1,336 research outputs found

    O selo dun poeta. Beleza para sempre

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    Conferencias pronunciadas no Salón Nobre de Fonseca da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela o xoves 15 de maio de 2014 co gallo do Día das Letras Galega

    Noticia sobre dos nuevas estelas decoradas: las estelas de La Pedrona y del Mesto (Almadén, Ciudad Real)

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    Damos a conocer dos estelas decoradas halladas en el término municipal de Almadén (Ciudad Real). Aparecieron en sendos majanos, dentro del ámbito de yacimientos arqueológicos romanos, en ambos casos. Se trata de una zona donde tradicionalmente se ha practicado una economía basada en la agricultura (cultivo cerealístico) y la ganadería, además de la explotación de la gran riqueza minera de su subsuelo. Este territorio está surcado por varias vías pecuarias y comerciales. Todo ello está asociado a la presencia de diversos asentamientos humanos desde antiguo. Estos dos ejemplares amplían el conjunto de estelas decoradas hasta ahora conocidas en esta área geográfica, poniendo de manifiesto su relación con las corrientes culturales de la Edad del Bronce y, quizás, del Hierro I.We present two decorated steles found in the municipal term of Almadén (Ciudad Real). They appeared in individual majanos, within the scope of Roman archaeological sites, in both cases. One is a zone where traditionally it's practiced an economy based on agriculture (cerealístico culture) and the cattle ranch, besides the operation of the great mining wealth of its subsoil. This territory is furrowed by several cattle and commercial channels. All this is associate to the presence of diverse settlements from ancient. These two pieces extend the collection of decorated steles until now known in this geographic area, showing their relation with the cultural currents of the Age of Bronze and, perhaps, the Age of Iron I

    A Biblioteca de Babilonia

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    Epigenetics as a therapeutic target in osteoarthritis

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    Review[Abstract] Osteoarthritis (OA) is a heterogenous, complex disease affecting the integrity of diarthrodial joints that, despite its high prevalence worldwide, lacks effective treatment. In recent years it has been discovered that epigenetics may play an important role in OA. Our objective is to review the current knowledge of the three classical epigenetic mechanisms—DNA methylation, histone post-translational modifications (PTMs), and non-coding RNA (ncRNA) modifications, including microRNAs (miRNAs), circular RNAs (circRNAs), and long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs)—in relation to the pathogenesis of OA and focusing on articular cartilage. The search for updated literature was carried out in the PubMed database. Evidence shows that dysregulation of numerous essential cartilage molecules is caused by aberrant epigenetic regulatory mechanisms, and it contributes to the development and progression of OA. This offers the opportunity to consider new candidates as therapeutic targets with the potential to attenuate OA or to be used as novel biomarkers of the disease.Instituto de Salud Carlos III; PI19/01213Xunta de Galicia; IN607D2022/12Xunta de Galicia; IN607A 2021/

    Direct and indirect approaches based on paper analysis by Py-GC/MS for estimating the age of documents

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    The age of a relatively old document is one of the pending issues to be resolved in the field of forensic documentary examination. Although nowadays there are a variety of analytical methodologies focused in the analysis of inks for dating documents, the paper analysis has attained little attention. This work aims to develop two complementary approaches for estimating the age of documents based on paper analysis employing the pyrolysis technique coupled to gas chromatography with detection by mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS): (i) a direct approach using the pyrolytic fingerprints and multivariate regression with artificially aged samples, and (ii) an indirect approach based on the identification of compounds characteristic of the document period. The direct approach has successfully allowed the age estimation of relatively old documents under police custody (up to 30 years of age) and the determination of a relation between the natural and the accelerated aging of paper under the used conditions. This approach is applicable to papers that have the same (or similar) composition and have been stored under comparable storage conditions. Additionally, the indirect approach is presented as an interesting perspective to ratify valuable information of the document age

    Diferencias de género, abandono escolar y continuidad en los estudios

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    El abandono escolar es el final de un proceso de desvinculación de la escuela que no puede explicarse solo por la influencia de factores estructurales relacionados con el contexto familiar y social. La gran proporción de mujeres que en las últimas décadas se han incorporado con éxito al sistema educativo demuestra la influencia de otros factores, que se han venido considerando como secundarios: factores personales, relacionales y educativos que, más que «empujar» a los estudiantes a abandonar los estudios, «atraen» a las jóvenes -en mayor medida que a los chicos- hacia el proyecto de vida que les ofrece la escuela (Martínez García, 2011). Por otra parte, desde la década de 1990 se habla en los países desarrollados sobre las diferencias en rendimientos escolares entre sexos, superando las chicas a los chicos. En España, las diferencias de abandono escolar entre alumnos y alumnas son de casi ocho puntos a favor de los chicos, según datos del año 2014. En este artículo nos planteamos indagar estas diferencias de género que suponen un atractivo por la escuela, a través de las biografías, experiencias y vivencias de alumnas y alumnos de secundaria postobligatoria que continúan sus estudios y lo hacen con éxito. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que el rendimiento escolar de unas y otros está influido por diferentes factores, como las relaciones con los compañeros y compañeras, el rechazo a las normas de la cultura escolar, el apoyo familiar y su proyecto de vida

    A comparison of Clinical Risk Index for babies (CRIB-II), Score for Neonatal Acute Physiology (SNAP-II) and SNAPPE-II in predicting parenteral nutrition necessity in low birth weight preterm neonates.

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    Advances in perinatal care have made it possible to improve survival of low birth weight neonates. Clinical risk index for babies (CRIB-II), score for neonatal acute physiology (SNAP-II), and SNAP-perinatal extension-II (SNAPPE-II) have been used as mortality predictors for preterm infants. Feeding intolerance is very frequent in preterm neonates, and the development of an early effective biomarker for its prediction could be useful for carrying out a proper feeding strategy. Our aim was to compare the ability of CRIB-II, SNAP-II and SNAPPE-II in predict the feeding intolerance and parenteral nutrition necessity in preterm neonates. Methods: A retrospective cohort study on preterm neonates’ born at Jaen Hospital Complex with low birth weight and ≤ 36 weeks of gestation was done. Epidemiological, clinical and clinical scores CRIB II, SNAP-II and SNAPPE-II were recorded. Results: 255 low birth weight preterm neonates, 131 males (51.4%), aged ≤32 weeks of gestation (71%), were enrolled at our hospital. Parenteral nutrition needed were significantly higher in preterm neonates weighed 2500-1500 g (73.3%) and ≤ 1000g (87%). CRIB-II, SNAP-II and SNAPPE-II mean values were higher in neonates group subjected to parenteral nutrition compared with oral nutrition (p<0.05). CRIB-II and SNAPPE-II scores significantly correlated with parenteral nutrition days (p<0.05). Overall mortality rate was 11%. The 78.6% of all deceased infants needed parenteral nutrition. Conclusion: Clinical Risk Index for babies (CRIB-II) better than SNAPPE-II correlated with the feeding intolerance and thus the parenteral nutrition days in preterm neonates with low birth weight.Subvencionado: Ayuda del Plan Propio de Investigación de la UMA. Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    La crisi del consum radiofònic juvenil a Catalunya

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    Des de fa aproximadament una dècada, la ràdio convencional catalana i espanyola ha detectat una pèrdua progressiva de penetració del mitjà entre els segments més joves de la població. Aquest fenomen afecta la majoria dels països desenvolupats i està relacionat fortament amb el desenvolupament de les TIC i les xarxes de comunicació. L'objectiu d'aquest article és aprofundir en les causes d'aquesta crisi a partir de l'estudi de la recepció radiofònica dels joves de 14 a 24 anys residents a Catalunya.For approximately a decade, traditional Catalan and Spanish radio has been noting a gradual loss of radio penetration among the population's younger segments. This phenomenon, which is affecting most developed countries, is closely related to the development of ICTs and communication networks. This paper aims to examine the causes of this crisis by studying broadcast radio reception among young people aged 14 to 24 and living in Catalonia

    Synthesis of sugar oxazolines by intramolecular Ritter-like reaction of D-fructose precursors

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    Treatment of D-fructopyranose and D-fructofuranosc 1,2-O-acetonide derivatives with triflic acid in the presence of a variety of nitriles results in the formation of fused or spiro 2-oxazolines. The reaction implies (i) activation of the anomeric centre with simultaneous isopropylidene cleavage, (ii) nucleophilic addition of the nitrile to the corresponding oxocarbenium cation intermediate and (iii) subsequent trapping of the resulting nitrilium ion species by the remaining hydroxyl group in an intramolecular Ritter-like reaction