258 research outputs found

    The projection calculus

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    We develop some tools for manipulating and constructing projections in C*-algebras. These are then applied to give short proofs of some standard projection homotopy results, as well as strengthen some fundamental classical results for C*-algebras of real rank zero, specifically on liftings, excising pure states and Kadison’s transitivity theorem. Lastly, we investigate some order properties of the set of projections in C*-algebras of real rank zero, building on the work in [5]

    Lower Extremity Kinetics in High and Low-Arched Athletes during Landing

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    Abnormal foot function has been associated with an increased rate of injury in the athletic population. It has been shown that high-arched (HA) and low-arched (LA) athletes experience different injury patterns. These may be the manifestation of different loading and joint torque patterns in HA and LA athletes. It has been shown that HA and LA athletes have unique kinematic and kinetic patterns during running. However, little research has examined ground reaction forces (GRF) and lower extremity joint kinetics in HA and LA athletes during landing tasks. PURPOSE: To examine GRF and knee and ankle joint torques in HA and LA athletes during a landing task. METHODS: Ten HA (age: 20.8±2.5 years; height: 1.62±0.07 m; mass: 58.3±5.4 kg; arch index: 0.386±0.010) and 10 LA (age: 21.1±2.3; height: 1.63±0.07m; mass: 58.9±10.9kg; arch index: 0.259±0.043) female recreational athletes participated in this study. Each subject performed five barefooted drop landing trials from a height of 30 cm. GRFs and three-dimensional (3D) kinematics were recorded simultaneously using a force plate (1200 Hz, AMTI) and 7-camera motion analysis system (240 Hz, Vicon). GRFs and joint torques were calculated using Visual 3D (C-Motion, Inc.) and critical events were determined using custom software. A one-way ANOVA was used to compare group differences with an alpha level of p\u3c0.05. RESULTS: The GRF profiles were similar between the HA and LA athletes. However, HA athletes exhibited a mean eversion moment compared to an inversion moment in LA athletes (HA: -0.05±0.08 Nm/kg; LA: 0.04±0.07 Nm/kg). Additionally, the HA athletes generated greater peak knee external rotation torques (HA: 0.18±0.06 Nm/kg; LA: 0.26±0.08 Nm/kg) compared to LA athletes during the landing task. Knee extension and abduction torques were similar between the two groups in contrast to previous findings. CONCLUSIONS: The greater mean eversion torques exhibited by the HA athletes may be a response to being more inverted throughout the landing task. Increased eccentric contraction of the ankle everters would control eversion during landing. Similarly, the increased knee external rotation torques would act to limit knee internal rotation during landing. These altered kinetic patterns may increase the risk of injury within these groups of athletes

    Analysing EHR navigation patterns and digital workflows among physicians during ICU pre-rounds

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    Background: Some physicians in intensive care units (ICUs) report that electronic health records (EHRs) can be cumbersome and disruptive to workflow. There are significant gaps in our understanding of the physician–EHR interaction. Objective: To better understand how clinicians use the EHR for chart review during ICU pre-rounds through the characterisation and description of screen navigation pathways and workflow patterns. Method: We conducted a live, direct observational study of six physician trainees performing electronic chart review during daily pre-rounds in the 30-bed medical ICU at a large academic medical centre in the Southeastern United States. A tailored checklist was used by observers for data collection. Results: We observed 52 distinct live patient chart review encounters, capturing a total of 2.7 hours of pre-rounding chart review activity by six individual physicians. Physicians reviewed an average of 8.7 patients (range = 5–12), spending a mean of 3:05 minutes per patient (range = 1:34–5:18). On average, physicians visited 6.3 (±3.1) total EHR screens per patient (range = 1–16). Four unique screens were viewed most commonly, accounting for over half (52.7%) of all screen visits: results review (17.9%), summary/overview (13.0%), flowsheet (12.7%), and the chart review tab (9.1%). Navigation pathways were highly variable, but several common screen transition patterns emerged across users. Average interrater reliability for the paired EHR observation was 80.0%. Conclusion: We observed the physician–EHR interaction during ICU pre-rounds to be brief and highly focused. Although we observed a high degree of “information sprawl” in physicians’ digital navigation, we also identified common launch points for electronic chart review, key high-traffic screens and common screen transition patterns. Implications: From the study findings, we suggest recommendations towards improved EHR design

    Physician experiences of screen-level features in a prominent electronic health record: Design recommendations from a qualitative study

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    The goal of this qualitative study was to assess physicians’ perceptions around features of key screens within a prominent commercial EHR, and to solicit end-user recommendations for improved retrieval of high-priority clinical information. We conducted a qualitative, descriptive study of 25 physicians in a medical ICU setting. at a tertiary academic medical center. An in-depth, semi-structured interview guide was developed to elicit physician perceptions on information retrieval as well as favorable and unfavorable features of specific EHR screens. Transcripts were independently coded in a qualitative software management tool by at least two trained coders using a common code book. We successfully obtained vendor permission to map physicians perception’s on full Epic© screenshots. Among the 25 physician participants (13 female; 5 attending physicians, 9 fellows, 11 residents), the majority of participants reported experiencing challenges finding clinical information in the EHR. We present the most favorable and unfavorable screen-level features for four central EHR screens: Flowsheet, Notes/Chart Review, Results Review, and Vital Signs. We also compiled participants’ recommendations for a comprehensive EHR dashboard screen to better support clinical workflow and information retrieval in the medical ICU through User-Centered Design. ICU physicians demonstrated a mix of positive and negative attitudes toward specific screen-level features in a major vendor-based EHR system. Physician perceptions of information overload emerged as a theme across multiple EHR screens. Our findings underscore the importance of qualitative research and end-user feedback in EHR software design and interface optimization at both the vendor and institutional level

    Modeling the climate response to a massive methane release from gas hydrates

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    [1] The climate response to a massive release of methane from gas hydrates is simulated in two 2500-year-long numerical experiments performed with a three-dimensional, global coupled atmosphere-sea ice-ocean model of intermediate complexity. Two different equilibrium states were used as reference climates; the first state with preindustrial forcing conditions and the second state with a four times higher atmospheric CO2 concentration. These climates were perturbed by prescribing a methane emission scenario equivalent to that computed for the Paleocene/Eocene thermal maximum (PETM; similar to 55.5 Ma), involving a sudden release of 1500 Gt of carbon into the atmosphere in 1000 years. In both cases, this produced rapid atmospheric warming (up to 10°C at high latitudes) and a reorganization of the global overturning ocean circulation. In the ocean, maximum warming (2-4°C) occurred at intermediate depths where methane hydrates are stored in the upper slope sediments, suggesting that further hydrate instability could result from the prescribed scenario

    Latest Development of Electropolishing Optimization for 650 MHz Niobium Cavity

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    Electropolishing (EP) of 1.3 GHz niobium superconducting RF cavities is conducted to achieve a desired smooth and contaminant-free surface that yields good RF performance. Achieving a smooth surface of a large-sized elliptical cavity with the standard EP conditions was found to be challenging. This work aimed to conduct a systematic parametric EP study to understand the effects of various EP parameters on the surface of 650 MHz niobium cavities used in the Proton Improvement Plan-II (PIP-II) linear accelerator. Parameters optimized in this study provided a smooth surface of the cavities. The electropolished cavity showed significantly a higher accelerating gradient meeting baseline requirement and qualified for further surface treatment to improve the cavity quality factor.Comment: SRF202

    A secondary ionization mass spectrometry calibration of Cibicidoides pachyderma Mg/Ca with temperature

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2008. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 9 (2008): Q04009, doi:10.1029/2007GC001620.An evaluation of C. pachyderma Mg/Ca using a new suite of warm water multicores from the Florida Straits shows that the slope of Mg/Ca with temperature is shallower than previously thought. Using secondary ionization mass spectrometry, we have documented that the distribution of magnesium within the polished walls of foraminiferal tests is Gaussian, suggesting that the Mg/Ca in these samples is not affected by the addition of a secondary high-magnesium calcite in the walls. The Mg/Ca within a typical C. pachyderma test varies by about ±20% (1σ/ÎŒ · 100), and the variability increases slightly in tests with higher Mg/Ca. The regression of C. pachyderma Mg/Ca with temperature has a slope of 0.13 ± 0.05 mmol mol−1 per °C, indistinguishable from the slope observed in inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry measurements from a different subset of the same multicores, but about one half the slope of previously published calibrations. The largest differences between the calibrations comes at the warm water end of the regression, where previously published C. pachyderma Mg/Ca values from Little Bahama Bank are at least 3 mmol mol−1 higher than observed in these new cores. The reasons for this difference are not fully known but are most likely related to diagenesis at Little Bahama Bank.This research was supported by several grants from the National Science Foundation: OCE0096469 to W.B.C. for cruise support to collect the Florida Straits cores; ATM0502428 and OCE0550271 to W. B. C. for support to obtain the Mg/Ca data on the ion probe; and OCE0425522 and OCE0550150 to T. M. for the core top calibration study using ICP-MS

    Paleophysical Oceanography with an Emphasis on Transport Rates

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    Paleophysical oceanography is the study of the behavior of the fluid ocean of the past, with a specific emphasis on its climate implications, leading to a focus on the general circulation. Even if the circulation is not of primary concern, heavy reliance on deep-sea cores for past climate information means that knowledge of the oceanic state when the sediments were laid down is a necessity. Like the modern problem, paleoceanography depends heavily on observations, and central difficulties lie with the very limited data types and coverage that are, and perhaps ever will be, available. An approximate separation can be made into static descriptors of the circulation (e.g., its water-mass properties and volumes) and the more difficult problem of determining transport rates of mass and other properties. Determination of the circulation of the Last Glacial Maximum is used to outline some of the main challenges to progress. Apart from sampling issues, major difficulties lie with physical interpretation of the proxies, transferring core depths to an accurate timescale (the “age-model problem”), and understanding the accuracy of time-stepping oceanic or coupled-climate models when run unconstrained by observations. Despite the existence of many plausible explanatory scenarios, few features of the paleocirculation in any period are yet known with certainty.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (grant OCE-0645936
