127 research outputs found

    Determination of quantum symmetries for higher ADE systems from the modular T matrix

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    We show that the Ocneanu algebra of quantum symmetries, for an ADE diagram (or for higher Coxeter-Dynkin systems, like the Di Francesco - Zuber system) is, in most cases, deduced from the structure of the modular T matrix in the A series. We recover in this way the (known) quantum symmetries of su(2) diagrams and illustrate our method by studying those associated with the three genuine exceptional diagrams of type su(3), namely E5, E9 and E21. This also provides the shortest way to the determination of twisted partition functions in boundary conformal field theory with defect lines.Comment: 30 pages, 16 figures. Several misprints have been corrected. We added several references and the appendix has been enlarged (one section on essential paths and one section devoted to open problems). This article will appear in the Journal of Mathematical Physic

    Verleggen van de bloeitijd bij Nerine bowdenii

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    Additive manufacturing-enabled architected nanocomposite lattices coated with plasmonic nanoparticles for water pollutants detection

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    Novel low-cost materials to uptake and detect vestigial amounts of pesticides are highly desirable for water quality monitoring. Herein, are demonstrated, for the first time, surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) sensors enabled via additively manufactured lattices coated with plasmonic nanoparticles (NPs) for detecting pesticides in real water samples. The architected lattices comprising polypropylene (PP) and multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) are realized via fused filament fabrication (FFF). In the first stage, the SERS performance of the PP/MWCNT filaments coated with distinct metallic NPs (Ag NPs and Au NPs) is evaluated using methylene blue (MB) as molecular probe. Thereafter, distinctly architected hybrid SERS sensors with periodic porous and fully dense geometries are investigated as adsorbents to uptake MB from aqueous solutions and subsequent detection using SERS. The spatial distribution of MB and Ag NPs on the FFF-printed lattices is accomplished by SERS imaging. The best hybrid composite is used as SERS probing system to detect low amounts of pesticides (thiram and paraquat) and offers a detection limit of 100 nm for both pesticides. As a proof-of-concept, FFF-enabled test strips are used to detect in loco paraquat molecules spiked on real water samples (Estuary Aveiro water and tap water) using a portable Raman spectrometer

    Pathological chemotherapy response score is prognostic in tubo-ovarian high-grade serous carcinoma: A systematic review and meta-analysis of individual patient data

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    There is a need to develop and validate biomarkers for treatment response and survival in tubo-ovarian high-grade serous carcinoma (HGSC). The chemotherapy response score (CRS) stratifies patients into complete/near-complete (CRS3), partial (CRS2), and no/minimal (CRS1) response after neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NACT). Our aim was to review current evidence to determine whether the CRS is prognostic in women with tubo-ovarian HGSC treated with NACT.This article is freely available via Open Access. Click on the Publisher URL to access the full-text via the publisher's site

    Microwave experiments on atypical transport phenomena induced by spatial and spectral wave shaping

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    Le transport des ondes joue un rĂŽle majeur dans les systĂšmes de communication comme le Wifi ou les fibres optiques. Les principaux problĂšmes rencontrĂ©s dans ces systĂšmes concernent la protection contre les intrusions, la consommation d’énergie et le filtrage modal. Nous proposons diffĂ©rentes expĂ©riences micro-ondes mettant toutes en Ɠuvre une mise en forme des ondes, pour traiter ces problĂšmes. Dans une cavitĂ© micro-ondes, des Ă©tats de diffusion particuliers sont gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©s en s’appuyant uniquement sur des mesures de transmission et sur le formalisme du temps de retard de Wigner-Smith. Ces Ă©tats sont capables d’éviter une rĂ©gion dĂ©terminĂ©e de la cavitĂ©, de se concentrer sur un point particulier, ou de suivre une trajectoire d’une particule classique. Le filtrage de mode est mis en Ɠuvre dans un guide d’ondes aux frontiĂšres ondulĂ©es et en prĂ©sence de pertes dĂ©pendant de la position. Le profil du guide est choisi de façon Ă  ce que les deux modes de Bloch qui se propagent encerclent un point exceptionnel. Cette trajectoire s’accompagne d’une transition non-adiabatique entre les deux modes et d'un filtrage asymĂ©trique de ces modes. La thĂšse prĂ©sente Ă©galement des travaux liĂ©s Ă  la problĂ©matique des algorithmes de « recherche quantique », notamment l’algorithme de Grover. Cette recherche est mise en Ɠuvre dans un rĂ©seau en nid d’abeilles de rĂ©sonateurs micro-ondes couplĂ©s, bien dĂ©crits par un modĂšle de liaisons fortes (le systĂšme constitue un analogue micro-ondes du graphĂšne). Une expĂ©rience de preuve de principe propose la recherche de deux rĂ©sonateurs distincts reliĂ©s au rĂ©seau. La loi d’échelle attendue pour cet algorithme est expĂ©rimentalement obtenue dans une chaĂźne linĂ©aireTransport of waves plays an important role in modern communication systems like Wi-Fi or optical fibres. Typical problems in such systems concern security against possible intruders, energy consumption, time efficiency and the possibility of mode filtering. Microwave experiments are suited to study this kind of problems, because they offer a good control of the experimental parameters. Thus we can implement the method of wave shaping to investigate atypical transport phenomena, which address the mentioned problems. Wave front shaping solely based on the transmission together with the Wigner-Smith time delay formalism allows me to establish special scattering states in situ. These scattering states avoid a pre-selected region, focus on a specific spot or follow trajectories of classical particles, so called particle-like scattering states. Mode filtering is induced inside a waveguide with wavy boundaries and position dependent loss. The boundary profiles are chosen in such a way that the two propagating modes describe an encircling of an exceptional point in the Bloch picture. The asymmetric mode filtering is found due to the appearing non-adiabatic transitions. Another part of my work deals with Grover’s quantum search. I put such a search into practice in a two-dimensional graphene-lattice using coupled resonators, which form a tight-binding analogue. In this proof of principle experiment we search for different resonators attached to the graphene-lattice. Furthermore, the scaling behaviour of the quantum search is quantified for a linear chain of resonator

    PhénomÚnes de transport originaux dans des expériences micro-ondes via la mise en forme spatiale et spectrale

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    Transport of waves plays an important role in modern communication systems like Wi-Fi or optical fibres. Typical problems in such systems concern security against possible intruders, energy consumption, time efficiency and the possibility of mode filtering. Microwave experiments are suited to study this kind of problems, because they offer a good control of the experimental parameters. Thus we can implement the method of wave shaping to investigate atypical transport phenomena, which address the mentioned problems. Wave front shaping solely based on the transmission together with the Wigner-Smith time delay formalism allows me to establish special scattering states in situ. These scattering states avoid a pre-selected region, focus on a specific spot or follow trajectories of classical particles, so called particle-like scattering states. Mode filtering is induced inside a waveguide with wavy boundaries and position dependent loss. The boundary profiles are chosen in such a way that the two propagating modes describe an encircling of an exceptional point in the Bloch picture. The asymmetric mode filtering is found due to the appearing non-adiabatic transitions. Another part of my work deals with Grover’s quantum search. I put such a search into practice in a two-dimensional graphene-lattice using coupled resonators, which form a tight-binding analogue. In this proof of principle experiment we search for different resonators attached to the graphene-lattice. Furthermore, the scaling behaviour of the quantum search is quantified for a linear chain of resonatorsLe transport des ondes joue un rĂŽle majeur dans les systĂšmes de communication comme le Wifi ou les fibres optiques. Les principaux problĂšmes rencontrĂ©s dans ces systĂšmes concernent la protection contre les intrusions, la consommation d’énergie et le filtrage modal. Nous proposons diffĂ©rentes expĂ©riences micro-ondes mettant toutes en Ɠuvre une mise en forme des ondes, pour traiter ces problĂšmes. Dans une cavitĂ© micro-ondes, des Ă©tats de diffusion particuliers sont gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©s en s’appuyant uniquement sur des mesures de transmission et sur le formalisme du temps de retard de Wigner-Smith. Ces Ă©tats sont capables d’éviter une rĂ©gion dĂ©terminĂ©e de la cavitĂ©, de se concentrer sur un point particulier, ou de suivre une trajectoire d’une particule classique. Le filtrage de mode est mis en Ɠuvre dans un guide d’ondes aux frontiĂšres ondulĂ©es et en prĂ©sence de pertes dĂ©pendant de la position. Le profil du guide est choisi de façon Ă  ce que les deux modes de Bloch qui se propagent encerclent un point exceptionnel. Cette trajectoire s’accompagne d’une transition non-adiabatique entre les deux modes et d'un filtrage asymĂ©trique de ces modes. La thĂšse prĂ©sente Ă©galement des travaux liĂ©s Ă  la problĂ©matique des algorithmes de « recherche quantique », notamment l’algorithme de Grover. Cette recherche est mise en Ɠuvre dans un rĂ©seau en nid d’abeilles de rĂ©sonateurs micro-ondes couplĂ©s, bien dĂ©crits par un modĂšle de liaisons fortes (le systĂšme constitue un analogue micro-ondes du graphĂšne). Une expĂ©rience de preuve de principe propose la recherche de deux rĂ©sonateurs distincts reliĂ©s au rĂ©seau. La loi d’échelle attendue pour cet algorithme est expĂ©rimentalement obtenue dans une chaĂźne linĂ©air
