59 research outputs found

    Allergologische Diagnostik von Überempfindlichkeitsreaktionen auf Arzneimittel

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    Überempfindlichkeitsreaktionen auf Arzneimittel mĂŒssen ausreichend geklĂ€rt werden mit dem Ziel, den Auslöser zu identifizieren. Die Anamnese umfasst neben der allgemeinen Anamnese auch Informationen zu angewandten Arzneimitteln, zur Klassifikation und zu den UmstĂ€nden der Reaktion. Hauttests erfolgen bei allen Reaktionen mit Symptomen allergischer Überempfindlichkeiten mit geeigneten Testkonzentrationen, möglichst zwischen 4 Wochen und 6 Monate nach Abheilung der Reaktion durch Pricktest, Intrakutantest, Epikutantest oder Photopatchtest. Validierte Tests zum Nachweis spezifischer IgE-Antikörper im Serum sind nur fĂŒr wenige Arzneistoffe (vor allem Betalaktamantibiotika) verfĂŒgbar; andere immunologische Labormethoden, z.B. der Basophilen-Aktivierungstest, werden nur in ausgewĂ€hlten FĂ€llen angewendet. Provokationstests sind indiziert, wenn der Auslöser durch bisherige Untersuchungen nicht mit Sicherheit identifiziert werden kann. Die Bewertung der Ergebnisse von Provokationstests sollte möglichst anhand objektiver Parameter erfolgen. Das Ergebnis der abschließenden Gesamtbeurteilung wird mit dem Patienten ausfĂŒhrlich besprochen und in einem Allergiepass niedergeleg

    Allergologische Diagnostik von Überempfindlichkeitsreaktionen auf Arzneimittel

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    Drug hypersensitivity reactions have to be tested to identify the culprit substance. The history includes the general information and specific data concerning used drugs, the classification and circumstances of the reaction. Skin tests are performed in all hypersensitivity reactions with allergic symptoms. Tests should be done between four weeks and six months after clearance of the symptoms by performing skin prick test, intradermal test, patch test or photopatch test. Validated tests for the detection of specific IgE antibodies in the serum are available for only few drugs, especially betalactam antibiotics. Other laboratory tests, e.g., the basophil activation test are done only in special cases. Provocation tests are indicated, if the culprit drug cannot be identified by the above mentioned tests. If possible, the evaluation of provocation tests should rely on objective parameters. The concluding assessment will be discussed with the patient and will be documented in an allergy pass

    European Surveillance System on Contact Allergies (ESSCA): Characteristics of patients patch tested and diagnosed with irritant contact dermatitis

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    Background Irritant contact dermatitis (ICD) is caused by the acute locally toxic effect of a strong irritant, or the cumulative exposure to various weaker physical and/or chemical irritants. Objectives To describe the characteristics of patients with ICD in the population patch tested in the European Surveillance System on Contact Allergies (ESSCA; ) database. Methods Data collected by the ESSCA in consecutively patch-tested patients from January 2009 to December 2018 were analyzed. Results Of the 68 072 patients, 8702 were diagnosed with ICD (without concomitant allergic contact dermatitis [ACD]). Hand and face were the most reported anatomical sites, and 45.7% of the ICD was occupational ICD (OICD). The highest proportions of OICD were found in metal turners, bakers, pastry cooks, and confectionery makers. Among patients diagnosed with ICD, 45% were found sensitized with no relevance for the current disease. Conclusions The hands were mainly involved in OICD also in the subgroup of patients with contact dermatitis, in whom relevant contact sensitization had been ruled out, emphasizing the need for limiting irritant exposures. However, in difficult-to-treat contact dermatitis, unrecognized contact allergy, or unrecognized clinical relevance of identified allergies owing to incomplete or wrong product ingredient information must always be considered

    Current patch test results with the European baseline series and extensions to it from the 'European Surveillance System on Contact Allergy' network, 2007-2008

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    BACKGROUND: The pattern of contact sensitization to the supposedly most important allergens assembled in the baseline series differs between countries, presumably at least partly because of exposure differences. Objectives. To describe the prevalence of contact sensitization to allergens tested in consecutive patients in the years 2007 and 2008, and to discuss possible differences. METHODS: Data from the 39 departments in 11 European countries comprising the European Surveillance System on Contact Allergy network (www.essca-dc.org) in this period have been pooled and analysed according to common standards. RESULTS: Patch test results with the European baseline series, and country-specific or department-specific additions to it, obtained in 25 181 patients, showed marked international variation. Metals and fragrances are still the most frequent allergens across Europe. Some allergens tested nationally may be useful future additions to the European baseline series, for example methylisothiazolinone, whereas a few long-term components of the European baseline series, namely primin and clioquinol, no longer warrant routine testing. CONCLUSIONS: The present analysis points to 'excess' prevalences of specific contact sensitization in some countries, although interpretation must be cautious if only few, and possibly specialized, centres are representing one country. A comparison as presented may help to target in-depth research into possible causes of 'excess' exposure, and/or consideration of methodological issues, including modifications to the baseline series

    Ectoparasites from feral pigeons affecting humans

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    Feral pigeons pose a considerable health risk to the human population. They are vectors of infectious diseases and source of antigens causing allergic diseases. Breeding and roosting sites of pigeons harbor parasites that may infest humans. In the present article, a concomitant parasitization of a young female with 3 different ectoparasites, the bedbug Cimex lectularius, the pigeon tick Argas reflexus and the red mite Dermanyssus gallinae, is reported. The parasites invaded the apartment from a balcony used as roost by feral pigeons and infested the patient continuously over a period of more than 2 months. To our knowledge this case presents the first record of a coincidental infestation of a single patient with several ectoparasite species deriving from feral pigeons. Additionally we report general symptoms in the patient probably caused by the high number of stings. Dermatologists should be aware of the possibility of an infestation with ectoparasites deriving from feral pigeons. In a review we give an overview on the most important ectoparasites transmitted from feral pigeons to humans and their importance for the dermatologist

    Patch tests with beryllium salts

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    Danger signs in drug hypersensitivity

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    ADRs are frequently considered iatrogenic complications and, therefore, pose a specific challenge for the physician-patient relationship. Early recognition of a potential ADR is possible, especially on the skin, in addition to characteristic clinical danger signs. Cutaneous manifestations are variable, depending on the causative pathomechanism. It is impossible to conclude the causative agent from the morphology of the cutaneous lesions. The intake of several drugs in the time before the elicitation of the drug reaction usually poses a diagnostic challenge. It is crucial for the precision of any further allergological work-up to document the type of rash precisely as well as the time course of drug intake and appearance of the first symptoms. involvement of internal organs or circulating blood cells. Timely recognition of such cutaneous lesions and the correct differential diagnosis with prompt withdrawal of the putative culprit drug are essential to reducing morbidity and preventing mortality. This article discusses risk factors, early symptoms, and danger signs indicating a possibly severe course of an ADR and advises on early actions

    Delayed cutaneous manifestations of drug hypersensitivity

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    Drugs may elicit a considerable variety of clinical signs, often affecting the skin and the mucous membranes. The most common are maculopapular exanthemas and urticaria, more rarely pustules, bullae vasculitic lesions, and lichenoid lesions may also be observed. Apart from the morphology, the chronology of the occurrence and the evolution of single skin lesions and exanthema are also paramount in the clinical diagnosis of cutaneous drug hypersensitivity. Often, the skin represents the only organ manifestation; however, it may be the herald for a systemic involvement of internal organs, such as in severe drug-induced hypersensitivity syndromes or anaphylaxis

    Adverse drug reactions to biologics

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    The use of biologics has rapidly expanded since the introduction of the first diagnostic antibodies; they are now widely employed in oncology, autoimmune disorders, inflammatory diseases and transplantation medicine. Their widespread use has resulted in an increase in adverse drug reactions. Adverse effects result from both direct pharmacological actions and immunological actions, as well as through induction of a specific immune response. The nomenclature, particularly of the monoclonal antibodies, identifies the target structure and organ as well as the species of origin, which then helps predict their effects and antigenic properties. Depending on the extent of foreign protein, anti-allotypic or anti-idiotypic antibodies with or without neutralizing properties may be induced. Adverse drug reactions from biologics often depend on the target and may be explained by activation or inhibition of particular cytokine pathways. Adverse drug reactions are classified by their pathomechanism, which enhances understanding of the pathogenesis and facilitates both allergologic diagnostic measures and planning of premedication in future treatments. This review emphasizes immunostimulatory and hypersensitivity reactions
