253 research outputs found

    Betingelser for kunnskapsdeling : en studie av Veidekke

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    Kunnskapsdeling er i dag en viktig suksess- og konkurransefaktor for bedrifter. Denne utredningen fokuserer på betingelser for kunnskapsdeling, et område som hittil har fått lite oppmerksomhet forskningsmessig. Utredningen undersøker og sammenligner forholdene i to divisjoner i Veidekke, Entreprenør og Industri, med hensyn på perspektiver på kunnskapsdeling og kunnskapsdeling i praksis. Det teoretiske utgangspunktet omhandler sosial kapital og arbeidets art. Studien fokuserer ikke på insentivteori. Vi har funnet at det er et mer negativt syn på kunnskapsdeling i industridivisjonen og at det også er mindre kunnskapsdeling i denne divisjonen sammenlignet med entreprenørdivisjonen. Sosial kapital og arbeidets art er forhold som kan forklare denne forskjellen og som derav er av betydning for kunnskapsdeling. I tillegg fant vi at ledelse er et viktig forhold

    Externally heated protostellar cores in the Ophiuchus star-forming region

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    We present APEX 218 GHz observations of molecular emission in a complete sample of embedded protostars in the Ophiuchus star-forming region. To study the physical properties of the cores, we calculate H2_2CO and c-C3_3H2_2 rotational temperatures, both of which are good tracers of the kinetic temperature of the molecular gas. We find that the H2_2CO temperatures range between 16 K and 124 K, with the highest H2_2CO temperatures toward the hot corino source IRAS 16293-2422 (69-124 K) and the sources in the ρ\rho Oph A cloud (23-49 K) located close to the luminous Herbig Be star S 1, which externally irradiates the ρ\rho Oph A cores. On the other hand, the c-C3_3H2_2 rotational temperature is consistently low (7-17 K) in all sources. Our results indicate that the c-C3_3H2_2 emission is primarily tracing more shielded parts of the envelope whereas the H2_2CO emission (at the angular scale of the APEX beam; 3600 au in Ophiuchus) mainly traces the outer irradiated envelopes, apart from in IRAS 16293-2422, where the hot corino emission dominates. In some sources, a secondary velocity component is also seen, possibly tracing the molecular outflow.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Physical properties of outflows: Comparing CO and H2O based parameters in Class 0 sources

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    Context. The observed physical properties of outflows from low-mass sources put constraints on possible ejection mechanisms. Historically, these quantities have been derived from CO using ground-based observations. It is thus important to investigate whether parameters such as momentum rate (thrust) and mechanical luminosity (power) are the same when different molecular tracers are used. Aims. We aim at determining the outflow momentum, dynamical time-scale, thrust, energy and power using CO and H2O as tracers of outflow activity. Methods. Within the framework of the WISH key program, three molecular outflows from Class 0 sources have been mapped using the HIFI instrument aboard Herschel. We use these observations together with previously published H2 data to infer the physical properties of the outflows. We compare the physical properties derived here with previous estimates based on CO observations. Results. Inspection of the spatial distribution of H2O and H2 confirms that these molecules are co-spatial. The most prominent emission peaks in H2 coincide with strong H2O emission peaks and the estimated widths of the flows when using the two tracers are comparable. Conclusions. For the momentum rate and the mechanical luminosity, inferred values are independent of which tracer that is used, i.e., the values agree to within a factor of 4 and 3 respectively.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 5 pages, 2 figure

    Improvisasjon i fremmed landskap: En undersøkelse av didaktikk for improvisasjon i trakisk bryllupsmusikk

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    Gjennom aksjonsforskning undersøker denne masteroppgaven hvordan trekkspilleren Bjørn Petter Tøsses didaktikk kan benyttes og utvikles for å lære ulike elever å improvisere innenfor stilarten trakisk bryllupsmusikk. Undersøkelsen er todelt og starter med at forfatteren selv går i lære hos Tøsse for å både lære å improvisere i stilen og undersøke Tøsses didaktikk. Videre blir didaktikken tilpasset til tre ulike gitar- og bass-elever på universitetsnivå som forfatteren underviser. Oppgaven baserer seg på intervjuer av Tøsse og elevene, og deltakende observasjon gjennom undervisningens to deler

    i-Tree : trærnes verktøy i byutviklingen

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    Trær bidrar med mye positivt til våre omgivelser. De renser luft, tar opp og lagrer CO2, forhindrer erosjon, håndterer overvann og senker temperaturen. Det er et stort behov for en større bevissthet og en sterkere argumentasjon rundt trær. Andel mennesker som bor i byer øker og urbaniseringen går ofte på bekostning av natur. Trærne bidrar med viktige økosystemtjenester, men verdien av disse er underkommuniserte. Hvordan kan programmet i-Tree brukes som et verktøy for å bedre dette? I-Tree gir en faktabasert kunnskap ved å synliggjøre noe som ikke snakkes så mye om; kvantitative verdier på de regulerende økosystemtjenestene. Trærne eies av alle, av det offentlige, privatpersoner, boligsameier og det private næringsliv, derfor er dette en kunnskap som må ut til alle. En bevissthet og større forståelse om en felles utfordring kan bidra til en by med rom for mennesker, arkitektur og trær.Trees contribute a lot positively to our surroundings. They purify air, absorb and store CO2, prevent erosion, manage surface water, and lower the temperature. There is a great need for a greater awareness and a stronger argumentation for trees. The proportion of people living in cities is increasing and urbanization is often at the expense of nature. The trees contribute with important ecosystem services, but the value of these is often under communicated. How can the i-Tree program be used as a tool to improve this? I-Tree provides fact-based knowledge by highlighting something that is not so much talked about; quantitative values of the regulatory ecosystem services. The trees are owned by everyone, by the public sector, private individuals, homeowners, and the private business community, therefore this is a knowledge that must be shared by everyone. An awareness and greater understanding of a common challenge can contribute to a city with space for people, architecture and trees.B-L

    How nursing care is expressed among nurse anaesthetists in the perioperative context: A meta-ethnographic synthesis

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    Aim To develop a conceptual framework describing nursing care from the anaesthesia nurse's perspective in the perioperative context. Background Surgical patients find themselves in a vulnerable situation in need of advanced treatment and care. Nurse anaesthetists have a central role in reducing harm and enhance patient safety, in which person-centred care has been identified as a key component. However, they are challenged by productivity and efficiency demands leading to a potential risk to patient safety. Design Noblit and Hare's interpretative meta-ethnography, directed by the eMERGe reporting guidance. Methods A comprehensive systematic search of nine databases without year limitation. Fifteen studies published between 2002 and 2021 were found eligible for inclusion. Quality appraisal was performed using the Joanna Briggs Institute Qualitative Assessment and Review Instrument. Results Four themes were identified: being vigilant to keep safe from harm, strengthening patients' confidence, expressing courage to act and speak up, and endorsing team collaboration to achieve best practice. The themes were synthesised into the metaphor, ‘Continuously assessing and acting according to the patients' needs in a holistic perspective’. A conceptual framework was developed, illustrating the interconnection between the different nursing expressions, as the nurse anaesthetists seek to care for the patient as a whole person. Conclusions Nurse anaesthetists aim to deliver holistic nursing care. Nursing care is expressed at two levels, foregrounding and backgrounding anaesthetic nursing, in line with the philosophy of person-centred care. Nursing care in anaesthesia is a matter of how and why it is performed, expressed in attitudes toward the recipients of care. Relevance to clinical practice The framework may be used to inform educational programs and clinical practice in nurse anaesthesia and to promote person-centred care as a shared value across all levels involved in perioperative patient care. No patient or public contribution Data were retrieved from already published literature.publishedVersio

    «Tøft å være liten». En kvalitativ studie om helsesykepleierens arbeid med premature barn.

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    Målet med denne studien var å få økt innsikt i utfordringene helsesykepleier opplever i oppfølgningen av premature barn på helsestasjon. Den kvalitative studien fokuserer på helsesykepleiers oppfølgning av barnets vekst første leveår, og utdyper hva det å veie et prematurt barn faktisk kan innebære av arbeid og veiledning. Problemstilling for studien er; «Hvilke utfordringer opplever helsesykepleier i sitt helsefremmende og sykdomsforebyggende arbeid, i oppfølgningen av premature barns vekst, i første leveår?» Studien bygger på datamateriale som er innhentet ved hjelp av semistrukturerte dybdeintervjuer, med seks helsesykepleiere som er prematurkontakter ved helsestasjoner i Oslo kommune. Datamaterialet ble analysert ved hjelp av Braun og Clarkes` refleksive tematiske metode (RTA). Av resultater ble det analysert frem fire tema; «Vekten er ikke bare et tall», «Å forstå hva som er viktig», «Helsesykepleier som formidler av trygghet» og «Alene om ansvaret». Temaene ble sett i perspektiv av teori om omsorg, skjønn, og sykepleierens usynlige arbeid. Hovedresultatene for studiet er sortert i tre deler, og diskutert opp mot relevant forskning og perspektiv, og i lys av helsesykepleierens helsefremmende og sykdomsforebyggende arbeid. Vektmålingene av et prematurt barn forteller ikke alene nok om barnets helse. Tallene må vurderes opp mot helsesykepleierens kunnskap, foreldrenes bekymring og barnets trivsel. Studien viser at det foreligger vansker med vekst hos premature. Studien indikerer at vekstvansker viser sykdom, mens spisevansker hos premature, kan handle om samspill med foreldrene. Ifølge studien oppleves foreldrene til premature barn ofte preget av stress, og med mange bekymringer for sine barn. Mye av oppfølgningen fra helsesykepleier handler derfor om å konstruere et trygt rom, hvor foreldrene kan oppleve trygghet, og dele sine bekymringer. Konstruksjonen av dette rommet, og relasjonen til foreldrene, har til hensikt å forebygge spisevansker og styrke foreldreressursene. I oppfølgingen av premature føler helsesykepleier seg alene. Helsesykepleierne søker derfor støtte hos kollegaer, og i spesialisthelsetjenesten for å få bekreftelse på sine vurderinger. De uttrykker behov for en fasit eller en oppskrift, for å slippe å stå alene i vurderingene av det premature barnets vekst og helse

    Why do relatives say they lost their dear ones two times when diagnosed dementia?

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    Effect of the 3D distribution on water observations made with the SWI: I. Ganymede

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    Context. Characterising and understanding the atmospheres of Jovian icy moons is one of the key exploration goals of the Submillimetre Wave Instrument (SWI), which is to be flown on ESA\u27s Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer (JUICE) mission.Aims. The aim of this paper is to investigate how and under which conditions a 3D asymmetric distribution of the atmosphere may affect the SWI observations. In this work we target the role of phase angle for both nadir and limb geometries for unresolved and partially resolved disc observations from large distances.Methods. We adapted the LIME software package, a 3D non-local thermodynamical equilibrium radiative transfer model, to evaluate ortho-H2O populations and synthesise the simulated SWI beam spectra for different study cases of Ganymede\u27s atmosphere. The temperature and density vertical distributions were adopted from a previous work. The study cases presented here were selected according to the distance and operational scenarios of moon monitoring anticipated for SWI during the Jupiter phase of the JUICE mission.Results. We demonstrate that nadir and limb observations at different phase angles will modify the line amplitude and width. Unresolved observations where both absorption against surface continuum and limb emission contributes within the beam will lead to characteristic line wing emission, which may also appear in pure nadir geometry for specific phase angles. We also find that for Ganymede, the 3D non-local thermodynamical equilibrium populations are more highly excited in the upper atmosphere near the sub-solar region than they are in 1D spherically symmetric models. Finally, the 3D radiative transfer is better suited to properly simulate spectral lines for cases where density or population gradients exist along the line of sight

    H2O line mapping at high spatial and spectral resolution - Herschel observations of the VLA1623 outflow

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    Apart from being an important coolant, H2O is known to be a tracer of high-velocity molecular gas. Recent models predict relatively high abundances behind interstellar shockwaves. The dynamical and physical conditions of the H2O emitting gas, however, are not fully understood yet. We aim to determine the abundance and distribution of H2O, its kinematics and the physical conditions of the gas responsible for the H2O emission. The observed line profile shapes help us understand the dynamics in molecular outflows. We mapped the VLA1623 outflow, in the ground-state transitions of o-H2O, with the HIFI and PACS instruments. We also present observations of higher energy transitions of o-H2O and p-H2O obtained with HIFI and PACS towards selected outflow positions. From comparison with non-LTE radiative transfer calculations, we estimate the physical parameters of the water emitting regions. The observed water emission line profiles vary over the mapped area. Spectral features and components, tracing gas in different excitation conditions, allow us to constrain the density and temperature of the gas. The H2O emission originates in a region where temperatures are comparable to that of the warm H2 gas (T\gtrsim200K). Thus, the H2O emission traces a gas component significantly warmer than the gas responsible for the low-J CO emission. The H2O column densities at the CO peak positions are low, i.e. N(H2O) \simeq (0.03-10)x10e14 cm-2. The H2O abundance with respect to H2 in the extended outflow is estimated at X(H2O)<1x10e-6, significantly lower than what would be expected from most recent shock models. The H2O emission traces a gas component moving at relatively high velocity compared to the low-J CO emitting gas. However, other dynamical quantities such as the momentum rate, energy and mechanical luminosity are estimated to be the same, independent of the molecular tracer used, CO or H2O.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figures, 4 table