67 research outputs found

    Runoff and sediment yield modeling in a medium-size mediterranean watershed

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    The AnnAGNPS model was used to estimate runoff, peak discharge and sediment yield at the event scale in the Carapelle watershed, a Mediterranean medium-size watershed (506 km2) located in Apulia, Southern Italy. The model was calibrated and validated using five years of runoff and sediment yield data measured at a monitoring station located at Ordona – Ponte dei Sauri Bridge. A total of 36 events was used to estimate the output of the model during the period 2007-2011, in comparison to the corresponding observations at the watershed outlet. The model performed well in predicting runoff, as was testified by the high values of the coefficients of efficiency and determination during the validation process. The peak flows predictions were satisfactory especially for the high flow events; the prediction capability of sediment yield was good, even if a slight over-estimation was observed. Finally, the model was used to evaluate the effectiveness of different Management practices (MPs) on the watershed (converting wheat to forest, using vegetated streams, crop rotation corn/soybean, no tillage). While the maximum reduction in sediment yield was achieved converting wheat to forest, the best compromises between soil conservation and agriculture resulted to be crop rotations

    Rainfall simulation and Structure-from-Motion photogrammetry for the analysis of soil water erosion in Mediterranean vineyards

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    Soilwater erosion is a serious problem, especially in agricultural lands. Among these, vineyards deserve attention, because they constitute for the Mediterranean areas a type of land use affected by high soil losses. A significant problem related to the study of soil water erosion in these areas consists in the lack of a standardized procedure of collecting data and reporting results, mainly due to a variability among the measurement methods applied. Given this issue and the seriousness of soilwater erosion inMediterranean vineyards, this works aims to quantify the soil losses caused by simulated rainstorms, and compare them with each other depending on two different methodologies: (i) rainfall simulation and (ii) surface elevation change-based, relying on high-resolution Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) derived from a photogrammetric technique (Structure-from-Motion or SfM). The experiments were carried out in a typical Mediterranean vineyard, located in eastern Spain, at very fine scales. SfMdatawere obtained fromone reflex camera and a smartphone built-in camera. An index of sediment connectivity was also applied to evaluate the potential effect of connectivity within the plots. DEMs derived from the smartphone and the reflex camera were comparable with each other in terms of accuracy and capability of estimating soil loss. Furthermore, soil loss estimatedwith the surface elevation change-basedmethod resulted to be of the same order ofmagnitude of that one obtained with rainfall simulation, as long as the sediment connectivity within the plotwas considered.High-resolution topography derived fromSfMrevealed to be essential in the sediment connectivity analysis and, therefore, in the estimation of eroded materials, when comparing themto those derived from the rainfall simulation methodology. The fact that smartphones built-in cameras could produce as much satisfying results as those derived from reflex cameras is a high value added for using SfM

    Can the discharge of a hyperconcentrated flow be estimated from paleoflood evidence?

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    Many flood events involving water and sediments have been characterized using classic hydraulics principles, assuming the existence of critical flow and many other simplifications. In this paper, hyperconcentrated flow discharge was evaluated by using paleoflood reconstructions (based on paleostage indicators [PSI]) combined with a detailed hydraulic analysis of the critical flow assumption. The exact location where this condition occurred was established by iteratively determining the corresponding cross section, so that specific energy is at a minimum. In addition, all of the factors and parameters involved in the process were assessed, especially those related to the momentum equation, existing shear stresses in the wetted perimeter, and nonhydrostatic and hydrostatic pressure distributions. The superelevation of the hyperconcentrated flow, due to the flow elevation curvature, was also estimated and calibrated with the PSI. The estimated peak discharge was established once the iterative process was unable to improve the fit between the simulated depth and the depth observed from the PSI. The methodological approach proposed here can be applied to other higher-gradient mountainous torrents with a similar geomorphic configuration to the one studied in this paper. Likewise, results have been derived with fewer uncertainties than those obtained from standard hydraulic approaches, whose simplifying assumptions have not been considered. © 2011 by the American Geophysical Union.This work was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation within the framework of the CICYT Dendro-Avenidas project (CGL2007-62063) and the MAS Dendro-Avenidas project (CGL2010-19274). We are especially grateful to Robert D. Jarrett, Vern Manville, and one anonymous reviewer for their comments and helpful suggestions on previous versions of this manuscript.Bodoque, J.; Eguibar Galán, MÁ.; Diez-Herrero, A.; Gutierrez-Perez, I.; Ruiz-Villanueva, V. (2011). Can the discharge of a hyperconcentrated flow be estimated from paleoflood evidence?. Water Resources Research. 47(W12535). doi:10.1029/2011WR010380S47W12535Alcoverro, J., Corominas, J., & Gómez, M. (1999). The Barranco de Arás flood of 7 August 1996 (Biescas, Central Pyrenees, Spain). Engineering Geology, 51(4), 237-255. doi:10.1016/s0013-7952(98)00076-3Alexandrov, Y., Laronne, J. B., & Reid, I. (2007). Intra-event and inter-seasonal behaviour of suspended sediment in flash floods of the semi-arid northern Negev, Israel. Geomorphology, 85(1-2), 85-97. doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2006.03.013BAAS, J. H., & BEST, J. L. (2008). The dynamics of turbulent, transitional and laminar clay-laden flow over a fixed current ripple. 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