90 research outputs found

    Tracheobronchopathia osteochondroplastica and cervical spine involvement in rheumatoid arthritis

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    A 62-year-old man presented to our outpatient clinic with a neck pain that began 4-month ago. The pain was increasing in severity without any neurological symptom or radiating to arms. The patient had a history of cerebrovascular accident without sequelae (1 year ago), 40 pack-year smoking, and diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) 10 years ago. He had received an irregular treatment with prednisolone, methotrexate, and rituximab (discontinued 2 years ago)

    Batıda islamlaşma karşıtı counterjihad hareketi ve islamlaşmayla ilgili dini terminolojiyi kullanımları

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    Counterjihad hareketi Amerika’da gerçekleşen 11 Eylül saldırıları sonrası dönemde ortaya çıkmış Batı’da İslamlaşma karşıtı İslamofobik bir akımdır. Batı medeniyeti değerleri ile İslam değerlerinin bir birinin antitezi olduğu, bir arada bulunamayacağı savunup çatışmacı bir anlayışı benimseyen hareketin hedefi Batı ülkelerinde cari olduğunu iddia ettikleri, İslami hakimiyet kurma amaçlı İslamlaşma olgusunun durdurulmasıdır. Counterjihad grupları bu hedefe yönelik yayınlarda bulunmakta, propaganda faaliyetleri yapmaktadır. Bu yayın faaliyetlerinde gözlenilen odur ki Counterjihad retoriği İslamlaştırma/hakimiyet kurma ile ilişkilendirdikleri belirli dini kavramlar olan ‘’Cihad’’, ’’Hicret’’, ’’Takiyye’’, ’’Zımmilik’’ kavramları ve bu kavramlarla alakalı alt terimler üzerinde dönmektedir. Tezde öncelikle Counterjihad hareketinin organizasyon ve düşünce yapısı hakkında bilgiler verilecek geri kalan bölümlerde Counterjihad’ın İslamlaştırmayla irtibatlandırdığı kavramlara verdiği anlamlar incelenecek ve bu anlamlar İslam kaynakları baz alınarak değerlendirilecektir. Tezin amacı hareketin kavramlara İslamlaşma/hakimiyetle irtibatlandırarak yaptığı tanım ve açıklamalarının çoğunlukla İslam ve Müslümanlar hakkında tehdit algısı oluşturmaya yönelik bir çabanın ürünü olduğunu ve Müslüman kaynaklı bazı yorum ve uygulamaların bu algıyı pekiştirir nitelikte olduğunu göstermeye çalışmaktır.Countering Islamization of the West, the Counterjihad Movement is an Islamophobic movement emerged after the 9/11 attacks took place in America. The movement adopts an understanding which argues the values of the Western Civilization and the values of Islam are antithesis of each other, and unable to coexist together. The target of the movement is to stop the Islamization of the West which they claim to be happening. The counterjihad movement makes publications, activities of propaganda aiming at this target. According to my observation on these publications, discourse of the movement revolves around certain terms (‘’Jihad’’, ‘’Hijra’’, ‘’Taqiyya’’ and ‘’dhimma/dhimmitude’’) which they relate to Islamization/domination. The thesis first of all will give information about the structure of organization and mentality of the movement. In the rest parts, the definitions and explanations of the aforementioned terms according to Counterjihad ideologists will be evaluated based on Islamic sources. The aim of the thesis is to demonstrate that the definition and explanations of terms that Counterjihad relates to Islamization/domination are mostly product of an effort aiming to constitute threat perception about Islam/Muslims and also to show some interpretations and practices of Muslims reinforce this perception.Özet, i -- Giriş:, 1 -- Birinci Bölüm, 9 -- 1.Counterjihad Tanımı ve Tarihsel Gelişimi, 9 -- 1.1 Counterjihad’ın Tanımı, 10 -- 1.2 Counterjihad Hareketinin Oluşumu ve Gelişimi, 10 -- 1.3 Hareketin Organizasyon Metodu:, 12 -- 1.3.1. Dağıtık Şebeke Modelinin Avantajları:, 14 -- 1.4 Counterjihad Zirveleri, 16 -- 1.4.1 Britanya-İskandinavya (Kopenhag) Counterjihad Zirvesi (2007), 16 -- 1.4.2 Brüksel Counterjihad Zirvesi (2007), 17 -- 1.4.3 Viyana Counterjihad Zirvesi (2008), 18 -- 1.4.4 Kopenhag Counterjihad Zirvesi (2009), 18 -- 1.4.5 Zürih Counterjihad Zirvesi (2010), 19 -- 1.4.6 Londra Counterjihad Zirvesi, 20 -- 1.4.7 Brüksel Counterjihad Zirvesi (2012), 20 -- 1.4.8 Varşova Counterjihad Zirvesi (2013), 21 -- 1.5 Counterjihad Ağındaki Önemli Figürler, 22 -- İkinci Bölüm, 33 -- 2.Counterjihad Hareketinin Düşünce Yapısı, 33 -- 2.1 Çatışan Medeniyetler, 33 -- 2.2 Counterjihad Hareketine Göre İslam, 34 -- 2.3 İslamlaşma Tehlikesi:, 37 -- 32.4 Komplo teorileri ve kehanetler, 38 -- 2.5 Counterjihad’ın İdeolojisi, 42 -- 2.5.1 Counterjihad Hareketinde Kültürel Milliyetçilik, 45 -- 2.5.2 Aşırı Sağ Antisemitizminden Counterjihad Siyonizmine, 46 -- Üçüncü Bölüm, 51 -- 3.Cihat Kavramının Kullanımı, 51 -- 3.1 Cihad Kavramının Tanımı:, 50 -- 3.2 Counterjihad Hareketinin Cihad Kavramını Kullanımı, 51 -- 3.2.1 Counterjihad’ın Mukatele Anlamındaki Cihada Bakışı, 52 -- 3.2.2 Gizli Cihad (Stealth Jihad), 60 -- 3.2.3 Şiddetli veya Şiddetsiz Cihadın Her Türü Aynı Amaca Hizmet Etmektedir, 66 -- Dördüncü Bölüm, 68 -- 4.Hicret Kavramının Kullanımı, 68 -- 4.1 Hicret Tanımı, 68 -- 4.2 Counterjihad’a Göre Hicret Kavramı, 68 -- 4.3 İslam Kaynaklarına Göre Hicret Kavramı, 73 -- Beşinci Bölüm, 76 -- 5.Takiyye Kavramının Kullanımı, 76 -- 5.1 Takiyye Kavramı Tanımı:, 76 -- 5.2 Counterjihad’ın Takiyye Kavramını Kullanımı:, 76 -- 5.3 İslam Kaynaklarında Takiyye Kavramı :, 82 -- Altıncı Bölüm, 86 -- 6.Zimmilik Kavramının Kullanımı, 86 -- 6.1 Zimmi Kavramının Tanımı, 86 -- 6.2 Counterjihad’a Göre Zimmi Kavramı, 86 -- 6.2.1 Dhimmitude, 87 -- 6.2.2 Asıl Düşman İçimizde, 91 -- 6.3 İslam’a Göre Zimmilik ve İslam ülkelerinde yaşayan Gayrimüslimlerin Durumu, 93 -- 6.3.1 Zimmet ve Din Hürriyeti, 93 -- 6.3.2 Cizye Vergisinin Zimmilere Ekonomik Etkisi, 95 -- 6.3.3 Ehli Zimmet ve Aşağılanma, 97 -- Sonuç, 100 -- Kaynakça, 10

    Prevalence of Becker Nevus in Young Men

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    Background and Design: Becker nevus (BN), characterized by sharply and irregularly bordered, unilaterally localized, hyperpigmented macules and patches which can go along with hypertrichosis, is a kind of hamartomatous lesion that predominantly affects males 4-6 times more frequently than females. It is usually seen in peripubertal period. There are scarce epidemiological data on BN and the prevalence in our country is also unknown. In this prospective, cross-sectional study, we aimed to determine the prevalence of BN among young adult males in Turkey.Materials and Methods: 8207 male candidates from different regions of Turkey who would be selected as a student in a governmental school and were referred to the dermatology outpatient clinic between March 2012 and August 2012, were included in our study. In addition to comprehensive medical examination, candidates were also inspected for the presence of BN, its localization, the asociation with hypertrichosis, and the findings were recorded.Results: The mean age of the candidates was 20.02±1.40 (range: 18-22) years and the mean age at BN onset was 12.2. BN was detected in 68 out of 8207 candidates (two different localizations in one subject). The prevalence of BN was calculated as 0.82%. The distribution of BN localization was as follows: mostly on the pectoral region ( 24.64%), and in decreasing order, on the scapular region (23.18%), shoulder (18.84%), infrascapular region (17.39%), arm (5.80%), abdomen (5.80%) and the thigh (4.35%). Hypertrichosis was present on 34 out of 69 BN (49.2%) that were found in 68 subjects.Conclusion: In our study, it was determined that BN was mainly localized on the pectoral and scapular regions, the prevalence was 0.82% and, 49,2% of the lesions were hypertrichotic


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    Tabakalı kompozit sandviç elemanlar, inşaat, otomotiv, havacılık ve denizcilik gibi birçok sektörde yoğun bir şekilde kullanılmaktadır. Yüksek mukavemet/ağırlık oranı, aşındırıcı olmayan, iyi yüzey vb gibi avantajlı özelliklere sahip olmalarından dolayı bu malzemelerin kullanımı yoğun olarak tercih edilmekte ve bu malzemelerle ilgili yapılan çalışmalar günden güne artmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, tabakalı kompozit sandviç plağın modal analizi yapılmıştır. Analizlerde, sonlu elemanlar modeli, ANSYS ve ABAQUS programları kullanılarak oluşturulmuştur. Tabakalı kompozit sandviç plağın çeşitli tabakalanma durumlarında serbest titreşim analizleri yapılarak doğal frekanslar elde edilmiştir. Elyaf açılarının, tabaka dizilim sırasının ve sınır koşullarının tabakalı kompozit balpeteği sandviç plağın doğal frekansları ve mod şekilleri üzerinde etkili olduğu görülmektedir

    ABO and Rh Blood Groups Distribution in Yozgat City, Turkey

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    Objective: In this retrospective study, we included 5257 healthy participants who admitted to Yozgat Government Hospital Blood Bank and Bozok University Blood Bank for several reasons to determine A, B, 0, AB blood groups and Rhesus (Rh) positivity ratios between January 2007 and April 2013. Methods: We recorded their blood group types, age and gender from the hospital data. 2430 females, 2827 males totally 5257 participants were included to our study. Results: 2330 (44.3%) persons were A blood group, 837 (15.9%) were B group, 1665 (31.7%) were 0 and 425 (%8.1) were AB group. Rh positivity ratio of our study group was 88%. Blood group frequency of Yozgat city is similar to other cities and the general population of our country, Turkey. Conclusion: Knowing the blood group is important for the blood recruitment in our region. J Clin Exp Invest 2014; 5 (2): 169-17

    Evaluation of the efficacy, safety, and side effects of secukinumab in patients with moderate-to-severe psoriasis: Real-world data from a retrospective multicenter study

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    Background: Clinical studies have demonstrated that IL-17A inhibition with secukinumab is effective for clearing the skin of patients with psoriasis and has a favorable safety profile. Objective: The authors aim to determine whether secukinumab is effective and safe for the treatment of moderate-to-severe chronic psoriasis based on clinical experience with this drug. Method: The authors conducted a multicenter retrospective study in nine referral centers and included patients with psoriasis who had received secukinumab between March 2018 to November 2020. Data on demographic characteristics, Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI) scores, and previous treatments were collected from medical records. Patients were evaluated at 12, 24, and 52 weeks with respect to response to treatment and side effects. Results: In total, 229 patients were recruited for the study. A PASI score improvement of ≥90 points over the baseline was achieved by 79%, 69.8%, and 49.3% of patients at weeks 12, 24, and 52, respectively. The most common adverse events wereCandida infections and fatigue. In total, 74 (32%) patients discontinued treatment by week 52, including due to adverse events, or secondary ineffectiveness. Study limitations: Retrospective design. Conclusions: These findings suggest that secukinumab therapy is reasonably effective in patients with moderate-to-severe psoriasis. Comorbidities and time length of the disease can affect the response to treatment. The rates of adverse events were high in this patient population

    Honey Plants of Düzce University Ornamental and Medicinal Plants Botanical Garden

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    In this study, melliferous plants that the honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) can benefit from among the taxa planted in Düzce University Ornamental and Medicinal Plants Botanical Garden, are presented. Among the 451 taxa planted in the botanical garden, those with these characteristics were determined by reviewing studies on the subject. Of the 165 taxa (36.58%) included in the honey plant class; 119 contain both nectar and pollen, 25 contain pollen, 13 contain nectar, 4 contain both pollen and insect secretion (IS) or sweet sap (SS), 2 contain pollen, nectar and IS or SS, 1 contain both nectar and SS, 1 contain only IS. In order to prevent the decrease in pollinator and pollinator insects, whose numbers are decreasing due to global climate change, a "Bee and Insect Hotel" was placed in the botanical garden. For this reason, the majority of the plants selected for planting were chosen from taxa with honey plant properties. The main purpose here is both to pollinate the plants in the botanical garden and to show and explain the effects of insect species on pollination through nature education

    Is Placing Prophylactic Dural Tenting Sutures a Dogma?

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    Objective In this study, we investigated if and when dural tenting sutures are necessary during craniotomy. Methods Results from 437 patients aged 18 to 91 years (average, 43.5 years) who underwent supratentorial craniotomy between 2014 and 2019 were evaluated. The patients were categorized into 1 of 3 groups, patients who had at least 3 prophylactic dural tenting sutures placed before opening of the dura (group 1), at least 3 dural tenting sutures placed after surgery was completed, during closure (group 2), or no dural tenting sutures (group 3 [control]). All such sutures in groups 1 and 2 were placed in the circumference of the craniotomy and dural junction. No central dural tenting sutures were placed in any of the patients. Results Among the 437 patients, 344 underwent surgery for the first time and 93 were undergoing a second surgery. Cranial computed tomography imaging was performed for each patient 1 hour, 3 days, and 1 month after surgery. In group 1, 3 patients had a cerebral cortex contusion and 2 patients had acute subdural hematoma after the sutures were placed. In groups 2 and 3, none of the patients had a cerebral cortex contusion or acute subdural hematoma. Fewer complications were observed when dural tenting sutures were placed during postsurgical closure. Conclusion Placing dural tenting sutures is an important technique for ensuring hemostasis. However, when not needed, they seem to cause inadvertent complications. As our results suggest, knowing when and where to use them is equally important

    Murine in vitro cellular models to better understand adipogenesis and its potential applications

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    Adipogenesis has been extensively studied using in vitro models of cellular differentiation, enabling long-term regulation of fat cell metabolism in human adipose tissue (AT) material. Many studies promote the idea that manipulation of this process could potentially reduce the prevalence of obesity and its related diseases. It has now become essential to understand the molecular basis of fat cell development to tackle this pandemic disease, by identifying therapeutic targets and new biomarkers. This review explores murine cell models and their applications for study of the adipogenic differentiation process in vitro. We focus on the benefits and limitations of different cell line models to aid in interpreting data and selecting a good cell line model for successful understanding of adipose biology