168 research outputs found

    Interaction between MPI and TCP in grids.

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    As MPI applications are more and more resource consuming, they need to be executed on grids. The communications on the WAN interconnecting clusters mostly use TCP which suffers from WAN features: high latency, sharing between users, bandwidth smaller than the aggregate bandwidth of the nodes. In this report, we first study the interaction between MPI and TCP on grids. We show why the nature of MPI traffic raises problems while using TCP on WAN links. TCP's loss detection and congestion control mechanism can both slow down the application. Then, we propose MPI5000, a transparent applicative layer between MPI and TCP, using proxies to improve the execution of MPI applications on a grid. Proxies aim at splitting TCP connections in order to detect losses faster and avoid to return in a slowstart phase after an idle time. Finally, we test our layer on Grid'5000, the French research grid, using MPICH2. The results on the NPB (NAS Parallel Benchmarks) validate our architecture that reduces the number of idle timeout and the number of long-distance retransmissions for certain benchmarks, namely BT, SP and LU benchmarks. Using MPI5000, these applications can decrease their execution time by 35%, 28%, and, 15% respectively

    Using models for predicting recovery and assess tree species vulnerability in logged tropical forests

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    Formålet med denne masteroppgaven er å analysere hvilke faktorer som påvirker kredittrangeringer og hvordan rangeringene er for Afrika (Sør for Sahara) i forhold til andre regioner. Ifølge Haque, Mark og Mathieson (2000) var Afrika (Sør for Sahara) regionen med lavest kredittrangeringer i perioden 1980 til 1993. Oppgaven undersøker om dette fortsatt er tilfelle i perioden 1990 til 2010 og videre hvilke faktorer som kan ligge til grunn for denne ulikheten. For å finne ut av dette forsøker jeg først å identifisere korrelasjonen mellom økonomiske, politiske og institusjonelle faktorer. Deretter undersøkes det om Afrika (Sør for Sahara) skiller seg negativt ut i forhold til andre regioner. Utgangspunkt til flere av forklaringsvariablene er hentet fra Cantor og Packer (1996) og Haque et al. (2000). Datamaterialet er samlet inn fra Verdensbanken, Institutional Investor, Det internasjonale pengefondet (IMF), Federal Reserve, Freedom House Index og Quality of Government Institute. Analysen er gjort ved hjelp av en fast effekt modell, der estimeringen er ved MKM og «Least squares dummy variable» (LSDV). Resultatene viser at det er noen få økonomiske variabler som bestemmer nesten 90 prosent av kredittrangeringene. Videre har Afrika (Sør for Sahara) fått lavere rangeringer enn andre regioner i perioden 1990 til 2010. Resultatene indikerer også at vektingen av de ulike variablene endres mellom land og over tid. Beregningene er gjort ved hjelp av Stata 13.1 og Excel 2010.ECON390MASV-SØ

    Thermalizing a telescope in Antarctica: Analysis of ASTEP observations

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    The installation and operation of a telescope in Antarctica represent particular challenges, in particular the requirement to operate at extremely cold temperatures, to cope with rapid temperature fluctuations and to prevent frosting. Heating of electronic subsystems is a necessity, but solutions must be found to avoid the turbulence induced by temperature fluctua- tions on the optical paths. ASTEP 400 is a 40 cm Newton telescope installed at the Concordia station, Dome C since 2010 for photometric observations of fields of stars and their exoplanets. While the telescope is designed to spread star light on several pixels to maximize photometric stability, we show that it is nonetheless sensitive to the extreme variations of the seeing at the ground level (between about 0.1 and 5 arcsec) and to temperature fluctuations between --30 degrees C and --80 degrees C. We analyze both day-time and night-time observations and obtain the magnitude of the seeing caused by the mirrors, dome and camera. The most important effect arises from the heating of the primary mirror which gives rise to a mirror seeing of 0.23 arcsec K--1 . We propose solutions to mitigate these effects.Comment: Appears in Astronomical Notes / Astronomische Nachrichten, Wiley-VCH Verlag, 2015, pp.1-2

    Laue microdiffraction on polycrystalline samples above 1500 K achieved with the QMAX-µLaue furnace

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    MRSEI-HoTMIXX-ray Laue microdiffraction aims to characterize microstructural and mechanical fields in polycrystalline specimens at the sub-micrometre scale with a strain resolution of ∼10−4. Here, a new and unique Laue microdiffraction setup and alignment procedure is presented, allowing measurements at temperatures as high as 1500 K, with the objective to extend the technique for the study of crystalline phase transitions and associated strain-field evolution that occur at high temperatures. A method is provided to measure the real temperature encountered by the specimen, which can be critical for precise phase-transition studies, as well as a strategy to calibrate the setup geometry to account for the sample and furnace dilation using a standard α-alumina single crystal. A first application to phase transitions in a polycrystalline specimen of pure zirconia is provided as an illustrative example

    Pathocenosis: A Holistic Approach to Disease Ecology

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    The History of medicine describes the emergence and recognition of infectious diseases, and human attempts to stem them. It also throws light on the role of changing environmental conditions on disease emergence/re-emergence, establishment and, sometimes, disappearance. However, the dynamics of infectious diseases is also influenced by the relationships between the community of interacting infectious agents present at a given time in a given territory, a concept that Mirko Grmek, an historian of medicine, conceptualized with the word “pathocenosis”. The spatial and temporal evolution of diseases, when observed at the appropriate scales, illustrates how a change in the pathocenosis, whether of “natural” or anthropic origin, can lead to the emergence and spread of diseases

    Potential efficacy of dopaminergic antidepressants in treatment resistant anergic-anhedonic depression results of the chronic anergic-anhedonic depression open trial – CADOT

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    IntroductionAmong treatment-resistant depression (TRD), we identified anergic-anhedonic clinical presentations (TRAD) as putatively responsive to pro-dopaminergic strategies. Based on the literature, non-selective monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOI) and dopamine D2 receptor agonists (D2RAG) were sequentially introduced, frequently under the coverage of a mood stabilizer. This two-step therapeutic strategy will be referred to as the Dopaminergic Antidepressant Therapy Algorithm (DATA). We describe the short and long-term outcomes of TRAD managed according to DATA guidelines.MethodOut of 52 outpatients with TRAD treated with DATA in a single expert center, 48 were included in the analysis [severity – QIDS (Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology) = 16 ± 3; episode duration = 4.1 ± 2.7 years; Thase and Rush resistance stage = 2.9 ± 0.6; functioning – GAF (Global Assessment of Functioning) = 41 ± 8]. These were followed-up for a median (1st – 3rd quartile) of 4 (1–9) months before being prescribed the first dopaminergic treatment and remitters were followed up 21 (11–33) months after remission.ResultsAt the end of DATA step 1, 25 patients were in remission (QIDS <6; 52% [38–66%]). After DATA step 2, 37 patients were in remission (77% [65–89%]) to whom 5 patients with a QIDS score = 6 could be added (88% [78–97%]). Many of these patients felt subjectively remitted (GAF = 74 ± 10). There was a significant benefit to combining MAOI with D2RAG which was maintained for at least 18 months in 30 patients (79% [62–95%]).ConclusionThese results support TRAD sensitivity to pro-dopaminergic interventions. However, some clinical heterogeneities remain in our sample and suggest some improvement in the description of dopamine-sensitive form(s)