaneously determined by statistical analysis of the detection time of the fluorescence photons. The observed singlet decay rates are in agreement with the predicted PMD for molecules with different orientations. The triplet decay rate is modified in a fashion correlated to the singlet decay rate. These results show that PMD engineering can lead to an important suppression of the fluorescence, introducing a novel aspect of the physical mechanism to enhance fluorescence intensity in PMD-enhancing systems such as plasmonic devices

    Gas-to-Dust mass ratios in local galaxies over a 2 dex metallicity range

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    This paper analyses the behaviour of the gas-to-dust mass ratio (G/D) of local Universe galaxies over a large metallicity range. We combine three samples: the Dwarf Galaxy Survey, the KINGFISH survey and a subsample from Galametz et al. (2011) totalling 126 galaxies, covering a 2 dex metallicity range, with 30% of the sample with 12+log(O/H) < 8.0. The dust masses are homogeneously determined with a semi-empirical dust model, including submm constraints. The atomic and molecular gas masses are compiled from the literature. Two XCO are used to estimate molecular gas masses: the Galactic XCO, and a XCO depending on the metallicity (as Z^{-2}). Correlations with morphological types, stellar masses, star formation rates and specific star formation rates are discussed. The trend between G/D and metallicity is empirically modelled using power-laws (slope of -1 and free) and a broken power-law. We compare the evolution of the G/D with predictions from chemical evolution models. We find that out of the five tested galactic parameters, metallicity is the galactic property driving the observed G/D. The G/D versus metallicity relation cannot be represented by a power-law with a slope of -1 over the whole metallicity range. The observed trend is steeper for metallicities lower than ~ 8.0. A large scatter is observed in the G/D for a given metallicity, with a dispersion of 0.37 dex in metallicity bins of ~0.1 dex. The broken power-law reproduces best the observed G/D and provides estimates of the G/D that are accurate to a factor of 1.6. The good agreement of the G/D and its scatter with the three tested chemical evolution models shows that the scatter is intrinsic to galactic properties, reflecting the different star formation histories, dust destruction efficiencies, dust grain size distributions and chemical compositions across the sample. (abriged)Comment: 23 pages, 12 figures, accepted in Astronomy & Astrophysic