61 research outputs found

    O povo da floresta adormecida : a população da ilha das Flores (1681-1720)

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    Os primeiros povoadores da ilha evitaram as altas charnecas do interior, batidas pelo vento e de difícil acesso, e os seus descendentes seguiramlhes o exemplo, de modo que as povoações das Flores se foram distribuindo pela orla costeira. Mas o relevo acidentado e os muitos cursos de água dificultavam as comunicações entre os povoados. Por este motivo se pode afirmar que «o mar (...) substituiu parcialmente, até à relativamente poucas décadas, os caminhos que não havia»1. Nos Livros de Óbitos das freguesias de São Pedro em Ponta Delgada e de Nossa Senhora da Conceição em Santa Cruz, confirmando, ainda que de forma trágica, a utilização do mar como estrada local, este surge como um lugar de morte. Por exemplo, no primeiro dia de Setembro de 1717, perderam nele a vida dois homens casados, moradores na Lomba, quando regressavam de Santa Cruz a casa2. Contudo, a percentagem de mortes em naufrágios é baixa, ficando, na freguesia de S. Pedro, um pouco aquém dos 3%, apesar da ligação ao mar pela navegação efectuada entre o porto de Ponta Delgada e o Corvo. Dos 304 óbitos aí ocorridos entre 1675 e 1720, apenas 9 se referem claramente a mortes em naufrágios. [...

    the transition to teleworking and competing forms of trade unionism

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    UIDB/04647/2020 UIDP/04647/2020publishersversionpublishe

    Mobilisation of a Portuguese trade union to organise and represent ride-hailing drivers in Portugal

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    UIDB/04647/2020 UIDP/04647/2020publishersversionpublishe

    Integrating Ecohydraulics in River Restoration: Advances in Science and Applications

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    Rivers have been intensively degraded due to increasing anthropogenic impacts from a growing population in a continuously developing world. Accordingly, most rivers suffer from pressures as a result of increasing dam and weir construction, habitat degradation, flow regulation, water pollution/abstraction, and the spread of invasive species. Science-based knowledge regarding solutions to counteract the effects of river degradation, and melding principles of aquatic ecology and engineering hydraulics, is thus urgently needed to guide present and future river restoration actions. This Special Issue gathers a coherent set of studies from different geographic contexts, on fundamental and applied research regarding the integration of ecohydraulics in river restoration, ranging from field studies to laboratory experiments that can be applied to real-world challenges. It contains 13 original papers covering ecohydraulic issues such as river restoration technologies, sustainable hydropower, fish passage designs and operational criteria, and habitat modeling. All papers were reviewed by international experts in ecology, hydraulics, aquatic biology, engineering, geomorphology, and hydrology. The papers herein well represent the wide applicability of ecohydraulics in river restoration and serve as a basis to improve current knowledge and management and to reduce arguments between different interests and opinions

    A presença portuguesa no Pacífico: a missionação no processo colonial de Timor e o seu património arquitectónico hoje

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    O objetivo do artigo é identificar os diferentes papéis desempenhados pela missionação durante o processo de colonização na ilha de Timor, interpretando os elementos arquitetónicos produzidos no decorrer da evangelização da ilha. A ação missionária teve um papel fundamental na colonização portuguesa de Timor, adaptando-se e adquirindo diferentes contornos ao longo do tempo

    The indigenous & the foreign - The Jesuit Presence in 17th Century Ethiopia

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    In the rural plateaux of northern Ethiopia, one can still find scattered ruins of monumental buildings alien to the country's ancient architectural tradition. This little-known and rarely studied architectural heritage bears silent witness to a fascinating if equivocal cultural encounter that took place in the 16th-17th centuries between Orthodox Ethiopians and Catholic Europeans. The Indigenous and the Foreign explores the enduring impact of the encounter on the religious, political and artistic life of Christian Ethiopia, one not readily acknowledged, not least because the public conversion of the early 17th-century King Susenyos to Catholicism resulted in a bloody civil war enveloped in religious intolerance


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    UIDB/04647/2020 UIDP/04647/2020publishersversionpublishe

    Fish habitat availability simulations using different morphological variables

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    Fish habitat modelling results are strongly influenced by velocity and depth patterns as well as by morphological parameters of the riverbed (i.e., substrate and refuge cover). Studies regarding the use of substrate in habitat modelling are well represented in the literature, whereas the use of cover in such models is commonly neglected because it is difficult to quantify the refuges or the instream areas where fish can hide from predators. However, there is clear evidence that fish habitat use and preferences are associated with refuge cover. Ignoring this variable can lead to incorrect restoration and flow management decisions based on misleading results. To avoid this, river restoration goals should only be set with reference to habitat conditions found at undisturbed sites rather than with the aim of improving habitat heterogeneity. The aim of this study is to compare the habitat availability for two cyprinid fishes, the Southwestern arched-mouth nase (Iberochondrostoma almacai) and the Arade chub (Squalius aradensis), at undisturbed (i.e., near-natural state) and disturbed sites (i.e., sites impacted by agricultural activities that have led to nutrient enrichment, destruction of riparian woodlands, straightening of the river channel and water abstraction). This is done by alternately considering substrate or refuge cover in a weighted usable area (WUA) determination to understand the interactive effects of these morphological variables as well as their influence on habitat availability. Different outcomes were generated by the use of refuge cover and substrate in habitat simulation. The results underline the importance of considering refuge cover in habitat models and also point to the need to take into account minimally disturbed or undisturbed sites within the same river upon developing future management actions.Los resultados de la modelación de hábitats piscícolas están fuertemente influenciados por la velocidad y los patrones de profundidad, así como por los parámetros morfológicos (i.e. substrato y cobertura de refugio) del lecho del río. Estudios sobre el uso de sustrato en la modelización del hábitat están bien descritos en la literatura, mientras que el uso de la cobertura es frecuentemente omitida, ya que es difícil de cuantificar el refugio o las zonas donde los peces se pueden abrigar y ocultar de los predadores. Sin embargo, hay pruebas claras de que el uso y las preferencias de los peces también están asociados con la cobertura de refugio. Ignorando esta variable puede conducir a decisiones de restauración fluvial y de gesti'on de los recursos hídricos apoyados en resultados engañosos. Para evitar eso, los objetivos de la restauración fluvial se debían establecer con referencia a las condiciones de habitat que se pueden encontrar en trechos de río no alterados, en lugar de mejorar la heterogeneidad del hábitat. El objetivo de este estudio es comparar la disponibilidad de hábitat para dos peces ciprínido, el boga del Sudoeste (Iberochondrostoma almacai) y el cacho del Arade (Squalius aradensis) en trechos de río no perturbados (i.e. próximo del natural) y perturbados (i.e. perturbados por actividades agricolas que llevan a un enriquecimiento de nutrientes, destrucción de la mata riparia, enderezamiento del cauce y abstracción de agua). Esto es hecho considerando alternativamente o sustrato o la cobertura de refugio en la determinación del weighted usable area (WUA) a fin de dar a conocer los efectos interactivos de las variables morfológicas, así como su influencia en la disponibilidad de hábitat. Diferentes respuestas fueran encontradas con el uso posterior de la cobertura de refugio y el sustrato en la simulación del hábitat. Los resultados exponen la importancia de considerar la cobertura de refugio en los modelos de hábitat y adem'as apuntan la necesidad de tener en cuenta sitios mínimamente alterados o no perturbados de un mismo río para el desarrollo de futuras acciones de gestión fluvial